Council channeling through Kathy Vik: When are you healed?

  • 2016

Everyone is receiving codes, what we will call keys, complete, multidimensional adjustments, understandings. Each of you is honored for your interpretations of this energy adjustment. WE WANT to talk about those who are aware of these changes. Those who read these words now and feel relieved to see a mirror that can only be true, reflecting the majesty while she smiles, winks, adjusts her hair. Ah, if they only knew what they are doing, what they have done, what they are going to do. If only they could absorb the greatness of their exquisite love, their unique purpose, their many facets.

We ask you to contemplate the following: when will they have healed?

We asked this to the channel one morning while preparing a coffee. When will you heal? When will you heal? In essence, do you declare yourself to be finished with healing?

Those who have known pain may respond: " when I no longer feel pain."

Those who operate below what they are capable of, or wish, could respond: "When I can do what I want to do, that is when I will know that I have healed."

And yet, we are addressing those who are tired, and the old beings, the Elders, on this Earth now. WE know of the heaviness against which each of you has pushed so brave and so creatively, against which you have pushed incessantly, and the battle for healing that this has created in many of you. The longing for a place that you didn't know existed. Having to remain open and push the boundaries of what his fellow travelers were doing, saying, thinking.

We ask those who are exhausted of heart to approach, to allow us to push them towards our loving caress, inviting affection, since they tell us now: when will this be healed?

We are asking a simple question because, for many, the tasks at hand will become, miraculously, simpler. Many are not prepared for simplicity, so we come to help you understand what is being presented to many, now that certain triggers and events have happened.

When will it be over and when will it become easier?

Seeing two years in retrospect. Do you see a progression of your own consciousness, are your expectations of others, of yourself, of "life, " more or less the same, or are they different? Consider the activities in which you are now involved, and which activities kept you busy two years ago. It is a gradual process to anchor change.

That is why we ask you: how does one know if he has healed? There is a psychic pain that many in this group have experienced, and we will tell you that that was a matter of resonance; being cunning receivers, many simply codified vibrational dissonance as all kinds of things, as a result of all kinds of dark situations.

Consider this Consider now that when you have a non-friendly, unpleasant, or frustrating physical experience, with delays, with poor communications, this type of pattern, we ask you to consider this as a feedback of how things are working. Do not assume that you are not welcome, and understand that if so, it is best for everyone to leave; It is never better to stay. This was the rebuke of the Master of Compassion to his loved ones.

And yet, we say that many continue to misunderstand, and as a result, find the world increasingly hostile. We ask that you consider different interpretations.

When you feel disappointed, we ask you to consider this. Consider the lack, the thing, the circumstance, the matter that is causing the sensation. Now we ask you to imagine this situation as a pile of dirty clothes tucked into a basket to overflow, which cannot be used at this time as it needs to be washed.

Now place the basket behind a door and step into a corridor on the other side of this door. Maybe this door will lead you to your child's bedroom, the living room, the kitchen. Go to the door and try to open it. The handle moves, but cannot open easily.

We are ready, so we know what's behind that door. Nothing but used things, little useful. However, they love clothes, maybe in that basket there is one of their favorite clothes, something they don't want to give up.

And yet, the door does not want to open. What prevents you from reaching it, is calling you, and yet you remember a functional, usable article, and what lies behind this door is no longer instantly valuable to you. If they put it on, they wouldn't feel comfortable, it wouldn't look, feel or smell good maybe.

We can assure you that, in the present reality that you are navigated, your role is to check doors to see if they yield, and if they yield, then enter through them. In addition, your job is to release the door handles that do not open easily, no matter how familiar or attractive they are to you.

We are asking you to allow your life to be simplified, and if you spend less time outside, your innate desires and abilities could be opened, if they were not an obstruction.

In the old energy it was sometimes appropriate to break into. The Ancients knew that there would come a time to correct things, and that their job was to push until things could be corrected. Therefore, they did so.

However, we ask you in this newer energy to, if you consider it so necessary, push. Look up, please, and appreciate the corridor you are in. There is no shortage of doors. That is the key phrase. As the doors appear, they sometimes roam and emit their signatures. It can be quite easy to lose sight of the endless choices now available to your anxious hands, if you only remember to look up, and around, to turn your back on what captivates you, and scan your environment. There are doors everywhere, everywhere, everywhere.

We have warned you of issues about the ratio for approximately two years, which would become more obvious after the change. Things that are not large appear to be, and relativity is suspended in a certain way. We will say that it is simply readjusted, due to a much larger, more inclusive perspective.

Consequently, we have said to go towards what feels good, that which is enlightened, but we will now add the subtlety of not worrying about anything, nothing at all dear readers, that does not appear to "go as they want it to go."

You understand that on the other side of that door there are now many men and women who are improving the discarded clothes in the basket. The clothes were not suitable for their shape. That clothes that you liked the most will be returned to you behind another door because there are no walls for those who are in charge of the laundry, and the handling and purchase of the supermarket. So many things are being done for you that we ask you: when will they heal? Of the disappointment. Wondering when things will improve for you.

Is it possible that they are not releasing the handle that they have not managed to open, but feel they need to do it? Have you lost your perspective and forgotten that you are in a corridor that presents endless doors, literally, endless doors to your greatest joy, your deepest peace?

So, yes, go intuitively to any door that feels good. Try to open it. Feel it, and see if it allows you to enter. If so, how far? It feels like home? How open is the camera they have entered? Is there any part of it that is recognizable?

There is a pain that comes with remorse, with a feeling of guilt, shame, rejection, having received a no, and having to say no. There is discomfort, and there is sorrow, a feeling of loss. We can say that this is a natural process, as organic and predictable as the growth of a plant from seed to fruit, and yet this minimizes the pain itself that so often becomes so intolerable that a change in behavior is made. because the being comes to see himself in the flesh, in agony, and he loves to return home.

We will tell you now that it is time to ask yourself: when will I have healed? And we will say that that same penalty is a companion of compassion, its highest octave, and through the process of releasing the handle, stepping back, and seeing around it is how it becomes abundantly clear that even the penalty is due to this Curious issue of perspective, or proportion, of scale.

If it is true that there is a whole team of support staff behind these doors, cleaning things that are no longer usable, preparing, moving things from one side to another, how genuine is crying on the other side of the door, that they are totally alone, empty-handed, stripped, that they will never receive a good again because that one piece of clothing they liked so much is now out of sight?

Understand that this support team is much more than just a few guardian angels and whispered blessings of good night. No. The runner, the vast opportunity for expression, love, experience, joy, help team, doors, resistance, giving, all of it, [are] you.

A cooperative will come forward, and, with practice, will assist you with any question, any question at all. The walls do not exist. His apparatus of the senses is what separates us now, more than ever before.

Allow this to develop cooperatively, and do not consider that a closed door is evidence of the need for healing. There is nothing to heal, no greater knowledge of what you have and lies inside, waiting for you to ask for help, explaining, pushing you towards this or that door. It's not about simply feeling certain family resonances. No. We ask you to merge even more with your environments and get even more cooperatively involved, more without fear, without holding any grief, without anxiety, but with a feeling of being well taken care of, with your needs not only being met but anticipated by a legion that passes them by rubbing them now while laughing, moving their cleansed, more beloved, long lost and discarded realities to welcome them behind doors that they can open in divine time, for the greater good of all.

To conclude, we will tell you what we told the channel while having a coffee, given that the question asked was: "When will you be healed?"

Our answer for her, and for you, on this day and every day is: "when you declare so, my dear."


AUTHOR: Kathy Vik



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