How old are you - Kryon

  • 2015

Greetings, dear ones,

I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

Again, my partner takes a step aside. For him this is a process. After so much time, he goes through the same process, because taking a step outside himself sometimes requires a linearity of unity. It took him some time to learn how, but in this process he floats above, he observes; could enter at any moment, he can merge with Kryon. He learned these things.

But in general he has to get out of the way, in that purity that during these years has increased more and more as he understood that he had to get out of the way completely and completely. I only mention this for what will come in the next few minutes. I want to give you a greater perspective of the Creator's benevolence. My partner already heard this in your language, but I want to expose it again for the Italians, to honor this culture and for those who hear this to know a little more about the greatness of who you are. For this, they must suspend their belief for a short period. This day had to do with meditation, increasing in this building the sweetness of the spirit.

I want them to come with me. Before coming to this planet, they were still here, you know it. Dear ones, everyone observed how the Earth formed.

In a timeless way, they were here; its beautiful. If you pay attention, you will see something: a plan, a beautiful plan for your galaxy. So we will think big. When this Universe was created, there were many, many galaxies; there are still. You usually use the words "universe" and "galaxy" as equivalents, but you are not. Almost everything that concerns us here with regard to vibrations is from its galaxy. There are other nearby galaxies, very close, and there is a lot of life there too, but it is different, and it is difficult to explain this unless you know that there is a bigger plan.

Galaxies have their own vibration and there is a lot of life in all of them. There are systems in all, and they involve a great deal of time. But that is then, this is now. And now we want to talk about your galaxy. When it was forming, there was a plan as to which planets could be sown and when; which could have the option to have souls placed there, so that the same kinds of things that happened here happened. But a plan for life is required, because the galaxy is the same age, most stars were created at the same time, so it takes billions of years to create a galaxy, and stars and solar systems are created that are about the same age.

But this did not work that way with you, because it was necessary that this process that you have seen happen now and not in the beginning. A sequence of solar systems and planets that are sown to each other once they have ascended is required. It is required that we delay life on certain solar systems and planets . You see, here is a bigger, more beautiful perspective. Because it has a meaning for you that I will tell you in a moment. Again: we have already given this information but not in your language; I want them to see something much bigger than what they expected.

Life began on this planet at the same time as on others. But it was stopped. And it started again and stopped. And it started again and stopped. It started for the fourth time and stopped. It required five beginnings for biology to begin with the microbes that began everything. It is because life is absolutely natural; it forms by itself, in the processes that are around it. You will discover that there is life in your solar system. It is not human life, but there is life. Someday, when they analyze it, they will discover that it also has DNA. The basic pieces that build life are the same throughout the galaxy.

The basic process of life is the same, even now. Scientists begin to study the rocks, the asteroids they can reach; they look and find similarities in everything, just like on Earth. What formed the Earth did everything else, so you may believe that you are unique, but the process that initiated life has been everywhere; in his case it was too early and he had to be arrested.

Meanwhile, there were other galaxies far away where the stage was different from yours. But I will not talk about these; Only yours. The Universe has a similar age; Some believe it was created from nothing . Is that not the case. The real creation of this universe goes against the rules of Physics that you understand. It was not an explosion or a flash of light. Everything appeared at the same time, created from a point of change in dimensionality. Now, I will only get there in the explanation of the creation that took place. It was not a big bang; Somehow, it always existed.

But the dimensionality that you experience now had to be created from another dimensionality, and from there your universe began, from there it came. It is not the first time this happens. They look at their universe and it is vast; it is all that it is; But it is not all that it is. It is one of the many multiverses that exist outside your perception, that would astonish any human being who saw the truth. All created from the Great Central Fountain. How great is God? Big enough to have created universes around his, and small enough to be in their hearts.

When life stopped here, it flourished in many other solar systems. Long before the dinosaurs, there were advanced civilizations, with human souls, looking very similar to yours, going through their own processes in their own worlds, with their own timelines, their dualities, their own knowledge of darkness and light, and they looked at the cosmos and asked themselves the same question: Will there be life?

And only when they passed the marker, as you did, when they began to increase their spiritual evolution, they discovered the multidimensionality of their own life force, and they instantly felt life in other planets and other galaxies: intuitively they knew they were not alone. Do you understand what is going to happen here? But let's get on with the story.

There were a series of solar systems very similar to this; some had solar systems with double stars, unlike theirs that has one, but the puzzle was always the same: could they find God within themselves? These solar systems were also delayed in one series, so that life began early in one, and later in another, and then in another, so that when one graduated to the ascended state, he could sponsor the Next planting the seeds.

In many there is a story of creation equal to yours. Meanwhile, there was no life on Earth. By then it had begun three times and had stopped. It was not difficult for life to stop on the planet; all that was needed was for the volcanoes to erupt and cover the planet with ashes for a hundred or two hundred years and life no longer existed.

I had to start over. And he did it! So while the Earth was still a hot rock, many civilizations were going through the same as you. One reached the ascended state and then planted the seeds for another. That is what happened; the story of his creation sounds similar to that of here, and if he could pass his marker it was possible to reach the ascended state and plant the seeds of the next. Some did not succeed; they never exceeded the duality of survival; Some destroyed themselves by free choice. Some are still in survival mode and never made progress.

They are too far apart to know each other. Really. Except the ascended, because their multidimensionality allows them to see their whole lives. We will tell you some. Did you know that if you become multidimensional as human beings, when your DNA begins to operate in the vibration of a Master, do you connect with the Creative Source? That allows them to see souls everywhere.

I am giving you advanced information, for one reason only: I want you to understand something, in a few moments I will connect the dots. Meanwhile, Earth was not allowed to begin the process of life. Although it requires hundreds of millions of years, it would grow to be what it is now. You must have been delayed; life could not start here because at the point where you should receive the ascended seeds you had to have a certain age: be new. And they are! Humanity has not really been here for a long time, and humans with the creative seed, very little. The programming had a purpose. It is complex, for those who would ask when humans received their souls. Every life has a certain type of soul, but not a soul with a Higher Self with the option of duality and mastery. With free will to vibrate on any frequency they want. That is a riddle that is restricted to only one planet at a time in the galaxy.

One planet at a time: right now it is this planet. But there have been many before this one, because the galaxy is ancient. Now you will understand. If you study life on planet Earth, its geology, you will see an enigma that makes no sense. How long it has required to reach a point where you started, and suddenly there was an acceleration in development, which allowed the process that developed humanity. A controlled evolution.

Now, here they are; We have told you all about this score that they exceeded. Does it make sense to you, when considering the age of your galaxy and Earth, that life is so new and recent here? (Serie). When scientists apply the simulation with their computers, they will see that this was totally and completely designed, and that you are, therefore, the new boy in the neighborhood (laughs). They have passed the score, they are heading for the ascent. 2012 was the marker for Earth. 2013 recalibration began.

2014 has been Year One. They are now in Year Two. What do they know about a two year old boy? (Serie). As soon as they begin to learn what the process of wisdom is like, to get out of survival mode, to start with their DNA to accelerate spiritual evolution step by step. New government processes, new ways of combining resources, inventions that will give them free energy and water, wisdom not to kill each other, the beauty of life they can get, where there are no diseases.

Sounds too good to be true. It is what you chose. They are beginning to experience it. Right here where I am now, you have gathered the enemies of the past. All of them. This country and those around it, all conquering each other every few hundred years. A cycle of death that stopped. And they have begun to combine, they are experimenting, did you notice? With new consciousness, with new ideas, this is new! Never before on Earth did civilizations look at each other and say, "How can we put these things together to work, without competing for resources?"

A day will come when all the resources they use today will no longer be used, because they will have the Physics that is coming, multidimensional, that can only be given to an accelerated race that has passed the score. Here comes the big question: when the Earth was there, with the volcanoes erupting, and all those other planets reaching ascension and sowing, ascending and sowing, where were you? Where do you think they were?

Some will say, "Well, we were waiting for the right moment on the planet when we could arrive as human beings!" I see. And while they waited, what did they do? In rocking chairs, maybe? (Serie). Cosmic games, maybe. Just waiting for Earth to be prepared. It's not like that. I will reveal who you are. Dear ones, your soul is so big (laughs)…. They may not really understand this. All who are here on this planet now, have participated in every planet of free will for five billion years (laughs). You are as old as the galaxy, and you are part of the first who received the seeds, and moved to the second planet, and the third, and the fourth; I just defined what an ancient soul really is. Could it be that you are so big? And so old? Right now, your akashic record contains only the part of the Earth; However, some are waking up to a bigger and bigger truth of life on other planets in which they participated, because Akash is becoming multidimensional.

One akash on top of another; past lives and, beyond, past planets; Some of you know what I'm talking about because it's already happening here and you can't explain it. “Where was I? What was he doing? Why do I look different? ”Science fiction says that those on other planets look strange. Well, it's not like that. They look like you (laughs). Because the process of life in this galaxy is similar everywhere. It is the DNA; It develops in a certain way. There may be different sizes and colors, but they are humanoid. However; I just told you what they were doing while the Earth cooled. They were busy, going through this in other worlds.

Now I ask you: do you think you are prepared for this or not? Yes they are! They've been through this before! Even you are what your spiritual parents would call - that is the stellar reincarnation in a five billion year timeline. When I look at them, I know who they have been, far from Earth, and it's amazing, family, how old they are. And that only implies this galaxy. Before this universe was created, they were in another, doing something completely different, and they were my family back then. And now I arrive, in this brief life of my partner and I begin to give you the information that is actually already inside of you, beginning to appear gradually. Someday this Earth can happen to what we call Ascension.

The dispensation of ascension; They will have a completely open Akash and know exactly who they are. It is difficult to describe how that will be, except that they have already experienced it. I close with this thought: deep inside of each one is the memory of how mastery is. Deep down, they are very eager to get there again! So impatient! They look at the heavens and want things to happen. Intuitively they know the great Physics; They are waiting for her. Why are they here?

When they see the negativity on the planet, on some level they are waiting for it to go away as it has in the past. They see the negative energy of those who want to push them back, who want them to kill each other, to remain at the basic level of survival, want to put them there, and spread fear where they can. Somewhere, deep down, you are waiting impatiently for them to leave.

Because they know they will do it as they did before. You have already seen this battle of darkness and light, know that it is temporary and want to move forward with it. You have seen many times an ascended planet, and a part of you knows it, you are so impatient! We tell you: Stop that! They will be here anyway! Why rush it? This is what you do. They will be here to see and participate as they did before, and their Akash will wake up and remember that they did.

The awakening of the akash will really give them the inventions they want, because the same physicists who originated them on the other planets today are children here. (Serie). They're here! You can feel it too. That's why they are so impatient. You are not teachers in preparation: you have been teachers many times. Yes they are. I wouldn't tell you this if it wasn't true. What do I gain by giving them this information? There are real seeds in all these things, and none is metaphorical. The truth is that you are old and your soul is eternal, and you have been doing this for a very long time. So, dear ones, that's why we love you so much. Now they know. And so it is. Kryon

by Lee Carroll

Description and translation : M. Cristina Cáffaro


How old are you - Kryon

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