Annual Kryon Summer Light Conference, Fivefold Channeling of: Gaia (Pepper Lewis) - The Group (Steve Rother) - Arcangel Michael (Ronna Herman) - Tobias (Geoffrey Hoppe) - Kryon (Lee Carroll)

Guess what we are going to do. Let's breathe Let's get ready for this amazing event. So breathe deeply into the DomTien, the stomach, a few inches below, and let's prepare for this sacred, beautiful, happy moment and I want to thank the powers that have brought us together, it has been wonderful and I know that it has also been for many of you. Therefore, they may wish to say in silence: THANK YOU - I AM. And now let's bring the golden liquid light of the great Central Sun, entering through its essential point, its crown, going down its column to the center of the earth, as you want it to be perceived, it can be a crystal, the igneous center, to see if We are really balancing and taking root. Know that this is an auspicious time for healing, so be aware of it. You will be listening to the different channels and things will happen within your group, your Higher Self, your atmic group. They will be listening on many levels what is new. Yes? Put your intention of healing and know what is done. We have met for that. I know, because I know them and we have talked a lot. We ask you to allow this energy to flow, happily, harmoniously and in a balanced way. Let's also bring that golden energy to the space of your heart. Put your intention. Inhale and allow that golden energy to go to the planet's water sources. The most powerful driver. See how that love is directed towards the rivers, the oceans, its tributaries. Allow yourself to send that love and harmony of the heart of each one of you. See how it is specifically directed towards the areas that are going through the greatest challenges now and sustain their intention to create harmony. We are just beginning to know the power of this. A power that we have co-created with the planet. So let's do it. Let it be so ...

We thank everyone for their co-creation. Keep breathing Enjoy. And so it is.


Good afternoon to you all. I welcome you and tell you that if your eyes have been closed in meditation, open them now. Because what they see around them is a new world, almost; and it is well worth seeing, although it must be with different eyes. I welcome you to a world that has been created in your name. To a world they are creating and perhaps one that they will call differently within one or two generations. I invite you to open your eyes and see a little differently than you have done so far. You will notice, if it has not yet been so, that I have trained my channel to speak and channel with your eyes open, not for her benefit but for all of you. I have trained her vast channel so that she notices that the eyes have many different purposes and that being able to see what surrounds them physically is just one, only one of them. I tell you that the eyes are much more than that. It is a vital organ that is delivered for you to practice, but now it is the one that will reveal something different to you. A different world. Because the Earth is now rebuilding itself and you are also recreating yourself. And the earth honors that process.

Therefore, if you observe them now, I invite you not to focus on the lack, since every day and in many ways you are told to do that. I invite you to look differently. Look how nature recreates itself every day and give yourselves also, I am also renewing myself, and my neighbor, and my home, and my resources, too. . Look at everything with different eyes. Now they have a different view. It is a peripheral vision. Allow your eyes to see differently. I do not speak only of the third eye, because it is also natural. But your vision through both eyes, which is a binary system, will open and you will discover that there are ternary systems. You will see that the cerebral hemispheres lead them to another way of thinking, to a new system of thought. Therefore, the brain will instruct your eyes to see differently. They will see things that were not there previously. They were a little accustomed to seeing some caneplas around them, however now that will become something common.

Wait! Wait! Because many more things await you. Wait to see the world that is being created in your name, in your honor, for you and for future generations. For those to whom you will assign a name.

The heart you know has four chambers. I tell you there is a fifth. A fifth chamber that knows compassion, which is that. Wait! See how your physiology rebuilds itself now. Use what is available to you now and do not take anything for granted. Not even this instant. Nor the next day, nor to those who greet them in the morning. The world is recreating itself and you are also doing it. Look for it, see it. New resources already exist at your disposal and do not focus on those that are missing. If there is something to which you should welcome it, do so and if you must release something, do it with grace. Do it by honoring the moment, be it a relationship or something to which you have become very accustomed; because there is more, there is much more. Because the truth of today will be less true tomorrow. Because tomorrow there will be an even greater truth. Because today's truth has served them widely, because they have expanded, because they have injected life, but also because there will be more life tomorrow. Welcome that, receive it. Share it. And trust what you see, trust your vision. Trust your truth and you may come to trust your other senses as you continue to develop and renew within yourself. Trust your physiology. Trust your ability to renew yourself. Trust what is coming. Trust the sunlight. Trust her as she accelerates. Do not fear the light because you are that. Even in your acceleration, trust what you see in heaven. Trust the stars that greet you at sunset, even if they seem to have changed places. Trust that. Trust what you know, what you have learned, what you have discovered and what you continue to do. You have learned well, do not throw it away now. If you deliver your truth, do it in exchange for something greater. Because there is no single truth. They have earned this life well, this time. This time it is about life and the reward is a greater truth, a greater knowledge, a deeper being. Allow yourself to receive it right now because it is what I see now that I greet you, what I offer you deeply.

I am deeply grateful for your presence on earth, on my body. Grateful for the thoughts, grateful for the prayers, for what they have done, for what they are, for what they believe and for what they continue to be. Receive my gratitude now. Is that the only thing they can offer? I have heard it, I have known it. No, no, they have much more to offer.

Take a moment now and stand up for a moment. Stand up. Do it and know that you received this moment. Remain standing for what you are, for what you have achieved, for the truth that you have known and for those with whom you have shared. Remain standing because you are teachers, because you are healers, because you are citizens, because you have endured and have given and because you have loved and because you continue to do so. Remain standing and say I AM AND I KNOW AND I RECEIVE IT FROM THE EARTH BECAUSE I HAVE ALSO GIVEN AND STILL DOING IT. I give you my gratitude and give it to you standing up, so that you receive it and know that YOU ARE AND THAT I AM WITH YOU.

Take a seat now and keep up, recognize that fifth chamber of your heart, that peripheral vision, that truth that knows no bounds, because what I give you now continues to flow towards you forever. Eternal life, yes, eternal truth and gratitude. Receive my welcome as I receive yours. Until the next moment I Am.

That which you recognize as Gaia, your Earth, your truth.


Greetings from Home, dear. We have waited a long time for the arrival of this moment. The beating of our hearts is accelerating due to the emotion we feel for you. Because they are taking the next step, it is happening on this day. They are creating a new reality, not only on Earth but in each and every one of their hearts. You have the opportunity to move to the next level right now. Yes, for some it will be difficult, although it doesn't need to be that way for a long time. Because they must understand that everyone will have to go through difficult times, since there is no light without darkness. Greet them, welcome them. Live it and know that, from time to time, you will experience some pain; But feeling miserable is a totally optional experience. You choose, because they are the game of free will and you were the only ones who played the game of free will. No longer. It has been replicated again and again and again as Tobias said this morning. It is being created at a multidimensional level.

When they look at the beautiful mountains, when they see the beauty and listen to the birds singing, all these are signs of the energy they send to the new earth. To start with the right foot, to create a place that supports your heart and your work. Allow yourself to stay in the light, allow yourself to do what you must do, what you came to do. Many of you have been studying and trying to remember Home. Let us tell you how we see it from our perspective. Sometimes it is not easy. Many times they see the small crumb on the floor but we tell them that the bread will arrive directly at their table if they just turn right; and we shout at the top of our lungs: turn right! turn right! and we watch sadly when they turn left. And we want to tell you that it is not about the destination point but the trip and that is what you are doing today. They have taken a step forward towards their light. They have taken a step towards their sacred contract, which will now come true because the collective vibration of humanity has reached its level of activation. Receive it fully. Know that a new type of person will emerge on this planet, because for a long time they have waited for our coming, so that we intercede in their world, so that we can show them the way, so that we continue to guide them when they request it. Dear ones, we are always there with you. At all times. It is impossible for them to remain alone. And we want them to stop trying so insistently. The human angel is the one that is emerging because they now have the ability to help each other. Discover how to empower each other. Discover how to contribute so that everyone around them becomes powerful beings who do what they are passionate about and, with that, they will elevate all areas of their existence and be in the Home. Because Home is coming here. You have created it and it is happening right now and we are very proud of you.

They are leading the march. Do not fear. Keep going, one step at a time, towards what you are passionate about, towards your light, towards your joy, because when you fulfill your purpose it is when you serve the universe best. It is what they came to do. Healers and teachers, all of you, will vibrately lead the way to the next level. Dear ones, you have long since left the days of Atlantis and now you are at the level of the days of Lemuria. There is much joy, because they have already left behind the best of the possibilities they programmed when they started the game, and we opened the space for it to happen, because you are the human angels. Do they understand what they are? We do. And we reflect its magnificence when we spread our wings so that you can take your place, with your honor for your existence, for your work. Follow your heart because you know the way.

Treat each other with respect, take care of each other and play well together. We also left leaving our final message, because laughter is the language of the angels, and we marched with a little laugh: HI ... HI ... (laughter and applause in the audience).

The group


We admire them very much for their firmness and tenacity. And we thank you once again and send you a touch of clarion. They have responded many times, but this is the most important they have ever responded. We honor you for listening to the whispers of your soul. We respect them for not hearing all the chatter of the collective consciousness that surrounds them. They have been very brave to depart from that belief structure of collective consciousness.

We want to give you a little idea of ​​how important this time is and why they should be here in this gathering of souls of Michael's family and all other angelic beings and all teachers. You can say that I am only the supervising guardian, the one who agreed to join you to be by your side during this great experiment of this Universe.

You see, most of you came to exteriorize consciousness long, long ago. It is what it means to be an old soul. All these sparks of divinity came at the same time, but they came to create the consciousness of the I Am. You are a spark of consciousness, a spark of divinity, a facet of God, with awareness, with the ability to co-create.

And so, they responded to the clarion's call and came to this Universe to join the codified divine project and went out to experience the length and breadth of this universe. Then, again they responded to the clarion touch and they met and we infused a mission, a part of their divine mission in the depth of their sacred heart, and it would not be an activating time but an activating event. The time would come when they would feel the impulse that they should do something, be part of something. And now that time came.

We explain in our messages how the great transmitters were here on earth, are the receivers and also transmitters of energy. It is about those magnificent and great beings who agreed to sustain the divine energy of this planet and those who broke into pieces and merged with the earth and the latter are the beautiful crystals, the fragments of the consciousness of God that return to you. now. Are you surprised that they are so precious to you? And in these times they see all those energies, with the wonderful crystalline networks rebuilding around the earth. You will be their guardians. These refined energies must pass through you since you cannot arrive directly because the chaos would be too great, and humanity in general along with the earth is not prepared to receive that level of frequencies from God. You must be filtered through you, from your earthly essence. That's why we call them transducers.

And that's why I will ask them and they should answer out loud. I will ask you if you are ready to take on that task, to carry out that mission that you agreed to accomplish a long time ago. Because it is a great responsibility and also a great opportunity and a gift. But you must remain centered, you must not allow the distortions of everything that happens around you to affect you, since it is necessary to remain centered in the heart and allow the light of the creator to flow through you, and you must turn it on with your love . Unconditional love is the activator.

Enter your pyramid of light of the fifth dimension to nourish yourself, to fill yourself to overflowing. Go at night, during sleep, to nourish you, to support you during the day and for what you should experience. They say that these times will be tumultuous, but if they remain centered and observe all this from a higher point of view, they will prevail and will be able to go through these moments of transition with ease and grace.

That is why I ask you, beloved ones: Are you ready? (the public says yes), are you ready? (the public repeats yes), are you ready? (the public strongly reaffirms that yes). Then so be it and so it is.

And so we turn on that kind of light that you have carried with you during all those lives. You, Miguel's family. And so, use the energies to accompany you against what keeps you clinging to the illusions of the third or fourth dimensions. These dimensions are cleaned and harmonized as you fly between the stars and towards the higher dimensions. And the wonderful energy inside the earth is being activated and pulsed. Feel it with your heart. They are being activated, nourished and fed from inside the earth and also from the highest level.

Oh beloved These times are very miraculous and we tell those who are sitting here, we also answered the clarion call a long time ago, we are not separated. We are just a different facet of light. We are Father-Mother God and the Creator.

Again we say, we honor you for your courage, know that we are at your side every step of the way. Are they going to make the return trip? In the form that has been prepared for you. They call it string theory, we call it light, the strings of light that connect them to each other, and the strings of light that connect them to their divinity that is scattered throughout the Universe.

We surround them and wrap in a field of love and protection. Know that you are loved very deeply.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you these truths.

And so it is.


And so it is. What a great honor to be sitting here with the beautiful energies of Gaia, the love and compassion of the Group of Angels, the strength and wisdom of the Archangel Michael and the dynamics, hearts and essence of Kryon, the magnetic master. And I, an old dead Jew (laughter from the audience). Soon I will be going through puberty (laughs….). I have to keep that boy Sam away from the Internet these days. Hummmm ... (more laughter from the public).

But dear conscience workers, we are aware of the prayers, of your requests, of what worries you in your life. One of the things that has come to top the list lately is the feeling that many of you are having that are observed. Eyes, see eyes when they close yours. They feel that behind their shoulder is someone watching or looking at them, but when they look back they see no one. Certainly, they are being watched. The work they do, the choices they make are observed by many, but many beings.

Now take a deep breath at that fact. They can't do anything but watch to see what you do with your new consciousness, your new energy. What they do as teachers of this new era. Some of the observers belong to your angelic families, from which you originally come. There are also aspects of your past lives that want to know what you are going to do, the ascendants appointed by all of them. Observers are the aspects about which we talk to you today in the morning, that you are sore and hurt and that you want to return home. They want a safe place, they want you to be real and to be in tune with themselves. They want you to finally trust what you are.

They are also the eyes of the world right now, but the world is in a situation of change. The world no longer feels confident in its leaders, its business executives or in many of the traditional spiritual leaders. Right now, humans on earth are looking for a path, they are looking for a standard, and they are not sure where to look for it. That's why they feel their eyes, researching, observing, they see something in you or they feel something in you and they want to know what is happening. Who are you. Because they are different. Why they have a different resonance. Why do things differently.

The eyes belong to those around you, who admire and love you and may not have understood your way of being but neither do you understand your own way of being and are beginning to understand that much of what you talked about is becoming reality. That much of the wisdom and advice you gave them is really the truth. The eyes that observe you in these moments come from those with whom you had to face challenges and problems. They want to solve them with you. They want to bring unity, but based on the old situation, they don't feel safe about what you would do. All they expect and want to believe is that you are an example of the new consciousness.

The eyes they feel come from the angels, those loved ones we talked about earlier this day, who are preparing for their first entry on this earth or in the new lands. They want to know what it's like to live a thousand or two thousand lives. They watch you because they want to know how you can dive so deeply into duality that you forget who you are. In what way do you remember that you are also God. They are eyes that observe you since you assumed this work. You knew they would serve as an example, that they would be the standard. And you wonder now with all these eyes watching you right now: what do I do? They intimidate me, they frighten me. And we tell them to do things naturally. Be what they are.

They have built within themselves, in their consciousness, their own ascension, their own solutions. The ability to heal their body, themselves, if they allow it. He knows how to do it and wants to do it. Release all those old human limitations and fear. Trust your biology intimately so that she does what she knows how to do. Regarding the challenges that arise in your life, understand that each and every one of them now contains the solutions. They are not somewhere else or someone else has them. They are there right now. It may not be the solution that your human mind or your little self would want to create or understand, but it is the divine solution that you already created and placed in this moment of now. Just take a deep breath and trust her. Trust yourself so completely that all the external commotion no longer matters.

As we have been telling you this day and during this weekend, you are the angels, you are the gods, you are your own healers. Right now they are taking that quantum leap to integrate all parts of themselves into this life. They are making the quantum leap to go beyond the mind, to become everything they really are. It is total trust, undeniable trust for which they would die, but for which it is not necessary for them to die.

When they follow their natural way of being, when they hear their own voice, their own solutions, they become the new standards for all mankind. You create the possibilities for all the others, you create the possibilities of solution that will help to unify the countries, that will help to balance the financial systems, that will create the answer to this energy crisis and I do not only refer to oil. I speak of the energy of the earth. You create the unity that helps people feel compassion for others knowing that everyone shares this journey.

So take a deep breath. The eyes watch you, they want to know what they will do next and the answer is entirely up to you. The way to do it is natural, it should not be forced or pressured, it should not be constructed artificially, it is right here, at this precise moment.

Love yourself and accept that you already know.

And so it is.


Greetings dear, I am Kryon of the magnetic service. But they already knew.

And so we come to the end of a time that some of you planned for a long time. And what does this mean for you today? That the four human beings on my left and the one on my right, because my partner is sitting here, have transmitted the same message for all of you for three days. What does it mean to you the existence of the synchronicity of the spirit that coordinated itself so well, that it literally formed a single message with few words? Can you accept that the message is like this?

After all this time, think about what has been said right now. Gaia told them: do not fear the light, because it is you. The group of angels told them: trust your heart because he knows the way. Archangel Michael: you established the rules of light and Tobias, the only one who walked on this earth as a human being, who knows human beings and his way of thinking even better than the rest of us, had the depth of affirming: trust in your heart and give yourself permission to change.

What does all this tell you? Is it possible that it is a common message? With five entities whose fields are so different, so different in their process and that represent five beings with such dissimilar personalities and they all meet and transmit the same message.

Therefore, dear human being, this is not a time when Kryon is going to give you profound teachings, plunging into the darkness of space to bring you physics. These are moments when he would like to melt his heart, and it is Kryon who wishes to ask you the question: what about you? Who are they? Who are they really? What brought you to sit in that chair? Could it be that they came to change and not to observe? Didn't I hear a verbal response that said yes? And at another time, didn't they stand up with Gaia and agree? And for my way of seeing things, dear human being, that is a contract. What are they going to do with him? In the teachings that I gave you previously, I made a statement that said it is impossible for a human being to stop knowing something. They can't forget what they did and they can't undo it either.

A change is coming on this earth and we have all talked about it. We are not separated. Each and every one of you who heard this afternoon is part of the whole. Arriving through the different human filters, through their personalities, their integrity, to deliver the same message. And that message is that you are a part of God. That they did not come here to suffer. That they did not come here to go through trials and tribulations. That all this is for them to find the Creator within them, one who wishes to be found and that is the message.

Could it be clearer? Could it be easier? Could it be more loving or straightforward? There are no complexities that require solution. God does not give you a puzzle that does not contain the answer inside. And the biggest problem, as we have said many times, is that you are sitting here thinking that you are separated and that is not the case. Because inside is the Akashic record of all their lives and they can connect with it and observe through their eyes, which are different. Listen to Gaia. And whose eyes are those, which are so different? Those eyes belong to Akash, to memory, and as the Arc Michael Angel said, they belong to the crystalline network and that is you.

And so dear human beings, we close this time of joy, of sweetness, of laughter. Oh! of laughter, of love. And we all collectively tell you this: when this has concluded in 3D, it will not be over, because the energies that you have seen this afternoon are for you to take with you. A part of us goes with you. They will never be alone. Did you ever hear this from the lips of Tobias? They are never alone and they heard it and that is why it is.

Tonight, when they are alone, they may wish to go out, extend their arms to the sky and say, `` Let the change begin and it is me, '' and that could mean healing. n, the healing of the heart, of the mind, the relief of situations that cannot be resolved and the beginning of a new human being with different eyes and a different heart and a different way of being. In this panel it was said: you are the transmitters of the light, sent to lead this whole event and that is all, and that is all.

And so we tell you to conclude that there are many angels in this room who know their names and who are watching you to see if you answer the question `` who am I to change the world? and they can answer: I am God and they will be right, and they will be right.

And so it is.


Jan Tober:

Breathe deeply and enter the space of your heart, if you are no longer there, and feel this love. This love that the spirit offers. Feel your love for the spirit. Feel your love for the planet. Feel the love for your contract to be with this planet. The microcosm and the macrocosm. Know that they are the wind, they are the waters, they are the trees, the spirits of the fairies, the earth, the ashes, the thunder, the stars that guide them, the moon that refreshes them and the sun that warms them, but more than all know that you are the I Am.

And so it is.

Transcription and direct translation of audio downloaded from (

By Enita Zirnis Z.

July 11, 2008.

Annual Kryon Summer Light Conference

Canalización Quíntuple de:

Gaia (Pepper Lewis) – El Grupo (Steve Rother) – Arcangel Miguel (Ronna Herman) – Tobías (Geoffrey Hoppe) – Kryon (Lee Carroll)

Sedona – Arizona

Domingo, 15 de junio de 2008

Transcripción del Audio en MP3 ubicado en:

Lee: Oh! ¡Por Dios! ¿Qué está sucediendo aquí?… (Gritos y aplausos del público)…. Damas y caballeros:

Pepper Lewis (aplausos)

Pepper:¿Acaso creyeron que harían algo así sin mí? ¿Sin Gaia?

Lee: En 2002 Geoffrey Hoppe me jugó una broma y mientras nosotros creíamos que íbamos a hacer una canalización triple, apareció Ronna Herman en el escenario y dijo: ¡Ustedes no pueden hacer esto sin mí!

Quedar a mano me ha tomado 6 años. Gracias Pepper por esconderte durante todo el fin de semana.

Pepper: 8 meses.

Lee: …de hecho, 8 meses.

Pepper: ¿Sabes a cuántas personas tuve que mentirle?

Lee: lo siento

Pepper: ¡lo siento mucho!

Lee: Bueno, ahora tenemos la primera canalización quíntuple de la historia y ustedes están aquí para presenciarla.


Jan Tober: Risa


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