From the Consciousness of Duality to that of Unity

  • 2011

We are all One. We come from a more subtle reality, in a dimension greater than this. In that reality Everything vibrated in unison and each of us was an integral part of that All.

(In that reality: yo + the others = Yo )

But it happened that different units of vibration within that All became aware of themselves. And then they felt the need to experience themselves. They knew that they could not do it within a reality in which they are an integral part of an All; The only way was to individualize. Therefore, they became independent units (Monads), focusing self-awareness only on that unit.

But they could not subsist individually in the dimension in which each "I" is part of "I". They had to carry out that experience of individuality in a vibration in which they could separate from the rest. Logically, it was impossible to do it in a more subtle vibration.

(greater subtlety => more union; detach and individualize => less subtlety).

Therefore, the vibration in which these units of consciousness could be carried out individually would necessarily be lower than the previous one.

Then, the only alternative was to project their consciousness of unity in the third dimension (3D). In this way, each Monad who became aware of herself and wanted to experience herself as a unit, decided to project herself into 3D.

In this projection process, each Monad generated a Spirit. This would represent the unity of life of individual consciousness in the higher dimension. This Spirit, when projected into 3D, would become, in this reality, a Soul. Thus, each Soul represents the projection of the Spirit in 3D.

This Soul was a vehicle that linked the body from its individualized "I" (Spirit) to the densest of the third dimension (earth).

So that "I", coming from the Spirit and projected through a 3D Soul, became Human. And this Human, living with other Humans, disidentified himself from his origin, forgot that it was a projection, dependent and protected by a reality greater than him, in a higher dimension. And, running a Veil of oblivion between his spiritual nature and he began to live on planet Earth, assuming that his three-dimensional reality was the only component of his existence.

Logically, this happened to each of the Humans. In this way everyone began to live their new reality, each throwing their Veil of forgetfulness about their true nature, and authentic livelihood, and began to look for resources for their survival within the same dimension with which they identified.

His physical livelihoods were food, shelter, survival, security ... His emotional livelihoods were family, couple, friends ... His social livelihoods, name, fame, position, reputation ...

Evolving, generation after generation, Human after Human descended from the previous one, projection after projection represented as different incarnations in 3D, the current moment on planet Earth was reached.

Thus, basic resources focused on money. To be able to count on it, it was necessary to work, but work was scarce. The man had to take advantage of competitiveness, so he had to fight, competing to get a job for which there were too many candidates, snatching it, if he could, from others. The same happened with his emotional nourishment. He would have to fight to be able to make the desired person fall in love, he would also have to fight for sex, for social recognition, etc.

The man felt that he needed to act as a material, social, emotional and psychological predator. Nothing belonged to him unless he fought it and in exchange for getting it, others were left without it.

This was life with the Veil cast.

This is the way in which the Human began to live within Duality.

So what was Duality? Competitiveness, the stress of controlling the other while fighting for the same dam, in the intention of achieving what could also be theirs. The fear.

Man was not bad, since his origin, the Spirit, knew One with All. But the projection, the Human on the other side of the Veil, in disidentifying himself from his true nature, forgot that he is One with the others, and considered the other enemies. Within its current three-dimensional dimension, its survival as a human depended on winning a constant struggle (physical, social, emotional, psychological).

And after a long time, many projections (incarnations) followed, in which the Soul of the Human began to need to be “part again”, and return to the origin, Humans began to tire of the stress of competitiveness, of the struggle, of the "loneliness" and, little by little, they ceded power and felt that they were "something else", that they were not really alone.

They began to release survival instinct and develop the concept of Unity. Thus they began, some individually, and others seeking to form support and spiritual reinforcement groups, to investigate, for the first time, "within" themselves. At this point, what they needed was not outside their physical identity; everything seemed to indicate that they had to go inside themselves.

When this possibility opened, they were discovering realities that, because of their urgency of three-dimensional survival, they had forgotten.

Thus, they discovered that none was anyone's enemy. Everyone acted out of love, but in each case directed to their own needs in their survival instinct. He who acted against another, did so only by an instinct of salvation. That is, the damage (to the other) was not the cause, but the result of love (to oneself), as a consequence of this natural instinct of salvation.

Duality, therefore, depends on the relativity of the individual's perception. Thus, the seemingly dual was only the interpretation of a higher order that from the unilateral view of the human could not be perceived entirely.

But in order to free oneself from the interpretation of appearances as Reality, one had to pass through the Veil of ignorance (oblivion), in order to recover the Higher Vision, the one that inhabited the place That really belonged. And this could only be achieved by withdrawing the attention of the human, from the Earth, from the duality, from the 3D, from the need to compete, from the fear, and looking back at the interior, where the Yo Unit from which the Human part resides, ceases to be a projection and to recover the Spirit within the Whole. That is, wake up.

And this is the time of Awakening. It happens that, with an upward progression, the Awakening of Souls is taking place. Some arrived at this moment of their incarnation with the Veil somewhat open, so that they have always had some level of connection with their Spirit, and others are declining the Veil little little by little Sometimes they do it alone, due to their internal requirement, and on other occasions they join in reinforcement groups, where they rely on this initiative, give themselves strength and faith, and accompany themselves in a world that, as it emerges in this dimension, it makes the one who is abandoning himself more hostile (that of those who have not woken up and, therefore, deny that Reality).

This is causing the Veil to open in several places. Each Soul that awakens is a piece of Veil open to all mankind. Each time more Souls cross the Veil, each time more they return to their Spirit, and that Light that the Broken Veils are allowing to be projected on planet Earth, in the third dimension He is causing other beings to see her and feel the call of her Spirit and also wake up, and then the Veil tears, opens more, and more Light enters, which is projected on those who are still asleep. And some stretch, and call the others, and some of these ascend, and again the Veil opens more and increases the Light of the Spirit that is projected on the Earth

Thus, each time the Spirit projects itself more on the Human, and each time more awake is the Human.

And this is the story just today. That is why the Human is waking up so quickly, that is why the world of Duality and competitiveness is disappearing. The Light of the Spirit is consuming everything that is not its nature, and the Human, with his consciousness turned to his starting point, his Spirit, his Union with the All, is Allowing the projection of that Light on planet Earth. The Veil is being lifted. They are joining the two worlds.

We are returning home, and we are all leaving

Graciela B rbulo

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