Esoteric Healing, by Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul (Alice A. Bailey)

  • 2013


The subject of healing is as old as the same ages and has always been a matter of research and experimentation. But the correct use of the healing forces and the faculty of healing is in its infancy. Only in this age and generation, it is possible, finally, to impart the laws of magnetic healing and to indicate the causes of the disease -originated in the three internal bodies- that today devastate the human structure, cause endless suffering and pain, and make man go through the portal that leads to the world of disembodied existence. Only now has man reached a degree of evolution of his consciousness in which he can begin to understand the power of subjective worlds and the new and vast science of psychology is his response to this growing interest.

The processes of adaptation, elimination and healing are the concern of people who think and suffer. We have much to do, therefore I ask you to be patient.

When we enter the realm of healing, we enter a world of great esoteric knowledge and infinite conclusions, and we face the formulations of innumerable minds, which in the course of the ages have tried to cure and help. The reason and the reason for the diseases has been the subject of endless investigations and speculation and countless categorical deductions have been made regarding the cure of such ailments. Countless methods, techniques, formulas, prescriptions, variety of manipulations and theories have also been formulated. All this serves to fill the mind with ideas - right ones, others wrong - which makes it difficult for new students to enter and assimilate, as of now, unknown.

Applicants lose valuable knowledge if they refuse to abandon what the lower mind estimates. When they have managed to open their minds and are willing to accept the new theories and hypotheses, they will discover that the old and esteemed truths are not really lost, but are relegated to their proper place in a larger scheme.

The initiates of Eternal Wisdom are necessarily healers, although perhaps not everyone heals the physical body. The reason for this is that all souls who have achieved some measure of true liberation are transmitters of spiritual energy. This automatically affects some aspect of the mechanism used by the souls with whom they come into contact.

When I use the word mechanism in these instructions, I refer to the different aspects of the instrument, the body or nature form, through which souls seek to manifest themselves, therefore I am referring to:

1. The dense physical body, total sum of all the organisms that compose it; these perform the different functions that allow the soul to express itself in the physical or objective plane, as part of a larger, larger and more inclusive organism. The physical body is the response mechanism of the spiritual inner man, and serves to put this spiritual entity in harmony with the response mechanism of the planetary Logos, that Life in which we live, move and have our being.

2. The etheric body has a fundamental objective, which consists in vitalizing and energizing the physical body and thus integrating it into the energy body of the Earth and the solar system. It is a network of energy currents, lines of force and light.

It was part of the vast network of energies that underlies all forms, large or small - micro or macrocosmic. Cosmic forces flow through these energy lines, just as blood flows through the veins and arteries. This constant individual circulation (human, planetary and solar) of life force through the etheric body of all forms, is the basis of all manifested life and the expression of the essential non-separativity of each life.

3. The astral or desire body (sometimes called the emotional body) is the effect produced by the interaction of desire and the sensitive response on the self that is in the center, and the resulting effect (on that body) is experienced as emotion, pain, pleasure and all pairs of opposites. In both bodies, the etheric and the astral body, resides ninety percent of the causes of illness and physical ailments.

4. The mental body, or that amount of mental substance or chitta, that the individual human unit can use and impress, constitutes the fourth mechanism of the series, available to the soul. Recall also that the four bodies constitute a single mechanism. Five percent of modern diseases originate in this body or state of consciousness; I want to clarify here that what certain schools of healers constantly reiterate, that the mind is the cause of all diseases, is not yet a proven fact. Within a million years, when human attention shifts its focus from emotional to mental nature, and when man is as essentially mental as today he is essentially emotional, then the causes of diseases should be sought in the realm of the mind. Today they can be taxed, except in a few and rare cases, to the lack of vitality or excessive stimulation, and to the spheres of feeling, desires (frustrated or excessively satisfied) and also to the character, to the suppression or expression of deep-seated longings, to irritability, secret pleasures and many hidden impulses, emanating from the subject's life of desire.

This yearning to be and possess, has built and is building the external physical response mechanism, and today is forcing that mechanism, which was expressly built for physical purposes, to serve purpose. more subjective situations. This causes difficulties, and only when the man understands that within the external physical envelope there are other bodies that respond to more subtle purposes, then we will see the gradual readjustment and health of the physical body. Physical. These subtle wraps will be dealt with later.

Naturally, you will ask yourself here: What general plan will you follow as I instruct you on the laws of healing, those laws that guide the initiates and gradually replace them? Physical methods of the current art of healing. Logically they will want to know the special technique that - as curators - they must learn to apply both as you try to cure.

I will briefly outline the teaching I will teach; It will be noted where they should put the emphasis, when they begin to study this topic.

First, I will deal with the causes of disease, because the esoteric student must always begin in the world of origins and not in the world of effects.

Second, I will elaborate the seven methods of healing that govern the restitution work (so named in esoteric terminology) as the initiates of the world practice.

These methods determine the techniques that should be employed. It will be observed that such methods and techniques are conditioned by the rays, (on which I have already written) * and therefore the curator must consider not only the ray to which he belongs, but also the patient's beam. There are seven lightning techniques accordingly and these require elucidation before they can be applied intelligently.

Third, I will put the emphasis on psychological healing and the need to treat the patient according to their internal life, because the basic law that underlies all occult healing can be said to be the following:


All disease is the result of the inhibition of the life of the soul.

This is true for all forms of all kingdoms. The art of the curator consists in liberating the soul, so that his life can flow through the conglomerate of organisms that constitute a certain form.

It is interesting to note that the attempt of scientists to release the energy of the atom is generally of the same nature as the work of the esoteric when it strives to release the energy of the soul. In such liberation the nature of the true art of healing is hidden. Here is an esoteric hint.

Fourth, we will consider the physical body, its diseases and its ills, but only after having studied that part of the man behind the dense physical body and surrounding it. In this way we will work from the world of internal causes to the world of external events. We will see that everything that concerns the health of man has its origin in:

1. The total sum of forces, feelings, desires and occasional mental processes that characterize the three subtle bodies and determine the life and experience of the physical body.

2. The effect produced on the physical body by the condition of humanity as a whole. A human being is an integral part of humanity; an organism within a larger organism. The conditions existing in the whole will be reflected in the I-unit; and many of the evils that man suffers today, are effects of the conditions existing in the fourth kingdom of nature, not being the man responsible for them.

3. The effect on your physical body, produced by the planetary life, expression of the life of the planetary Logos, an evolving Entity. The implications of this are beyond our comprehension, but the effects are discernible.

I have no greater interest in training individuals to become more efficient healers. My goal is to carry out the cures in a group way, because I am interested in the work done in that way. No group can work as a unit, unless they love and serve each other. The healing energy of the spiritual Hierarchy cannot flow through the group if there is disharmony and criticism. The first job, therefore, of any group of curators, is to establish a current of love between them and work through group unity and understanding.

I would like to point out here the need for patience as the curator group is integrated and the auras of its members merge. It will take time for people to learn to work together with perfect understanding and impersonality, and at the same time achieve, during their work, a centralization that produces the necessary group rhythm, a rhythm of such unity and intensity that work can be synchronized internally. As applicants and students work along these lines, they should train to think as a group and give the group, without meanness or reluctance, the best in them and also the fruit of their meditations on such issues.

I could also add that these instructions should be as concise as possible.

I will endeavor to put many truths and information into a few words, so that each phrase conveys some real idea and sheds true light on the problems facing the healing group. What I will say will be divided into two parts: First, I will deal with the general work of healing and teaching, and this implies that I must impart laws, techniques and methods.

Second, I will deal with the curator, and how he can improve himself in the art of healing.

Is it not true that the first requirement for every curator is to establish a sympathetic harmony with the patient, so that the curator has an internal vision of the difficulty and gains his confidence?

Magnetism and Irradiation are two words that meet the requirements for all true healers and must strive to acquire them. A healer must be magnetic about all things and attract to himself:

to. The power of his own soul; This involves alignment through individual meditation.

b. To those he can help; This involves decentralized attitude.

C. Those energies that, when the need arises, will stimulate the patient to initiate the desired activity. This involves occult knowledge and a trained mind.

The healer must also know in what form he must radiate, because the irradiation of the soul will stimulate the activity of the soul from which he must be healed, beginning the healing process; the irradiation of his mind will illuminate the other mind and polarize the patient's will; the irradiation of his astral or emotional body controlled and disinterested, will impose a rhythm to the agitation of the patient's astral body, which will allow him to act correctly; while irradiation of the vital body, acting through the splenic center, will help organize the patient's body-force, thus facilitating the healing task. Therefore the curator has a duty to be effective and, according to what he is, so will the effect it will have on the patient. When a healer works magnetically and radiates the strength of his soul on the patient, he can more easily achieve the desired end which can be the total healing or the establishment of a mental state that will allow him to continue living with his ailment, without being seen hindered by the karmic limitations of the body, or perhaps it can be released properly (with joy and ease) from the body and obtain complete health through the portal of death.

Notes: * Treaty on the Seven Rays, Volumes I and II



This is the problem for which all medical science has struggled to find a solution in the course of the ages, and is to find the root causes of diseases. In our current mechanistic era we have wandered too much on the surface of things, moving away from the partially truthful point of view, maintained in past centuries, that diseases lie behind the "bad moods" gestated, and proliferate in the internal subjective life of the patient. Because of the evolution of the knowledge obtained, we have now reached the surface of things (note that I do not use the word “superficial”) and the time has come when knowledge can re-enter the realm of the subjective and transmute into wisdom . At present, it warrants the recognition, in the best mentalities of the medical and related professions, that in the subjective and unknown attitudes of the mind and of the emotional nature, and in the life of inhibited or excessive sexual expressions, the causes must be sought Of all diseases.

At the beginning of this study I would like to tell you that although I knew the last cause of the diseases, it would be incomprehensible to you. The cause lies far behind, in the history of our planet's legendary past, in the (hiddenly interpreted) course of Planetary Life, and has its roots in what is generally called "cosmic evil." This phrase makes no sense, but symbolically describes a state of consciousness of certain "imperfect Gods." Given the initial premise that Deity itself is working to achieve perfection, beyond our understanding, it can be inferred that certain limitations and zones or states of existence exist for the Gods themselves and for GOD (such as the LIFE of the solar system) awareness that still waiting to be dominated. These limitations and relative imperfections can cause definite effects on His manifestation bodies - the different planets considered as an expression of Lives and the solar system considered as an expression of a LIFE.

Given also the hypothesis that such external bodies of the divinity, the planets, are the forms through which certain deities express themselves, it can be truly and logically deduced that all lives and forms within those bodies are necessarily subject to these limitations and imperfections arising from those unexplored areas of consciousness and those states of perception, hitherto not reached by the Deities embodied in the planetary and solar form. Given the postulate that each form is part of a greater form, and that we actually "live, move and have our being" within the body of God (as St. Paul expresses it), we, as an integral part of the fourth kingdom of Nature, we share this general limitation and imperfection.

To capture something more from this general premise is beyond our power to understand and express, since the general mental team of common aspirants and disciples is inadequate for the task. The terms "cosmic evil, divine imperfection, limited areas of consciousness, the freedom of the purely divine spirit", used so superficially by the mystics and esoteric thinkers of the time: What do they really mean? The claims of many schools of healing, regarding maximum divine perfection, and the formulation of their beliefs that humanity will truly free itself from the common ailments of the flesh, are not often high-sounding, personifying an ideal often based on desires selfish? Do they not constitute sentences without any meaning in their mystical implications? How could it be otherwise, when only the perfect man can have a real idea of ​​what constitutes divinity?

It is much better to admit the impossibility of man understanding the deeply rooted causes of what can be seen arising in the evolution of the life of form.

It is not smarter to face realities and facts, as they exist for our current understanding, and understand that just as man can penetrate more intelligently into the mind of God than in the lower mind of the animal, there may also be other higher minds, acting in higher realms of nature, which must certainly see life with more reality and accuracy than the human genre ? It is quite possible that the objective of evolution (as it has been delineated and accentuated by man), in the last analysis, is only a fragment of a goal greater than man, with its finite understanding n, you can get.

The whole purpose, as it is hidden in the mind of God, may be very different from what man could conceive today; and cosmic evil and good, reduced to terminologies, can lose their full meaning and only be seen through the illusion and illusion with which man surrounds all things . The best mentalities of this era are already beginning to see the first faint ray of light that pierces this mirage and serves to reveal the reality of illusion. Through this Light the following truth will be revealed to those who expect and have an open mind: Deity itself is in the path of Perfection.

Many are the implications of this statement.

In treating the causes of disease, we will adopt the position that the fundamental and last cosmic cause escapes our grasp, and that only as the Kingdom of God becomes go revealing on earth, we will get a real understanding of the wide and general diffusion of diseases on our planet and in the four kingdoms of nature. However, a few basic statements can be exposed, which, in the macro-cosmic sense, will be timely established as truths and can already be demonstrated as such as regards the microcosm intelligently.

1. Every disease (and this is something known) is caused by the lack of harmony or disharmony between the form aspect and life. That which unites form and life, or rather the result of this union, called soul, the self in regard to humanity, and the integrating principle, as regards the subhuman kingdoms.

Diseases appear where there is no alignment between these various factors, the soul and form, life and its expression, subjective and objective realities. Consequently, spirit and matter are not freely related to each other. This is a way of interpreting the First Law and this whole thesis is intended to expose that Law.

2. The disharmony that produces what is called disease, runs through the four kingdoms of nature and brings those conditions that produce pain (where sensitivity is exquisite and developed) and in all parts congestion, corruption and death. Reflect on the following words: Disarmament, Illness, Pain, Congestion, Corruption, Death, because they describe the general condition that governs the conscious life of all forms, macro and microc smicas. They do not constitute the causes.

3. However, these conditions can be considered as purifying in their effects, and so should humanity consider them if they want to assume the correct attitude towards diseases. This is often forgotten by the fanatic curator and the extremist exponent of an idea, finely captured and in most cases only part of a larger idea.

4. Methods of healing and palliative techniques that are peculiar to humanity, resulting from the mental activity of man. They indicate the latent power that he possesses as creator, and that progresses towards liberation. They point out their discriminative ability to present perfection, visualize the objective and therefore work towards that last liberation. At present his mistake consists in:

to. Your inability to see the true value of pain.

b. His resentment for the suffering.

C. His misunderstanding of the law of non-resistance.

d. His excessive emphasis placed on nature forms.

and. His attitude towards death and his feeling that the disappearance of life, out of visual perception, through the form, and the consequent disintegration of that form, indicate disaster.

5. When human thought reverses common ideas, regarding diseases, and accepts them as a natural occurrence, man will begin to apply the law of liberation, right thoughts, which will lead to non-resistance.

Currently, due to the power of his directed thought and his intense antagonism towards the disease, the difficulty only tends to invigorate. When you reorient your thinking towards the truth and the soul, the diseases of the physical plane will begin to disappear. This will be evident by studying later the method of removing them. The disease exists. The forms in the kingdoms of nature lack harmony and are not aligned with immanent life. Everywhere there is disease and corruption and the tendency to dissolve. I choose my words carefully.

6. Therefore, disease is not the result of wrong human thinking. It existed among the innumerable ways of life long before the human family appeared on earth. If you seek a verbal expression and if you wish to speak within the limits of the human mind, you could say with some accuracy that:

God, the planetary Deity, is guilty of mistaken thinking. But they will not express the whole truth, but only a tiny fraction of the cause, as it appears to your weak and finite mentality, through mirage and general world illusion.

7. From a certain angle, disease is a process of liberation and the enemy of static and crystallized. Do not believe that I expose that the disease should be accepted and yearn for the death process. If so, we would cultivate the disease and reward suicide. Fortunately for humanity, the whole tendency of life is contrary to disease, and the reaction that life produces in the way in the thinking of man, fosters the fear of death.

This has been correct, because the instinct of self-preservation and the preservation of the integrity of the form is a vital principle of matter, and the tendency towards self-perpetuation of life within the form is one of the greatest gifts of God and will persist. But in the human family this must opportunely yield its place to death as an organized and liberated process, in order to conserve strength and provide the soul with a better instrument of manifestation. For this freedom of action, the entire human race is not yet prepared. The disciples and aspirants of the world must begin to grasp these new principles of existence. The instinct of self-preservation governs the relationship of spirit and matter, of life and form, until the Deity itself decides to incarnate within Her body of manifestation, a planet or a solar system. In the above I have given an indication as regards one of the basic causes of the disease and the endless struggle between the imprisoned spirit and the imprisoned form. This struggle uses as its method the innate quality that expresses itself as the desire to preserve itself and the desire to perpetuate itself (in the current form and species).

8. The Law of Cause and Effect, called Karma in the East, governs all this. Karma, in fact, must be considered as the effect (in the life of the shape of our planet) of deeply rooted and hidden causes in the mind of God. The causes that we should look for with regard to illness and death are really only the performance of certain basic principles that govern - who can say whether correctly or erroneously? - God's life in form and will always be incomprehensible to man until the moment of receiving the great initiation, symbolized for us in the Transfiguration. Throughout our study we will deal with secondary causes and their effects, with the phenomenal results that those subjective effects emanating from causes too remote to be able to capture. This should be accepted and understood, being the maximum that man can do with his current mental mechanism. How can man, arrogantly claim, understand everything, when intuition rarely acts and the mind is rarely enlightened? You must first devote yourself to developing intuition and achieving enlightenment. Then understanding may come to him, for he will have deserved the right to acquire divine knowledge.

But the recognition mentioned will be sufficient for our work and will allow us to establish those laws and principles that will indicate how humanity can cease to be aware of the form, and its consequent immunity to death and to those sick conditions that govern our planetary manifestation today.

We will divide our study, with respect to the causes of the disease, into three parts, eliminating, in the search for truth, the understandable but equally useless desire to capture the thoughts of Deity.

I. Psychological causes.

II. Causes emanating from group life.

III. Karmic debts, karmic causes.

All this only provides a general idea (the only thing possible now) about the diseases that exist in the human family and, in a certain percentage, in the animal kingdom.

When this general idea is captured, there will be a clearer understanding of the problem and then it will be possible to continue with the consideration of the methods that will allow the undesirable effects to be handled more easily. Students of the Art of Healing should similarly remember that there are three methods to obtain healing, and all three have their place and value, depending on the point of evolution of the subject undergoing healing.

First, we have the application of these palliative and improving methods that gradually cure diseases and eliminate undesirable conditions; they reconstruct the life of the form, and promote vitality, so that the disease can be developed.

From these methods allopathic and homeopathic schools and the various osteopaths and chiropractors and other therapeutic schools, are good examples. They have done a good and constructive work and the debt that humanity has to the wisdom, capacity and altruistic attention of doctors is very large. They always face pressing conditions and dangerous effects of causes that do not show obvious symptoms on the surface. According to these methods, the patient is in the hands of a stranger and must be passive, obedient and negative.

Second, we have the work and methods of the modern psychologist, who tries to address the subjective conditions and straighten the wrong attitudes of the mind, the inhibitions, the psychosis and the complexes that produce the external states of the disease, morbid and neurotic conditions and mental disorders. According to this method, the patient is taught to collaborate as much as possible with the psychologist, in order to obtain the proper understanding of himself, learn to eliminate these internal and compelling situations, responsible for the external results. It teaches you to be positive and active, and this is a great step in the right direction. The tendency to combine psychology with external physical treatment is sensible and correct.

Third, a new and superior method that consists in calling man's own soul to initiate a positive activity. The true and future healing will be effected when the life of the soul can flow without impediment or obstacle through every aspect of nature forms, being able to vitalize it with its potency and also eliminate those congestions and obstructions that are a fruitful source of diseases.

Here is a lot to reflect. If I explain cautiously the practical application of the techniques and methods, it is because I try to lay a solid foundation for what I will teach later.


On the training of the curator I will give in spaced form six rules that govern (or should govern) their activity. Remember the two words I gave earlier. Summarize the activity of the curator: MAGNETISM and RADIATION. Ambas producen diferentes efectos, como veremos más adelante.


El curador debe tratar de vincular su alma, corazón, cerebro y manos.

Así puede verter la fuerza vital curadora sobre el paciente. Esto es trabajo magnético. Puede curar la enfermedad o acrecentar el estado maligno, de acuerdo al conocimiento del curador.

El curador debe tratar de vincular su alma, cerebro, corazón y emanación áurica. Así su presencia puede nutrir la vida del alma del paciente. Este es trabajo de irradiación. Las manos no son necesarias. El alma despliega su poder. El alma del paciente, a través de la respuesta de su aura, responde a la irradiación del aura del curador, inundada con la energía del alma.

Al considerar las causas de las enfermedades es necesario decir unas palabras respecto a las condiciones externas e internas. Será evidente para el pensador casual, que muchas enfermedades y las causas de la muerte se deben a las condiciones ambientales de las cuales él no es responsable. Éstas abarcan desde los acontecimientos estrictamente externos hasta las predisposiciones hereditarias, y podrían enumerarse de la manera siguiente:

1. Accidentes, que pueden ser causados por negligencia personal, acontecimientos grupales, descuidos de otras personas, refriegas callejeras como en los casos de huelgas y por la guerra. Tambi n pueden ser producidos por un animal ov bora, envenenamiento accidental y muchas otras causas.

2. Infecciones que llegan al hombre externamente y no como resultado de su propia y peculiar condici n sangu nea, constituyendo las diversas enfermedades infecciosas y contagiosas y las epidemias prevalecientes. El hombre puede contraerlas en el cumplimiento del deber, por sus contactos diarios o por la amplia propagaci n de la enfermedad en su ambiente.

3. Enfermedades debidas a la desnutrici n, especialmente en los ni os. Este estado de desnutrici n predispone al cuerpo a la enfermedad, aminora la resistencia y la vitalidad y contrarresta el poder luchador del hombre, conduci ndolo a la muerte prematura.

4. Herencia. Existe como bien se sabe ciertos tipos de debilidad hereditaria que predisponen a la persona a contraer ciertas dolencias y llevan a la consecuente muerte o producen esas condiciones que conducen a un constante debilitamiento del aferramiento a la vida; tambi n existen esas tendencias que constituyen una especie de apetito peligroso y producen h bitos indeseables, relajamiento de la moral, y son un peligro para la voluntad del individuo, inhibi ndolo en su lucha contra tales predisposiciones, sucumbe a ellas y paga con la enfermedad y la muerte el precio de tales h bitos.

Estos cuatro tipos de enfermedades y las causas de la muerte explican gran parte de lo que acontece en la vida de la gente pero no han de ser definidamente clasificados como causa psicol gica de las enfermedades, ys lo ser n considerados muy brevemente en la parte que trata de la vida grupal y las causas que predisponen a la enfermedad. Se tratar n tambi n las enfermedades infecciosas, pero situaciones como las que se producen, por ejemplo, en un accidente automovil stico o ferroviario, no se considerar n dentro del ac pite, respecto a las causas que producen enfermedades, si bien la tarea del curador puede estar involucrada en estos casos, el trabajo que se debe realizar es algo diferente del que se lleva a cabo cuando se trata de esas enfermedades que tienen sus ra ces en uno de los cuerpos sutiles, o son el resultado de enfermedades grupales, etc. Las dolencias producidas por la mala nutrici ny la alimentaci n err nea de nuestra moderna vida y civilizaci n, no ser n consideradas aqu .

Ning n ni o es individualmente responsable de ellas. Me ocupo de las enfermedades derivadas de err neas condiciones internas.

La responsabilidad del ni o por las condiciones de su vida es pr cticamente nula, a no ser que se admita el karma como factor predisponente y el poder de producir esos reajustes que surgen del pasado y afectan el presente. Tratar esto m s ampliamente en el tercer punto, referente a nuestras deudas k rmicas. S lo sugerir que el temario de las enfermedades podr a ser encarado desde el ngulo del karma, lo cual seria de valor definido y concluyente si se hubiera dado una correcta ense anza sobre este abstruso tema, desde que fue impartido en Occidente pero la verdad tal como nos ha llegado de Oriente ha sido tan distorsionada por los teólogos orientales, como las doctrinas de la Expiación y del Nacimiento virginal han sido mal interpretadas y enseñadas por los teólogos occidentales. La genuina verdad tiene muy poca semejanza con nuestras formulaciones modernas. Por lo tanto me encuentro seriamente limitado cuando debo tratar el tema de las enfermedades desde el ángulo del karma. Me es difícil impartir algo de la verdad tal como realmente existe, debido a las ideas preconcebidas sobre la antigua Ley de Causa y Efecto, que necesariamente existen en su mente. Si les dijera que la doctrina de la Emergente Evolución y las teorías modernas acerca de la actuación de un catalizador sobre dos sustancias -que cuando son puestas en mutua relación bajo el efecto del catalizador produce una tercera y diferente sustancia- encierra mucha verdad sobre el karma, ¿me comprenderían? Lo dudo. Si les dijera que el énfasis puesto sobre la Ley de Karma, que explica aparentes injusticias y acentúa la aparición del dolor, la enfermedad los sufrimientos, es solo una presentación parcial de la verdad básicamente cósmica, ¿aclararía algo? Si señalara que la Ley de Karma, correctamente interpretada y manejada, puede traer aquello que produce más fácilmente la felicidad, el bien y la liberación del sufrimiento, que el dolor con su corolario de consecuencias, ¿creen que captarían el significado de lo que digo?

El mundo del espejismo es en la actualidad tan fuerte y la ilusión tan potente y vital que no podremos ver estas leyes básicas en su verdadero significado.

La Ley de Karma no es la Ley de Retribución, coma podría suponerse al leer los libros actuales sobre el tópico: Esto es solo un aspecto de la actuación de la Ley de Karma. La Ley de Causa y Efecto no se debe entender como hoy se interpreta. Existe, a manera de ilustración, una Ley denominada Ley de Gravedad, que se ha impuesto en la mente del hombre. Tal ley existe, pero sólo es un aspecto de una ley mayor, y su poder puede ser, como sabemos, relativamente contrarrestado, pues cada vez que vemos volar un avión tenemos la demostración de la anulación de la ley por medios mecánicos, simbolizando la facilidad con que puede ser superada por los seres humanos. Si se dieran cuenta verían que están aprendiendo la antigua técnica por la cual el poder de levitación es uno de los ejercicios iniciales más fáciles y simples.

La Ley de Consecuencias, no es inevitable ni algo establecido como creen las mentalidades modernas, sino que está relacionada con las Leyes del Pensamiento, más íntimamente de lo que se imaginan; la ciencia mental ha ido a tientas tratando de comprenderla. Su orientación y propósito son buenos y correctos y tiene grandes probabilidades de obtener resultados; sus conclusiones y métodos de trabajo son hoy extremadamente malos y engañosos.

Me he referido a esta incomprendida Ley de Karma, pues ansío que emprendan el estudio de la Ley de la Curación con mente libre y abierta, hasta donde sea posible, teniendo en cuenta que la comprensión de estas leyes está limitada por:

1. Antiguas teologías con sus estáticos, distorsionados y erróneos puntos de vista. La enseñanza de la teología es mucho más engañosa, pero por desgracia, es generalmente aceptada.

2. El pensamiento del mundo, fuertemente matizado por el elemento deseo, que contiene muy pocos pensamientos verdaderos. Los hombres interpretan estas leyes, confusamente percibidas, en términos determinantes y desde su pequeño punto de vista. La idea de retribución subyace en gran parte en la enseñanza sobre el karma, porque el hombre busca una plausible explicación de las cosas tal como él las ve, y tiende a retribuir de la misma manera. Sin embargo hay mucho más karma bueno que malo, aunque, por vivir en un periodo como el actual, les cueste creerlo.

3. La ilusión y el espejismo mundiales que evitan al hombre común e ignorante, ver la vida tal como verdaderamente es. Incluso el hombre avanzado y los discípulos están sólo comenzando a obtener una vislumbre fugaz e inadecuada de una gloriosa realidad.

4. Mentes incontroladas y células cerebrales que no han sido liberadas ni despertadas, impiden al hombre llegar a una correcta comprensión. Este hecho pocas veces se reconoce. El mecanismo de la comprensión es todavía inadecuado. Este detalle debe ser recalcado.

5. Temperamentos nacionales y raciales con sus temperamentos predisponentes y prejuicios. Estos factores también impiden la exacta apreciación de estas realidades.

Por lo expresado verán que sería una tontería de mí parte decir que ustedes comprenden las leyes que están tratando de descubrir y entender. Nada es tan confuso en la mente humana como lo que concierne a las leyes relacionadas con las enfermedades y la muerte.

Por lo tanto es necesario comprender, desde el comienzo, que todo lo que diré, bajo el título de Las causas psicológicas de la enfermedad, no se relaciona con esas dolencias o predisposición a las enfermedades surgidas del medio ambiente, o esas taras definidamente físicas, heredadas de los padres, que han llevado en sus cuerpos y transmitido a sus hijos gérmenes de enfermedades, heredados a su vez de sus padres. Quisiera aclarar que las enfermedades heredadas son mucho más escasas hoy de lo que se supone; la predisposición a la tuberculosis, a la sífilis y al cáncer son las más importantes en lo concerniente a nuestra presente humanidad; son heredadas y también pueden trasmitirse por contacto. De estas me ocuparé en nuestro segundo y principal acápite, sobre las enfermedades que emanan del grupo.

Extracto de libro: Curación Esotérica, por el Maestro Tibetano Djwhal Khul (Alice A. Bailey)

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