Do you know what meditation is and what it is for?

  • 2016

All people seek our peace and inner harmony, for that reason I invite you to know what meditation is, since it serves as a tool to meet our inner selves and see our psychological, physical and emotional deficiencies and from the judgment than we really are, start the road to our own liberation .

The primary objective of meditation is based on decreasing stress levels and transforming the emotions of the individual. It is believed that if a deep period of relaxation is achieved, the health and well-being of a person can be optimized .

Learn six steps to learn to meditate

Then I share the six steps you need to consider to know what meditation is and practice good meditation. If you take them into consideration, put them into practice and you are constant enough you will get changes in your life quickly .

So I invite you to do something new to change your life, start today:

1- You should wear comfortable clothes and that it does not squeeze you, that allows you to be in the same position for several minutes without bothering you.

2- It is convenient that you are in a quiet place where you can be without anything preventing you from relaxing. It can be somewhere in your home or somewhere in nature. Any place can be used as long as you feel comfortable and calm.

3- Put yourself in a pleasant position, close your eyes and always take a deep breath through your nose and in a constant and slow way. It is not necessary that you have your legs crossed or placed in a specific posture, you just have to have your back straight and with each muscle of your body in relaxation . You can go from your feet to the head, running through each of your muscles, examining it and relaxing it while you walk in your breath.

4- Start counting 50 to 0 slowly and focused on your breathing. When thoughts are transposed in your mind do not obstruct them, they should leave as they have arrived, while that happens you try to think about your breathing and how the air flows through your nostrils.

5- When you finish counting, you can start thinking about images, they should make you feel good and that they fill you with satisfaction, for example, think of a place that you like that inspires tranquility. The intention is to bring more and more positive thoughts towards you.

6- You must be constant. The right thing would be to spend at least 10 to 15 minutes per day. You should keep in mind that the benefits of meditation can be achieved instantly, however others appear within a few days of starting this practice or even other benefits are achieved in the long term. But in effect, from the moment you start to meditate, you will have a huge difference in your life.

Benefits it gives your body of meditation

When you understand what meditation is and understand it, there is a change in your psychology, where every cell you have in your body is filled with energy.

With meditation, changes are made on a physical level:

  • It lowers blood pressure.
  • Decrease anxiety attacks.
  • Reduces stress related pain such as: tension headaches, ulcers, sleeplessness, muscle and joint complications.
  • It improves the mood and the way of behaving.
  • Improves immune levels .
  • Transform your body because it generates a source of inner energy .

Editor: JoT333

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