Therapists training course "Quantum Harmonization", by Andrea Labat

  • 2013

1st Level: Emotional and physical healing

Find your inner wisdom to heal body and mind by harmonizing the ways of the soul.

The Training course consists of three HARMONIZATION AREAS, which will be taught in two LEVELS

This 1st Level, will be dictated on two consecutive weekends and enables to transmit harmonization to other and of our emotional and physical bodies.

SCOPE 2 and 3 will be transmitted on the 2nd level.

Course material, CD, the necessary tools for its practice and certificate are delivered

The QUANTIC HARMONIZATION System of DNA DNA allows us to organize our conscious life according to the ways of our Soul. This means that our society with our Divine part is completed.

The Soul wisely keeps all the information of the paths traveled and for constantly traveling and organizes the route to follow. There is a whole system developed so that these ways of learning and cleaning are followed as agreed by all the souls involved in them. This means that this system is fixed before incarnating and recorded in people's DNA.

The energies that are entering our planet, are activating our DNA so that cleaning routes are opened organizing situations that authorize their release. If the person does not flow with this cleaning, energy blockages that can occur from emotional conflicts to diseases occur.

This system works directly on our newly activated ascensional body, on the circuits and chakras that we have activated in it, unlocking all karmic energy from this or other lives, producing the release of it from our DNA in a quantum way, releasing the fear that the different experiences to work produce and making these can be confronted with love and in total awareness, allowing the awakening of the different layers of our DNA completing our soul anchoring process.

This process of awakening our DNA allows the connection with our Higher Self or our internal guide since it cleanses and harmonizes all internal channels tuning in with our soul and its purpose for this and all our incarnations.

Formerly the systems of healing or harmonization, worked only on the chakras, emotional and subtle meridians belonging to their energy body.

Today, they are already in harmony with the energies that enter the planet and with the multidimensional characteristic of their souls and their entire cosmic being. That is the level of application of this system.

More info:

Phone: 0266-15-4669911




August 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9

The quantum harmonization of ADN®, acts on our newly activated ascending body, also called the body of light, on the circuits and chakras that we have activated in it, unlocking all karmic energy from this or other lives, producing the release of it from our DNA in a quantum or electromagnetic way, releasing the fear that different experiences to work produce, causing them to be confronted with love and in total awareness and allowing the awakening of the different layers of our DNA completing our soul anchoring process.

It works on your bodies of light, its circuits and chakras, as well as with all your energy system, tuning your whole being to your divinity, thus being able to connect with your inner wisdom. This is achieved because in the harmonization the energy blockages are detected allowing it to flow for resolution and healing aligning with your purpose in this life.

In the channeled message you receive from your guides the information of which energy was unlocked at the time of the Quantum DNA harmonization, of the guidelines to follow to be able to flow to the solution of your conflicts, bringing understanding to everything that happens to you.

The session lasts approximately 1 h. It is recommended to record the channeling since it follows guidelines and learning that are essential for the growth and knowledge of yourself.

Request shifts in advance for August 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16

Shifts from 2:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Andrea Labat:



Therapists training course. ”Quantum harmonization”, by Andrea Labat

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