Ancient Civilizations - The Death of "Los Atlantes"

  • 2016
Table of contents hide 1 Each society must face the enemy it creates . 2 Where did the Atlanteans live? 3 How were their ancient civilizations? 4 The beauty of Atlantis will never be known, because paradise is already lost, we only have heaven left. 5 Why do the Atlanteans disappear? 6 Where are the survivors of Atlantis? 7 If I exorcised my demons, well, my angels could leave too. Tom Waits

Among the ancient civilizations that most unknowns have developed is that of the Atlanteans, a town that reached the greatness of spirit and then disappeared from the face of the Earth leaving almost no trace of what was its existence. The little information collected was imparted by the ascended Masters of the White Brotherhood, who are the descendants and last settlers of Atlantis .

The world mythology has a series of arguments that support the existence of the Atlanteans and that they were in the Atlantic. There is coherence with the myths of the creation of the world, in addition it is possible that its disappearance was caused by the universal flood and if it was without a doubt the lost paradise. It is possible that with their departure from Atlantis, they scattered throughout the world and shared their knowledge with the ancient civilizations of the moment and that from there the belief of gods from heaven to instruct human beings was born.

The Atlanteans

"Every society must face the enemy it creates."

Where did the Atlanteans live?

The ancient civilizations of the Atlanteans resided in a large continent, their society with greater development was located in the north of the Asian continent, their government extended to China, Japan, North America, India to almost the island of Malaya, To the west it included Persia and Spain, the seas of Ireland and Scotland were covering the mainland, covering the Atlantic Ocean .

What were their ancient civilizations like?

The human beings who lived there were not like today's society that walks the Earth, they were beings of light very evolved in science and technology, they handled navigation by sea and air. The infrastructure manifested great wealth and beauty. They were possessors of a great temple in which it is said resided a supreme being of unattainable beauty, in the place rites and ceremonies of power were developed, where divinity, God made presence regularly .


"You will never know the beauty of Atlantis, because paradise is already lost, we only have heaven left."

Why do the atlantes disappear?

It is said that in everything there must be a balance, where the light is found there will be shadows, good is created as well as evil. In Atlantis, beings of darkness also dwelt with equal beauty (The fallen ones), but consumed by greed and power, these slaves of Christ's adversary fed on jealousy and hatred and built their own capital “Thevatat”. There in their capital they attracted the Atlanteans and deceived them, leading them to become immoral beings that only gave darkness greater power.

The war was not long in coming, the darkness spread, the beings of light lost by respecting the basic rules of love and compassion, the temple fell. The place changed, the emperor's followers made orgies, human sacrifices and acts of great cruelty . From Gámbala the order was given to leave for Egypt and to take the knowledge of the place. Atlantis was destroyed and with it one of the most powerful and strong ancient civilizations that has lived on planet Earth.

Where are the survivors of Atlantis?

God decided that the survivors would not live on the same astral plane as the humans, the people were not prepared to receive such knowledge and power again . They would watch over humanity without directly contacting her, it would only be done with those people who had mental and spiritual preparation. The beings of light are in their enteric temples, there are some who have stepped on Earth again and are those who are known as Ascended Masters, Masters of light and love. They have united with God and still protect people.

Santorini are the remains of Atlantis

"If I exorcised my demons, well, my angels could leave too." Tom Waits

In many ancient civilizations there are the myths that an island with all its people sank, there are those who say that the Atlanteans were aliens that came from other planets, both hypotheses may be correct, but the technology is still not understood to that they used numerous towns to realize their mega constructions, as they mobilized giant stones from one place to another and that meant the canes and command stones. The Atlanteans did exist and are still there , watching us and leading us on a spiritual path .

AUTHOR: Antonio, editor of the great family of

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