Know what is cranio-sacral therapy and its benefits

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 What is cranio-sacral therapy? 2 How does cranio-sacral therapy work? 3 What are the benefits of CST? 4 Who can benefit from this alternative therapy?

Cranio-sacral therapy is an exceptionally gentle but very potent form of treatment, increasingly recognized for the depth of its influence, the full range of its therapeutic effects, and its ability to solve problems that are not helped by other means.

It is a profound alternative therapy both physically and psychologically, which can release deeply rooted patterns of diseases that require healing, and that accumulate throughout life as a result of injuries and illnesses, and then become retained in body tissues, which leads to poor health.

This is a therapy whose main purpose is to establish a strong underlying vitality and the free flow of this inherent vitality throughout the body, thus allowing healing forces within diseases and disorders, in addition to releasing tensions and restrictions, so that the symptoms, conditions and their underlying causes can be resolved.

It can offer many benefits for most people and help in most conditions such as: minor aches and pains, it also relieves chronic and persistent health problems .

What is cranio-sacral therapy?

The cranio-sacral treatment is carried out more frequently in patients who are lying down, with their clothes on, in a quiet and quiet environment. The treatment consists of a very soft touch of the practitioner's hands. This light contact can be taken up in the skull (head) of the sacrum (caudal vertebra) of the feet, the trunk, or any other part of the body, as appropriate.

The treatment is usually experienced as a deep relaxation that can permeate the entire person physically, mentally and emotionally, often accompanied by a feeling of lightness and ease .

The soft approach of cranio-sacral therapy or CST as it is also called, is completely non-invasive. The subtle interaction of the two systems brought together by this light contact stimulates and improves self healing with mechanisms within the body to respond to the release and thus open up to a more balanced state of health .

How does cranio-sacral therapy work?

When we rest our hands very gently on the body and manage to tune into a subtle level, we can feel the rhythmic movement that is expressed through the body, as if the whole body were going to breathe gently, not only the normal breathing of the lungs, but a greater, soft, subtle, rhythmic breathing movement .

The natural world is guided by the forces and rhythms that surround and pervade us, the generation of tides in the oceans, menstrual cycles, circadian rhythms and the many other rhythms of life . This rhythmic movement that we feel in the body is a reflection of a natural force, sometimes described as the breath of life, which is present in all of nature and in all living beings .

It is an indication of our life and a reflection of our vitality. It is this natural force that determines the orderly progression of life, growth, development, health and healing, and that allows to restore and maintain balance and integration, whether in a acorn that allows it to grow in a magnificent oak tree, or in a human being.

When a therapist places a skull -sacral melody it sounds at a very subtle level, it can interact with these inherent movements and natural forces within the body. This interaction allows the patient's system to respond to the gentle contact of the therapist by addressing and releasing the disturbances and resistances, thus restoring a quieter, more settled, balanced state, integrated into the that the underlying vitality that maintains our health can be freely expressed, and where the body can therefore function more smoothly and fluidly.

This is achieved by penetrating to the deepest levels: the skull-sacral system and its movement are subtle, in order to participate with them. The skull-sacral therapist needs to use an extremely light touch, just a touch or just be there with his calm presence. Therefore, this is why skull-sacral therapy is a very mild therapy.

It is through this unimpressive sweetness that the body is able to relax and open, allowing the skull-sacral process to penetrate the deepest levels of our being. Therefore, this very deep therapy reaches levels that are not generally accessed by other physical or more invasive means that could induce the body's protective mechanisms, and therefore be able to connect and improve health, accessing the root causes of serious diseases, as well as allowing relief from less severe conditions.

What are the benefits of CST?

Cranio-sacral therapy treats people with the finan of healing and balancing the body's own healing mechanisms to function at an optimal level, and therefore to restore health.

This therapy works on many levels and in different structures within the human body . It influences the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, the cardiovascular system, the immune system, the organs, the connective tissues, the fluids and the energy systems of the body.

This cranio-sacral integration is not merely a treatment of the body. It is recognized that body, mind and feelings are intertwined absolutely and intimately, therefore, it is related to all aspects of our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual being . Therefore, its effects are profound and widespread and can be effective in a wide range of circumstances and conditions.

The cranio-sacral integration is not the treatment of conditions, it is a treatment for all people and everything related to a being at a fundamental and deep level. In doing so, the body can be allowed to change the direction of any symptoms, conditions or disorders that a particular individual may be experiencing.

Consequently, the applications of this therapy are very wide, simple aches and pains to the most complex chronic diseases or persistent problems . It can also be useful to help resolve persistent conditions that do not respond to other forms of treatment. It has an important part in addressing the scope and potentially determining the consequences of serious trauma and shock, whether due to serious car accidents, theft, rape, sexual abuse, child abuse, birth, war, or any another cause.

This alternative therapy, participate in both the physical and psycho-emotional effects of trauma that has to do with the improvement of health, strength and vitality in the very center of our being, thus stimulating the body's own natural potential, helping to the body to eradicate the root of any problem. It has to do with the integration of all the resources of the body to function at its optimum level .

Who can benefit from this alternative therapy?

Cranio-sacral integration can be of benefit at any age, both for babies, children, adults, the elderly, in pregnancy, in childbirth, in illness or in health.

Multiple benefits have often been found:

In babies:

  • For the many common symptoms that affects so many babies in early life.
  • Help babies sleep better.
  • For the most serious issues, such as the widespread effects of birth trauma.

In children:

  • For the many bumps and falls.
  • It helps the recovery of a persistent disease.
  • And for the most serious problems .

In pregnancy:

  • It helps allow a softer and easier birth, naturally.
  • With less need for intervention.
  • Promote a more comfortable pregnancy.
  • Create an optimal environment for the baby.

In adults:

  • For a wide range of topics.

In the elderly:

  • Helping to maintain health and well-being.

For all people:

  • You want to improve your underlying state of health and well-being.
  • And create a greater sense of clarity and ease of health in your life .

Cranio-sacral therapy responds to each individual according to their needs, so that a thorough evaluation of the individual's general condition and respond accordingly.

AUTHOR: JoT333, editor of the great family of

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