How to get the favor of the Healing Devas

What does one have to do to win the favor of the devas of healing in order to cure people of their diseases? What is the sound of these Devas? What is the symbol they have? What other essential details like these should we consider? This is a sublime theme and it is also the need of the moment. So let's get into it with all reverence.

Healing is one of the sacred aspects of all spiritual practice. The other aspect of spirituality is teaching. Spirituality has two aspects: one is healing, another is teaching. One must be healed first and then taught. Without being cured teaching is not possible. That is why everything started first heals and then teaches. There is no initiate who is not also a curator and at the same time a teacher. In other words, the curator is automatically a teacher or teacher and the teacher is also automatically a curator. They are the two inseparable parts of an initiate. Let's talk this afternoon, then, about that part we call The Healing.
There are not many healers or healers. There is only one healer and then many healing agents. We must understand that there is only one healer who has many agents. We usually call the agents "the healers." Many call themselves "curators." However, deep down, they mean that they are only agents of healing. But they are not healers. Because the healer is one, only one that works through many agents. And when the agents show cooperation with the One curator, only then does the healing energy pass through that agent and then reach the patient.

Many people believe they are healers and believe they are healing. And so the few energies they have on them absorb them when they heal. Because they do not understand that there is a large container that contains healing energies and that the energy coming from that large container comes to us. And from that deposit we can then distribute it. Can we say that the neon tube over my head is the one that gives us light? The neon tube is just an agent or a distribution instrument through which electricity manifests itself in the form of light. Or can we say that it is the tap that gives us the water? The water tap is an agent through which water is supplied to us. The same happens in the case of healing. There is a large reservoir of healing energy that healers receive through the sun. Because even the sun is an agent of that healing energy. And that sun in turn has a center from which it receives energy, which we call the vital energy. The sun receives that energy from the central solar system.

So all the forms we see are agents of that energy. Therefore there is only one healer or healer and many healing agents. If one wishes to heal, this is the first fundamental thing to understand.

Many people believe that they are the healers themselves. Therefore, when the afternoon comes and they have had healing sessions, they are totally exhausted. Because they are giving the vital energies without opening themselves to that healing deposit. If this floor were disconnected from the city water system, we would have the little water available in the pipes. But once those pipes were emptied, there would be no more water. That is why those who heal without joining the healer One become empty and, frequently, when they carry out the healing activity they weaken.

So the first thing we have to understand is that people must act as agents of healing energy. The classic example is in Jesus Christ. He cured the blind man and he began to praise him by saying, "You are God and you have given me your sight back." Then Jesus said very clearly: “It was not I who healed you but it was the Father who wanted to return your sight. And he wanted to do it through me. He wanted the son of God to be praised for you and he wanted his son to be glorified. He wanted me to be glorified and that's why he healed you. ” But Jesus Christ did not take that praise as a deserved thing because he knew well that he was not the one to heal, but that all he did was to be in continuous contact with that energy. It is not the energy that heals and, therefore, the best we can be is to be a channel of that energy. So no one can be called a curator. If one considers oneself as a curator, it means that it is not.
In the writings of the East there is an affirmation that says: "There is only one healer and it is nothing but Narayana." He who knows how to come into contact with Him can receive the energies and can distribute them to others. This energy of Narayana is also what we call the energy of the second Logos. Or we can also call it the energy of Synthesis. And those who know the wisdom concerning the seven rays can understand or consider it as the energy of the second ray. This energy is always available to us in the space around us. And there is a process to connect with her. If we adopt that process we can connect with it. It is the same energy that Jesus Christ called Love.

The first step towards healing begins at the moment when one feels love for others. What is love? Love is nothing but our deep concern for our fellow human beings. When Jesus' disciples asked him what love was and how to love, he simply told them: "Love your neighbor." By saying "love your neighbor", some of the disciples had doubts and began to wonder if that neighbor was the one they had on the left or the one on the right. Wondering that means we still don't want to love both people - the one on the left and the one on the right. Because Jesus did not say "love your fellowmen." He said only: "Love your neighbor." So his followers thought it was enough for them to love a person. So what person had to be, the one on the right or the one on the left, the one above or the one below? That is seeing things in a limited way. And so Jesus told us the story of the good Samaritan. And it turned out that in this parable the neighbor was a foreigner; that is, anyone; that is, everyone. So the ability to love and feel concern for everyone is the first step to healing.

If someone is suffering we have to have a feeling towards him. But it is a feeling that is not emotion. It is not suffering with him. Because it is not that one has to suffer the same as others. But one has to take it thinking and considering what we can do for him and ask ourselves a sincere question from the inside in case we can be of any help. That is the only basis for experiencing love. Realize how a mother cares about a child. If the child has any disease, for the mother to attend to that child is a priority, above all. And that why? Because she feels that her son is a part of her. Thus, unless one feels that others are part of ourselves, which is the basis for us to care for people, we cannot say that we have love in us. Be interested, worry about those who are suffering. If one carries this instinct in itself naturally, then we are prepared to become part of the healing system. If someone suffers and that leaves us so fresh, we must understand that at least for this life we ​​are not prepared to devote ourselves to healing. That is, the Devas of healing are not interested in us because we are not interested in the suffering of others. Thus, the essential requirement that the Devas want to see in us if we want to cure is the degree of apprehension concern we have for others. Taking care or worrying about others is the first call that makes the Devas attentive.

If we look at the life of the initiates, we will realize that they were concerned about humanity as a whole. And not only for humanity, but they were worried about all the kingdoms of nature. They were worried about the life of the planet and could not accept that life would be disturbed or altered in any respect. They always worked to improve the vital energies around them. When these energies are present, people can live in complete harmony. Thus, the initiates distributed the energies of love and life to all those around them. And above all they worried about those who were suffering. They did not care so much for those who lived comfortably and were happy. But they were mostly dedicated to the weak and needy. When I speak of `` weak '' I mean the weak socially and economically. And in addition, the intellectually gifted must be taken into account. These are the two types of human beings that the authentic healer cares about.

Imagine a mother had four children. Life is going well for two of them and the remaining two have difficulties. Who gives them more care and attention to the mother? Not surely those who are doing well. But those who do worse. This is Love. Thus, in our case, love must also be especially for the weak and the disinherited. That is why Jesus said: I am on the part of the poor and the weak because they are the ones who need the most help. And what help can one give when there is already enough strength? Can one go with money to help a rich person? Or can one go to give medicine to a person who is healthy? Where there is already light, you don't have one because you put light. But there are people who don't have enough light. And it is above all to them that one has to look more. The lack of light can be in many ways. It may be a lack of health, it may be a lack of economic health, it may be a lack of socially speaking tone, it may be a lack of emotional balance or it may be a lack of mental balance. Normally society does not usually care about these people. On the contrary, they usually try to discard.

If we look at the life of the initiates, we will realize that they are mostly on the part of those who are left out, of whom there is no consideration, of those who never count on them and of those to whom society tries to reject and exclude. These are what the initiate receives. Because if everyone rejects and discards them, who will take care of them? That's where love begins to exist. Love does not exist among those who only talk about love. Love begins to exist where there is suffering and where one is able to share it by making our abilities available.

I don't have to tell you again how Jesus accepted Mary Magdalene when they were going to stone her. Maria Magdalena was going to die so stoned. It is very easy in that case to discard a person and leave him. And instead it is very difficult to accept that rejected person and make his spirit rise again. There is one more story about Christ, which is not usually as well known as that of Mary Magdalene, but it is as important as the story about it. Once upon a time there was a woman who worked in a wealthy family as a maid. In that house a lot of food was spent because every day there were social parties and, in the name of social dignity and appearance, a large amount of food was cooked that was left over. Against the maid she didn't have enough to eat for her, nor for her children's stomach. And I had to see how every day a lot of food was thrown in the trash. One day he decided to take a part of that food that was thrown away and take it home for his children, who were really hungry. In this way he took a portion of the leftover bread. But when she was leaving the house, the lady of the house saw that she was carrying something in her purse, followed her until she reached the street and loudly began to say and repeat: “This woman is a thief and has to being stoned, this woman is a thief…! ”

Out of fear and as a reaction, the maid started running and the people in the street started running after her to stone her. Then Christ came from the other side of the street, accepted the woman in her lap and asked the people who wanted to stone her to stop for a moment. He asked them what the woman had done wrong. They replied saying she was a thief. Then Christ asked them: “Who has made this woman a thief?” And he himself said: “If in this large and large society this woman has no place to earn her food, you have turned her into a thief. If you had put the minimum needs at your disposal, you would not have been forced to become a thief.

And, after all, what has he stolen? A few pieces of bread left over, that you were going to throw away anyway and she has picked them up to feed her hungry children? Notice how much food the lady of the house is wasting every day and yet she cannot think of giving a few pieces of leftover bread to this maid. With only that little detail taken into account, this woman would not have become a thief. ”According to this, then, we are the ones who make thieves, we are the ones who make prostitutes. We neglect or neglect people and then reject them.
The way an initiate has to understand those who have fallen or those who are discredited of society is very different from how we understand it. No matter how naughty and many problems a child gives, a mother can never throw him out of the house. A mother always thinks in every possible and imaginable way that she grows well and would not mind getting something from the house of another son of her who is doing well to give it to the son who is not doing well. Only people who have this kind of maternal love for all beings are prepared to heal. That is the basis of healing.

In the curator's mind there is no one to discard. The initiate will never say: "as you are a drunk I do not cure you". Rather, it will be through love that the initiate will begin to heal, including the drunk. And for that sense of solidarity or fellowship he has, he will help that drunk to stop drinking after he has cured him. Because the curator's concern is for the other person to acquire their authentic spirit. This is how the work of magnetic healing is carried out. It is a magnetic performance or operation in which everything around it is magnetized.

A magnet has no particular preferences. Imagine there was a magnet with many pieces of iron around it. Despite the many different shapes that iron pieces may have, they are all pieces that remain magnetized equally when there is a magnet. And he can never say: "I will cure or magnetize only this piece or this particular piece and not that one." Because magnetism acts impersonally. Healing is the radiation of magnetic energies through an agent. That is why curators do not judge their patients thinking about whether they are good people or bad people, nor do they judge whether they are spiritual people or materialistic people or separating people between irresponsible people and responsible people.

Mother Earth supports us all, takes us all. So why should we have objections to spend a little time with a person we can't stand? Imagine that a person who doesn't like us or can't stand is with us for a few minutes or a few days, a few weeks or even longer, but never a lifetime. However, how can the Earth withstand us so long when we are unbearable? We have to learn from Earth how to learn to cope with the things we don't like. That is why the scriptures advise us by saying that if we want to be tolerant, we observe the Earth. Can we tolerate as well as the Earth tolerates? The Earth tolerates all kinds of human beings and other beings. From very wild animals to very soft and tame animals. Earth accepts tigers and cats. And sometimes we cannot accept our own women or husbands. Sometimes the man cannot support the woman or the woman cannot support the husband. Then they think of a divorce. And at the same time they practice healing. That is only a presumption and a fashion. One should not practice healing just because it is fashionable. The person who cannot stay with a partner in life cannot practice healing. Because the practice of healing means accepting the whole world. And one cannot exclude someone and at the same time say that he will heal.

The important thing is to fully accept the life we ​​have around us. That is, one cannot have preferences and things that we don't like; One cannot make judgments. That's where Christ said: "Do not judge." Because if he had tried to judge, I don't think there would have been a single disciple around him. It was only because of the love that the disciples could stay by his side.
Many times the disciples believe that they have special rights or that they are special. But it is not that they have special rights, but that it is the love of the teacher that causes them to be around them. The teacher gradually magnetizes them and little by little they also become magnets.
So in the doctrine of a curator there is no thing of exclusion. Rather, it is about the curator acting impersonally, just like a magnet. If you turn on the light, you cannot say: "I will shine only Jesus and not Juan Ramón." We may have our own preferences. But the light does not have them, as long as we are next to its aura. So it is the light or the magnet or it is a healer or healer, being in his presence, all are cured. And that is due to their inclusiveness, to their willingness to include everyone in their aura.

One therefore has to learn to include and one has to have enough patience to tolerate what he considers stupidities. The best example is Earth. If we remember how the Earth supports us, it takes us all, how the mother supports the children, be they good, bad or different, we will have an idea of ​​how love acts and how healing works. Those are the only ones that can heal through healing energies.

So it is important to worry and be alert to the suffering of others. Then you need to take a daily practice if we want to impress the devas in some way. And we have to see if we have only a mirage in wanting to heal or if we really participate in healing. The devas wait to see if it is a mirage or if it is an authentic and sincere feeling.

The same happens in life. There are situations in which we encounter human pain. Then the devas observe how we respond to human suffering. For example: someone calls us at 10 at night and says: "I have a problem with my stomach"; We will answer: "I will tell you tomorrow what we can do". That means we don't have enough concern for the suffering of others. If one is a healer and they call him on the phone at midnight saying he has such a medical condition and asking if he could help him with a therapy, we have to be prepared to leave the house and help that person. One cannot rebuke the person and tell them that these are not hours to call and annoy and asking if they have lost common sense. If you do so, it means that one is willing to serve others according to their own comfort. That means that we give priority to our own comfort and leave the suffering of others as a secondary thing. Healing energies observe us to see how we behave when faced with situations like these. Our preparation to respond with our action in any suffering of life is what the devas of healing observe. No one could escape this.

In fact, one can know for himself if he is responding well to life or not. Imagine a case of someone who is serious and has been admitted to a hospital. Well, we will have to find time to go and comfort that person. That is, when it comes to dealing with any suffering, there must be no feeling that we are making an effort on our part. This must be our priority. Only people like that can feel what suffering is and can attend to that suffering. Thus, the degree of readiness of readiness to respond to the suffering of others is the first characteristic to cure. All the techniques of color, sound, touch and meditation are useless if this promptness has not been established.

And we must be able to respond quickly to any suffering, not only human, but also of animals and plants. Imagine that there is a plant that is drying up due to lack of water and you pass by without giving it water. Then the Devas of healing will not be happy with us. Because the sense of healing is to promote life. And if in life we ​​find events in which we see that life is declining, we will have to act to fix it. How can one let life decay and at the same time say that it works to give more life?

When we neglect the sufferings that we have around us we are letting life die. We need to attend to the suffering of others around us. And according to our response and the responsibility we show, nature will gradually give us more examples of life. This is the respect we have to learn: the concern for beings and the readiness to attend to the suffering of others and to be impersonal, without having personal priorities, just as they do not have the light and the im n. The events in the life of the initiates give us a lot of light on how one must act in order to heal. The next step to cure is, then, to respond to the call of any vital unit that we find in our path. We have to do that for long years.

On the other hand, when we go to sleep, we have to give ourselves to the healing energy by making a proposal and telling him that we can be employed while we sleep to help any person or any being in any place. One has to surrender in this way every day. When we get up we have to make this proposal again. If this is a priority for us, we will not forget to make this proposal, just as we do not forget our breakfast. Thus, every day, before going to bed and waking up, we offer ourselves to the energy around us telling us that we are willing and available to work for the suffering of others. When one thinks this in his mind, the one around him hears it and then we find certain events in life that are to prove whether or not we respond to them. We have to be sure that we make this meditation proposal and carry out a practice. The practice is to respond to the life you suffer daily. Meditation consists in offering ourselves to be available to healing energies.

When we do these two things the devas watch us. And once they are satisfied with us, they begin to make some healing energy flow through us. To make healing energies manifest in us, we are expected to adopt a system in life, since systematic functioning generates power.

We have to develop a system that implies that we have purity of surroundings. That is, the place where we are is clean and magnetic. And then there is the physical purity that one has to have with oneself. You have to take a daily shower, put on clean clothes and get well groomed from head to toe. Realize that it means from combing and grooming your hair to fixing your toenails. We cannot allow any part of the body to accumulate impurities. There has to be purity in all parts of the body. Especially in the head. Having a neat head is very important. The head contains a lot of electrical energy and must be very arranged so that the electrical energies can flow through us.

Then there must also be purity of emotions. One cannot abuse the senses and be a healer at the same time. If we have very unbalanced emotions there is no way that healing energies can be channeled through us. In this way blockages are manifested within the channel. It is like having a pipe inside which there are obstacles and water cannot pass freely. Or as an electric wire in which there is a short circuit. For the energies to flow freely the entire network has to be in good condition. The network in this case is composed of these four aspects, which are: the purity of thought, the purity of the emotional body, the purity of the physical body and the purity of the surroundings where we live. The purity of thought is the purity of the mental body. Depending on the purity of thought, this is how the mental body is constituted. When there is no mental purity, the mental body accumulates impurity around it. This causes us to block. Other major blockages are the impurity of the emotional body, the impurity of the physical body and the impurity of the surroundings where we live.

On the other hand we have to have purity in the word, purity of what we say. So purity has to be present daily in our life. It is the keynote at all levels and should include purity of food, physical body and place where we eat. We can't eat anywhere or anything. The place where a food is cooked is important. It is not the same as having been cooked in a street stall or in a house kitchen. It is also important who the cook is and what state of mind he had when cooking that food. That is why those who practice healing, unless they have been protected at all levels, until then they must continue working with these principles. Between a meal cooked in a restaurant by a salaried cook and the food prepared by a mother at home for her children there is a difference in the vibration of both meals.

The initiates visit the houses according to the housewives. If the housewife is a pure person, initiates like to visit that house. If the lady of the house is completely emotional or mentally unbalanced, when that person cooks her vegetables, she is not only cooking that, but also her emotions and thoughts. And the person who eats it later, will carry symptoms of those thoughts or emotions for at least 7 days.

Cooking food with an auspicious environment, having a pure body and a pure mind is the most important. That is why in the East it is said that what is cooked is not so important. The most important thing is who cooks it. How expensive the food is is not important. It is important how loving or loving the person who has cooked it is. The taste comes to food for that and not for the ingredients we put. Because the most important ingredient is love. What is cooked with love is harmonious and healthy for the body.
When I speak of purity I mean purity in all aspects of our life. There are many people who decide to cook for themselves so as not to collect the vibrations of others; especially where emotions are very abundant. It is not recommended to eat food from these people.
If one wants to go into the details to acquire purity, he will realize that he must cover all the activities of his life. And among them, the places visited. Suppose we go to the busiest streets in the city, full of people; then we go home and go straight into the kitchen like this. In this way we are mixing the vibrations of the street with those of the kitchen. A kitchen is a kitchen. And a sink is a sink. And one cannot mix both. One has to adopt this science in a good way to acquire purity.

So the third aspect that one has to acquire to obtain the favor of the devas is that of purity. Unless we have purity at all levels the devas cannot work with us. Because you can't imagine staying with a person who has impurities at all levels. Can we stay in a place where there are many filth around it?

To emphasize this point I usually tell an example that is a bit unpleasant. But I ask that together, with me, we cope with it and have a little patience. Can one eat in the bathroom? It is an impossible thing. As for healing energies, it is the same case as living with a person who is impure. If one wants to develop healing energies in oneself, one needs to have purity at all levels.

These 3 aspects form an important triangle for practice:
Promptness to respond to the suffering of others.

Daily delivery of oneself when going to sleep and waking up in the morning, doing a meditation, in which we propose to be used or used to heal others during the night hours and during the day.

And observe the purity. Procurar tener pureza en nuestros alrededores, en el cuerpo, en el cuerpo emocional, en nuestra palabra y pensamiento.

Todo esto junto constituye un paso y luego viene el paso siguiente. Sin haber practicado este primer paso no se puede pasar al segundo paso, que voy a dar ahora.

En el segundo paso llega el momento de reunir las energías de curación. Hay ciertos momentos que son más favorables que otros para recibir las energías de curación. Tenemos que asegurarnos de que preparamos adecuadamente esos momentos especiales para invocar las energías de curación. Las horas del crepúsculo y del alba son importantes para invocar las energías de curación. Es una cosa que sucede dos veces al día (cuando el sol está en el este y en oeste). Y si uno tiene tiempo también lo puede hacer a las doce del medio día ya las doce de la media noche, coincidiendo con el punto más alto y el punto mas bajo del sol (cuando se encuentra en el sur y en el norte). Estos son los cuatro puntos cardinales durante los cuales se pueden invocar las energías de curación con más facilidad. Y esto a diario.

Por otro lado el jueves es el día más importante de toda la semana para invocar las energías de curación. Porque los jueves llevan en ellos la energía de segundo rayo. Y uno puede invocar muchas energías de curación este día. Y luego la segunda categoría de día de la semana es el domingo. En estos dos días, jueves y domingo, uno puede encontrar más tiempo para invocar las energías de curación.

El primer aspecto de este segundo paso es, pues, el tiempo. El tiempo diario para las invocaciones y el semanal (jueves y domingos) para aprovechar mejor las energías de curación. Luego está también el tiempo mensual. Al mes la undécima fase de la luna, tanto ascendente como descendente, son momentos muy importantes para encontrar las energías de curación. Son los mejores momentos para invocar las energías del segundo Logos. Y luego nos encontramos también con el tiempo anual. A lo largo del año el mes de Sagitario y el mes de Géminis son especialmente recomendados para invocar las energías de curación. Y el segundo grado para invocarlas son los signos de Leo y de Acuario.

Eso no quiere decir que durante los demás meses no se dispongan esas energías de curación. Sólo que hay unos momentos a diario, semanalmente, mensualmente y anualmente que estas energías están más disponibles que en el resto del tiempo. Tenemos que apuntarnos estas horas y fechas y organizar con armonía nuestra actividad para que podamos ponernos en sintonía con estas energías y recibirlas en abundancia para que podamos ser buenos agentes de distribución. Así que hemos de estar preparados para cuando nos visitan. Cuando una persona importante nos visita, ¿acaso no hacemos todos los preparativos para recibirla bien? Imaginaos que una persona muy importante va a venir a casa a las nueve en punto. Si no estamos allí a esa hora en punto, no la podremos ver. Pues estas energías también nos visitan según una hora determinada. Y son muy precisas en cuanto a su hora de visita, sin tener retraso alguno. Por lo tanto tenemos que prepararnos para esas horas concretas. Tenemos que ponernos a tono con esas horas, con esos momentos para invocar las energías.

Uno tiene también al año cuatro puntos cardinales, que son los dos Equinoccios y los dos Solsticios. Esos cuatro momentos son también muy importantes para la Curación.

Hay muchos más detalles sobre las preparaciones que estoy comentando. Pero con lo que os he dicho es suficiente para empezar a practicar. Porque cuando empezamos a trabajar con estas semillas, comienzan a desplegarse dentro de nosotros y nos empiezan a dar todos los demás detalles necesarios.

El tercer paso es el lugar. Uno tiene que preparar en su casa un lugar adecuado en el que se invoquen siempre las energías de Curación. Cuando uno prepara un lugar determinado, las energías visitan siempre ese mismo lugar. Suponeos que ese día, debido a vuestro trabajo, tenéis que iros a otro lugar. Por ejemplo, hoy estoy yo en Barcelona y por la mañana invoco a las energías de Curación, sabiendo que por la tarde me trasladaré a Zurich. En ese caso, antes de acabar la invocación matutina, tendré que advertir a la gente que por la tarde, a la hora de la invocación, estaré en Zurich en tal o cual lugar y no en Barcelona. Se trata de una cuestión de disciplina. Si una persona nos visita todas las mañanas y todas las tardes, y una mañana estamos allí pero por la tarde vamos a ir a otra ciudad, ¿acaso no le decimos que no venga a este lugar por la tarde porque nos vamos a desplazar a otro lugar? Pues esa es una manera que tenemos que observar para relacionarnos con las energías. Hemos de informar a la energía: “mañana estaremos en tal y tal lugar, a tal hora y te informo de esto”.

Según nos lo permita el tiempo, uno ha de visitar lugares santos o sagrados. Hay un lugar sagrado que est creado dentro de nuestro propio ser. Y antes de que est completamente establecido, uno necesita las pr cticas externas mencionadas. Es un m todo para encontrarse con un gran Im n. Cuando un im n peque o se encuentra con un im n grande, recibe mucho, mucho m s magnetismo. Hay lugares que est n cargados con una vibraci n magn tica. Por ejemplo, Montserrat. Pod is encontrar muchos lugares a vuestro alrededor que son sagrados. Puede ser un bosque, puede ser una monta a, puede ser a la orilla del mar o puede ser a la orilla del r oo puede ser una catedral bien cuidada. Estos lugares, que se consideran muy piadosos, deben ser visitados seg n os lo permita vuestro tiempo. As es como uno desarrollar en torno suyo solamente esa actividad que contiene la energ a de curaci n.

Y luego tambi n -y en mayor medida que los lugares- hemos de visitar o estar en relaci n con seres humanos que son magn ticos. Si hay alg n santo o ermita o cerca de Montserrat, por ejemplo, estar a bien que fu ramos a verlo. No es que nos vaya a dar un vaso de energ a de curaci n. Basta con estar cerca de l sin hacer demasiado ruido y nos dar las energ as de curaci n. Porque no es esta persona la que distribuye, sino que la distribuci n se lleva a cabo sola. Solemos decir que es el im n el que distribuye las energ as magn ticas. De hecho, no es el im n el que distribuye las energ as magn ticas. Es un acto muy impersonal el que se lleva a cabo a trav s del im n. El im n no puede decir: ahora no voy a dar energ as por un tiempo ys lo las voy a dar durante tal o cual periodo . El im n es im ny la magnetizaci n se lleva a cabo a trav s de l. As mismo act a la presencia de un sabio, de un maestro de sabidur a. A trav s de l se produce la distribuci n de la sabidur a, de lo cual l es conciente. Y no tiene por qu hablarnos continuamente s lo de la curaci n. Basta con que estemos a su lado y ya quedamos curados. As es que encontrarse con personas sabias es una cosa que se recomienda mucho para recibir el favor de los devas.

Pero no hag is juicios r pidos o precipitados acerca de esto. Debido a nuestro corto entendimiento solemos hacer juicios precipitados acerca de las personas sabias. Y aunque ellas no est n afectadas por nuestro juicio, nosotros s que quedamos afectados por los juicios que hagamos. Cuando hacemos juicios, el flujo de energ a que viene de ellos hacia nosotros se corta. Puede que no sepamos muchas cosas acerca de los sabios y adem s vemos en ellos lo que queremos ver. Pero no podemos ver lo que son en realidad porque no nos mantenemos lo suficientemente abiertos como para poder comprender quienes son en realidad. Y muchas veces volvemos de su presencia teniendo en nuestra mente a n muchas preguntas. Por qu hacia eso? Pero, sea como sea, lo que nos interesa es que est distribuyendo energ as.

Hay una afirmaci n excelente en las escrituras en la que se dice: El im n es im n aunque este torcido . Qu m s nos da que est torcido? Hemos de preocuparnos s lo de que irradie magnetismo. Qu m s nos da la forma que pueda tener el im n? Para qu queremos un im n, es por su forma o por la corriente magn tica que tiene? Cuando uno obtiene la corriente magn tica de un sabio, que no haya discusi n sobre su forma, su color o su movimiento. Tendremos que esperar para poder llegar a entenderle. As pues, cuando uno oiga que hay una persona santa y dedicada hemos de visitarla sin hacer ning n juicio. Basta con visitarla, estar un momento en su presencia y volver a nuestro lugar. No hay necesidad de estar m s con ella. La visita s lo tendr por objetivo volvernos a cargar. En conclusi n, acerqu monos a las personas sabias.

Luego tambi n se recomienda que tengamos cerca de nosotros, seg n nos resulte m s conveniente, ciertos animales que nos dan tambi n energ a de curaci n. En la Grecia clásica solían tener también esos animales. El año pasado pude ver un lugar en Grecia en el que un iniciado tenia a su alrededor una cobra. Hay animales que generan fuerza vital. Si es posible debemos tener animales de estos en torno nuestro. No os estoy recomendando que tengáis una cobra y sí por ejemplo una paloma blanca, un caballo blanco -mejor un caballo blanco que no uno negro-, un cisne. Uno puede visitar a los cisnes, a un elefante -especialmente los elefantes blancos, aunque sé que estos sólo se pueden encontrar en el desierto- a un perro blanco ya una vaca blanca. Estos, pues, son animales a los que se les considera positivos, nos dan las energías curativas y, por lo tanto, nos podemos relacionar positivamente con ellos. Pero, por favor, eso no quiere decir que los debamos poseer. Ya tenemos suficientes posesiones para complicar la vida. Dejémoslos que estén cerca de nosotros.

Y hablando de animales blancos, pienso también en el pico blanco de una montaña. Por eso la gente se vuelve loca para ir a los Alpes oa los Himalayas. Why? Porque esa blancura nos atrae. Hay algo en nosotros que también es blanco y es la luz. Así que nos sentimos atraídos de manera natural hacia lo blanco que vemos en nuestro exterior.

Hay mucha gente también que desea estar al lado de personas sabias porque es una cosa atractiva, les atrae. Hay algo común entre todos y por eso atrae. Así es como Sai Baba está siendo visitado ahora mismo por millares de seres de todo el planeta. Donde hay mucha luz y amor también los animales, aves o pájaros se sienten atraídos. Incluso los animales salvajes quedan atraídos. ¿O es que acaso los Maestros no atraen a seres humanos salvajes? Si pueden estar al lado de un Maestro los seres humanos salvajes, ¿por qué no pueden estar los animales salvajes? Si una persona tiene una actitud de tigre, es como tener a un tigre al lado de uno. Si una persona tiene una actitud de escorpión, es como tener un escorpión a su lado. Del mismo modo, entre los seres humanos hay también representaciones de vacas, tigres y de otros seres que están en medio de esta graduación. Pero, en presencia de los seres sabios, todos viven en la armonía. No solamente las cabras y las vacas, sino también los elefantes y los tigres se comportan como cabras y como vacas.

Vemos en la vida de los grandes iniciados como estos animales los visitaban frecuentemente y en su presencia vivían más felices. Porque al igual que los seres humanos quieren estar alrededor de una persona sabia, así también los animales. En la vida de Pitágoras, había un cisne que recorría miles de kilómetros sólo para estar con él durante algún tiempo. Del mismo modo, hay otros grandes iniciados a los que les visitan frecuentemente tigres y leones. Todos son bienvenidos y adquieren su armonía y su equilibrio.

Así es que, como estudiante de la curación, uno puede empezar a visitar a estas unidades de conciencia como son los animales. Y cuando uno ya ha adquirido la armonía que se ha establecido bien en nosotros, estos animales nos visitarán. Primero nosotros los visitamos a ellos, luego ellos nos visitarán a nosotros. Ellos también tienen valores sociales. Y según seamos nosotros, así se comportan con nosotros.

Lo dicho sobre los animales también vale para las plantas. Se le pide al curador que plante y haga crecer por lo menos una planta en su vida. Porque, si uno está haciendo crecer una planta, está haciendo crecer la vida. Así es que se trata de una actividad que mejora la vida. En Grecia existía un sistema por el cual hacían crecer robles sagrados muy grandes. El curador estaba siempre en un huerto o jardín con árboles santos y estaba rodeado de animales sagrados. Y cuando la gente venia, se permitía que estuviera a su alrededor durante tres o cuatro días y se les daba una comida muy sagrada. Al cabo de tres días la gente notaba una mejoría considerable de salud.

Éste es un sistema holístico total de desarrollar las energías de curación. De manera que tanto la tierra, como los animales y como las plantas se congregan y están juntos en un lugar para promover las energías de curación. Y cuando uno visita estos lugares, se queda de repente curado sin necesidad de tomar ningún medicamento. Vivir en presencia de un curador durante tres o cuatro días hará que nos curemos en los tres cuerpos porque los curadores siguen suministrándonos tales energías. Se nos pide, pues, que cultivemos plantas sagradas de este tipo, si es posible un jardincillo.

Sé muy bien que no nos es posible individualmente por el estilo de vida que nos hemos creado. Pero si nos juntamos y nos constituimos como un buen grupo y compramos un acre de tierra en algún sitio del campo, en la colina, podemos hacer que ese lugar pueda ser un lugar sagrado, haciendo que la gente vaya a visitar ese lugar, y al mismo tiempo será un lugar seguro para curar infinidad de dolencias y enfermedades para las cuales normalmente tomamos muchos medicamentos. Eso que era algo que podía hacer un solo un ser humano en el pasado, hoy tenemos que pensar en hacerlo como grupo. Así es cómo uno se tiene que rodear al final sólo de energías de curación.

Luego hay también un color que nos da cada vez más energías curativas. No es sino el color de la síntesis, en el cual todos los demás colores confluyen: el azul. El cielo es azul y se transforma en muchos colores incluyendo al blanco. Al color azul se le considera como el color de síntesis, el color del amor. De esta manera uno tiene que invocar mucho color azul dentro de él. Y una vez que uno lo ha invocado suficientemente, puede invocar otros colores con un sentido o propósito especifico. Éste es un detalle que puede ser llevado a cabo más tarde. Pero si uno invoca al color azul, está invocando a todos los colores. Así es que debe haber una invocación del color azul durante la meditación y debe haber también una invocación del color azul a nuestro alrededor. Cuando digo a nuestro alrededor quiero decir con ello que nos pongamos tanto como sea posible ropa de color azul. Uno se puede poner frecuentemente ropas de color blanco y azul. También podemos ponernos otros colores. Pero los que se deben evitar al principio de esta práctica son el color rojo de sangre, porque es demasiado fuerte y cuando lo invocamos no podemos controlarlo bien, el color marrón, que es el color de la tierra, el verde oscuro y el color gris, porque lleva en él muchos aspectos astrales. Cuando está nublado nos sentimos embotados. Pues ésta es la situación gris en nosotros. Si uno está por el aire, si uno vuela, se da cuenta que por encima de él todo está excelentemente azul y por debajo de él todo es gris. El gris lo nubla todo. Cuando hay gris en las cosas no puede existir la claridad. Y puesto que lo que se nos pide es que tengamos más claridad, en los primeros pasos de esta práctica hemos de evitar o estar en contacto con el color gris, así como también con el color verde oscuro. Porque estos son colores muy poderosos que no pueden ser dirigidos o manipulados a no ser que sean grandes curadores.

Como agentes curadores hemos dicho que teníamos el color azul. Después del azul tenemos el color crema, luego tenemos también el color naranja y luego el color amarillo. Todos estos colores se invocan automáticamente cuando uno trabaja con el color azul. Uno debe trabajar con la nota del color de esta manera.
El centro en el que uno tiene que invocar esta energía de curación puede ser el centro del entrecejo, el ajña o el centro del corazón. Según la comodidad de cada uno puede invocar las energías en el centro del entrecejo o en el centro del corazón. El centro que uno elija es en el que se han de invocar las energías de manera regular.
El sonido es AUM y el énfasis se pone más en la U. Hay tres modos de pronunciar el OM. Hay un modo en que uno pone más énfasis en la A, otro en que se pone más énfasis en la U y otro en que se pone más énfasis en la MY según sea el propósito de lo que se quiera conseguir, se pasa el énfasis de un sonido al otro. Así es que tenemos que invocar el color azul en el centro del entrecejo o en el centro del corazón y, al invocar el sonido AUM, invocarlo con énfasis en el sonido U. Os enseñaré cómo es (pronuncia el AUM….). Es decir, la primera parte de la A y la primera parte de la M son las más cortas. Y la parte U se prolonga mucho más. Al hacerlo así, uno está invocando más al segundo logos que al primero o al tercero. Éste es el aspecto del sonido.
De esta manera hemos cubierto el aspecto sonido, el aspecto color, el centro, el lugar, la hora y los tres pasos primeros de la práctica que hemos de llevar a cabo a diario. Si uno observa todos estos principios durante un periodo de doce años, puede estar seguro que los devas de la curación cooperarán con él. Porque manifestar una práctica que nos hayamos propuesto nos lleva un ciclo de Júpiter. Y a partir de entonces empieza a adquirir más y más detalles sobre el funcionamiento de los diversos chacras, los diversos colores, los diversos planos, los diversos sonidos y los diversos planetas.

Estos son detalles que se van desarrollando desde dentro de uno mismo. Ésta es la práctica que todo lo abarca para establecerse uno mismo como un agente curativo. Y mientras uno está llevando a cabo la práctica no tiene por qué hacer saber a nadie que está llevando a cabo una práctica de curación. Es decir, que uno no habrá de hablar de ello a la ligera fuera de su círculo, sino que sólo lo compartirá solo con aquellos que están en la misma práctica.

Teniendo esta preparación, uno puede luego escoger un tipo de terapia. Puede ser la terapia con masaje o una terapia a través del alimento o una terapia de remedios florales de Bach o una terapia a través de la homeopatía o una terapia de naturopatía. Dejad, pues, que haya una terapia para no dar una idea anormal de nosotros mismos a los pacientes que podamos tener. Porque no tenemos que ser reconocidos en el mundo exterior como curadores espirituales. Simplemente hemos de ser reconocidos, si lo somos, como un terapeuta o uno que hace homeopatía o una técnica particular. Es sólo el ansia que tenemos de agrandarnos a nosotros mismos cuando hablamos de que somos curadores y que hacemos tales y cuales cosas. Pero ¿cuál es la ventaja que puede tener la persona a la que pretendemos curar si se entera que somos curadores? Lo que es importante es transmitir las energías curativas. Pero no es importante que se nos conozca como curadores. Daos cuenta de qué sencillo era Cristo cuando se le atribuían las alabanzas. Cuando devolvió la vida a Lázaro o cuando le volvió la vista al ciego o cuando curó al paralítico que estaba cerca de la piscina esperando que le dieran un baño. Jesús nunca dijo que él era un curador espiritual. Y si alguien se lo hubiera dicho, hubiera respondido como dijo siempre: “No, no penséis así. El curador es mi Padre”. Así que nunca tengáis la impresión de que sois vosotros los curadores. Acordaos siempre de que sois sólo un agente para el curador. Y entonces, si hay gente que se cura, no tenéis por qué tener un excitamiento especial. Y si hay gente que ha venido a vosotros y no se cura, tampoco tenéis por qué poneros efusivamente tristes por ello.
Lo que tiene que hacer el curador es distribuir constantemente las energías. Porque éstas las recibirán o no según sean los centros receptores en las otras personas. Pero uno no tiene una responsabilidad personal de curar o no curar. La luz tampoco es responsable del tipo de actividades que podamos llevar a cabo. Supongamos que porque hay luz nos ponemos a pelear unos con otros. Hasta qué punto es responsable la luz de eso. La luz se pone a disposición sólo para que podamos ver mejor y para que hagamos un uso de la situaci n determinada seg n lo que llevamos y somos por dentro. De la misma manera los centros receptores reciben seg n su capacidad. As que uno no debe desanimarse cuando ve que alguien no se cura. El programa en la televisi n se proyecta siempre y en las casas se recibe siempre y cuando enciendan la televisi n. A veces puede que no se reciba ese programa. Cuando pasa eso uno no se tiene que desanimar. Si cuando alguien se cura no se vuelve uno loco de alegr a, tampoco se queda sumido en la m s profunda tristeza cuando no se cura.

Qued monos, pues, impersonales. Porque al llegar a estadios avanzados sabemos por qu esa persona no se pude curar. Hay ciertas situaciones a las que no les ha llegado el tiempo. Entonces comprenderemos la dimensi n temporal de esa situaci ny nos quedaremos en igual equilibrio y distancia de ambas cosas y en todo momento.

Creo que esta pr ctica que os he dado es suficiente para los varios a os que nos esperan. Y los que quer is trabajar con ella empezad a hacerlo humildemente. Esta es una manera pr ctica de ponernos a tono con las energ as de Curaci n.

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