How to heal your chakras?

  • 2015

To know how to walk your chakras you must first know what the chakras are and where they are located in the body, to understand the inconveniences that arise when they are not balanced and not completely clean.

What are the chakras?

The word chakra prevents from the root char means circle, disk, wheel. They are the 7 energy centers that form the being and the nervous system; Its function is to regulate the energy that passes through the body. People open and close the chakras to think and feel the world around them. They are not a physical part of the body but if it interacts with it, each person has 7 chakras inside aligned in their spine and acting on 7 endocrine glands; that is to say that each one is linked to parts and functions of the body directed by the plexus or by the endocrine glands attached to the chakra. To understand how to heal your chakras you must know the location of each of them and with which organs they are linked.

they act on 7 endocrine glands; that is to say that each one is linked to parts and functions of the body directed by the plexus

How to heal your chakras?


It is red is the root chakra, because it is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the adrenal glands, kidneys and spine, also governs compression. To heal it we must:

  • Eat protein
  • Perform aerobic and anaerobic exercises.
  • Walk barefoot and run.
  • Do dance therapy.
  • Please some tastes.


It is orange and is the sexual chakra. It is located in the ovaries and testicles of man, that is why it governs reproduction and sexuality; It also encourages creativity. To heal it we must:

  • Drink much liquid.
  • Swim.
  • Dance rhythms that need hip movement.
  • Get in touch with water.
  • Having sex
  • Do not repress emotions.
  • Be free.


Its color is yellow and is attached to the solar plexus. It controls the pancreas, stomach, bladder, liver. In it originates the emotional sensitivity that runs through people. To heal it we must:

  • Eat carbohydrate foods and starches.
  • Practice yoga.
  • Release anger or stress by hitting a punching bag or any other item to free yourself when necessary.


Pink or green is the heart chakra. It is related to the circulatory system, the immune system, the endocrine and the thymus gland. This valve allows you to feel love. To heal it we must:

  • Drink green tea
  • Eat vegetables
  • Perform outdoor exercises practicing Pranayama and Bandhas.
  • Breathe deeply.
  • Take air through the nose filling the abdomen and chest and then expel it through the mouth.
  • Help a person daily without expecting anything in return
  • Forgive.
  • Arch the spine to the fullest and perform several deep breaths in that position.


It is a beautiful bright turquoise blue and is located in the throat. It affects the thyroid and controls the lungs, vocal cords and bronchi. Due to its location it is related to communication and decision making. To heal it we must:

  • Exercise the vocal cords repeating a mantra.
  • Open the mouth to the maximum and take out the tongue to stretch all the muscles of the face and neck. Issue a cry of release for 30 seconds.
  • Move the head in denial and affirmation repeatedly.
  • Sing.

To jna.

It is presented with the violet. It is located on the forehead so the third eye is told, this is the entrance to spirituality. It governs the left eye in charge of personality, as well as the mouth, nose, ears and part of the central nervous system. To heal it we must:

  • Massage eyes and temples in a circular manner.
  • To meditate.
  • Display simple images.
  • Eat foods associated with their color such as: raspberry, blackberries, red wine, blueberries, grapes, among others.


White or gold controls the upper brain and the right eye. It is in charge of uniting the physical and spiritual selves and bringing the person closer to God. It is exteriorized through the pineal gland. To heal it we must:

  • Perform meditation
  • Pray.
  • Practice fasting
  • Empty the mind and leave it blank using a mantra for half an hour.
Healing the chakras is a necessity for a full life.

I already understand the meaning of the chakra and placing them in the body you should know when they are not working well and how to heal your chakras using a good diet and performing a series of exercise routines.

The aligned chakras that rotate clockwise fulfill their function correctly, allowing universal energy to penetrate and revitalize the aura and develop consciousness; on the contrary, turning the energy current upside down will flow outward, damaging the metabolism.

These are just a few ways to heal your chakra; Ideally, if the person finds himself immersing himself for the first time in this practice, he must go to a school that initiates him in spiritual development. If this is done constantly, I will see how things gradually change around you.

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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