Cristina does not give up and I do not either

  • 2011

"Hi Marisa. I don't know if you remember me, I'm the mother of Jesus. ” This is the beginning of a truly moving and quantum story.

A few months ago Cristina contacted me because I needed help. I wanted to write to Drs. Banerji to explain the case of his son, a two and a half year old boy diagnosed with a brain tumor and receiving homeopathic treatment.

He had met doctors a couple of years ago at the III Congress on Complementary and Alternative Treatments in Cancer. The congress welcomed international speakers with extensive experience in alternative cancer medicine but they were Drs. Banerji (father and son) who most attracted my attention. At the end of his presentation I saw how many people gathered around asking for appointments, telephones, information, expressing gratitude. Upon returning home, I did a little research on them and published the article that has generated more comments on the blog.

Last February, after translating the medical report of Jesus, the treatment prescribed by the doctors and referring everything to Cristina -the mother of Jesus-, I forgot the case. And I continued with my life.

A couple of weeks ago, Cristina wrote to me again. He asked me to write a second time to Dr. Banerji to review the treatment that he continued to give the child after 6 months. Now his child had worsened; the cancer was back and this time with no reverse; It is incurable. The only option according to traditional medicine is to start palliative chemotherapy. These last two words have upset me inside and shrunk my heart. How do you tell a mother to start admitting the slow death of her 3-year-old baby? What kind of person would we be talking about when she applied decides to obey the recommendation of doctors, health experts, and is positioned to testify daily worsening until the extreme unction of your child?

Dr. Prasanta Banerji, as always, responded immediately and FREE OF CHARGE. He has recommended the same homeopathic and added one more. The treatment requires administering doses every 3 hours throughout the 24 hours of the day, including at night, of course.

Cristina's attitude in the first emails was of absolute decorum and strength but after receiving my signs of solidarity and affection, her heart opened: “I am desperate my son is the only thing I have in this life and I am not willing to throw in the towel because he does not deserve it, he is luxating komo a jabato and I must not lose hope pk those and my son is the only thing I have. ”

He sent me this message through the blackberry ... At the same time he asked me for the help I could give him in order to get some positive feedback towards the improvement of Jesus. Without resigning himself to the diagnosis of the hospital where he was being treated, he was knocking on the door of many children's and cancer hospitals WITHOUT any response or hope received so far. And until today, although this story has only been a couple of weeks. But Jesus is still here ...

I believe in the therapeutic effects of music in the brain. Pepe Soler and I work with frequencies of solfeggio and in the case of Jesus, we have added a message of dolphins and a locution of love, peace, health and life that is repeated throughout almost the time that the hearing lasts. Of course, the message respects above all the freedom of the soul, which is loose and exempt from any plea because from our human point of view it is very difficult for us to get a glimpse of the plans that a soul has on its path to evolution. In any case, circumstance and space where the soul is - Jesus -, the tape ends with a message of "always love, freedom, peace and life".

As long as I feel a deep tenderness and admiration for our medicine, the traditional one, the intention of this particular article is to defeat the sovereignty imposed by it regarding the diagnosis given to this child Jesus.

According to the information available in one of the most respected databases within the international scientific community, to date more than 1800 scientific papers on the therapeutic effects of meditation have been published. Quantum Mechanics relies on several principles impossible to understand from logic and human wisdom. One of them is the uncertainty itself, which can now be used as the door restraint, as a decorative object that is placed on the door and prevents a blow of air violently closing the door suddenly. This door that we are going to keep open is that of HOPE. The uncertainty principle itself reminds us that it is not possible in life to have what seems to happen. In this case, Cristina, UNCERTAINTY ACCOUNTS OUR FAVOR.

Another great quantum principle is that of "entanglement, " and citing Vlatko Vedral, Professor of Quantum Physics at the University of Oxford in the interview he gave this year to Eduard Punset about this phenomenon: "The phrase he always used [ Einstein] was "ghostly action at a distance." Because an experiment can be performed here that suddenly affects an object far, far away; which, of course, is not possible according to classical Newtonian physics. ” Fragment of the interview:

Vlatko Vedral:
When we analyze the fundamental units of reality, those that compose everything around us, I believe that we should no longer think of these units as fragments of energy or matter, but that we should think of them as units of information. ... In quantum mechanics it cannot be said that something exists or not unless a measurement has been made, so it is inaccurate to say: "we have an atom located here" unless we have interacted with that atom and received information that substantiate your existence there. Therefore, it is logically and physically incorrect, or rather experimentally, to speak of fragments of energy or matter that exist independently of our ability to confirm it experimentally. Somehow, our interaction with the world is essential for the world to emerge, and you can't talk about it regardless of that. For this reason, my hypothesis is that, in reality, the information units are what reality creates, not the units of matter or energy.

Eduardo Punset:
Therefore, it is through these information units, the information that people get either on the train or on the street.

Vlatko Vedral:

Eduardo Punset:
Or in the phone booths, all that builds reality, according to you.

Vlatko Vedral:
Exactly, as is.

From the interview we extract several points of interest for our case:

1. Interaction between particles exists despite being separated by a considerable space; Call me someone in Jaón, Lugo or Quito affects someone located in Madrid or the Congo. No doubt about it.

2. Everything is INFORMATION, there is not even matter and this is really difficult not only to understand but to integrate. If there is no matter, everything seems much more workable if we know how to influence the information. Hence, the locution with music and the message on both sides of the brain night after night.

3. INTENTION IS THE KEY that is required to successfully carry out that transfer of information from one person to another. Vedral calls it interacci n but it interacts with the deep and sincere intention to modify the information contained in that CONSCIENCE that borders and welcomes everything known.

And finally we should not forget the concept of critical mass, something that continues to cause me real interest. How many people are required to change the state of matter or information in your case, in a perceptible and considerable way?

I deeply believe in these quantum properties and, like Cristina, I am not going to subordinate myself to the medical dictation of Jesus. Hope always awaits at the end of every door and after all, how many times in my life will I be knocking at my door?

I invite all those people who, like me, feel that they want to contribute through the intention and solidarity to visualize every night around 22:00 Spanish time - the time that everyone wants and feels - the recovery of Jesus. Each one must visualize, and therefore send the information, to Jesus and his brain that is composed of millions of neurons that are very alive and overflowing health. Although respecting the sacred freedom that every soul treasures, yes, we will intentionally ask that he remain in a state, third-dimensional or beyond, where peace, freedom, joy and love reign.

And the rest we leave to the uncertainty itself.

Cristina, never give up.

Thanks Nieves

Networks for Science

Healthy: Effects of Meditation

Science recognizes the effects of meditation


One - Four, Anne Geddes

Cino and Six: Thanks to Anonymous


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