Create healthy relationships, the challenge of these times. (first part)

  • 2016
Create healthy relationships, our biggest challenge.

Co-creating healthy relationships is one of the most important needs of our times. Until a few years ago we believed that living the life that touched us was what we had to do, and we understood that we were simply lucky or not with family, friends, friends. co-workers and co-workers who touched us.

Today, every day with more certainty, we know that the relationships we have are also a reflection of us and that by healing, these relationships heal as well.

Co-creating healthy relationships implies recognizing some fundamental principles. The first is: THE LAW OF ATTRACTION.

The law of attraction tells us that we attract to our experience that which vibrates on our same frequency. This in practice means that if there is something in your field it is because you attracted it ... You always attracted him.
That is why our environment generally resembles both us and the conflicts we are having: if I am separating or have conflicts with the couple, "magically" a lot of people around me will talk to me about the same. If I am pregnant, I will see around me multiply pregnant women. And so on, every time I am "transmitting" a certain vibration, many people who carry exactly the same vibration will appear in my environment.
However, this is clearly visible for some issues that people usually talk with others, but it is not so for the topics we prefer to hide, because most hide them and we know that it is that secret that is what unites us.

Many times we do not know that conflicts without internal

If I have conflicts with the authority figure, I probably do not even know it, and I am not really going to pay attention to it because it is clearly a conflict that makes my life difficult: I have not managed to assume life as an adult, I have a difficult relationship With what the masculine has represented in my life, I have conflicts with my father, my relationship with my mother hurts ... the reasons are several, but the problem is something that leads me to live very frustrating experiences in my daily life. I have conflicts with my bosses, to the point that they have thrown me out of my work several times, or I felt I needed to quit, always being in worse jobs. I have conflicts with judges, professors, doctors and anyone I consider to be a person with greater hierarchy or more power . A person I know with serious conflicts with the authority was passed 6 traffic tickets in just one year. It is as if every policeman who goes outside always stops him to find a reason to fine him.

Although no one knows about this conflict of mine, I am going to meet people who have the same conflict, because the law of attraction always operates, and I will live in a work or family environment that will never be in harmony.
If I feel insufficient, I will most likely have a partner who feels insufficient for me, and that will lead me to abandon myself, if I do not abandon it before. And then, afterwards I suffer from abandonment and I wonder why all my partners are equal and they always do the same to me. If I have problems with choosing myself, and I am always being complacent to others although that implies transgressing me in the best case or directly accepting abuse in the worst case, it is most likely that it manifests itself in that my partners are generally infidels: do not choose me.
And so we can mention a thousand ways in which the conflicts that we have inside are manifested around us attracting people who have the same conflict to our experience. The law of attraction makes its own at all times without discriminating who you are or how good a person you have been.

To co-create healthy relationships we must always start working with ourselves. We do not take anything with continuing without looking inward and leaving aside all the people we attract, in search of people who are better in our judgment, because the only variable that always remains and the most important are we, the / responsible for attracting to your experience what you are living. You can change your partner, home, city and even country, but you will always live the same stories only in different contexts because everything you live has attracted you like a magnet.

It is necessary to have heartbreaking honesty.

It's really not that hard to know what I have to work on. It is only necessary to have a heartbreaking honesty and wonder what about what bothers me in others or what I have around me I have it. The answer is that everything always has to do with you, but being able to look outside will be clearer for you to know where you have to start.

For example:
1. A boss never recognizes your work.
Do you recognize yourself
2. Your partner always criticizes your physique.
What do you do when looking in the mirror?
3. They happen to take you permanently.
How much do you respect yourself?

Creating healthy relationships with others is not that difficult if you have an excellent relationship with yourself. If you have an incredible relationship with you, you can see how you attract wonderful people to share your experiences.

AUTHOR: Beatriz Cueto, editor of the great family of
You can find out more about Beatriz on her website

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