Beliefs or Limits

  • 2016

Beliefs or limits in man has grown, evolved and learned from beliefs, concepts, ideas and rules. This has been the world we have known and that we believed was the only way to live.

The truth is that the human being has not been conscious, has been asleep and lost, far from the true and only truth. We thought we were insignificant, that we could not live more than from control, from rules and laws that told us that it was right or not, they told us how When and how we should continue, what we should be and how we should be and do, how far we could go and above all we could not stand out, no We could highlight because then you were teased or discriminated against.

The human being has grown based on limits, barriers, fears, control and attachments that is the way to create dependence and vulnerability.

The time has come to get out of the barriers, limits, dependencies and control. We are much more than beliefs, habits and dependence. We are autonomous individuals to choose where we want to go, to discern what we are beyond concepts, fears and rules. We cannot believe and Be, if you believe you are not. It is about understanding what the beliefs have, meaning they are: energy limiting patterns, which limit an area or areas of your life and that can affect: Affective, economic, social or personal area or all areas, and that do not allow us to expand as we would like.

These beliefs are of different origin, they can be self-generated by ourselves for ideas and concepts that we have taken as ours and they produce internal blockages that do not allow us to go beyond them, dragging us into restrictive and oppressive behavior patterns. . Other beliefs are those ideas or projections of others that we have given them body, and we assume as real. Some limiting beliefs are those that we learned and inherited from our ancestors and that over time were transmitted to us and was recorded in our psyche. There are also unconscious beliefs recorded in society, the collective that have been giving rise to a form of egregor that took power and control over the masses and individuals.

The truth is that no belief helps us to be free. For a belief to support us we must base it on a deep feeling and must go beyond the conventional, beyond the form, it must be based on the feeling from the heart without relying on thoughts or voices that do not come from the depths of our Inner being, where there are no voices to turn off, where there is the truth of who we are, not in a way, not in a prescribed knowledge, but in the knowledge of knowing who you are without form, without space and without separation. Where you are without beliefs, thoughts, ideas and concepts.

There is a place that is not a place, there is a space that is not space, there is a truth that is not true, but the Intrinsic Truth, which is alien to form, space and time and that makes us Be from freedom ... to know us engineers and pawn of our existence.

Being is ... the form, is ... the Truth, is ... Life and the only way out ... of man, regardless of when, how or where, this is the essence that we are and that at some point in our existence we will see, feel and live not in this way but in any form, as in any form ...

Beliefs no longer serve us, they no longer work in this new matrix. Behavior patterns, the old rules, thoughts, concepts no longer work, they no longer work, ceased to have power, control, authority. The matrix has changed, we are not the same, the same things do not work, nothing is the same and they will continue to change for a long time ...

We must return to our true Home, to the origin of who we are, to the origin of Being, to the origin of my Truth ...

No belief, rule or limit should prevent us from reaching our mastery, our truth and our essence. Let us go beyond what is known, dissociate our behaviors, our behaviors, our patterns that for so long had us caged and repressed. We can re-educate our mind, our brain, our ego or personality, which for so long prevented us from embracing our essence and being.

We associate the mind with emotions, this made us give all the power to "the madwoman of the house" (the mind), the emotions feed the thoughts, but these emotions are created by the personality or ego, not by the Being, the being is beyond the sensations, the Being is a natural state of living or not living because He is and is always just to be found, releasing the limits, the veils we create and at the same time serving the heart of who we are. It is time to return each thing to its place ... that is, when Caesar what is Caesar. To Be we need to live from the heart, there is the only belief that is not belief but the Certainty ..., Evidence ..., Transparency, Innocence, Knowledge and Truth of Being.

Life ... is a roulette, everything must return to the origin ..., where it came from, where it originated ... and formed. The time of Victory arrived ..., the time of transformation, transmutation and regeneration of everything we were not able to see, feel or experience. It is time to return to the origin, it is time to turn the wheel to begin the return to the Father's House, to the Father's Dwelling.

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