David Icke: The Suns of God (Unofficial History of Christianity)

  • 2010

The suns of God
(Chapter 4 of the book "The Big Secret" by David Icke)

Nothing has served the reptilian program more than religion. Even today in America, religion controls the minds and limits the thinking of the Christian Patriot Movement that has seen through many other smoke screens and identified many aspects of the Brotherhood conspiracy. What they cannot face, however, is that their own religion is a huge part of that conspiracy.

That is not to condemn all people who are called Christians. There are many who express an affectionate spirituality through their Christian beliefs. I am talking about the institution of Christianity and its arrogant indoctrination and imposition of its desperately limited vision of life that have created a mind-prison for literally billions of people for almost 2, 000 years.

All the world's major religions, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, came out of exactly the same region of the Middle and Near East from which the Aryan race and the reptilian crusade appeared after the cataclysm perhaps 7, 000 years ago. These religions were designed to imprison the mind and wrap emotions with fear and guilt. They were generally based on some figure of "saving god" like Jesus or Muhammad and only by believing in them and following his commands can we find "God" and be saved.

That is precisely what the Babylonian priests said of Nimrod when the scheme for control-by-religion was being formed in Babylon. Those who refuse to believe in these nonsense are condemned to stoke the fires of hell for all eternity. Surprisingly, billions over billions have swallowed this hoax for thousands of years, and they still do. That's fine if they want to give up their minds and their lives, but many insist that everyone else should do the same and that's not right. It is seriously not right.

Most of the people who will read this book will be from parts of the world dominated by Christianity and Judaism and therefore I will take those as the main examples of how symbolic stories have become literal truths and how the manipulation of these stories has produced most powerful form of massive mind control yet invented.

Figure 13: The ancient symbol for the annual cycle of the Sun from which so many symbols and symbolic stories have originated. You can see this symbol in the representations of Barati and Britannia in Figure 12.

To understand the true background to religions, we have to appreciate the basis of all ancient religion that goes back to the Phoenicians, Babylonians and beyond. It was the Sun. The hierarchy focused on the Sun because, as I outlined earlier, they understood its true power as an amazing generator of electromagnetic energy that is affecting our lives and behavior every second of every day.

The Sun contains 99% of the mass of this solar system. Just think about that. The Sun is the solar system and when it changes, we change. Understanding these cycles of the Sun, and the changing nature of the energy you project, allows you to anticipate how human beings will most likely react to several events at different times. As with the texts that form the basis of various religions, there are two levels of knowledge in the worship of the Sun.

In the ancient world, the hierarchy focused on the Sun because they knew its effect on a deep level, while the masses revered the Sun because its heat and light had an obvious and crucial role in ensuring an abundant harvest. Similarly, an initiate of esoteric knowledge will read the Bible differently from a Christian or Jewish believer. The initiate will recognize the symbolism, numerology and esoteric codes, while the believer takes the text literally. Thus the same text acts as a means to pass esoteric knowledge to the initiate and creates a prison-religion for the masses that are not initiated. Great hoax.

To understand the ancient symbolism of the Sun is to understand the main religions. In the ancient world they used a particular symbol for the trip of the Sun (Figure 13) throughout the year. As we will see in a later chapter, this is still a fundamental symbol used by the Babylonian Brotherhood. It symbolized both the Phoenician representations of Barati and was on the shield of his British expression, Britannia.

The ancients took the circle of the zodiac (a Greek word that means circle of animals) and inserted a cross to mark the four seasons. In the center of the cross, they set the Sun. So many of the pre-Christian deities were said to be born on December 25 due to this symbolism. On December 21-22, you have the winter solstice when, in the northern hemisphere, the Sun is at the lowest point of its power in the annual cycle. The sun had died dead symbolically, the ancients said.

By December 25, the Sun had evidently begun its symbolic journey back to summer and the peak of its power. The ancients, therefore, said that the Sun had been born on December 25. Christian Christmas is simply a pagan holiday with a new name, as in fact all Christian holidays are. Easter is another. Around March 25, the old fixed date for Easter, the Sun enters the sign of the zodiac of Aries the ram or the lamb. At this time the ancients used to sacrifice lambs because they believed that this would appease the gods, most notably the sun god, and ensure abundant harvests.

In other words they believed that the blood of the lamb would mean that their sins would be forgiven.

In ancient Babylon, Tammuz, the son of Queen Semrandramis, was said to have been crucified with a lamb on his feet and placed in a cave. When a rock was rolled away from the cave entrance three days later, his body had disappeared. I've heard that somewhere before before definitely. The ancients also symbolized the Sun as a baby in December, a young man at Easter, a robust and enormously strong man in summer, an aged man who lost his power in the fall, and An old man before the winter solstice.

The modern representation of Old Father Time (the Old Year) is a version of this. They also symbolized the Sun as having long golden hair (the sun's rays) that became shorter as it lost its power in the fall months. Now look again at the Old Testament story of Samson-San-Sol. He was incredibly strong and had long hair, but lost his power when his hair was cut. The problems began when he entered the House of Delilah - the astrological house of Virgo, the virgin, through which the Sun passes when autumn approaches.

Summoning its last outbreak of power, San-el Sol-, it pushes the two pillars, which are the classic symbolism of the Brotherhood that dates back at least to ancient Egypt and are still used by the Freemasons today. Samson is San Sol - a symbolic story of the annual cycle of the Sun. There was no such person. In Hebrew, Samson means, I understand, the God of the Sun.

For the Orthodox Christian, Jesus is the only begotten son of God who died so that our sins can be forgiven. But you will find exactly the same statements for a torrent of "gods" in the ancient world long before you even heard of the name "Jesus." In fact, we know that his name was not Jesus because that was a Greek translation of a Hebrew name.

The term son of God seems to originate at least as far back as the Aryan Gothic kings of Cilicia who took the title "Son of the Sun God, " a tradition adopted by the pharaohs of Egypt. For many in the New Age, Jesus is Sananda, a high initiate of some spiritual hierarchy who incarnated to infuse the Earth with the "Christ" energy. Or, depending on who you speak to, he was an alien on a similar mission. For others he was claiming to be the King of the "Jews" by the right of his lineage of King David. But did Jesus really exist? Did Moses, Solomon and King David exist? I would say categorically no. There is no credible evidence for the existence of any of them outside the biblical texts and they are certainly not credible.

So where did they come from?

The Old Testament

In 721 BC, it seems that Israel was invaded by the Assyrians and the Israelites or Canaanites were taken captive. However, the tribes known by official History as Judah and Benjamin, survived for more than a hundred years after that, before they were conquered and captured by our friends, the Babylonians, around 586 BC.

It was in Babylon, that ancient capital city of the priesthood and the reptilian-Aryan hierarchy, that the Hebrew priests, the Levites, began to create a fabricated history that obscured the truth of what really happened. I mean, ask yourself, a Brotherhood that was responsible for the destruction of ancient knowledge and libraries around the world. Will you write true history in your texts or will you produce the version that you want people to believe?

During and after their stay in Babylon, with their profusion of inherited knowledge and stories of Sumeria, the Levites mixed the truth, often symbolic truth, with fantasies and this hodgepodge became the foundations of the Old Testament. The so-called Israelites did not write these texts or agreed with what they said. Even if you accept that they even existed, the Israelites had dispersed long before the time when the Levites inked their feathers.

The Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus and Numbers, which together make the "Jewish" Torah, were all written by the Levites or under their supervision during or after their period in Babylon. This group of fans who sacrifice humans and drink blood and black magicians, whom you would not trust to tell you the time, compiled the law that the Jewish people to this day were supposed to follow. Just as many Christian fans cite these things as the word of God! It is not the word of God, it is the word of the Levites under the direction of the full blood and reptile crusades of the Babylonian Brotherhood.

The Sumerian Tablets prove beyond any doubt that Genesis was a highly edited and condensed version of the Sumerian records. The Sumerian story of Eden became the Garden of Biblical Eden of the Levites. Do you remember the story of "Moses" being found in the reeds by the Egyptian princess? The same story was told by the Sumerian-Babylonians about King Sargon the Elder. The story of Moses is imaginary, as is the Egyptian "captivity", the exodus, at least as described, and also the creation of the 12 tribes via Jacob.

These texts were written by the Levites, the heads of which were initiated from the reptilian mystery school in Babylon. Their stories are symbolic and codified so that the initiated understand and the masses take them literally. According to the Levites, Moses received his laws and commandments from God on the top of a mountain. Again and again we see the symbol of mountains.

One reason for this is that the top of a mountain is closer to its symbol of God-the Sun. Mount Zion means Mountain of the Sun. The rising sun over the eastern mountains is still a very important symbol of the Brotherhood today. The history of the Israelites and the Jews is largely a fantasy - the veil behind which the truth has been hidden. No one has been "had" more thoroughly during these thousands of years than the people who have considered themselves Jewish. They have been terrified, used and manipulated in the most ruthless and grotesque way by their hierarchy to promote a Program that Jewish people in general have not even begun to identify.

There is no greater example of this manipulation than the way in which reptile lineages such as the "Jews" Rothschilds financed and supported the Nazis and allowed the foundations of the Jewish people to reap the indescribable consequences. The story of the Levites of Exodus is a smokescreen to hide the fact that "Hebrew" knowledge was stolen from Egyptian mystery schools after they were infiltrated by the Babylonian Brotherhood.

The Egyptians considered the revelation of "Jehovah" a robbery committed against the sacred sciences. Manly P. Hall, the historian and Masonic initiate, said that black magic determined state religion in Egypt and that the intellectual and spiritual activities of the people were paralyzed by complete obedience to the dogma formulated by the clergy. What a perfect description of the Levite-Babylonian way of manipulation and of all religions, such as Christianity, that were to arise from the lies they spread! And that is a crucial point to remember.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam all base their beliefs on these same stories written by the Levites after their stay in Babylon. We are looking at a point in history that was going to define and control the world from then until now. The knowledge that the Levites stole from Egypt and expanded as a result of their stay in Babylon, became known as the Kabbalah (Kabala, Qaballa), which came from the Hebrew root, QBL, meaning word of mouth.

This is the method used to communicate the most secret information to initiates. The Kabbalah is the esoteric torrent of what is called Judaism, which is in fact a facade for the Babylonian Brotherhood, as is the Vatican. Kabbalah is the secret knowledge hidden in codes within the Old Testament and other texts. Judaism is the literal interpretation of that. This is a technique that you can see in all religions. An example of the codification of the Levites are the names of the five scribes, Garia, Dabria, Tzelemia, Echanu and Azrel, in the second book of Ezra or Ezra.

The names and their true meanings are:

Garia: Marks that old scribes used to indicate that the text is defective or has another meaning.

Dabria: Words that comprise a phrase or text.

Tzelemia: Figures, somewhat figurative, or indicated in a dark way.

Echanu: Something that has been changed or duplicated.

Azrel: The name of Ezra / Ezra, the suffix "el" means the work of Ezra.

These five names for "scribes" therefore read as a phrase to an initiate:

"Warning marks — of the words — represented in a dark manner — that have been changed or duplicated — that is Ezra's work."

There is a book called The Bible Code that claims to have identified a code in the Hebrew version of the Old Testament that predicts the future. As one of these codes predicted that Lee Harvey Oswald would kill President Kennedy, you will excuse me if I remain extremely skeptical about his credibility. Is anyone left who still thinks Oswald killed Kennedy?

But while I question statements in The Bible Code, there is a code in the Bible, an esoteric code for initiates. They already constituted characters to fit their symbolism or loosely based them on living people that they normally distorted massively. Here are some examples of codes in the Bible. A common theme in all mystery school traditions is 12 disciples, knights or followers surrounding a deity.

The Number 12 is a code, among other things, for the 12 month of the year and the houses of the zodiac through which the Sun, the “God”, symbolized as 13. symbolically moves. These are the sacred “12 and one ”As some people describe it and it is a main reason why numbers 12 and 13 keep repeating. Therefore, you have the 12 tribes of Israel, the 12 princes of Ishmael, 12 disciples or followers of Jesus, Buddha, Osiris and Quetzalcoatl. There is also King Arthur and his 12 knights of the Round Table (the zodiac circle), Himmler and his 12 knights in the Nazi SS, and the woman (Isis, Semiramis) with a 12-star crown in the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse).

In Scandinavia and that entire northern region you find the mysteries of Odin, again inspired by the same Aryan race of the Near East. In this tradition, you find twelve "Drottars" presiding over the mysteries with Odin. The sacred 12 and one again. These stories are not literally true, they are the symbolism of the mystery school.

This continues today with these same symbols used by the Brotherhood's network of secret societies in national flags, coat of arms, advertising and company logos. That creation of the Brotherhood, the European Union, has a circle of 12 stars as its symbol. We are talking here about sacred numbers and geometry. The proportions of Egyptian statues, whether large or small, were multiples or sub-multiples of 12 or 6.

Numbers 7 and 40 are also code numbers in the Bible and mysteries. Thus in the Bible we have seven spirits of God, the seven churches of Asia, seven golden chandeliers, seven stars, seven lamps of fire, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven angels, seven thunders and the red dragon in Revelation (Revelation) with seven heads and seven crowns. The story of Jericho has Joshua marching his army around the city for seven days, accompanied by seven priests carrying seven trumpets.

On the seventh day they surrounded Jericho seven times and the walls collapsed. In the story of No, seven pairs of each animal enter the ark and seven pairs of each type of bird. There are seven days between the prediction of the flood and the rain and seven days between the shipment of the pigeons. The ark comes to support itself on the 17th day of the seventh month, Noah leaves the ark on the 27th day, and after the flood begins its Seventh century. Many of the names for symbolic deities, such as Abraxas of the Gnostics and Serapis of Greece have seven letters.

Then there is 40. Adén enters the paradise when he is 40 years old; Eva continues 40 years later; during the Great Flood (Flood) it rains for 40 days and 40 nights; Set is carried by Angels when he is 40 and is not seen for 40 days; Moisés is 40 when he goes to Madi n and stays for 40 years; Joshua is 40 years old when Jacob arrives in Egypt; Jesus enters the desert for 40 days.

The Bible is the word of God ?. Do not.

It is written in the esoteric code of the mystery schools. Arabic literature was also compiled by and for mystery initiates and here you find the same codes. El Arbaindt (the forties) are stories that all relate to the number 40 and its calendar has 40 rainy days and 40 windy days. His laws refer to 40 constantly. Other series of Arabic books, the Sebaydt or siete are based on that number. These numerical codes have even deeper meanings than the most obvious of days, months and the zodiac.

The numbers also represent vibrational frequencies. Each frequency resonates at a certain number, color and sound. Some frequencies, represented by numbers, colors and sounds, are particularly powerful. The symbols also represent frequencies and affect the subconscious without the person realizing what is happening. This is another reason why certain symbols are seen in secret societies, national flags, company logos, advertising, and so on.

There is no historical evidence for the existence of a man named Moses except in the texts produced by the Levites and other writings and opinions stimulated by those texts. Some say that this was a cover name for the Egyptian pharaoh, Arkenaten, and I certainly would not dismiss that, but the official background for "Moses" and his name have no historical basis.

Nothing was known about the story of "Moses, " or the "plagues" inflicted on the Egyptians, until the Levites of Babylon wrote the Exodus centuries after when it was supposed to have occurred. All the animals of Egypt were killed three times according to the story! What did they do, die and immediately remanifest? There was no homicide of the firstborn of Egypt and therefore the Passover Festival of the Jews has no historical basis, it was created as a result of a story invented by the Levites.

His references to the blood of the lamb at the gates is the code for the ancient symbolism of the lamb. There is no official book in Hebrew that makes any mention of the Pentateuch (the laws of Moses) before the Levites went to Babylon. As for the Israelites being captive in Egypt, even Deuteronomy describes them as "foreigners", not slaves, in this period. So where did the name of Moses come from? Each initiated person who achieved the highest rank in Egyptian mystery schools was called a Muse, Mose or ... Moses.

Manetho, the third-century Egyptian historian BC, quoted by the Jewish historian, Josephus, says that he was a priest in Heliopolis or ON (Place of the Sun), and then took the name of Mosheh or Moses. The word Moses means: he who has been taken, he who has been taken out of the water, who has been made a missionary, an ambassador, an apostle. The Chief Priest in Egyptian temples was called EOVE or EOVA, hence the rise of the name of Jehovah, and the Hebrew language is really the sacred language of Egyptian mystery schools.

The general language of Egypt was called CBT, QBT or CBT, and is better known as Copt or Coptic. The sacred language of the mystery schools took its name from OBR or ABR which, in these times, meant the passage from one place to another and a transition of some kind. Exactly the point of the original teachings of the mystery school, a transition to greater enlightenment. ABR became Ambres, the name of the sacred doctrine reserved for initiates, and was also written as Ambric, Hebric, Hebraic and ... Hebrew. The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters, but the original, before the time of "Moses, " contained only ten, and its true meaning was known only to priests.

The Hebrews were not Israelites or Jews, they were initiated from Egyptian mystery schools, or at least their founders were. It is no wonder that it has proved impossible to identify a Hebrew or Jewish genetic "race." Cohen, the Jewish name for priest, comes from Cahen, the Egyptian pronunciation for a priest and a prince.

Even circumcision, that uniquely "Jewish" tradition, came from Egyptian mystery schools and was performed at least as far back as 4, 000 BC. You could not be initiated unless you were circumcised. The Hebrew religion did not exist in Egypt and there was no Hebrew law because there was no Hebrew "race." The only worship was Egyptian worship. The Hebrew religion, language and race only emerged when initiates of the Egyptian mysteries, later known as Levites, drew knowledge of Egypt and invented a whole story to cover what they were doing, who they were working for and where they came from. The terms "Hebrew" and "Judaism" are another way of saying Egyptian.

This is one reason why we have the constant use of symbols by the Brotherhood of today that relate to Egypt, including the pyramid with the missing cusp. This is symbolic of the Great Pyramid in Giza and the Egyptian mystery schools, along with much deeper meanings. At the entrance to the temple of the mystery school in Egypt there were two huge obelisks. These are often represented as two pillars by Freemasons and in buildings designed and funded by initiates.

Hence the two pillars that Samson pushed. Each initiate in the mystery schools was given a secret name and this also continues with the Brotherhood today. A connection to the Hebrews in Egypt could be the invasion of the Hyksos or Shepherd Kings. The Egyptian historian, Manetho, reported that a strange and barbarian race invaded and took control of Egypt. When they were finally expelled, he said, they traveled through Syria and built a city called Jerusalem. The Hyksos could very well be a group of similar description called the Habiru that left the former regions of Sumer, as did, according to the Old Testament, the so-called Abraham.

King Solomon and his temple are more symbolism. Again, there is no independent evidence for a person called King Solomon. Not once has his name appeared in inscriptions. Before the Levites wrote their texts, the Greek historian Herodotus (c. 485-425 BC), traveled and researched the lands and history of Egypt and the Near East. He heard nothing of Solomon's empire, the mass exodus of Israelites from Egypt, or the destruction of the persecuting Egyptian army in the Red Sea. Nor did Plato in his travels through the same area. Why?. Because everything is invention.

The three syllables in Sal-om-ón are all names for the Sun in three languages. Manly P. Hall wrote that Solomon and his wives and concubines were symbolic of the planets, moons, asteroids and other receptive bodies inside his house — the solar mansion. Solomon's Temple is symbolic of the Sun's dominance. In Talmudic legend, Solomon is presented as a master magician who understood Kabbalah and cast out demons.

This is more symbolism of knowledge kept secret within the invented stories of the Hebrew "history." The books of the Kings and Chronicles, which recount the construction of Solomon's Temple, were written between 500 and 600 years after the events they are supposed to be describing. The Hebrew chroniclers of Solomon's Temple are so exaggerated, it's hilarious.

It was assumed that it employed 153, 600 workers for seven years and its cost, calculated by Arthur Dynott Thomson, would have been £ 6.9 billion. And Thomson was writing in 1872! What would it be today? Such figures are ridiculous and yet additional examples of the fantasy behind these stories. They are symbolic, not literal. Another point. If Solomon did not exist, why should we believe that his "father", King David, yes? I keep reading accounts of his life and the only sources cited are the Old Testament texts written by the Levites! There is no other evidence. It is a trap.

As well as the idea of ​​the lineage of King David-Jesus that is taken to France by "Mary Magdalene" to become the Merovingians as suggested in many books during recent years.

As the scholar and researcher, LA Waddell, notes:

“There is absolutely no inscriptional (written) evidence at all, nor any ancient Greek or Roman references, for the existence of Abraham or any of the Jewish patriarchs or Old Testament prophets, nor for Moses, Saul, David, Solomon, nor none of the Jewish kings, with the simple exception of two, or at most three, of the later kings. ”

The consequences of all this for people who have called themselves Jewish, and for humanity in general, have been very heinous. The Mosaic Law, the "Moses" law, is the law of the Levites - the law of the full blood and reptile crusades of the Babylonian Brotherhood. What is not, is the law or the word of God. The Torah and the Talmud, both overwhelmingly compiled in and after their time in Babylon, are a mental bombardment of very detailed laws that control every area of ​​a person's life. There is no way that was given by "God" on the top of a mountain.

The Levites wrote it and then invented Moses to hide this fact. Other "laws" have been constantly added or revised since then, to cover all eventualities. The pages of these Levites' texts contain a constant and disgusting theme of extreme racism against non-Jews and the need to "completely destroy" anyone who challenges them - exactly the way Manly Hall described the methods of black magic priests. . They encourage murder and havoc of every conceivable class. The Talmud must be the most racist document on Earth.

Here are just a few examples of the depth of his spiritual illness:

"Only Jews are human, non-Jews are not human, but cattle." Kerithuth 6b, p. 78, iebhammoth 61

"Non-Jews have been created to serve Jews as slaves." Midrasch Talpioth 225

"Sex with non-Jews is like sex with animals." Kethuboth 3b

"Non-Jews have to be avoided even more than sick pigs." Orach Chalim 57, 6a

"The birth rate of non-Jews has to be massively suppressed." Zohar 11, 4b

“Como usted reemplaza a vacas y burros perdidos, así usted reemplazará a no-Judíos”. Lore Dea 377, 1

Pero ésta no es no sólo una diatriba grotesca de racismo. Mire otra vez. Son las mismas actitudes que los reptiles Draco y sus subordinados tienen hacia los humanos. Recuerde que estas cosas horrendas no fueron escritas por “Judíos” como un pueblo. Son víctimas de estas creencias, no los autores. Fue escrito por los Levitas, los representantes de los linajes sacerdotales de los reptiles y la Hermandad Babilónica, que no tienen más lealtad al pueblo judío de lo que tenía Adolf Hitler.

Culpar a “los Judíos” es una tontería y exactamente lo que la Hermandad quiere que las personas hagan porque crea enormes oportunidades para dividir y gobernar, los mismos cimientos de su control. Qué horror ha causado esta manipulación para “Judíos” y “No judíos” por igual. Es lo mismo con la ley oral judía llamado el Mishnah, completado por el siglo II DC.

Israel Shahak, un superviviente del campo de concentración de Belsen, es una de las comparativamente pocas personas ahora conocidas como los Judíos, que han tenido el valor de desafiar abiertamente y sacar a la luz el Talmud. Shahak, en su libro Historia Judía, Religión Judía, resalta el nivel aplastante de racismo sobre el que la ley Jud a (Levitas, la Hermandad) se funda. l narra c mo el extremo final de esta Fe, como es representada por los rabinos ortodoxos hoy, hace un delito religioso salvar la vida de un no jud o, a menos que haya desagradables consecuencias para Jud os de no hacerlo.

El cobrar inter s sobre pr stamos para un igual Jud o est prohibido, pero por ley talm dica ellos deben cobrar tanto inter s como les sea posible a un no jud o. Se exige que los Jud os deben pronunciar una maldici n cada vez que pasan un cementerio no jud oy que cuando pasan un edificio no jud o deben pedir a Dios que lo destruya. Los Jud os tienen prohibido estafarse entre s, pero esa ley no se aplica a la estafa a no jud os. Las oraciones jud as bendicen a Dios por no hacerlos no jud os y otras piden que Cristianos pudieran perecer inmediatamente.

Un Jud o religioso no debe beber de una botella de vino si un no jud o la ha tocado desde que fue abierta. El escritor jud o, Agnon, despu s de serle otorgado el premio Nobel de literatura, dijo en la radio israel : No estoy olvidando que est prohibido elogiar a no jud os, pero aqu hay una raz n especial para hacerlo-es decir, otorgaron el premio a un Jud o.

Estas son las leyes del sistema de creencias llamado Jud o que constantemente se est quejando sobre, y condenando, el racismo contra Jud os!.

El mismo sistema de creencia se funda sobre el racismo m s extremo que usted alguna vez encontrar . Todav a el grito de Antisemita se usa para desacreditar a investigadores que se est n acercando demasiado a la verdad sobre la conspiraci n mundial. Benjamin Freedman, un Jud o que conoci a los m ximos Sionistas (Sionistas, cultores del Sol) de las d cadas de 1930 y 1940, dijo que el antisemitismo deb a ser eliminado del idioma ingl s.

Continu : El antisemitismo sirve para s lo un prop sito hoy. Es usado como una palabra de mancha. Cuando los supuestos Jud os sienten que alguien se opone a sus objetivos verdaderos, desacreditan a sus v ctimas aplicando la palabra Antisemita o Antisem tico por todas las v as que tienen a su mando y bajo su control.

Uno de estos canales es una organizaci n basada en los Estados Unidos, y operando mundialmente, que fue armada precisamente para condenar como racistas a aquellos que expon an a la Hermandad. Es llamada la Liga Anti-Difamaci n (ADL) y he sido un blanco para ellos yo mismo, algo que encuentro muy reconfortante y la confirmaci n de que estoy yendo en la direcci n correcta. Tiene gran apoyo de aduladores no-jud os que desean mantener a la ADL dulce (apaciguada) y alimentar su propio deseo de aparentar su sentido de propia pureza.

Tomar seriamente los movimientos santurrones, m s-santos-que-t, y anti-racistas cuando empiecen a protestar contra todo racismo y no s lo lo que conviene a su correcci n pol tica. El olor de la hipocres a hace doler mis fosas nasales. Este racismo de los Levitas no es seguido por la mayor a abrumadora de las personas jud as y muchos se han rebelado contra las leyes raciales estrictas que exigen que los Jud os s lo se crucen con Jud os. La mayor a de las personas que se llaman jud as son criadas desde el nacimiento para ser marionetas asustadas adoctrinadas de esta jerarqu a cruel de los Levitas que se ha metamorfoseado como los Fariseos, los Talmudistas y los Sionistas extremos de hoy, controlados por los rabinos fan ticos que distribuyen la Ley de los Levitas de Babilonia de parte de los reptiles.

La mayor a de las personas que siguen las religiones creadas de estos or genes no tienen ninguna idea de su verdadero origen o Programa. Esto es el conocimiento privilegiado de una lite diminuta en la cima de la red de sociedades secretas que arma y manipula las religiones y sus defensores. No est n preocupados por sus seguidores, sean ellos Judíos, Católicos Romanos, Musulmanes, cualquiera sea. ¡Nada enfatiza más qué farsa son realmente todas estas religiones y razas que los pueblos actuales que se nos dice que son “Judíos”!.

Como escritores y antropólogos judíos han dicho, no hay ninguna cosa semejante como la raza judía. El Judaísmo es una fe, no una raza. El completo concepto de un pueblo “Judío” fue fabricado como una historia de cobertura.

Alfred M. Lilenthal, el escritor e investigador judío, dijo: “No hay ningún antropólogo reputado que no estará de acuerdo en que el racismo judío es una tontería tanto como el racismo ario…. La ciencia antropológica divide la humanidad en tres razas reconocidas: negra, mongol y oriental, y caucásica o blanca (aunque algunas autoridades hacen referencia a una cuarta raza-los australoides)…. Miembros de la fe judía son encontrados en todas las tres razas y subdivisiones.”

El punto es, sin embargo, que dentro de la fe judía y otras culturas, hay una raza, una raza escondida operando en secreto, que lleva los linajes de los plena sangre y cruzados de reptil. Estos linajes parecen, en la superficie, ser parte de estas fés y culturas cuando, de hecho, están ahí para aprisionar y manipular. Así es con los Levitas. Se pone aún más absurdo, e indicativo de en qué mundo de cortina de humo vivimos, cuando usted se da cuenta de que la mayoría de las personas que se llaman judíos hoy no tienen conexión genética en absoluto a la tierra que llaman Israel. ¡Todavía esta misma conexión es la que fue usada para justificar la imposición de una patria “Judía” sobre los pueblos árabes de Palestina!.

Otra vez, como escritores judíos como Arthur Koestler han expuesto, todos excepto una pequeña minoría de las personas que crearon y poblaron el Estado de Israel, se originan genéticamente en Rusia del sur, no Israel. La nariz aguileña que es considerada tan “Judía” es un rasgo genético de Rusia del sur y el Cáucaso, no Israel. En 740 DC, un pueblo llamado los Jázaros tuvieron una conversión masiva al Judaísmo.

Koestler escribe: “Los Jázaros no vinieron de Jordania, sino del Volga, no de Canaán, sino del Cáucaso. Genéticamente están más relacionados con los hunos, Uigares y los magiares que con las semillas de Abraham, Isaac y Jacob. La historia del imperio Jázaro, a medida que surge despacio del pasado, empieza a parecer el engaño más cruel que la Historia alguna vez ha perpetrado.”

Hay dos subdivisiones principales de aquellos que se llaman judíos, los Sephardim y los Ashkenazim. Los Sephardim son los descendientes de ésos que vivieron en España desde la antigüedad hasta el siglo XV cuando fueron expulsados. Los Ashkenazim son los antepasados de los Jázaros. En la década de 1960 fue calculado que los Sephardim sumaban aproximadamente medio millón, pero los Ashkenazim sumaban aproximadamente once millones.

Estos once millones no tienen absolutamente ninguna conexión histórica con Israel en absoluto, pero son los que invadieron Palestina y crearon el Estado de Israel con la justificación de que “Dios” les prometió esa tierra en el Antiguo Testamento. ¿Quién escribió el Antiguo Testamento?. ¡Sus sacerdotes, los Levitas!. ¿Y quién escribió el Nuevo Testamento que creó el Cristianismo?: Personas controladas por la misma fuerza que controlaba los Levitas, la Hermandad Babilónica.

El Nuevo Testamento

Está bien, una pequeña prueba. ¿De quién estoy hablando?.

Él nació de una virgen por inmaculada concepción a través de la intervención de un espíritu santo. Esto cumplió una antigua profecía. Cuando nació el tirano dirigente quería matarlo. Sus padres tuvieron que huir a la seguridad. Todos los niños varones bajo la edad de dos años fueron muertos por el gobernante cuando trató de matar al niño. Ángeles y pastores estaban en su nacimiento y recibió obsequios de oro, incienso y mirra.

Fue venerado como el salvador de los hombres y llevaba una vida moral y humilde. Realizó milagros que incluyeron curar al enfermo, dar la vista a los ciegos, expulsar a demonios y levantar muertos. Fue condenado a muerte en la cruz entre dos ladrones. Descendió al infierno y se levantó de entre los muertos para ascender de regreso al cielo.

Suena exactamente como Jesús, ¿no?. But is not. Así es cómo describieron al salvador dios oriental conocido como Virishna 1.200 años antes de cuando se afirma que Jesús nació. Si usted quiere a un salvador dios que murió así que nuestros pecados pueden ser perdonados, haga su elección del mundo antiguo porque hay un torrente de ellos, todos se originan con la raza aria y reptil-aria que salió del Cercano Oriente y los Montes Cáucasos.

He aquí sólo algunos de los héroes “Hijos de Dios” que tienen el papel principal en historias que reflejan a aquellas atribuidas a Jesús y casi todos eran adorados mucho antes de que ni siquiera fuese oído hablar de Jesús:

Krishna de Hindostán;

Buda Sakia de India;

Salivahana de Bermuda;

Osiris y Horus de Egipto;

Odín de Escandinavia;

Crite de Caldea;

Zoroastro de Persia;

Baal y Taut de Fenicia;

Indra de Tibet;

Bali de Afganistán;

Jao de Nepal;

Wittoba de Bilingonese;

Tamuz de Siria y Babilonia;

Atis de Frigia;

Xamolxis de Tracia;

Zoar de los Bonzos;

Adad de Asiria;

Deva Tat y Samonocadam de Siam;

Alcides de Tebas;

Mikado de los Sintoos;

Bedru de Japón;

Hesus o Eros, y Bremrillahm, de los Druidas;

Thor, hijo de Odín, de los Galos;

Cadmus de Grecia;

Hil y Feta de Mandaites;

Gentaut y Quetzalcoatl de México;

Monarca Universal de las Sibilas;

Ischy de Formosa;

Divino Maestro de Platón;

El Santo de Xaca;

Fohi y Tien de China;

Adonis, hijo de la virgen Io, de Grecia;

Ixión y Quirino de Roma;

Prometeo de los Cáucasos;

Mohamed o Mahoma, de Arabia.

Todo salvo unos pocos de esos “Hijos de Dios” o “Profetas”, y las religiones de prisión mental que fundaron en sus nombres, vienen de las mismas tierras ocupadas o influenciadas por pueblos que surgen del Cercano Oriente y el Cáucaso. Las tierras de los arios y reptil-arios.

Otros “Hijos de Dios” incluían a Mithra o Mithras, el dios romano-persa pre-Cristiano, y en Grecia y Asia Menor tenían a Dionisio y Baco. Éstos eran hijos de Dios que murieron así que nuestros pecados pueden ser perdonados, nacidos de una madre virgen, y sus cumpleaños eran en…. ¡25 de diciembre!. Mithra fue crucificado, pero se levantó de entre los muertos en 25 de marzo-¡la Pascua!.

Las iniciaciones Mithraicas tenían lugar en cuevas adornadas con los signos de Capricornio y Cáncer, simbólicos de los solsticios de invierno y verano, los puntos altos y bajos del Sol. Mithra fue a menudo retratado como un león alado, un símbolo para el Sol todavía usado por las sociedades secretas hoy. Referencias al león y el “agarre de la garra del león” (apretón de manos secreto) en el grado Maestro Masón de la Masonería se originan con esta misma corriente de simbolismo de la escuela de misterios.

Los iniciados en los ritos de Mithra eran llamados leones y eran marcados en sus frentes con la cruz egipcia. Los iniciados en primer grado tenían una corona de oro puesta sobre sus cabezas, representando su ser espiritual, y esta corona, simbolizando los rayos del Sol, puede ser encontrada sobre la Estatua de la Libertad en el Puerto de Nueva York. Todos estos rituales se remontaban miles de años a Babilonia ya las historias de Nimrod, la Reina Semíramis, y Tammuz, su versión de Jesús. De Mithra se dijo que era el hijo (Sol) de dios que murió para salvar a la humanidad y darles la vida eterna.

Un símbolo clásico de Mithra era como un león con una serpiente enrollada alrededor de su cuerpo, mientras él sostenía las llaves del cielo. Éste es más simbolismo de Nimrod y el origen de la historia de San Pedro, uno de los 12 discípulos de Jesús, que sostiene las llaves del cielo. Pedro era el nombre del sumo sacerdote en la escuela de misterios de Babilonia. Después de que un iniciado del culto Mithraico había terminado el ritual, los miembros tenían una comida de pan y vino en los que creían que estaban comiendo la carne de Mithra y bebiendo su sangre.

Se decía que Mithra, como una lista larga de dioses pre-Cristianos, había sido visitado por hombres sabios en su nacimiento que le trajeron obsequios de oro, incienso y mirra. Lo mismo fue dicho por Platón de su maestro, Sócrates, en Grecia antigua. ¡El Cristianismo es una religión pagana del Sol, la adoración del cual es condenada por el Cristianismo!. ¡Es también una religión de astrología, el “mal” que es condenado por el Cristianismo, sobre todo por el Papa!.

Diríjame hasta arriba Scotty, está loco aquí abajo. La jerarquía de la iglesia, por supuesto, sabe todo esto. Sólo no quieren que usted lo sepa. El culto de misterios de Mithra se extendió desde Persia al Imperio Romano y en un momento esta doctrina podía ser encontrada en casi cada parte de Europa. El sitio actual del Vaticano en Roma era un lugar sagrado para los seguidores de Mithra, y su imagen y símbolos han sido encontrados cortados en rocas y tablillas de piedra en todas las provincias occidentales del anterior dominio romano, incluyendo Alemania, Francia y Gran Bretaña.

El Cristianismo y la Iglesia Católica Romana fueron basados en el dios del Sol persa-romano llamado Mithra (Nimrod), que tiene un equivalente más temprano en India llamado Mitra. De Tammuz o Adonis (Señor), que fue reverenciado en Babilonia y Siria, se decía que nació a medianoche en 24 de diciembre. Éstos eran también “hijos” de Dios.

Horus era el “Hijo” de Dios en Egipto. Se derivó del Tammuz babilónico y, a su vez, proveyó otro cianotipo para el posterior Jesús.

Las conexiones son devastadoras para la credibilidad de la iglesia Cristiana:

Jesús era la Luz Del Mundo. Horus era Luz Del Mundo.

Jesús dijo que era el camino, la verdad y la vida. De Horus dijeron que era el camino, la verdad y la vida.

Jesús nació en Belén, la “casa del pan”. Horus nació en Annu, el “lugar del pan”.

Jesús era el Buen Pastor. Horus era el Buen Pastor.

Siete pescadores abordan un bote con Jesús. Siete personas abordan un bote con Horus.

Jesús era el cordero. Horus era el cordero.

Jesús es identificado con una cruz. Horus es identificado con una cruz.

Jesús fue bautizado a los 30. Horus fue bautizado a los 30.

Jesús era el hijo de una virgen, María. Horus era el hijo de una virgen, Isis.

El nacimiento de Jesús fue marcado por una estrella. El nacimiento de Horus fue marcado por una estrella.

Jesús era el niño maestro en el templo. Horus era el niño maestro en el templo.

Jesús tenía 12 discípulos. Horus tenía 12 seguidores.

Jesús era el Lucero Del Alba. Horus era el Lucero Del Alba.

Jesús era el Cristo. Horus era el Krst.

Jes s fue tentado sobre una monta a por Satan s. Horus fue tentado sobre una monta a por Set.

Figura 14: Una piedra erguida fenicia retratando a su dios del Sol, Bel o Bil, con el halo representando los rayos del Sol. Esta es precisamente la manera en que Jes s es retratado porque l, tambi n, era un s mbolo del Sol.

De Jes s se dice que es el juez de los muertos . Tiene alguna competencia all .

Esto tambi n era dicho de los m s tempranos Nimrod, Krishna, Buda, Ormuzd, Osiris, Aeacus y otros.

Jes s es el alfa y la omega, el primero y el ltimo. As eran Krishna, Buda, Laokiun, Baco, Zeus y otros.

Se afirma de Jes s que llev a cabo milagros como curar al enfermo y levantar a personas de entre los muertos. Tambi n se lo hace de Krishna, Buda, Zoroastro, Bochia, Horus, Osiris, Serapis, Marduk, Baco, Hermes y otros.

Jes s naci sangre real. As fueron Buda, Rama, Fo-hi, Horus, H rcules, Baco, Perseo y otros.

Jes s naci de una virgen. As fueron Krishna, Buda, Lao-kiun o tsze, Confucio, Horus, Ra, Zoroastro, Prometeo, Perseo, Apolo, Mercurio, Baldur, Quetzalcoatl y por lejos demasiados otros para mencionar.

Jes s, se nos dice, nacer otra vez. El cielo va a estar bastante lleno de gente porque Krishna, Vishnu, Buda, Quetzalcoatl y otros, tambi n estar n ah .

La estrella en el nacimiento de Jes s es otra historia multi-deidad y se remonta por lo menos al relato babil nico de Nimrod quien, en un sue o, vio una estrella brillante salir sobre el horizonte. Los adivinos le dijeron que esto predec a el nacimiento de un ni o que se har a un gran pr ncipe.

Todo se recicla. Jes s es un hombre mito.

Figura 15: Mar ay Jes s?. No, sta es la manera en que los egipcios retrataron a Isis y Horus. Si usted viviera en Babilonia antigua stas habr an sido la Reina Sem ramis y Tammuz.

El personaje inventado de Jes s era un dios del Sol.

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