Crisis in personal relationships

  • 2012

The old world is falling apart, literally. Politics, the world economy, imbalances in nature and the deep dissatisfaction of people clearly show that the old paradigm is no longer valid. And that's how it has to be ...

In this new era that is already beginning, everything that is not based on Love, unity, collaboration and respect for life will have to leave, because only then can we create a new world together.

For most people the challenge in these times lies in the economic aspect. Loss of jobs, dissatisfaction in a job that does not offer personal fulfillment, instability and uncertainty, and an urgent need to make changes, although fear can paralyze us and then we dare not make them.

To overcome these challenges it is essential to study and implement the laws of prosperity. Fortunately, there is a lot of information available about how to create reality with awareness, and in this blog I shared Chopra's audio, “How to create abundance, ” which is a wonderful tool for attracting prosperity, which is our birthright.

It is also very important to remember that life is change, and that if we do not make the changes that our soul asks us, we can fall ill, or lead a life that is not what we want and deserve.

But for many other people the challenges occur in their personal relationships. Expectations that are not fulfilled, agreements that are no longer valid, power struggles, disagreements, conflicts and separations, and an urgent need to assert ourselves, to make changes, and to recover inner freedom.

It is in the area of ​​relationships where we can clearly see in which aspects we do not love ourselves, since the other is just a mirror. We can fight and create conflicts with the mirror, or we can, with Love and conscience, realize how we are not giving ourselves what we just demanded in the other.

Others cannot give us what we do not give ourselves. We cannot demand respect if we do not respect each other. We cannot demand care and attention if we do not take care of ourselves and give ourselves what we need to feel full.

In my book and in my courses I offer valuable tools so that Love for yourself is a palpable reality, and that it can be reflected in all aspects of your life.

Well, the challenge for everyone in these times is to be and vibrate Love, at every moment. And until we learn it and live daily, we will go through deep crises, to somehow awaken the Love that we already are, and that we already have inside.

2012 The blog of Enriqueta Olivari . The contents can be reproduced, but quoting the author and the site:

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