How to free ourselves from negative energies in our energy field, by Maite Barnet

  • 2015

We are energy In reality, we are nothing more than a set of electromagnetic waves with a certain frequency and vibration that give us the quality of being spirit and matter manifesting.

Being energy we live immersed in a universe that is in itself also energy in different degrees of manifestation. Energy that interacts and interacts with energy that mixes and intermingles.

Also our thoughts and our emotions are energy.

What are negative energies?

When thinking about negative energies, the idea of ​​harmful evil entities comes to mind, something bad that attacks us and turns against us and to which we generally confer an external origin.

We must be careful when making this consideration.

In the first place, it is true that there is an exchange of energies with the people with whom we interact throughout the day and that our energy bodies capture and that sometimes we feel as discomfort or strange sensations of nervousness and / or anguish of which it is difficult for us to get rid of and that can lead to blockages in our energy vehicles .

Secondly, we must be aware that many of these so-called negative energies are generated by ourselves with our thoughts and emotions that are not entirely healthy. Each thought is in itself an entity that is created in the act of thinking itself and will be of greater or lesser quality the clearer this thought is. So the clearer a thought is, the better that form or entity is defined, while confused thoughts give rise to vague forms of thought. The fact that these entities or ways of thinking are positive or negative will depend on the thoughts or emotions of the person. Anger, fear or low level vibrations will create negative thinking entities while love, joy or compassion will create them positive. These ways of thinking are radiated to our environment while invading ourselves. This radiation field encompasses the quality of thoughts and emotions.

Thirdly, we must also take into account that there are people who act as givers of energy while others do so in the opposite way absorbing energy from others, they are called energy vampires and in most cases they are individuals that work In this way unconsciously without any desire to harm others. They need that energy to live and they take it without more.

Finally, there are also manifestations of energy of a different quality such as residual bodies, disembodied entities or projections of thought with not entirely positive intentions that are sent against other individuals in order to manipulate or damage them.

Whatever the form and origin of these energies, we must take into account that they can affect us individually or in groups, as well as affect and modify the energy of our homes and work or relationship environments.

Different types of energies or negative entities:

These thoughts are not always intentional in nature, in some cases it comes from criticism or devaluation thoughts about other people, resulting in a lack of trust and insecurity in those who receive them and weaken their energy field causing blockages and leakage of engorgement. In many cases these negative thoughts come from people who love us and do not consciously intend to harm us.

Psychic radiation fields:

In this case, most of the time it is a question of energy impregnations of negative quality in environments or spaces impregnated with stressful or aggressive energy and that directly affect the people who are in these places to a greater or lesser degree depending on their sensitivity.

Also the most frequented public places are loaded with diverse energies of all kinds.

Low level entities or entities:

Just as there are germs, there are also low-level entities that are actually harmful parasites for us. We must keep in mind that some forms of magic can use these entities to harm other people.

Psychic attacks:

Most psychic attacks come from common people and are usually not intentional or malicious, however they are annoying and can seriously harm us. For example, having a bad day can cause us to have an attack of anger or rage and that hurts us and our environment when in fact this intention does not exist by default.

Other types of attacks are negative schedules or ways of thinking that have been installed in people creating negative behavior patterns and whose origin can be intentional or not and are projected in most cases by behavior and attitudes from other persons.

The curses are already an intentionally damaging and damaging type and attack that may be unconsciously launched in its origin but whose negative charge is very strong and manifest.

There are also forms of mental domination employed by people specializing in magic

And we must keep in mind the possibility of an individual dragging a negative Karma.

How can we protect ourselves?

If we take into account that these energies affect our energy bodies and are installed in the chakras causing blockages that can have an impact on our state of psychic or emotional physical health, the most logical way to protect ourselves is to close the aura.

This is something that most of the time we do unconsciously when making gestures as common as crossing the arms or legs. These simple gestures reduce the size of the aura and make it denser. It is not necessary to put any intention or thought to perform these gestures, the closure occurs spontaneously and lasts as long as we maintain the posture. We must take into account not to do it in front of people who can interpret it as a challenging attitude and cause us other problems. In these cases it is preferable to cross the legs and place the hands on them, although this gesture protects only the lower part of the aura.

Keeping calm in situations of stress or conflict also keeps the aura more closed to outside attacks.

Blessing: The fact of blessing with love and wishing the best for others is in itself a powerful protector. Blessing with peace an irritated person protects us from his anger. Bless from the heart, with love and with the intention that the negative person transmutes in calm and peace.

Transmutation : it is about concentrating on the heart and the crown chakra and blessing with love and peace in doing so we project golden and pink energy that at the same time protect us transmute negative energies into positive ones.
An easy and fun way to reinforce the aura is to practice physical exercise.

The meditation

The aura can be reinforced by connecting the tongue against the palate and closing the hands with each other. Touching the palate with the tongue completes the circuit of the anterior and posterior meridians and increases the level of pranic energy in the body. Closing the hands prevents energy from escaping through it.

Another way to clean the energy field in a practical and effective way, is to visualize a white light tube and place ourselves inside then ask the archangels Miguel and Uriel to descend and take away and clean any adhesion we may have in our energy bodies for its transmutation in the white light of God.

AUTHOR: Maite Barnet, editor of the great family of

How to free ourselves from negative energies in our energy field (NOTE: it has several eye images with the layout)

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