Create joy in the emptiness of now, by Ana Maria Angueira

  • 2012

Evolution, facing egos struggles, limitations, fears, weaknesses, should not be traumatic, challenging or denergeting ... that is a mental parameter ... you can grow from balance and harmony. Be in the present moment and let yourself be guided by your inner guidance, invoke this guide in a moment of confusion.

Evolution is not synonymous with traumatic change, from the acceptance and vision of progress the processes of change strengthen you with renewed energy. Accept it as the soul in movement, in advance ... do not allow yourself to limit yourself with the ideas of struggle that is nothing more than another egoic structure that will lead you to fear changes as a synonym for energy ...

Open yourself to the effort not in the struggle but in happiness ... It is not a time for traumatic evolutions, it never has been, it is a moment of evolution from joy and peace. You are already vibrating in the 5th dimension ... but for this, go through the fourth, you are already in multidimensionality, this portal is definitely opened in the Equinox (Fall 2011), from the non-linearity of time, living in the present moment ... it doesn't matter yesterday, it doesn't matter tomorrow ... the job is now this: Look NOW and feel the happiness of what it is. There is no yesterday, there is no tomorrow ... there are no stagnant egos, there is only what you believe in each moment ... and in each moment there may be nothing and only create something new. Now is empty, nothing, so there are no old patterns, get rid of this idea and get rid of those patterns you fought. There is nothing to combat, because in the now there is nothing created, only what you believe Now. Now there is nothing What do you want to create? Following in the dynamics of painful evolution ?? There is no karma anymore. There is no more pain than what you want to create now.

Do you want to create a pattern of pain and then have to undo it? A little waste of time, right? It is important that this be disseminated h speak it, from your experience, we invite you to experience it: There is no karma, there are no debts anymore well, there is no past or future, there is only this moment . So, learn to stay in the void and create the moment and in each Now you can reaffirm or deny it. It is the free will that creates the Now, keep you empty and fill you again with old patterns; everything known joins you to 3, because it moves you away from Now. Now it's empty, transit, way, step, step, pass through this dimension, the 4th, but don't stick to the previous one and in this exercise of to live the Now without realizing it you will be in the new vibration, it is simple because your soul is an old connoisseur of these spaces, so you are bearers of this knowledge that you have to share. Now you know the struggle of the duality of the 3, Now you can open yourself to the consciousness of the 4, living in the present moment, Now you can open yourself to the 5 feeling Happiness and Acceptance of all that is, for it is your Creation. How not to accept what you believe? Then create NOW what gives you joy in the soul. It is the way to be in 5, combining NOW and J BILO.

Teachings of the Akashic Records.

Ana Maria Angueira.

Master of Akashic Records.

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