Dramatize life by Francisco de Sales

  • 2014

Eight or nine out of ten people reading this article have sufficient reason to believe that life, or at least a part of it, is, to a greater or lesser extent, dramatic.

We have accumulated old or recent pains, some rage that we have not yet managed to tame, some grief that has become engulfed in the soul, and a patch of misunderstanding; we have doubts, fears, insecurities

Almost all of us have been through tragic experiences that we would have gladly avoided, we have cursed even without words, or have thought that life is sometimes hard and difficult.

We have all felt victims on occasion.

And we are all right to think that life is not easy, nor perfect, nor plays exclusively in our favor. But turning it into a drama is a big mistake.

Let's say that life is a succession of experiences, some harder and others more understandable, some light and others sharp, which in most cases are almost inevitable, and for them we have to go through to learn to be here - or to evolve spiritually according to other theories.

What is certain is that stalling in the rage of misunderstanding, in the childish palette, in the pain that anchors the past and causes an immobility that does not help to get out of the bad moment, is not a good solution.

Living life means paying the price of having to go through different situations, some of which are really hard.

I will not go in to assess who is to blame if they happen, whether destiny or oneself, or whether they could have been avoided or not. The truth is that they happen or happened and they are affecting us in some way.

And it is not always true if we say what happened and that we have forgotten them. Somewhere they remain, crouched and ready to give us another moment of disgust, the misunderstanding of what happened and the rage for what we had to suffer.

The reflection that the heart has to do - not the mind - is that you only have to resort to dramatic moments if we are going to extract from them a portion of wisdom so that they do not happen again if they are not essential.

And nothing more.

Staying in the lament of how unfortunate one is, in complaining about the hardness of some experiences that have been lived, or spending the rest of his life reproaching anyone who had a hard time, they don't help to continue, they don't allow seeing the bright and magical face of life, nor the delight of the other moments that are the majority.

You have to dramatize life.

Understand that they are all lessons, although some of us find it hard to finish understanding them or think that they were unnecessary, or that we would have been able to learn in a simpler way.

And you have to believe in the generosity of the Creator.

It is not convenient to extend this bad habit of the continuous complaint, of the already overdue complaint, of the immobilizing complaint, of the complaint that ends up convincing us that life is dramatic.

Yes it is convenient to learn - or force yourself - to see the thousands of good sides of life, the wonders that we have reserved, the miracle that is dawn every morning, the satisfaction that brings us to be with dear people, the joy of music that we like, of the smiles that are offered to us, of the conversations between souls, of a walk alone or accompanied, of taking care of a plant ...

Get hooked on drama, like a bad drug, and sadly conform to its presence instead of starting a Crusade against everything that threatens our optimism, our vitality, clean and free mood ... that is a tragedy.

It is good to have updated faith, feel care for the Higher, be confident that everything has a meaning that will ever be understood, assume the right to good, intuit that a better future is hidden in every moment of pain, and discover that Bad times are not bad: they are simply different, they last for a short time, and they take time.

It doesn't cost so much to put a smile on your mouth. It's a matter of trying again and again, better in front of the mirror to notice the difference.

The problems, which will remain, are less dramatic with the smile and hope on.

You have to live, and you have to live the best you can.

To settle in a tragic mourning, in an inconsolable grief, in a sad sadness, or in a life without illusion or calm, instead of helping us it will sink into a depression in which the only light we see will be off.

Life goes on ... and it will continue, let's take it as we take it.

In the best act of self-love that we can offer, let us dramatize life and refine the way of seeing it with confidence and living it with conviction in the good.

I leave you with your reflections ...

Francisco de Sales is the founder of the website www.buscandome.es for people interested in Psychology, Spirituality, Improvable Life, Self-Knowledge and Personal Development.

Dedramatize life

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