Become Your Polaris Light channeled by Talyaa Liera

  • 2011

August 2011

Consider this your party to leave the closet. A celebration of You, of the You that is inside and the You that you have been hiding from the world. This month, you are the center of attention. You shine the beacon of your Being. You let the world see you in all your glory. This month, you let out your secrets, the secrets within you that have been consuming you, corroding your interior little by little, and preventing you from being the whole person, beautiful, passionate, and full of heart that lives within you. August is the month to surrender to your Self. Feel more yourself. Feel more complete

What secrets have you been hiding? Expose them now, because if you don't push them into the light for yourself, they will be attracted to you through one situation or another, and perhaps in ways that leave you feeling lonely, scared and uncomfortable. This month's lesson, then, is to be bold. Do not be afraid. Even if you find it impossible to love some dark corner of your soul, bring it to light anyway, since there will certainly be love for that, even if you think you cannot love it. Trust Be brave and get your I out.

This month, then, you alternate between feeling bold, confident and strong, laughing with the hilarity of the universe, feeling cold and alone, scared and small. Or worse, hiding from yourself, doing everything possible so that no one - not even yourself - sees the deepest parts of you that have been in the shade these long years. But what is the shadow more than just a corner that has not yet seen the light? There is nothing intrinsically wrong with the darkness, with those darkened corners, other than the loss the world feels by not having everything to love you.

Sigh. You know what this means, right? Yes, it is time to 'confess', to take off the blindfold (and the eyes of the world) and lower your defenses and take a good look at the You that is so deeply hidden inside.

Go. Do this now.

Stand now in front of a mirror and see what you see there. Look really. Look deep inside, with eyes of love and compassion. Who you see? Do you see? Take your time. Breathe, this time from the deepest, that place within you that you consider your Home, and look again.


You are really beautiful, and even more so to see so deeply in your Self.

This month, your most intimate secrets come out and rejoice in the warmth of the Light that you shine on them. This month, you open yourself to the freedom that you begin to feel as you invite more light into yourself. This month, you feel the possible lightness by being more Yourself, more connected with all those around you, and feeling more of the Love that the universe has to share with you.

Start here:

Make a list of five things, five situations / experiences / feelings, that you really love. May they turn you on. May they fill your heart and make you feel more about yourself. That they nourish you and feed you like nothing else can. Show people your inner spirit.

Why start with what you like when you're trying to make the light shine on your secrets? Because as you enter into a closer connection with your heart, your desires, and who you are on a deep level, you open the door that helps illuminate your shadow.

This is a meditation to help you:

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Let your breath release everything you don't need right now. Breathe again and release, this time settling deeper into your being. Breathe once more and go inside, to your interior, to the place within you that you feel your Home. Rest here. Feel your I around you, the things that live within you and are part of your deep being, your inner wisdom, your soul.

Now imagine that your eyes light up, like a lighthouse, or a miner's helmet. Wherever you look, your inner light shines. Somewhere around you there is a dark corner that needs lighting. Search around and you will find it. Make your light shine in that direction and illuminate that place within you. Now you see that there is something there, in that corner that was previously dark, there is something that needs Love, that needs Light. Stretch and touch this thing that has been deep inside you waiting for your Love and your Light. Ask this thing for permission to take it back to the world, to receive all the love that resides in the universe, and allow its exposure and enlightenment. If your answer is “yes, ” then take it with you.

Breathe again and you find yourself in the room where you started, in your body, relaxed and connected to the world around you, but this time lovingly holding in the Light something that has been in the dark for a long time. Give this your attention and then release it so that it grows and finds its own light.

What to Expect This Month


On every level, this month's energy will both test you and release you. Like last month, when you went to find your inner fire, this month you learn to shed light on the dark corners of your soul so you can find a way to love them more deeply. The result is a freedom and a lightness very different from what you have ever felt, by stripping yourself of the chains that bind you to some of your deepest fears. Again, be brave. Use the energies of this month to fly and enjoy the warmth of the light that radiates from within.

Affirmation: I AM willing to receive the gifts of my darkest inner corners and make the light shine on them.


Speaking of Russian mountains! Like last month, in August, the relationship's relationship fades away. This is alarming if one fights, resists, or makes any other attempt to cling to what has been, instead of opening to what is becoming. Trust that the love you want is already around you. What does that look like? Is he tied to one person? Maybe it seems to be that way now because you have not yet opened up to the totality of the love that already exists around you. By bringing light to your dark corners, you show more of yourself to the world, more of your self that can be loved. Yes, it feels scary and vulnerable, but it also makes you more human, more beautiful, and more complete. Trust your inner guidance and listen to your heart. Give yourself love this month instead of relying on someone else to give it to you, and you will discover that love has already been with you all the time.

Affirmation: I AM open to the love that lives in and around me.


Communities join more strongly this month. By opening up your Self and opening your secrets to the world, the feeling of freedom you feel and create around you becomes intoxicating for others, making you a great force for communities. Of which you are part. Remember this and allow your openness and freedom to help open up to those around you.

Some of this join more s has a more painful effect, as some types of communities try to merge into an allied action, activism, and greater rules and social structures. Choose wisely the time you spend in community, and try to invest your time this month in the types of groups to which you want to contribute and with which you want to grow in the future. This is a good time to take stock of your time expenses and adjust your social life and contributions accordingly, since the freer you become in your own liberation from your dark interior corners, m It will have an effect on those around you.

Affirmation: I AM the creator of the expression of my future.

Global Policy

The polarization between seemingly opposing forces continues, since each side is more entrenched and strongly resists any hint that everyone is really in the Same side after all. This has to do more with testing limits and boundaries than anything else, and few things make people feel more alive than crashing hard against a brick wall. Stay tuned for calm in the midst of chaos in unexpected places, but in general little seems to change politically this month.

Affirmation: I AM the creator of the world in which I wish to live.

Earth Changes

This is where things get difficult. All that internal anguish about shedding light in dark corners gives rise to a GREAT energy flow this month. Along with the stimulating sense of freedom that some of you are going to experience, we can expect some broad mood swings all over the planet, as well as for us as individuals. This has historically resulted in intense weather (hurricanes, floods) and land disorders (earthquakes in Japan and South America). Also watch out for a potentially tangible change in general vibration this month, which physically results in changing the ley lines, grid patterns, and a feeling of being on the "wrong planet" for a while, until Things become familiar again. Resist the temptation to run screaming and rather give the Earth the same love and compassion you gave yourself before the mirror.

Affirmation: I AM a guardian of the planet and I know that my love counts.

Global Spiritual Changes

Heavens! Speaking of changes here ... spiritual teachers everywhere have been talking for a while about the "eve" of 2012, and at no other time has it been more evident that Big Things Are On the Move, than this month. The vibratory change will be noticeable. What could you feel? Large oscillations in available energy. Need to sleep more. Know the thoughts and desires of animals and plants. A sense of connection with the Spirit that is suddenly much stronger than before. A feeling of peace

When the vibratory sense increases, remember that we are all in this together. There is no better time than now to choose how you want to spend your time on the planet ... with whom and doing what. You have the power to choose, even if you feel you don't. Everyone deserves to spend time doing what they like and with people who feel good. Even if you don't learn anything else this month, learn that you really have the power to create what comes next.

Affirmation: I AM an immeasurable force.

Copyright © 2011 Talyaa Liera. All rights reserved. All material on this page is protected by copyright laws in the USA. and international and cannot be cited or reproduced without the express permission of the author. All authorized reproductions, quotes or copies, complete or partial, must refer to the author's name and the Polaris Rising website,

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Translation: Margarita López

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