Discover a little more about the meaning name Antonio

  • 2016

Today we want to talk about the meaning of the name Antonio , you probably know many Antonio in your life, but you have really wondered what its true meaning is. Today we are going to give you a little more information regarding this name.

To begin with, it is said that Antonio means What stands out among all Despite that meaning the personality of the Antonios can become introverted and usually very quiet people. But what can we say dear brothers, we are all different and we have a personality that differentiates us from others.

It is said that where this beautiful name comes from is Greek, for thousands of years it exists and today there are millions of people who carry this peculiar and traditional name. At present it occurs in many countries around the world .

In some places it is said as follows:

  • English is written Anthony.
  • Catalan is said Antoni.
  • Italian is written the same as in Spanish.
  • French is written to Antoine.
  • German is written with Anton.
  • Latin America is written Antonio

As you see this name is very popular around the world, we all know or have had the opportunity to talk or interact with an Antonio.

Meaning of the name Antonio: origin etymology

As we mentioned before the meaning of the name Antonio It is said to be irrigation, although these sources are not entirely safe, we can say that it has a high probability of coming from there.

But let's be completely honest, perhaps we are sure where our name really comes from . The truth of all this is that Antonio is a name that has never gone out of style in this world.

People today strive to choose a different name for their children and not the classics, but with the beautiful meaning of the name Antonio, we can tell you that many people would love to take this name at all costs.

Meaning of the name Antonio: What else do we know about this name?

In general we can say that the personalities of the Antonios can become very quiet, discreet and observant.

They love spending time with their family, not attracting the attention of others in their lives and are usually very discreet people personally. If you try to talk to him sometime, you probably find yourself are several barriers, which you should be patiently taking out.

The Antonios are not the typical people who will tell you what happens to them from the first time , they really take great care with whom to talk about these types of topics.

On the other hand, they are quintessential planners, they are good to organize and order is always in their lives, although as we said before there are exceptions to the real one and we are sure that we will know Antonios differently than we describe.

The meaning of the name Antoni or, he also says that they are enterprising people , they are not afraid of the outside world and they love to own their own time.

Some are dedicated to the field of science, biology and chemistry, these are the areas of greatest attention to them. On the other hand, we can tell you that in the field of love they are very reserved beings with their life.

If you manage to conquer an Antonio, you will have a good love by your side, they become affectionate people, when they are really in confidence.

They are very loving parents and they are very aware of their beloved children, so, if you have a daddy Antonio, you will know what we are talking about. They always try to guide their family and be a leader in caring for them in good times and in bad times.

AUTHOR: Pamela, editor of the great family of

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