David Topí: Healing and transmutation with the essence

  • 2015

Now that we have seen the different levels of action in which we can and have to work to reach the energy and physical dimension of our essence, we can perhaps better understand the potential and power that it has to do all the healing and deprogramming work of any part of the evolutionary vehicle that it uses, since, as you can suppose, not only can the essence be used in the mental spheres, but, correctly applied, it can be used to harmonize and heal any energy dysfunction in the system we use as a vehicle for this incarnation.

BA Brenan says that it is evident, given the importance of the star of the nucleus, as she calls the monad or being that we are because of the way she has seen with extrasensory perception, that all therapies should include some work to raise the inner essence at all levels over it. All parts of the level of the hara, the aural field and the physical body with which it has worked in the course of healing or energy therapy should be irrigated with the inner essence before concluding the healing process. Completely agree, given what we have seen so far, because the fact that there are parts of the physical body, the aural field or the level of the hara that have been distorted, blocked or disharmonized, cause the inner essence to be more unable to appear in all its splendor, at the level of being able to manage the entire vehicle to which it is linked and connected for each physical experience.

Therefore, to do this work of "liberation" of access to being, in each of the strata that I told you in the previous article, the condition and energetic state of the physical, aural and hara levels must be determined, since The essence itself never presents any problem. Thus, when we can, we begin in a therapeutic session to work for the emotional and mental part of the person, then we get into a more physical and etheric matrix level, and then we move on to the line of the hara. After all this, the therapist discovers, and then elevates, the essence of the patient to each of the levels that are on it. First, the essence is raised to the level of the hara, then to the aural, and finally it is carried to the physical body . We, if we play the role of therapist, or if we do it ourselves, can dilate the energy we perceive so that the individual essence fills first, with the intention simply, the level of the hara, then works for example on the personality to emotional and mental level and then for example you can also target each cell of the physical body.

Opening a channel to be

For those who want to do this on your own, try this exercise proposed by BA Brenan in his explanations and therapeutic research with the energy of being. It is enough to dedicate a daily time to move the consciousness towards the point of the body, below the navel, where we can feel more strongly the energy of our monad. Normally, the simplest is to first tune into the level of the hara, moving your consciousness towards that energy line that "protects" the entrance to the dimension of being. From within the line of the hara, you enter at a deeper level, in the pure space of "Creation", and from there, your being or monad appears, which gives the impression of "coming" up "as if" we were attracting it from its resting point towards the more physical dimension above the navel. Rest your concentration and focus there, and try to feel the heat, light or energy that you perceive at that point.

Remember that being DOES NOT, IS ONLY, and therefore the feeling that it has been correctly connected with the divine particle that we are, that is, that our consciousness has been imbued with our essence, is that there is no need to Do, say or know anything. Everything is resting in a kind of state of deep peace, so that, if that connection really occurs, we have to leave all the needs (temporarily, of course), to have, do, want, say, know, show, act, etc., etc., etc. Here you just have to be, and nothing else.

And our monad is our divine source. When we open this kind of inner corridor to our being, we automatically connect to the external source of quantum love and energy that surrounds us, and that is all that "exists" in Creation.

From here, when the essence ascends from its particular dimension, it brings great pleasure, peace, joy, etc. And when the inner essence emerges in the dimension of the road to our physical world, it ascends towards the center of the three points located along the line of the hara that we mentioned in the previous article (above the head, in the thymus, and in the lower tantien). If the three points are aligned, we will have aligned our intention with the best that is in us, and we will have synchronized with the intention of our evolutionary plan, of our Higher Self, of our BEING with capital letters, or whatever we call what we came from. or we have been created.

The essence in the upper levels

If we go one step further, when the essence ascends to the aural level, it accesses the center of the chakras and extends to permeate the entire auric field, which then allows us to begin to express our essence with our personality. This is a step that does not have to be accompanied by the disconnection of the preconscious mental sphere, they are separate things although they can go together, the process of internal growth and that of deprogramming . The essence that we are can take control of the personality little by little even without disconnecting from the control mesh, or it can first do all the deprogramming and cleaning of the mental spheres and then try to take control of the ego program, something That is not easy either. In any case, this is a process of growth and hard personal work, nobody can do it for us, neither in one nor in a thousand sessions of energy therapy.

Finally, when the inner essence rises to the physical level, it also has the power to access the nucleus of each cell, the DNA. An experience with my partners showed us how to do this. In this case, I was on a stretcher and the energy of my essence was directed towards the level of my DNA, intending that this energy be superimposed in each of my cells to the strands of existing DNA. Simply the sensation was to notice how that energy entered them, created a kind of virtual energetic strand, and merged with the existing one, evidently at the energetic level, not physical.

We must realize that, at this point of so many months of personal work, of daily struggles to eliminate fears, transmute that “shadow”, remove blockages of all levels, deprogram the mental spheres, reduce fear, eliminate the desire to wanting things, unifying the selves, reducing the power of the ego, etc., etc., are nothing more than steps for the essence to take control of the physical vehicle it uses and keep it under control.

If all this work is done, and then we stop working consciously with our being, all this can be reversed. A hard lesson learned, see new “yos” appear when you had unified them (the ego program cannot be disassembled and one of its functions is always to generate more sub-personalities to adapt to the world), see part of the programming recreated again by that the same control system has methods to prevent anyone from escaping, and see how new fears or emotional blockages reappear if one does not maintain constant alertness, self-observation and daily interior work. Which, as I said, nobody can do for us, not in one, nor in a thousand therapy sessions.

Source : http://davidtopi.com/

David Topí: Healing and transmutation with the essence

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