How to relate the basic center to the seventh ray

  • 2019

IMMORTALITY COURSE. Unit 1: The centers. Learning 1. The basic center

Our extraterrestrial origin is in the constellation Lyra, which borders Draco, which in turn has a bad reputation. The draconians are said to be humanoid reptiles who wanted to control humanity. Quetzalcoatl would be one of them, deity described as Feathered Serpent in ancient Mesoamerica, one of the main gods or energies of many civilizations in what is now Mexico and Central America.

We now know that the Big Dipper, the Pleiades, Sirius and the Dragon, are associated in some way with the solar system, but it still does not know its function and the nature of the other constellations. The fifth creative hierarchy encloses the true "secret of the Dragon", and the influence of the dragon or the "serpentine energy" was what caused the influx of mental energy into the solar system. Mixed closely with the karma of these two cosmic Entities, there was that of that lesser Cosmic Entity, the Life of our planet, the planetary Being. This triple karma introduced the "serpentine religion" and the "Snakes or Dragons of Wisdom" in the Lemurian days. It had to do with the solar and planetary kundalini, or serpentine fire. There is a hint in the fact that the constellation of the Dragon has the same relationship with the ONE, greater than our Logos, as the coccygeal center has it with the human being. It concerns the stimulation and vitalization and the consequent coordination of the fires in manifestation.

The circle of revelation is closed; the cycle is completed when the snakes of matter, of wisdom and of life unite in a whole, and behind the three the Eternal Dragon remains to always engender the triple serpent, exclaiming continuously: Go and come back. Three words are related to this triple manifestation: Attraction, Subtraction, Abstraction. Whether or not we have reptilian genetics and this is evidenced in our nervous system, so that the coiled snake dozes at the base of the spine and begins to ascend until it reaches the brain.


  1. Establish relationships between the basic center and the seventh ray.
  2. Establish differences between fear and stress, the dragon and the snake.
  3. Define immortality in terms of power and energy.


We admit t that we are powerful before the incarnation an returned ingobernables

INTRODUCTORY ACTIVITY: aliens and messengers

Connor MacLeod, the immortal winner of the Challenge in the first film, is now a scientist. After watching his wife Brenda die from the sun's ultraviolet sunburns, which can no longer be filtered by the absence of the ozone layer, he devotes his life to protecting the Earth and its inhabitants from this danger and, therefore, , build a shield around the planet that blocks the sun's rays.

It is the year 2024. The Scot Connor MacLeod has aged and when he seems to be in his last days, he begins to remember his extraterrestrial origin. On the planet Zeist, General Katana perceives that he begins to remember him and sends two warriors to try to kill him, but they fail and it is MacLeod who decapitates them. By absorbing the accelerating power of one of them rejuvenates and becomes immortal again. The power of the second uses it to invoke the late immortal Ramirez, his best friend and mentor, who is resurrected in Scotland, from where he travels to meet him.

Highlander II is a French-British-Argentine science fiction and action film from 1991. This film explains that the origin of immortals is extraterrestrial. Ramirez, Connor and the other immortals were rebels of the planet Zeist who, captured by the tyrant general Katana, were sent to Earth condemned to kill each other on orders from the priests of that planet, to participate in the Challenge, forgetting their true origin . The winner could choose to grow old on Earth or return to their world.

After the fall of a meteorite to Earth, a group of five strangers is hit by the shockwave, which temporarily stops their hearts only to return to life with extraordinary gifts, from unexplained strength to the ability to heal others. The mission of the messengers is to stop the apocalypse and evil, accept the evidence and prove that humanity can be saved. Each of the messengers has a gift, which shows them something to learn from themselves: help instead of cheating, for example.

The messengers is an American television series of dramatic genre of 2015. The series is based on the book of Revelation, understanding this term as "catastrophic" rather than "revealing." The Last Judgment is understood as the rapture or rapture that Jesus Christ would make of those who have led a Christian life, contrary to the rapture that refers to the ascension that humans achieve to reach Christ.

  • After watching the Highlander movie and the series The Messengers answer the following questions: what is the difference between aliens and intraterrestrials? What are the differences between angels and demons? What use will we give to the spheres of the dragon or the gems of the infinite?

ACTIVITY ONE: the adrenal glands.

The adrenal glands are two structures located above the kidneys, the pyramidal right and the semilunar left. Its function is to regulate stress responses, through the synthesis of corticosteroids (mainly cortisol) and catecholamines (especially adrenaline). It should be taken into account that the left adrenal gland is not entirely superior, but more medial. In addition, in other animals it is located in other areas of the body. That is why it is advised that they be called adrenal glands.

The adrenal medulla is mainly composed of hormone-producing chromaffin cells, and is the main organ of tyrosine conversion into catecholamines such as adrenaline (epinephrine) and norepinephrine (norepinephrine). The adrenal cortex surrounds the circumference of the adrenal gland. Its function is to regulate several components of the metabolism, and produces mineralocorticoids and glucocorticoids, which include aldosterone and cortisol. The adrenal cortex is also a secondary place of production of both female and male sex hormones.


In response to a stressful situation, such as physical exercise or an imminent danger, the cells of the adrenal medulla produce catecholamines that are incorporated into the blood, in a 70 to 30 ratio of epinephrine and norepinephrine, respectively. Epinephrine produces important effects, such as increased heart rate, vasoconstriction, bronchodilation and increased metabolism, which are very fleeting responses.

Adrenaline, also known as epinephrine, is a hormone and a neurotransmitter.It increases the heart rate, constricts blood vessels, dilates the airways, and participates in the fight or flight reaction of the sympathetic nervous system.2 Chemically, Adrenaline is a catecholamine, a monoamine produced only by the adrenal glands from the amino acids phenylalanine and tyrosine.

One of the most important functions of norepinephrine is its role as a neurotransmitter. It is released from sympathetic neurons affecting the heart. An increase in the levels of norepinephrine in the sympathetic nervous system increases the rate of contractions.

Create a flow chart in which amino acids are related to hormones.

ACTIVITY TWO: The Basic Center.

This center is located at the base of the spine and supports the other centers. At the present time he is relatively passive, because he only enters into full activity, by an act of the will, directed and controlled, of the apprentice. It responds only to the will aspect and, during the incarnation, the will to be constitutes the factor that currently controls your life and produces its effects when it nourishes and directs the life principle of matter and form. In the same way that the principle of life is located in the heart, also the will to be is located at the base of the column.

Many dangerous and vain things have been said about this center, and the whole issue of the unda kundanic fire has proven to be a fantastic and engaging fable for the world's pseudocultists. The true mentalist - in training - has nothing to do with the kundalenic fire, as is commonly understood.

It is the center where the `` serpent of God '' experiences two transformations:

a. The snake of matter remains overwhelmed.

b. This snake is transformed into the snake of wisdom.

c. The wisdom snake is translated and becomes the dragment of living light .

The force of the snake is the main energy that the yogi has to awaken and dominate to overcome his attachment to earthly life and his instinctive fear of death. It rises and curls along the spine, making way for the chakras or centers of force. It is said that it can be activated with the dynamic energy of the vital breath or prana that penetrates the body through breathing. So it is appropriate to differentiate between The Dragon and the Snake. The dragon is yang, the snake is yin, the dragon is wisdom, the snake is knowledge, the dragon is taurus, the snake is gemini.

With the name of spheres of the Dragon, the seven magical artifacts are known that, by bringing them together, allow us to invoke the dragon and make it fulfill our deepest desires. With the name of gems of the infinite, the seven jewels that are found inside each of the chakras are known and, by bringing them together, they allow us to transcend space-time to infinity and beyond.


18, 000 years ago, man awoke consciousness and in that stage of life, which was the first 2, 571 years, began to form the first ring of energy and this first ring was shaped according to the type of soul-energy that it brought from other incarnations and the legacy of their ancestors. That's where everything else started. The soul of man in these adverse conditions became a Winged Serpent and a Butterfly of Night. These souls eventually developed their skills and their knowledge grew, transforming into Draconian and Reptilian souls.

  • Create a timeline with the milestones in which you have recovered your Dragon Balls. So as an action plan to synthesize the gems of infinity.

ACTIVITY THREE: the violet ray.

This is the ceremonial ray by which man delights in "all things done in a decent and orderly manner" and according to rules and precedents. Of the great priest and the chamberlain of the court, of the military man who is a genius born for the organization; of the general administrator, who will dress and feed his troops in the best possible way; of the perfect nurse who takes care of the smallest details, although sometimes she is too inclined not to consider the idiosyncrasy of the patients, and tries to force them to conform to a routine.

It is the ray of form, of the perfect sculptor who sees and produces the ideal beauty, of the designer of beautiful forms and of molds of any kind; but such a man would not succeed as a painter, unless he exerts influence on the fourth ray. The combination of the room with the seventh ray could give the highest type of artist, the form and color would be sublime. The literary work of the man who belongs to the seventh ray will be notable for his super-refined style, and as a writer he will be more concerned with the form than the subject of his work, but will possess fluency in writing and speaking. The seventh ray man will often be sectarian; You will enjoy ceremonies and festivities, large processions and shows, naval and military parades, the study of the family tree and the rules of precedence.

The undesirable individual belonging to the seventh ray is superstitious; A man of this nature will worry about premonitions, dreams, occult practices and spiritualistic phenomena. The desirable individual of this ray has the absolute intention of doing the right thing, saying the right word at the right time, hence his great social success.

The healing methods for the seventh ray man will be to apply with extreme accuracy orthodox treatment to cure the disease. The practice of Yoga does not cause physical ills. You will approach the Path following the rules of practice and ritual, and you can easily evoke and control the elemental forces.


Special virtues : Strength, perseverance, courage, courtesy, excessively detailed, self-confidence.

Vices of Lightning : Formulism, intolerance, pride, mental narrowness, superficial criteria, excessive conceit.

Virtues to be acquired : Understanding of unity, mental amplitude, tolerance, humility, benevolence, love.

  • Create a table with all the characteristics of the violet ray.


Who likes to admit total defeat? Virtually nobody, of course. The principle that we will not find a lasting strength as long as we do not accept complete defeat is one of the foundations on which the Anonymous Addicts community has grown and flourished. Accepted Apprentices, on our own, have developed a DOFA matrix with our Weaknesses-Strengths, Threats-Opportunities to propose our improvement plan.

Surrender means that the only healthy will is the will to do what we can with what we have, to do what is best for us at all times. The entrepreneurial spirit helps us to do this, consists in obtaining the prize of having enough resources to work only when we feel like it and rest the rest of the time.

The basic center connects with the splenic center, the solar and the sacrum, and for each of these three we can fan the base fire. The splenic center would become the eighth and therefore, the one that relates us to the infinite: A life force and a death force.

The spleen-Spleen center represents our oldest form of consciousness, and houses within us our most entrenched fears, the most ancestral, fears that were already part of the process of living long before human beings existed. The fears we experience in the Spleen are physical fears. They are very fundamental and basic fears associated with survival. So the spleen is a carrier in its inner jurisdiction of fears that although they are ancient, they continue to influence our lives in a basic way. 18 to the Authority. 28 to Death 32 to Failure. 50 to the Responsibility. 44 to the Past. 57 to the Future. 48 to Inadequate.

The deep fear found in gate 44, which goes back in the past to our reptilian memory, connects us with a deep and specific fear of being extinguished. The function of access 44 is to be alert to any encounter that can give us possibilities of success or failure and the only condition for success to be inevitable is to be open to any negotiation.

  • Create a timeline with the first eight hexagrams of the I ching in which the steps of the evolutionary-creative process are evident.


Bailey, Alice A. Treatise on the seven rays. Volume III Barcelona: Editorial Sirio SA 1934

Alcoholics Anonymous. Twelve steps and twelve traditions.

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