Light Codes "Quantum Holoforms" With Kai in Mexico

  • 2011



July 16 and 17Mexico CityQuantum Holoforms Light Codes Workshop
July 22Aguascalientes

Sacred Chamber of Ascent Workshop

Yareth Scarlet Ashtar

July 23 and 24AguascalientesQuantum Holoforms Light Codes Workshopemail:

The workshop is a journey of connection through the Heart in which we will deepen our cosmic connection with the Cetacean Family of Light to receive the message they have for each of Us.

Activating the Delphinic Filaments in Our DNA and Continuing the uprooting of Beliefs through the Light Codes. We will expand our consciousness through the reconnection of our bodies to Our Body of Light.

To end the journey with the deep connection with our Christian presence and the Triple Flame of Our heart to finally wake up to our Solar cosmic Consciousness.

The Alignments are meditations of deep connection with the Heart, and integration into our Being of the Codes of Light. Through which our Frequency is Aligned, balanced and orderly through the cosmic pulsations of pure Light of the Light Codes and cetacean consciousness in connection with the Central Sun and Mother Earth.

Alignment is a unique and personal experience for each person.

The Quantum Holoforms Light Codes

They are a complement, providing a tool of subtle and high healing vibration that adds power in gem therapy, aromatherapy, reiki, flower essences, tasks with children and schools ... The possibilities are endless through the unlimited opening of your own creativity and potential .

After the workshop, we continue to connect with you through the internet ... for doubts and sharing of experiences that arise when exploring the application of the Light Codes in your daily life.

Workshop agenda:

First day

· Introduction to the Light Codes.

What are they?

Where do they come from?

Why here and now?

How will it help me to work with the Light Codes?

What are alignments?

All these questions will be answered and you will learn to apply them in your daily life.

· Alignment of Chakras and activation of upper chakras (chakra 8, 9 and 10) with Light Codes.

In this first alignment you will receive a complete alignment and cleaning of your chakras. As well as the Activation of 3 higher chakras that will help you anchor and receive the new energy consciously in your Being.

· Alignment of Cetacean Codes

After the explanation of each Code. (Including attributes and lightning with which it resonates) you will receive the Alignment and integration into your Being of the Cetacean Codes with the help and guidance of the Beloved Dolphins, Whales and Belugas, to deepen the Cetacea Consciousness of LOVE, JOY AND UNITY.

· Creative Connection Meditation with Cetaceans

In this meditation you will receive your own Cetacean code that will help you internalize and heal your inner child. Likewise, cetaceans inspire us and together we work to send Love and Light to the earth. This is a meditation that is actually a celebration of Love and LIGHT in which we deepen our connection with cetaceans and receive the unique and special message they have for us.

· Healing and Balancing Magnetic Energy Meridians.

Learn to balance the energies of your loved ones, as well as your own. A beautiful ascension tool that allows us to reintegrate into the crystalline grid of the earth to regulate and balance our vital processes and thus reintegrate in our Being the cosmic consciousness.

· Activation of Delphinic Filaments

Activate in your DNA the 6 Filaments that correspond to the genetic legacy of the Cetaceans. This allows us to expand our vision of life towards the fullness and integration of cosmic consciousness. The beginning of awakening and ascension occurs in our DNA and manifests in our consciousness as the integration of Unity to transcend separation into LOVE.

Second day.

· Alignment Basic Codes

After the explanation of each Code (attributes and ray with which it resonates) you will receive the Alignment that will help you uproot your deepest beliefs, to enter the fullness of your Being and reintegrate into your consciousness the divine patterns of Harmony, Abundance and perfection.

· Meditation for Quantum Liberation

Use your creative and divine power to transform your own life based on the desires of your heart. A complete meditation in which we become aware of our quantum field, the one that sustains our reality (see this article for a better understanding of the quantum field and we use our divine power to transform that in our life that is no longer aligned with our Highest purpose. Guided meditation with the help of Archangel Michael and the Light Codes.

· Mandala Codes Alignment

After the explanation of each Code (attributes and ray with which it resonates) you will receive the Alignment to the Mandala Codes that will help you deepen your multidimensional connection and expand your consciousness to enter into connection with your family c Semic of Light, consciously perform your work of Light and expand your inner vision.

Alignment Codes Awakening Christian Consciousness

After the explanation of each Code (attributes and ray with which it resonates) you will receive the Alignment to the Codes Awakening Christian Consciousness. It is a journey of reconnection with your triple Flame and your Christian presence to enter the Christian Understanding and Love. Awakening your connection with the feminine and the Sacred Masculine.

Exercise of Christian Understanding

In this exercise we deepen the Christian Consciousness, entering into the conscious realization of NAMASTE through the recognition of our beauty and divinity, we can see the reflection of the Divine in the eyes of our neighbor. This understanding is to LOVE OUR NEIGHBORHOOD AS ONE.

Alignment Codes Logos Solar

After the explanation of each Code (attributes and ray with which it resonates) you will receive the Alignment to the Solar Logos Codes. Codes of Divine Reconnection with Unity Consciousness that allow us to enter into conscious connection with Unity consciousness, synchronizing our pulse to the sacred pulse of the Earth and the Sun to enter into connection with Divinity of our Being and consciously realize our mission of Service to the Earth and Humanity.

This Workshop includes a CD with the detailed Manual of each Light Code, uses and attributes. As well as the high resolution images of all the Light Codes so you can print them and work with them on your day.

To carry out this Workshop you need to bring with you:

Comfortable clothes

Your pad or mat to meditate (and a blanket to cover your body in case it gets cold)

Your favorite crystals (so be only 1 or 10, tréellos with you)

Your power objects (conch shells, rain sticks, rocks or any object that you consider special and want to be with you)

Paper or a notebook where you can write down your feelings, messages or draw whatever comes your way.

Pencils, colors, eraser and pencil sharpener. Crayons or nibs (whatever you prefer)

A compass

Your heart and your desire to share with everyone the magnificence of your Being!

With lots of love!



LOVE ... It is the recognition in Humility of Unity and Divinity in everything that surrounds us. Love is Respect, compassion, Joy ... when we love deeply, without attachments and without fear we can go beyond our barriers to enter the sacred space of Unity. Love is the seed and the fertile field where Life germinates ..

KAI | SIRIO handlebar light

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