Science and Spirituality integrated for love of Life

  • 2010

Case: The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico

Dear all,

Be this auspicious moment to express our greetings and greatest good.

The purpose of this document is to raise a proposal for personal and joint work that allows us to:

i) harmonize our internal world through recognition and work with the Elements of which we are constituted in this three-dimensional plane,

ii) meditate on the effects of man on nature and contribute to the harmony and regeneration of Mother Earth by working with the Elements of Nature on a planetary scale, focused on the Gulf of Mexico,

iii) prepare as a Unit in Common-Unit in these weeks that remain the Day Out of Time (July 25) according to the Maya.

In the following paragraphs we present to you an attempt to summarize Life and the Elements of Nature. This is motivated by the fact that we are currently seeing the scope of the work of man in nature. Examples of this exist throughout the world, but one, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico occupies, in particular, our attention and intention. Therefore, they will also find summary information on the characteristics of the Gulf of Mexico as well as the spill itself. We believe that knowing these facts, allows us with the knowledge of the cause, channeling our wills to mitigate the impacts of the spill, co-working with the elements of nature and Mother Earth to stop the oil spill (if this is the case be) and then contribute to re-establish Life.

It should be noted that the information provided here is referenced so that the reader can review the original information for himself and thus draw his own conclusions. We have not integrated information that is not documented as we believe that this before contributing would promote confusion. Likewise, we do not include news that is developed based on particular assumptions of the evolution of the marine environment and long-term climate. At this stage of scientific development, the forecast of the evolution of the climate based on forecast models has a certain threshold of certain months, so the chain assumptions move us away before they approach the solution. Spiritually we also know that everything, including the weather, expresses an order, everything obeys the Laws, being supported by frameworks of incredible beauty. Who understands and tries to live according to the Laws, will make this knowledge his.

Now, rather, we must try to avoid getting involved in catastrophic news that foster fear, a frequency of vibration that would increase the disharmony generated. We consider, on the contrary, to appeal to the inner knowledge, to the internal power of the Human Being that holistic researchers have recovered for the memory, understanding and extended application of humanity. The challenge is of Humanity, not of the beloved Mother Earth, because she will also transcend.

Finally we propose a sustained work of 5 weeks. Each week we will focus our intention on an element of nature, which does not exclude that we work with all the elements all the time, which would be ideal. We will start with the Water, followed by the Wind, then with the Earth and the Fire, culminating with the Sun the last week of July. July 25, Day Out of Mayan Time, will be the apex of this Convergence of Wills.

We are one.

Lima Peru

Life on this plane is the product of the interaction of the elements of nature that we know as Water, Earth, Wind and Fire. In their natural state, all of them interact and meet the needs of the environment to maintain balance and harmony according to the guidelines indicated by Mother Earth. We know from ancestral wisdom now that there is a factor, an additional element that brings together, unifies the four. This is the Sun, the giver of Life, honored by the Xolar cultures that greeted His benefactor presence every day, while recalling the virtues that we are now slowly unfolding on the way back to our origins.

As we know, the 7 Universal Laws are inexorably fulfilled in all areas of life, and are applied from the smallest corpuscles that house it to the greatest. Thus, we see that the Laws and their inherent processes are applied in our lives consecutively, rhythmically, over and over again. The ancestral villager respected the Cycle of Life, his cadence, his rhythmicity were known to him, because he knew himself, he recognized himself in each Being, he himself was the Water, he was the Wind, he was the Fire, it was the Earth, it was synthesized every day with the Sun, whose replica dwells inside us, in the heart. Thus they all lived in permanent harmony, with joy, in the deepest inner silence. Silence was Sacred then, because there in the deepest and most impenetrable solitude, the eternal magic of Life was generated.

Each element then prints its imprint at each moment. Specific and precise doses of each of them made and continued to make our existence possible, generating a myriad of scenarios as different from each other as stars in Heaven. This is our environment, a wonderful paradise called Mother Earth, Gaia, the blue pearl of the Solar System.

Among the populations that host this precious planet, is the human population. We are part of an experiment on Earth, or rather, the link that will link the densest material worlds to the highest spiritual summits of Creation. Thus, in this present moment, we have traveled this planet countless times and we know a lot about the times of harmony as well as the times of terror, fear and heartbreak. The polarity manifested. Human hives have expanded as contracted so many times, often generating desolation and destruction, which is nothing other than the denial of Life, the denial of Love. Slowly We have forgotten that in a distant time we live in harmony with Mother Earth, we have forgotten how to interpret and respect the natural changes and rhythms of the Earth manifested through its elements. Then we gave more importance to time. Other patterns of coexistence were exposed. New signs of evolution were implanted in this dense plane. The ambition for the achievement of material goods and comfort, overcame ancestral values, often forgetting and disregarding respect for (and the value of) Life.

Thus, we have transgressed the Laws countless times. In the name of development, of scientific knowledge and evolution we have caused important changes in the beings of nature, in the upper habitats as well as in the inner Earth. The beings of Nature and the elements alerted us to disarmament, but we did not understand and did not even try to listen. The extinction and destruction were the result of life codes disrupted.

We have moved so far away from Home, that we no longer remember that we have All the faculties to re-establish, re-generate, re-create Paradise. We only need to delve a little inside ourselves, because the Book of each one, our personal history, we have written before we reached this level, and now we can only remember . To do this, we only need to look inside each one with the tenderness and purity of a child, with the freshness of the dew at dawn, with the warmth of the morning Sun, with the fullness of the earth. Say, with the vibrant music of the creek on its way to the ocean. It is time to wake up from all this dream, it is time to unite our intentions and consciences to meet the millennial call of Oneness, attending first our inner Universe, our own humanity.

The White Brotherhood tells us that contact is first with oneself . Therefore, we must work in our own personal transcendence. A fundamental aspect in this process is to recognize that the elements of nature are presented and Everyone interacts within us . Understand that harmony must first be re-established in us before attempting to understand and “dominate” the environment is important, as this will allow us to first recover knowledge and apply it in our lives to finally achieve Power, achieve Mastery to interact with the Elements and with universes and / or major planes, where they also manifest themselves although with other connotations. He who re-establishes harmony within, will not seek to subdue or dominate the Elements for selfish purposes more to co-inhabit and share with them which brother who empowers his actions in the Community in order to mitigate the effects of our behavior, to in order to re-generate and return to Mother Earth, the Paradise that she constituted at the beginning of the game.

The path of evolution indicates that Mother Earth is finalizing her transcendence, all the changes she experiences are due to this process, there is nothing bad or good about it because the transmutation and preparation of her bodies towards transcendence is necessary. The human community is also invited to this transcendence. It is time to achieve unity within the same as the Elements of Nature manifest outside, it is time to achieve our importance in the Community in order to contribute effectively to mitigate the impacts generated throughout our history as the event that now motivates this invitation, as well as to contribute effectively in the creation of the New Earth.

Let's review the facts of this event now.

The oil drain on the Gulf of Mexico

Two months ago, on April 22, 2010, a drilling platform of the Transocean firm and under contract with BP, a multinational energy group that operates in 100 countries (, exploded, caught fire and sank in the depths of the seabed (~ 1500 m deep) about 100 kilometers southeast of Venice, Louisiana in the United States. It is mentioned ( that at the time of this occurrence, the platform contained 700, 000 gallons of fuel # 2 (about 16, 700 barrels) of which it is not known or will know how much it burned before of the platform sinking.

Since that date several options have been tried to contain the flow of crude oil, without much success. The American government summoned its men of science and even filmmakers and movie stars converged in the review of different possibilities to contain the oil leak. Finding an optimal response is difficult because mitigating work must be done at 1500 m, depths that man can only reach with the help of technology, whose efficiency in action is, in addition to human expertise, subject to changes in the environment Sailor at those depths. At the moment, the forecast maps of the oil slick trajectory) based on the most advanced science, account for the area (on the marine surface) involved as well as its probable displacement in the short term.

The Gulf of Mexico This marine area is the ninth largest body of water in the world and contains about 15% of all known marine fish species (McEachram and Fechhelm, 1998) [1]. These authors broadly describe the prodigal biogeographic characteristics of the Gulf of Mexico. The ocean here is characterized by the dominant presence of the Loop stream, which enters the gulf through the Yucatan Strait to exit between Key West and Cuba to the Florida coast where it is called Florida Stream, to finally join the Stream of the Gulf (Gulfstream) in front of Cape Hatteras. Sturges and Evans (1983) [2] show that the current position has a marked annual cycle, with maximum intrusions that can approach the coast in August (coinciding with the probable presence of hurricanes). In addition, the Loop current constitutes a vital link between the waters of the South Atlantic and North Atlantic, being able to generate highly energetic whirlpools with environmental and economic consequences.

The “threat” of the beginning of the hurricane season is now closed with an 85% chance of occurring with a frequency “above normal” ( .shtml) according to the May 27 forecasts of the Climate Prediction Center (CPC) / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in collaboration with the National Hurricane Center (NHC) and the Hurricane Research Division (HRD) from United States. And it is not that hurricanes are negative, they are only a manifestation of nature and occur at the right time (from late summer to early autumn of the northern hemisphere) when it is required to redistribute tremendous amounts of energy generated in this area. In the context of the spill, the possibility of hurricanes in the Gulf area implies additional challenges. On the one hand, there is concern because the impact of these energy vortices in areas with active oil spill is unknown, a fact that has never happened ( -for-the-oil-spill /? xid = rss-topstories-cnnpartner # ixzz0rxfzgCLj). A primer prepared by NOAA scientists) indicates that “hurricane winds rotate counterclockwise., So, in general terms: if the hurricane passes west of the spill zone, it could take oil to the coast; If the hurricane passes through the east side, it could displace oil away from the coast. However, the details of the evolution of the storm, the path, the wind speed, its dimension, the forward movement and its intensity are all unknown at this time and could alter this general statement. ” On the other hand, the occurrence of hurricanes or tropical storms in the Gulf area would indicate the temporary cessation (of at least 2 weeks at a time) of technical, scientific, cleaning, relief to damaged fauna and flora, among others. actions, increasing the current impacts.

Making calculations It is not known and you may never know how much oil has spread in the sea. The Deepwater Horizon Incident Joint Information Center provides estimates of the volume discharged into the sea from April 20 to June 15 /gulf.coast.oil.spill/interactive/numbers.interactive/index.html), considering a daily flow rate for three scenarios (35, 000, 45, 000 and 60, 000 barrels of oil / day). According to this source, it is estimated that between 2, 275, 000 and 3, 900, 000 barrels of oil have been spilled in 57 days (as of June 15), in other terms (if we consider that 01 barrel contains ~ 159 liters) we are talking about 361, 725, 000 to 620, 100, 000 liters, far exceeding the Exxon Valdez spill in 1989, and approaching the daily production of US oil (4, 950, 000 barrels).

The impacts on wildlife and habitat . It is known that oil causes damage to wildlife by physical contact, ingestion, inhalation and absorption, can contaminate plankton, which includes algae, fish eggs and larvae of various invertebrates. The largest fish and animals in the food chain, birds, land mammals and humans can be subsequently contaminated. Initially, oil has the greatest impact on species that live on (and feed on) the surface of the sea, such as waterfowl and sea otters, and the species that inhabit the coastal environment. We wonder what would happen if our home was completely flooded with oil and we had to breathe and drink water with oil.

In terms of habitat, oil can persist long after the occurrence of the spill (such as subsoil sediments on gravel coastlines, and in some soft substrates), and may cause changes in the population structure, in the abundance of species and biological diversity as in its distribution. Habitat loss and dam loss also have the potential to affect fish and wildlife populations. However, the pelagic communities (of medium water, where anchovy and sardines inhabit, for example) and those of the high seas, are much more resistant than those of coastal habitats. For example, NOAA cites that, although oil is still present in the sediment and coastal areas 15 years after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska, some wildlife populations have recovered, despite the effects they will continue although restricted to populations residing in isolated areas.

Currently there is information on the affected organisms. But fully quantifying the effects with current technology is not possible due to the size of the spill and the large marine layer of ˜1500 m where oil has spread, not to mention the coastal areas involved.

Humanity actions to counteract the effects of the spill . In addition to the collaborators and volunteers in the area, the news and images that have been distributed worldwide promoted a brainstorm to stop the incessant flow of oil. On a spiritual level, good will and intention summoned the workers and servants of the Light to promote mitigating actions. For example:

  • The team of the Children of the Sun called for action on Sunday 20 and Monday 21 last ( -the-immediate-action /)
    • Masaru Emoto has suggested sending energy of love and gratitude to all living creatures in the Gulf of Mexico appealing to the power of prayer);
    • Aguila Blanca and Thot and the brotherhood of Light through Lois Hartwick convened a coordinated global and galactic effort this June 18 (, https: // / 2010/06/21 / global-and-coordinated-galactic-effort-for-the-oil-spill-in-the-gulf-June-18-2010 /), whose success depended on the active participation of Humanity to sustain the Light, as they pointed out;
    • The International Council of the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers have also made a call,
  • Also, Kai (

And certainly, many more made silent calls.

It is necessary to consider, on the other hand, that the workers and Servants of the Light on Earth have used and employ different means to contribute in their cleaning and regeneration. Part of these are being carried out in co-operation with the White Brotherhood of the Earth, the intra-earth communities, the beings of nature among other consciences. Thus, programmed quartz crystals have been sown, etheric crystals have been anchored, earth and high vibration water have been planted in necessary places, energies have been anchored and sustained, as well as we raise prayers and prayers, we also offer dances as songs that They have contributed and contribute to this intention. We will not forget the inhabitants of all the cultures of the Earth that keep the traditions of the ancestors alive.

There is therefore no single formula. Each one has a particular form that synthesizes every experience of Life from its origins. Whichever way you tune in more, that particular way that allows us to reveal our highest faculties, that way that is the reflection of the heart exalted by love, is adequate. For it is in that state that the bodies of light expand, we are located in the field of intention of the Creator and Magic works miracles. We just want to note that attitude is very important. This does not exempt that as a human group we can reconcile a general formula of work to enhance the results of the intention, but at the precise moment, your Inner Being will indicate your particular contribution in each work. In that magical moment of reunion, let your spirit flow and experience Eternity.

In the next paragraph we raise the following proposal for your consideration.

Meditation for the restoration of the Alliance between

the Elements of Nature and Humanity

Motto: For the love of Life, for the love of Creation!

In your highest state, summon the consciences of Light on Earth, the Guardians, the dolphins and the whales.

Let your call be heard beyond the stars.

Visualize that you are dressed in the most precious clothes, those that your Real Being discovers and manifests now.

In your right hand is the banner of the radiant White Light where the motto "For love of Life, for love of Creation" is inscribed. Lift it to Heaven. This is the vibration that unifies us all as One for this work. We suggest then:

First . Recognize, thank and honor the elements within us.

Second . Recognize, thank and honor all the elements of nature on Earth.

Third . Immerse yourself mentally in the ocean, travel through its different spaces, the seas, the lakes, all the bodies of water you can remember. If you find disharmony, just observe without identifying yourself, without judging, remember these places to focus the help later. Keep the vibration of love, mercy and understanding. You have to go to the atmosphere as to the inner Earth because there is also Water in its different states.

Fourth Observe that the state of Water in each scenario is the product of interaction with all the elements of nature.

Fifth . Try now to perceive the planetary state of Water. Understand that our emotions can transmute the state of Water and its natural manifestation. Try to perceive the co-operation of Water and the other elements in each manifestation of Life on Earth. Ask the elements to help you understand this integrated vision of their actions. Expand your awareness in this breadth.

Sixth Go mentally to the Gulf of Mexico. It reaches the depths where the oil spill occurs. Let the spirit guide you in your work, we are a Unit in diversity. Not all of us necessarily have to do the same. Some will sing, others will pray [3], others will speak to Mother Earth, to water, to oil. Let us remember we have pierced the inner Earth for many decades in an effort to find it. Now is the time to embrace oil and thank you for providing comfort. It is time to understand that oil manifests a degree of interaction of the Elements. It is neither good nor bad, only It is. Each is a very particular mathematical formula that integrates the Elements. One cannot exist without the others.

Seventh . Choose your operations center on the seabed. That place will shelter you all these days. From there, feel and radiate from the heart, all the love and gratitude that you can manifest, feel that you embrace Mother Earth, feel the whales and dolphins, the turtles, the animals and presences inside dancing with us, singing and vibrating as One, celebrating the Re-encounter, celebrating Life. The Light and Sound together of our spirits will be activating energy patterns that will do their work in the corresponding planes. Then, in the name of Mercy and Divine Love, ask for forgiveness from Mother Nature in the name of Humanity. He apologizes to the planetary waters, and asks the Elements for their joint action for the common good in the Gulf of Mexico .

Now raise the banner of the radiant White Light where the motto "For the love of Life, for the love of Creation" is inscribed, and uniting the Sky (visualizing a ray of blue Light that comes from the Center of the Galaxy, enter by the crown to anchor in the center of Mother Earth) and the Earth (visualize that a ray of Pink Light that, from the center of the Earth enters through our feet and leaves through our crown to anchor in the Center of the Galaxy), anchor this banner at the bottom of the ocean of the Gulf of Mexico decreeing the following (or that which flows from you) as many times as you feel necessary:

In the name of the most sacred in Humanity, in the name of my Divine Presence I Am, decree Today and for all eternity, the reestablishment of the Alliance with the Elements of Nature. I am honoring all expressions of Life on planet Earth. I am re-establishing, re-creating Life on Earth.

Finally , in the deep silence of the Being, it raises the prayer or request more meaning that we believe necessary. We thank all who have participated in this call.

Times and dates .

We propose to carry out this meditation and / or work that we feel at any time of the day, mainly at sunrise and sunset, when the Sun unfolds its garments (7 rays) to all Humanity in equality. We will culminate on Saturday July 3, 2010, to start Sunday July 4 with the work associated with the Wind element. Remember that we can continue working with Water.

In Lakesh - At Lakeh [4]

Nock ka kan kani [5]

Topography of the Gulf of Mexico taken from CLS (

Portal “Real-time observations and forecasting” indicates a series of joint variables that are constantly updated (nowcast, On the map, for example, sea currents with arrows are presented, whose thickness is an indicator of their intensity. The red areas indicate currents from 0.75 to 1.0 m / sec which is defined as the Loop current (

[1] McEachram JD and JD Fechhelm, 1998. The fishes of the Gulf of Mexico. Volume 1.ISBN: 978-0-292-75206-1.

[2] Sturges, W. and JC Evans. On the variability of the Loop Current in the Gulf of Mexico. 41, 639-653, 1983

[3] Of religions we have the Our Father, the pillars of Islam, among others ( The Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy has reached humanity The Great Invocation, prayer that is available in different languages ​​on the site.

[4] "You are myself, I am yourself, " maya.

[5] "You and I are the same, " Quechua.

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