David Topí- Subtle bodies, motor centers and layers of the energy system

  • 2014

Continuing with the same line of combining concepts and nomenclatures, which I started with the article of seed atoms, spirit, the triune flame, etc., I think it is a good idea to try to do something similar with the different names and functions of parts of the system energy we have as explained by different teachings, schools or books. I refer especially to the subject of subtle bodies, their corresponding energy centers and their main functions. What we all know is that the human being is composed of 7 subtle bodies, "perceivable" more or less easily to a vision trained or developed extrasensory, which are related to the seven primary chakras, and the control centers of the brain, and They deal with different aspects and "tasks" of body management. Your correspondence can be seen briefly in the following scheme:

Control centers

The main control centers of the brain are called the instinctive center, the emotional center, the mental center, the spiritual center and the motor center. The emotional, intellectual and spiritual centers are divided into two, all of them having a lower one and a higher one. The instinctive center takes care of the internal functioning of the body, and allows our machine to operate automatically, without having to do anything to breathe or to circulate the blood. The motor center does the same, automatically performs the motor functions of the body, to be able to walk without worrying about moving the muscles or to be able to do repetitive and mechanical actions without thinking about what steps we have to execute at each moment (for example, drive). Thanks to these two primary centers, practically everything that keeps us alive is done without us noticing. On the other hand, the emotional center is obviously responsible for managing emotions and feelings, processing stimuli and reacting to them when necessary. The intellectual center is the one that reasons, thinks, manages the memory, orders the information, makes decisions about it, etc. Finally, the spiritual center is responsible for the conscious evolution of the person, of his conscience, within the physical body used.

Relationship of subtle bodies, chakras and control centers

So, with this little introduction, let's now look at the different subtle bodies that we have since their functions correspond to each one:

First body: The physical body + etheric body, which are usually considered together, being the etheric body that holds together the chemical and organic structure of the physical body, since it is the template or mold thereof. It is related to the first chakra, and to the instinctive center of the brain.

Second body: The emotional body, carries all our emotions and feelings, but especially the lowest, desires and passions. It is related to the second chakra, and to the emotional center of the brain.

Third body: The mental body. Bearer of all thoughts, ideas, belief systems, behavior patterns, memories, etc. It is related to the lower intellectual center and the third chakra.

Fourth body: The spiritual body. It is also called the causal body, and, in some books, this fourth body is called the astral body or the buddhic body. It is related to the heart chakra and the spiritual center, that is, with the person's consciousness and level of development. It is this chakra, center and body that currently allows us or matters more in the step of evolutionary level, of density, that we are living.

Fifth body: Also called atmic body, etheric or trans-etheric insole. Related to the motor or automatic center and the fifth chakra.

And so far the part related to the primary centers. But the teachings of The Fourth Way tell us the following about the higher centers:

“To understand the work of the human machine and its possibilities, we must know that apart from the three intellectual, emotional and motor centers and the parts that are related to them, we have two other centers, fully developed and that work perfectly, but They have no link to our ordinary life or to the centers through which we have knowledge of ourselves. These other two are the superior emotional center and the superior intellectual center. These centers are in us; They work all the time, but their work never reaches our ordinary consciousness. Reason must be sought in the special properties of our so-called "lucid consciousness."

The presence of these higher centers in us is analogous to that of the hidden treasures that men who pursue the mysterious and the miraculous have sought since the earliest times; But it is a much bigger puzzle. All mystical and hidden teachings recognize in man the existence of superior forces and abilities - although in many cases, only in the form of possibilities - and speak of the need to develop the forces hidden in man.

Sixth body: The upper emotional body. Also called celestial body. Related to the sixth chakra and the superior emotional center.

Seventh body: The Samadhic or Adic body. Also called the ceteric template. Related to the seventh chakra, and the higher spiritual center.

Then there are other bodies, corresponding to the eighth chakra and the upper intellectual center, and the ninth chakra, and universal consciousness center, both located above the head, which, although potentially present, few people have activated, in full use and developed correctly. Mainly the higher intellectual center does not seem to have in the known literature a name for concrete for this final energy body or layer, the most subtle of all, for being outside the limits of our evolutionary reality today. The most used name I know is the template or luminal body.

Types and levels of consciousness in today's humanity

Normally, most human beings present the first three bodies to a greater or lesser extent developed, giving rise to much more "instinctive" people, if their # 1 body and instinctive center are the ones that govern their lives, to more emotional people, if his body # 2 and his second chakra are the most active and much more mental people, if who governs his existence is his body # 3.

Much less are people who have a fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh body sufficiently developed to be those who "take the reins" of a person's life. This, for those of you who have read or studied Gurdjieff, will sound a lot like what he called the "7 men ", that is, the different types of people in which we can divide humanity according to what degree of consciousness, evolutionary level and development we have. Gurdjieff said that we are all born as men # 1, men # 2 or men # 3, and that, with the arduous and sacrificed work in oneself, you could become a man # 4, that is, it was your spiritual center and your astral body the manager of your life. Since each body obeys the orders of the immediately superior body, a # 1 person does not have developed the emotional or mental part sufficiently to feel or reason things correctly, so that he acts only by instinct. When someone keeps their instincts under control as they dictate their feelings and emotions, then they become a man # 2, who does not reason things in general, but acts by a combination of sensation. I have an instinct. Consequently, a man # 3 has developed the power of his intellect to be able to reason and mentally manage his instincts and feelings. Thus, as you rise in this vision of evolutionary consciousness, man # 4 is the one who has come to develop both his spiritual center and his fourth body that it is he who has control over instincts, emotions and mental reasoning And it is in balance in all of them.

I am no longer with men # 5, # 6 and # 7 because on this planet there are very few who have this type of evolutionary level, at this time, so we will leave it here so as not to lengthen more .

And to summarize, seen in the form of a table, the correspondences are these:

#Control centerDenominations of the subtle body
oneInstinctivePhysical / ethereal body
2Lower emotionalEmotional
3Lower mentalMental, Devachonic
4Lower spiritualSpiritual, Causal, Astral, Medical
5EngineThermal, trans-thermal
6Superior emotionalHeavenly
7Superior spiritualSamedic, Medical, Ketric
8Superior intellectualLuminal


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David Top - Subtle bodies, motor centers and layers of the energy system

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