Channeling of Passover and Reunion in the Desert of the 1440 Ascended Masters, Lord Kuthumi

Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will be energetically linked to being a Channeler, facilitating a similar process with you. It is not exactly like being in the presence of the channeled Master, however the effects are equally powerful. Do not worry too much about the timelines given to the participants in the pipeline. They will be taken along something similar according to their Divine Plan, Opportunity and Purpose. All questions and answers have been preserved in the transcript as we have noticed that our readers also benefit greatly from the answers.

I am Kuthumi and I present myself in the rays of love and wisdom to greet each one of you at this time and bring you the blessings of new beginnings, of new life, we bring you the blessings of grace and harmony. Greetings, dear.

Regards, Mr. Kuthumi

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts at this time that we can meet with each other on this day by holding them firmly in the heart of Christ and securely in the hands of God.

Dear ones, we welcome you to this meeting today and we want to recognize the presence of many people and Beings of Light who could not be here physically and who are in spirit. The Masters of Light who have met with you today bring each one of you here and those who will later hear or read these words at a later stage, the greatest transformation of their time. This transformation is both personal and planetary.

The portal that is opening, giving way so that through it the entire state of consciousness of the old paradigm can move, we call it a wave of ascension, a kind of mass exodus of states of consciousness and souls, if this were your choice . This portal is to date the largest in size, so to speak, that we have activated for a mass exodus, therefore, dear ones, be prepared for your life to change forever.

The next 10 weeks are vital to your spiritual future and the future of everything you will experience in your life. In the next 12 weeks I assure everyone that the energy will have settled and you will have a lot of clarity in your hearts, your mind and your soul as to the direction in which you should go, if you have not already done so.

Transformation is the greatest gift given to humanity because it offers them the opportunity to constantly grow within the kingdom of God's state of consciousness; Every aspect of life is an aspect of God that is being expressed and experienced. There are some of you who have completed your earthly karma; I've talked about this before. This implies that their life will unfold at an accelerated rate, much more than they have experienced in the past. Imagine you are winding an elastic band, holding it at one end and releasing it at the other; the speed at which it is unrolled is the same speed at which its DNA is unrolling and releasing to the ethers the whole new state of consciousness of the higher worlds. All this must be anchored on the earth so that heaven and earth can be one.

This is certainly a deep time of death; it is Easter, the time of death and rebirth, the time in which you face what is true and what is not true. Being forced to see what their desires are, their hopes and their desires and what motivates them, as well as to look at the foundations on which their life has been built and if the foundation on which they are currently being He may, in fact, be able to resist future initiations and tests of time. I know that for some of you it is a very painful time but I assure you that once the pain has been removed, what will remain will be one of the most precious treasures of your life. It is vital that you do not fight the process; This is one of the times when the only way to go through this immense transformation, except by surrendering to it; simply flowing with the energy and letting it do what is necessary. This is a planetary lesson, dear ones, where all humanity must now fall into the abyss and allow the magnificent love of Father / Mother God to take them to their destiny.

Your destiny is something that you established at a soul level. It is something that you were given as a reward for the lessons learned, for the cycles completed. Many times the journey to destiny is plagued with pain and suffering, just because you do not understand or often do not recognize that the journey is not the end of everything; The trip is a vital part to reach your destination. Destiny is your reward, the journey is the initiation. One cannot really appreciate one's destiny until you have integrated the gifts found along the path of the experience journey. You are all coming to your power in one way or another; it is not a power to be feared, but rather a power to be embraced, because it is this power that determines how the rest of your life cycle will unfold and how you will manage the energies Days and situations that are before you.

The reason for the reunion of the 1440 Masters of Light in the deserts of their planet is to reveal to humanity the power of unconditional love and abundance. Forget the money for a moment and recognize the abundance in all its forms of light, in all its forms of joy, pleasure, laughter, recreation and wisdom. Having seen this energy it becomes clear that one needs to experience these qualities in life in order to move forward. Survival often attracts pain and suffering, since the main focus is merely to survive, but when you move forward you attract all other abundant energies to yourself.

So now we will link them energetically with the 1440 Masters of Light. Please close your eyes for a moment, inhaling deeply. Take a deep breath through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, allowing your body and mind to relax. These Masters of Light are all divine aspects of the Father / Mother God; each one of these precious beings of immense wisdom, truth and love sustains a vibration of your total self, complete and in full mastery.

The vibrations that these Masters bring you ensure that during the next 12 weeks you will have achieved the clarity you seek; they will have regained their divine right to live an abundant life in all the prisms of light and within all the prisms of love. You have lived the abundance of darkness and pain; The time for the opposite is here. I ask you if you feel comfortable with this, to open your heart to receive the blessings of joy and joy of the 1440 Masters of Light who anchor their energy as we speak. Imagine the energy of joy and joy moving through your chakras over your heart and below your heart, bringing balance, revitalization and alignment. Allow this energy to open the cells of your body so that you can remember how deeply loved, appreciated and recognized you are. You are all anchors that hold the prisms of light and love that the 1440 Masters of Light bring to your planet in this Easter period. All of you represent an aspect of the current process of death that the people of your planet are experiencing and your role as a human being is to stand fully in the healing power that is being granted to you. Your main role is not to go out, not to withdraw or avoid the completion of your power that is being integrated and unfolding, according to the divine plan of everything that incorporates light and love.

You have already been shown the power of the spirit, the power of truth and how illusions fall so that truth can arise. The discovery of what Jesus really wanted from Judas is proof in itself that the truth will surface; that no man can disempower another or permanently deprive him of his universal truths. Eventually the light manages to break through by illuminating. Now the discovery of this information that Judas did not in fact betray Jesus and that Jesus instead asked him to betray him is part of the opening of this portal for mass exodus. It has been the prelude to the energy that is being anchored on this sacred day. The full moon energy of Mother Moon cleanses your emotional body at this time and perhaps many of you have been feeling in a very emotional state at this time, as a result of the cleanliness that Mother Moon performs in your heart and his soul. Father heaven brings the warmth of the sun to dry your tears, to bring you the heat and the reaffirmation that where you are going now is in the direction of your truth.

Take another deep breath and when you exhale magnetically call all the energies of the old paradigm that may still be influencing your life in some way and imagine that a door opens in the center of your heart and that all this energy of the old paradigm is extracted from his heart chakra through this door. Very gently the 1440 Masters of Light take this state of consciousness out of the old paradigm through this portal and at the same time bring you all the inner strength and courage that you need to accompany you in the greatest initiation of your life.

You are going through personal initiations in conjunction with planetary initiations. You are all linked to a specific area of ​​the globe; Whatever geographical connection you have, it is in alignment with the current initiation you are going through, so you are processing with Mother Earth, you are going through the golden ascension initiation with her and everything she experiences and you experience it will be from this day a simultaneous process of healing and awakening. Each of you as individuals incorporates a treasure, a life-giving treasure. Now you will experience a period of time when you will meet people or a person or connect with a place or time that has the equivalent of this gift incorporated. Finding the equivalent of this gift is your signal to go through its final phase of the ascension waves of initiation. This means dear ones, that you are being accelerated 5 years in time, completing 5 years of intense spiritual work in the coming months. This could only be possible because they are ready for it and 'have put the ball in motion' so to speak, for this to be.

There are people who have traveled geographically to places before you, who have activated certain places geographically to ensure that the physical portals of Mother Earth's body remain active during the period of this mass exodus. Some of you will go to geographic locations after this mass exodus is finished to seal some of the portals that are temporarily active, only with the aim of assimilating this energy of the old paradigm; some of them, however, will remain active. So those who have traveled to Namibia in the last 18 months, have established the necessary energies so that what will take place in the next three weeks is aligned with the divine plan of Lady Nada, the crystal kingdom and of course, their planet like an everything.

Those who travel to Namibia specifically, you are what is processing this intense energy; you are the ones who are suffering from the intense detoxification of emotions, mind, intellect, fears, physicists and everything that is in alignment with your purpose.

Those who stay in the places where they reside during that time, you are ensuring that the prisms of light and love that are being activated remain clear and anchored. When any group goes to a so-called sacred place or 'hot place' as we call them sometimes, the participants are very involved in energy. Many times they are removed from their physical body and it is then the responsibility of those who remain as anchors, outside of that space, to maintain energy; therefore you will also be transported sometimes to the place of Namibia in alignment with the itinerary that the group follows. You will feel that changes occur within you and I assure you that all changes are related to the final step you take towards your authentic power in any area of ​​life in which your soul wants to present itself. Is it clear to you so far?


Very good. Dear ones, the resurrection that will take place is the resurrection of the true pattern of prosperity and abundance for your planet as a whole. We also carry with us a very sacred energy linked to the indigenous peoples of Africa known as the Bushmen. They were one of the first sacred tribes that inhabited the earth; they themselves incorporate very important sacred knowledge that will contribute to the development of the original wisdom and the plan for the earth. The work that takes place is a process of facilitation for these sacred cultures to emerge through authentic diamond truth, so that their origin can be honored and recognized.

As each sacred tribe meets its sacred origin, so do all the links to the tribe, therefore the generations that come from the original tribe are re-empowered with the authentic seeds of their origin and that is how one It begins to empower nations and finally the whole world. Each culture is sacred and each culture should be honored and respected because within each culture there is a treasure of wisdom and truth. Judging the faith and the path of the other on his way to becoming one with God is tantamount to staining the sacredness of the paths to the home. Where there are areas of a culture that incorporate debilitating attitudes and fear dogmas, they will be dissolved and become nothing because those who are in contact with the truth will naturally overcome the energy of the old paradigm and with the portal currently open, which supports the mass exodus, all that state of consciousness of the old paradigm that promulgates fear, limitation, misfortune and the dark end, will end and this will be in a short space of time; this I assure you (pause).

From this day forward until April 25, 2006, the 1440 Masters of Light will be anchoring what we call the Buddha columns in all the deserts of their planet. There are four main columns that will be responsible for creating the new foundations of the new world of your planet. The first will be in the Namibia Desert, the second in the Sahara Desert, the third in the Gobi Desert, the fourth in the deserts of Australia - the largest desert of all that exist in Australia. They understand?


These four Buddha columns incorporate prana, they incorporate the purest authentic wisdom and authentic energy that you could imagine existed. These Buddha columns are the keys that open all the portals to what were once the mystery schools of all Ascended Masters. That information will now be released and those who are in alignment with the pattern incorporated by the Buddha columns will have access to the teachings of the ancient mystery schools and will be anointed as messengers of these teachings. You do not need to occupy prominent positions in society to promulgate the teachings; To live them is to teach them. Do not limit your perception to the way in which this can be done.

The quantum world is an unlimited world and the more you remember this, the better it will be for you because now you have the power, as in no other previous time, to manifest what you focus on, always and when it is aligned with the superior plan of Mother Earth and that of her soul. If they are going to force something in one direction because they fear losing it, or failing or not reaching it, then they will see that it does not work. There will be a lot of fighting, blockages and when you see the doors close dear, do not try to knock them down and then see that they close again in your face, keep going. This is time to move on. Their only fear that will make them paralyze them, so choose love and move on, even when it is initially a painful movement. The moment they get used to the movement the pain subsides and a gentle, gentle movement process is made. Is it clear?


Channeled through Michelle Eloff

April 13, 2006

Johannesburg, RSA

Translation: Fara Gonz lez. ar

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