Densities as evolutionary levels vs. the frequency planes of Creation in the galaxy, by David Topí

  • 2014

One of the things that interests most, but also becomes complex to understand, when some introduction is made to the topic of densities and evolutionary levels in courses and talks, and then we talk about the frequency planes on which the Creation is structured, At least at the level of our galaxy, it's how both concepts relate.

What does it mean for a being to have a frequency level that corresponds to the so-called Buddha plane, or the Atmic plane, and what does it mean to be a fifth density entity? What does it mean that you have your level of consciousness in the highest part of the mental plane and that you are becoming a way of the fourth density? Basically one thing denotes the evolutionary level that a person, being or entity has, and the other denotes the highest base plane in which you move or your energy system moves / level of consciousness.

A review of the energy structure

If we pay attention to different esoteric, mystical teachings and certain channeling, our Milky Way, as the creative Source that it is, is structured in seven large levels or frequency planes, which, in turn, are divided into seven other large sub-planes, which are They divide into other sub-sub-planes, which in turn are divided ad infinitum following the same fractal structure. In fact, this is the first problem we face when determining a frequency or evolutionary level for the entities that reside in it, because our names, the names that teach as anthroposophy, theosophy, esoteric Christianity, even the projection (astral projection) or other disciplines have put these divisions, it makes no sense for the entities that reside in them, and when you ask any of these guides / beings if they are from the mental plane or if they are from the plane monadic, they tell you that those names don't tell them anything. In the end, the easiest, according to my current perception, is to work with the frequencies of the colors, because these seven main macroplanes in which our galaxy is divided (possibly others too), have a base frequency that we can associate perfectly with the vibration of the seven colors that we know and that we all have represented at the micro cosmic level in our energy system: the chakras.

So, what we call the physical and etheric plane has a “red” base vibration, so if you ask for the “base color” of the plane of an entity and they tell you that it is red, you know that it can be any which resides mainly in the etheric plane. Then, the orange plane is the plane we call the astral, emotional or the "e" substrate. The next macro plane is the mental plane, and the base frequency of that plane is the one corresponding to the yellow vibration. Then comes the so-called buddhic or nirvanic plane, which corresponds to the frequency of green, then the atmic plane, base vibration frequency, the color blue, then the monadic plane or Anupadaka (depending on the school you study), indigo base color, and then the Adic or Divine plane, the closest plane to the frequency level of our Source or Galactic Logos, violet color, although there are also those who describe it as gold.

But this is a huge generalization. Within each macroplane, there are infinite subdivisions that correspond to infinite gradients of the base color. An entity that is "residing" in the atmic plane, may vibrate in the lower part and have a vibration corresponding to a more "clear" blue while an entity that resides or has the evolutionary level of the end of this plane, tends to vibrate in a base plane whose blue is more "electric", and there can be huge differences in knowledge, understanding and wisdom between these two entities although both say that they come from the atmic plane or are called fifth density.

Densities come into play

So how is an evolutionary level associated with a frequency plane of "residence"? It is quite simple when we know how to distinguish between the level of consciousness of a being and its base state of vibration. Now that human beings are third density entities, we have our lowest plane of vibration in the physical plane, hence we have an organic, dense and chemical body formed with 1D elements of the "red" vibration. We have an emotional body formed with the energy of the orange plane, and we have a mental body of the yellow plane. And that is our current limit of development, although obviously we have all the chakras and layers of the aura and we are a representation of the structure of the galaxy, because as it is above, it is below. However, the evolutionary level of any human being, his conscience, does not exceed the limits of the mental plane (in general, many people begin to vibrate in the next and are touching the green band), hence, as we are only conscious or we have access to the first three planes, we consider ourselves 3D beings. More advanced people have their unconscious or supraconscious in the upper part of the mental, and less advanced people in the lower part.

On the other hand, a being of fourth density, "goes up one level", so that its denser body ceases to be chemical and organic and becomes etheric, while its maximum level then moves and expands to the band green, it is the level that your consciousness or being acquires after the frequency change in which all of us are involved. When a race, being, or entity calls itself 4D, it is because its highest level is already in the green band, at the beginning, if it is a newly “graduated”, or in any of the middle or higher planes of the buddhic plane, which we call, if it has been at that level for some time.

And the same goes for the higher planes. Every being, race or group that calls itself fifth density is because its highest level of vibration is in the planes we call atmic, while its lowest level is beyond the emotional plane "orange" (in fifth density practically there is no longer an emotional body, but one works almost exclusively at the level of the mental body), since you do not already have an etheric body, the question here is that, by increasing your evolutionary level, you decrease your “physical” or material level, so that you are not as subject to a base plane as we are, where the physical body marks the minor vibration in which we all exist, but in this case you have more freedom of movement between planes, down all you want, but upwards only to the maximum level you could reach with your natural evolution.

Thus, there are races or groups of fifth density "low" and there are beings, races, guides and groups of "high fifth density". And in the sixth we have the same, being this plane, the monadic or Anupadaka, the base frequency plane for the part of our being that we call the Higher Self, since a part of the multidimensional set that we are is always at this evolutionary level. 6D entities move in the mental plane as a minimum level (because it is the densest body they have) and in the monadic as a maximum level.

Above the Attic or Divine

Any entity that reaches the level of development of the seventh density, which means that its frequency level is in the Adic plane, is ready for reunification with the “source”, in this case, and for us, or for those who we have "born" of the galactic logos, with the being that shapes our Milky Way. And what is above? Well, another series of planes structured differently, because our Galactic Logos comes from another source of higher hierarchy, "its source", and from there begins another structure of evolutionary planes where we can find all kinds of beings, races, groups and others that in many cases are associated with angelic entities, but also with other types of hierarchies much more advanced than we can imagine.

With this little introduction we can at least put a little order on the issue of evolutionary hierarchies, levels of consciousness, or base frequency dimensions of the different entities that one encounters when reading channeled information, for example, or ancient teachings that are lost in the origin of the times and that speak of all this without making clear the relations between concepts so important to understand, at least, if a little more, this game of creation in the that we are involved

David Top,


Densities such as evolutionary levels vs. the frequency planes of Creation in the galaxy

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