Body Growth En route to Spiritual Development, by Jorge E. Morales

  • 2014

1.- As the graph on the left shows, the Cosmos is divided into 7 planes, so the 7th Cosmic Plane; where our Solar System is, it is also divided into 7 Worlds, which are necessary for the Monad or Divine Spark to develop its potentialities and cease to be Divine Spark, to become the Divine Flame creator of planets, Solar Systems, constellations, galaxies, etc. . And like a seed; which is buried in the depths of the earth, so that it will eventually become a splendid tree giving new and better fruits, the Monad descends through the 7 Worlds, from the 7th Cosmic Plane, requiring to be dressed or wrapped in 3 vehicles of the Spirit (Atmic or Divine, Buddhist or Life and Human or the Soul) with its 4 bodies (Mental concrete, desires, emotional or astral and physical [Vital or etheric and chemical or dense]), as indicated by the graph of the right. Which could partly explain why ordinary humans have a septenary life or incarnation.

2.1.- At 7 years, the operation of the negative pole of the chemical ether (Excretion) is completed, together with its positive pole (Assimilation); So the child eats and drinks liquids and performs his functions of assimilation and excretion, by himself / herself. Equally; At 7 years, the formation of the chemical or dense physical body (Solids, liquids and gases) is concluded, to begin the true growth or development of the physical body.

2.2.- At age 14; puberty or adolescence, is when the definitive activation of the negative pole of the vital or life ether (Fluids) ends, simultaneously with its positive pole (Procreation). What allows the young person or the young person to perform the hormonal functions and production of body fluids, with the sexual activities of propagation. Collaterally, with the full functioning of the positive and negative poles of the life or vital ether; of the etheric physical body, the development of the desire, emotional or astral body also begins. And that could be one of the reasons that pubescence is one of the most difficult stages of the ordinary human, all due : 2.2.1.- To what is arduous to control the nascent feelings that emerge from the desire or astral body, when The concrete mental body or mind has not been completely formed, so that it fulfills its function of mastery over emotions. 2.2.2.- When the child does not receive sufficient breastfeeding; In addition to being very important for the psychological development (Mental and emotional or astral) of the person, it also limits the growth of the thymus gland that is closely related: a.- With the maintenance and production of blood up to 7 years. b.- The full growth of the male or female sex glands. c.- And the production of the hormones necessary for the maintenance of the immune system, the activity and interrelation between cells and peripheral tissues, and the appropriate expansion of elevated or excessive feelings. 2.2.3.- The brief affectivity received by the child or the little girl; from birth to age 14, of their parents and the rest of the family. That is why the great importance of the first years of life until the age of 14, given that future happiness will basically depend on the appropriate breastfeeding, family love and the full growth of the thymus gland or the love gland (Run by Taurus B and Venus Q). However, there are very few cases; of those who by karma received little or no affectivity during their childhood, but in maturity, adulthood or the elderly, they somehow knew how to develop the inner Love of the Spirit .

2.3.- At 21 years old; at maturity, the person completes the formation of the negative pole of the light ether (Senses) and its positive pole (body heat and blood production), so that the development of the dense physical body is terminated by reducing the thymus gland and starting the production of blood and body heat, own or individual. Further; at 21, it is when the emergence of the desire or superior astral body (moral values ​​and virtues) and the true birth of the mind or the concrete mental body begins, because the person develops a limited control of emotions.

2.4.- At 28 years old; or adulthood, is when the development of the negative pole of the reflecting ether (Memory) culminates, in parallel with the functioning of its positive pole (Reason), of the vital or etheric physical body. So at the age of 28, the person could be considered fully mature physically, emotionally and mentally.

2.5.- At 35 years; and through the knowledge of yes, the person begins the process of sublimation of the luminous ether (Blood, body heat and senses), of the ethereal physical body. What drives to carry out the relevant exercises for the production of blood and warming of the dense physical body at will; and in turn to understand that many times what is perceived by the five senses, is a hoax or an incorrect interpretation of the brain. At the same time, the concretization of material life begins; and due to the strength acquired by the concrete mental body, it begins with the direction of the lower feelings of the lower desire, emotional or astral body. From 28 to 35 years, it is the stage when marriages take place, the formalization of the family, the acquisition of property and real estate, and work for the material assurance for the family future and personal. But for those who in other lives have worked on the spiritual path, the period of Spiritual Initiations begins; in which at least, the 1st Spiritual Initiation (Full domain of the physical body) should be achieved. Recall that at 33 years, it was when Master Jesus, physically, emotionally and mentally was able to achieve the pinnacle of his Critical Glorification.

2.6.- At 42 years; The stage of the great changes, is when the person truly makes the decision to: a.- Follow completely along the material path, completely ignoring the spiritual. b.- Use the material as support, to finance and project spiritual development. c.- Leave the material life completely; and plunges fully into the spiritual world, because in other lives some progress has been achieved. So those who decide to tread the spiritual path; partially or totally, they undertake the sublimation cause of the ether reflector (Reasoning and memory) of the vital or ethereal physical body, under the following procedures: 1.- Changes in social conditioning ( Family, cultural, racial, educational, religious, political, militaristic, economic, geographical, communicational, etc.) 1 for knowledge (useful, good and true) that enrich the Soul or the Human Spirit 2.- Transmutation of weaknesses and vices of the desire body or under astral; by strengths and emotional virtues, of the desire or superior astral body. So those who in other incarnations have worked in the spiritual life and have achieved the 1 Initiation, now is the time to deserve the 2 Spiritual Initiation (Total control of the body of desires, emotional or astral).

2.7.- At 49 years old; with the exaltation of the luminous ethers and reflector of the vital or etheric physical body; what contributes to the formation of the Body of the Soul, begins with the work of earning the merits to reach the 3rd Spiritual Initiation (Complete thought control; which includes, the concrete mental body or the mind and the superior thought or the Spirit Human or the Soul ). Therefore, those who in other lives have been treading the spiritual path; and at 49 years of age they reach their 3rd Initiation, they do not need to reincarnate or be born anymore, because they have no cause to form new bodies and continue in samsara 2 of life. That is why some authors and spiritual Masters call the causal region the upper region of abstract or higher thinking; because it is there, where the Souls or Human Spirits meet with the Messrs. or Angels of Karma, to weigh the causes provided by their seed or permanent atoms, to enter or not into the chain or circle of life. But nevertheless; Having reached the 3rd Spiritual Initiation, there are some human beings (who have managed to incarnate their Being or Spirit ) or Avatars, who decide to incarnate only to help humanity. On the other hand; until the 3rd Spiritual Initiation, it is up to what can be humanly reached in the 4th Terrestrial Period, by the physical restrictions imposed by the Earth and the dense physical body, which makes it impossible to expand the energies of the Spirit, to reach the Spiritual Initiations following solar and cosmic majors: 4th Initiation (Total Domain of the Spirit of Vine or Buddha ), 5th Initiation (General hegemony of the Divine or Atmic Spirit ), 6th Initiation (Conversion of Monadic Divine Spark in Divine Flame ) and 7th Initiation (Integration with God or return to the Father ).

3.- If after over 35 years; and we have not yet reached any of the initiations described above, it means that we are still in the hard work of self- awareness and looking for ways to get used to keeping the attention of the mind focused on the inner light of the Spirit, to think, feel, act or inhibit ourselves with consciousness (Quintessence extracted by the Soul or the Human Spirit from the knowledge acquired in the experiences surpassed in all incarnations or lives), in order to spiritualize the bodies and achieve the expected spiritual initiations .

By: Jorge E. Morales H.

Body Growth En route to Spiritual Development

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