David Topí: How the egregores and energy rafts that surround the planet are born

  • 2015

We have talked about the topic egregores before. A few months ago, I commented that if you have a public egregor, you have to keep it at bay, and dissolve it from time to time, what you can see in this article. Among other things, because although the egregor is mainly positive, it will no longer be desired to eliminate it, because of the effect it has or the support it provides, you have to be careful that it is not misused, as I explained in this other entry about how I they impersonated in the non-physical planes and how my personal egregor (and that of other people who have a public facet) was used by entities of other planes and levels, with the aim of reversing any “benefit” or work done by the person up to that moment.

The birth of a mental form

But how exactly does an egregor or a raft of energy form and how is it "floating" around the planet, at different frequency levels? Let's review what we explain in the article on the Pythagorean teachings of how reality is constructed:

“When Pythagoras defined, for his students, in his teachings, his knowledge of how reality was formed, he described it as a“ spiritual materialism, ”as he said, and knew, that all matter has consciousness, and, therefore, all Possible levels of existence, whether physical or not, are spiritual planes, simply at different degrees of vibrational condensation.

For the Pythagoreans, the existence of our reality is based on a trinity of equivalent and interrelated aspects: matter, movement and consciousness, and neither of these three aspects can exist without the other two. All matter is in constant motion and all matter has consciousness. ”

Since every form of consciousness has a material aspect associated with it, regardless of the degree of vibration and condensation, it is easy to understand that all emotional forms are aggregations of emotional or astral matter, that all mental forms are aggregations of matter of the mental plane, and that all conceptual forms are aggregations and constructions of causal matter (upper part of the mental plane).

Every time we think and feel something, lots of mental and emotional matter take " life " in mental constructions that are dispatched from our subtle bodies. The figure or aspect that has the mental form is determined by the concept or idea imbued in the thought created (a clairvoyant will be able to see how different figures with different forms leave your mind and your mental body); its definition or sharpness is determined by the clarity of the creator's thought (the more detailed and clear the idea emitted, the sharper the mental form generated), and its color and vibration by the quality of the same thought (high thoughts and emotions, colors and higher vibration). Together, the higher the level of evolution of a person, the clearer, more defined and colorful their mental and emotional forms can be seen extrasensory.

The purpose of mental constructions

These mental constructions serve different purposes: the first, to create a wrapper or “container” material for the thought generated (be it the wrapper or container constructed with causal, mental, emotional or etheric material), then, it serves to transport information between subtle bodies and thus endow or expand the aspect of consciousness of the person, and finally serves to execute or manifest a purpose defined by the generator of the mental form (manifest something for the person, create a type of reality for himself, attract a certain type of events, etc., this being the most popular aspect of the so-called law of attraction).

Since each energy expression generated is a cause, it has to have its corresponding effect according to the universal law of causality. And this effect can be as you can suppose of many types: constructive, manipulative, with good or bad influence on the receiver, creative, etc., because the projected consciousness of a person through their mental forms is able to influence everything that comes into contact, as you have already heard that happens in the different experiments with sub-atomic particles, where what is observed is modified by the observer effect

If we use the term "mental form" to also include causal, etheric and emotional forms, and thus make the terminology simpler, we must also know that they all have a specific duration and life, and that their intensity is directly related to the amount of energy and vibration used in its creation. When a mental form has served its purpose, in most cases, it slowly disintegrates and decomposes back into the causal, mental, emotional or etheric atomic matter that formed it, releasing its constituent particles so that they can be used by another to Other type of construction.

The birth of the egregores

The human maelstrom of uncontrolled emotions and constant thoughts without any definite purpose or control by our race is what has created dense layers of energy "mist" at all non-physical levels. This "fog", divided into groups by resonance of the energy that composes it, is what we call egregores or energy bags, and they definitely have a better or worse effect on our energy system because we are influenced by them. You only have to think about the egregores of your jobs, homes, your neighborhood, your community, etc. one on top of the other, some superimposed on others, creating the “cleanest” or “heaviest” atmosphere that one breathes or rather, feels, in one place or another.

However, although a priori every thought or emotion is a `` passive '' energy entity with its determined shape, color and definition, powerfully generated emotions and especially in its aspect of consciousness m Negative as hate, anger, anger, etc., can last a long time. So much so that they can become self-conscious, that is, become self-righteous egregores, since everything has consciousness in some degree, and cease to be subject to the conscience of the person who generated them to become entities Individual and self directed. Its presence, then, by resonance, is directed and stagnant wherever it finds sustenance to be fed back, either by people who generate the same type of energy emotionally or mentally, whether it is directed by someone or something external to manipulate or cause destructive effects, or simply to serve as food for those who feed on this energy.

In the end, these macro-egregores end up being very difficult to erase and transmute, being practically impossible to do so, floating at the expense of the energetic currents that circle our planet.

Our goal is to stop feeding them, assuming emotional and mental control of our lives, so that, at some point, they disintegrate on their own. The source that emits the energy that forms them disappears, the product of it is disintegrated by the natural processes of attraction and energy repulsion. As you can see, we always return to the same, emotional self-control, mental self-control, personal observation, introspection, self-knowledge. If there is nothing ah outside that does not depend on ourselves inside. Let's see it from the angle that we see it, all the power is always in our hands.

Source: http://davidtopi.com

David Top : How the egregores and energy rafts that surround the planet are born

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