Conscious co-creation: "May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

  • 2016
Keys to Conscious Cocreation: May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

In the process of conscious co-creation, we always want to control the times, the forms, and do not give ourselves to the process. One of the deepest teachings is synthesized in a single sentence: `` Let his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. ''

What does this statement really mean? That your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

It probably contains one of the greatest truths of our universe. Heaven and earth united in a single dance of a perfect order. The sky and the ground, up and down, inside and outside. What is in the micro cosmos is in the macro cosmos.

In the universe everything moves in a perfect dance.

In the macro cosmos we see how everything moves with amazing perfection, in a perfect order. No eclipse, no constellation, no sun is born at random. The planets rotate and move each one at its own time and rhythm, the universe pulses perfectly, like a heart beating at a perfect beat.

We have never seen a planet decide to change direction or a constellation change shape simply because they have got bored of always following in the same way. And look at your cells, as everyone does what they should to keep you alive, day by day.

But you. You are always trying to hurry processes, compare yourself with the one next to you and want to beat you to get anywhere before. You are permanently struggling to have something you don't have, to live in a different way, dealing with life and paddling against the flow. We forget every day, to keep up with this dance and enjoy the process. We are leaving our lives wanting to bring our own compass, just to differentiate ourselves from others.

Let your will be done, it is not surrender but completeness.

That your will be done is the full certainty that I can flow through the divine inspiration that is love, that is abundance that is fullness. That your will be done is faith, it is the full confidence that happiness is downstream and I just have to let go. That your will be done is to understand at once that only the universe is my limit and that by surrendering myself to its flow and becoming one with it I can live in complete harmony because that is my essence.

Only human beings try to always twist fate's hand. Our free will is not about what we want to become, but the possibility that we have been given to accept or not that deep love of the universe in our lives. We can freely refuse and be moved by fear, lack and pain, and not ... we are not judged for it. But do we really want to keep denying everything wonderful for us as sneaky kids doing lollipops? Personally I prefer to say: May your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and surrender to experience without resistance.

How? It's not that hard, close your eyes and breathe. Just breathe, feel the universe dancing around you, feel how it is in order and stop fighting. Everything you have to solve, everything you have to do is nothing but an illusion. Everything is moving, everything is transforming you just have to keep up. Take some time daily to feel where you should move. There will be days when you want to move forward and others stop, feel the perfection in it and let yourself go.

AUTHOR: Beatriz Cueto, editor of the great family of
You can find out more about Beatriz on her website

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