Bodies without age minds without time by Deepak Chopra

  • 2016

Five years ago the first edition of Bodies without age, minds without time came to light. Since then they have been read by more than two million people worldwide, and continue to receive thousands of letters each month from readers who claim that the book has changed their perception as well. As your experience about aging. Since the appearance of the book there have been spectacular changes in the way people go through the aging process. In the history of our civilization we can find many examples of people who have made their greatest contributions to society in the last years of their lives. Picasso, Miguel Angel, Leonardo da Vinci, Leon Tolstoy, George Bernard Shaw. Winston Churchill and many others shone with extraordinary vitality, showing themselves dynamic and creative in the so-called mature age.

As I write this introduction, astronaut John Glenn, 77, is planning to return to outer space, and just a few weeks ago I saw a woman on television who, at 90, was taking skydiving lessons. Today, the segment of the American population that is growing at a faster rate is those of people who have already turned 90, and will soon be those of those who have reached 100 years. So, we don't need anyone to convince us that something spectacular is happening in the biology of aging. On the other hand, research continues to show that the biological markers of aging, such as blood pressure, bone density, body temperature regulation, muscle density and strength, sugar assimilation capacity, level of sex hormones, hearing, immune functions and near vision, can be improved, even at the last stage of our life.

In other words, the main biological markers of aging are all reversible. Which means that aging itself is reversible.
I am convinced that if you do the exercises that appear in this book, you will slow down and even reverse the aging process.

Over the years many people have asked me to summarize the principles of this book. It is important to recognize that aging is a complex process that involves many factors. However, it is possible to summarize the basic principles contained in the following pages:

1. Aging is reversible. The biological age does not correspond to the chronological age. You can be chronologically twenty years old and find yourself emotionally and physically finished, with what your biological state will be that of an old man. On the contrary, you can be seventy years old and be physically, spiritually and emotionally fit, with the biological levels of resistance, vitality, creativity, lucidity and dynamism characteristic of a young person.

2. The accumulation of toxins in the body accelerates the aging process, or entropy. These toxins are the result of a toxic environment, toxic or contaminated food or drinks, toxic relationships and toxic emotions. By eliminating these toxins you will help the time of your biological clock begin to march in the direction of youth.

3. Physical exercise, including weights, has a direct effect on the biological markers of aging, reversing its process.

4. Proper nutrition, as well as nutritional supplements, such as antioxidants, for example, are very useful for slowing the aging process.

5. Meditation retards biological aging .

6. Love is the most powerful and powerful medicine . Heals and renews at the same time.

Many people, especially those who have not read the book, continue to ask me what the mind is without time and how it influences the biological clock. I am increasingly convinced that our experience of time directly influences the operation of this clock. If you "have little time", your biological clock accelerates; if, on the contrary, "you have all the time in the world, " your biological clock slows down. In transcendent moments, when time remains motionless, your biological clock stops.

The spirit is that territory of our consciousness where time does not exist. Time is the continuity of memory, which uses the ego as an internal point of reference. When we go beyond our ego to enter the realm of our spirit, we break the barrier of time. Ultimately, both qualitatively and quantitatively, life depends on our sense of identity. If we give our existence a meaning and purpose, and our identity is not subject to an " encapsulated ego, " then it will be quantitatively and qualitatively increased to spectacular levels. More than resorting to any exercise or nutritional supplement, the most important thing you can do to change your life is to put the following principles into practice:

· Concentrate your attention on the timeless, the eternal, the infinite.

· Keep your ego apart .

· Be natural; abandon the need to constantly hide behind a social mask.

· Surrender to the mystery of the universe.

· Feeds a feeling of communion with the Spirit or Divinity .

· Lower your defenses, abandon the need to defend your point of view.

I wish you good luck on the journey through life. We have met briefly on the cosmic highway. We will see each other again.

AUTHOR: Deepak Chopra, MD


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