Bodies of Light, Children of God by Bherta Alicia

  • 2010


A few years ago there were several solar explosions and alignments of planets, these energies were triggered by the universe, but as our planet was relatively close, and part of that we had the great hole of the ozone layer, because these energies gave us fully to each one of us.

Many had symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness etc., but really the real symptoms were even more inside.

Before the human being had only 2 DNA, it was believed that one was from the father and another from the mother, also within us we had more DNA only that they were “asleep” or “dead” better called as DNA junk.

Well, since the solar explosions, these "dead" DNA began to shine, or to wake up, leaving scientists surprised, a human being who previously had only 2 DNA could now have 3 or 5 or 6 active DNA in the body.

This of course attracted a lot of attention and they started testing, they took a donor's DNA, and they took it to their laboratory to study it, the surprise was, they noticed that the DNA turned off and shrunk and sometimes turned on and it lengthened.

They discovered that even though the donor was several kilometers away, the DNA was still responding to their emotions, that is, when the donor was upset or worried, the DNA would go out and shrink, but when the donor was happy or full of emotions of love, DNA grew, activated more DNA and illuminated completely.

Now, what happened when these DNAs remained on for a long time?

A true roll inside our bodies!

This is that our cells regenerated faster, relieving disease, making us immune to disease, and not only that, but this "Christ" light within us, was creating bridges within the brain.

We have the brain divided into two parts, unfortunately we always used only a small part of one, while the other side was always inactive, now that the new DNA is active in our body because they are forming a kind of membranes or bridges that you see They are activating the other part of the brain that always remained off.

Thus achieving a true awakening of the consciousness that we always had asleep.

Now, these energies reached us and they still continue to reach us all on the planet, but not all of them are taking advantage of them, because if we remain full of worries, angry, and stressed, then the DNA will shrink and shut down, without being able to form those membranes that revive the other side of the brain, and there will be no "awakening"

We must try to always remain in peace and harmony, try to focus on the love for others, so that our DNA will come on and form our body of light, Yes, our BODY OF LIGHT !, which will soon remain fully illuminated, becoming BEINGS OF LIGHT, multidimensional beings and true CHILDREN OF GOD.

That is why I emphasize prayer and meditation so much, because in doing so, we activate our DNA and so they can form these membranes that will help us wake up to who we really are.

In conclusion, if we are not in the frequency of love, if we do not meditate, and continue to engage in the problems of the world, we will never be able to activate our light bodies and therefore we cannot ascend.

The more we meditate, the more we pray and ask for others, the more we manage to OPEN THE HEART and burn all around us, the faster our awakening of consciousness will be.

If we do not give ourselves the time, if we continue searching and using the pretext that I do not have time, then it will not be given, and each one will live what he has sown.

Do you want to wake up Do you want to ascend? Do you want to become what you truly ARE? For then take priority to meditate and fill yourself with love, accept with the open heart these beautiful energies that are reaching us to form your body of light, and we can ascend to a higher dimension.

Our beloved GAIA is also doing it! So we must align with her, so as not to stay on the road.

We are rising to the 5th dimension, there is no time as we know it here, so everything you think will be! In that instant, can you imagine? It will be blown up all that you want, but EYE, because it will also be blown up what you do not want, what you fear most, so we must ascend with the mind dominated by the heart and thus we will only create things of good, things that if we want to see made in our life and in our world.

We are many who are waking up, because by waking some, they help to wake up others, it is as if somehow your light turns on mine, and mine turns on hers, and very soon WE WILL ALL BE ONE, a single light, formed With many hearts.

That is why my beloved hearts, accept these energies, accept the awakening of conscience, accept to become luminous bodies full of energies of love, that we will soon form the new world, because we are already forming it! We just need to light our Bodies of Light also to be able to ascend to him.

A kiss

Always in the light

Bertha Alicia

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