Crystal Channeling No. 1 - Kryon

  • 2016

Crystal Channeling No. 1

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service.

What a special place! For those who listen but are not here, it is in nature, it is in Gaia, it is beautiful. The wind blows softly. We are in a place known for its crystalline properties. In these times, you call it Monte Ida, in Arkansas. And I want to talk about vibrations (laughs). They just heard Alcazar; The message is the same, it is always the same. How many times have we told you these words? “Stay still and know that you are God.” Is it possible that there are things that you can perceive if you stop obstructing the path? I want to tell you about some, and this will lead me to the land they are on, and why it is what it is.

Dear ones, you see some who go to art museums, stand in front of a photograph and cry; they stand before a painting and cry; They stand in front of a sculpture and cry, and I want to ask them why. Have you ever thought about why? Perhaps it is the sacredness of the forms you are seeing, whether captured by a lens or created in a sculpture or painted on a canvas, that have a vibration or an energy that penetrates you? And every time this happens, the person who cries does so in total silence; carried away. He allies with the artist, with the photographer, sees and feels something totally different from what they would call reality, because for him to look at the painting and cry at its beauty, he has seen it. Dear human, I talk about things that are in 3D. What's happening? All musicians know that there are some types of very, very special music, which seems to happen in a magical way, that can even be channeled. When the melodies are correct and the sounds are perfect, everyone stops and listens. And then they will cry, and they will be silent. And you know it! They are the vibrations. They have always known this about music. And I ask you: what is it? Really, what creates emotions and feelings and speaks to them through a medium like that? And they have to remain silent, right? To appreciate music, they can't compete with it, right?

I will divide this channeling into four parts. Each part will be complete by itself. The other three, which will follow, will also be freely accessible for all to hear. Those present in this channel will hear it live, and the other three will be able to hear it later.

I want to talk about where we are, all of us. What happens, dear ones, with the crystalline? Specifically with the quartz crystals that speak to so many on this planet? However; If they talk to geologists, or my favorite physicists, they will talk about quartz crystals as something that retains vibration. And that can be proven, it is something they can count on. They have a stone - if they want to call it that - that has grown in a specific way - if they want to express it that way - that it can contain a frequency. Contain a frequency However; That's your physical property, but it's not the metaphysical property at all, right? Have you ever been to a place where you may have had a session like this? Maybe they had what they call a meditation. You go to a place, and it has gigantic crystals, and you gather around it and a silence is installed before the very appearance of those crystals. And what do you do then? They remain silent! And some would say that you can feel the crystals, that you can hear them, some say they speak to you. What's going on? Really, what's going on? I want to talk about that right now.

An ancient soul, a light worker, a metaphysician, have been on the planet for a very long time. The age of your soul is proportional to something else that is happening ; There is an advance in esoteric sensitivity. In simple words: you perceive energy . As ordinary people perceive a painting, or hear music and perceive that and in a certain way their emotions are triggered, the same thing makes a crystal that has vibration .

However; The big piece that is missing at this point is: what are they perceiving? Why do they go to a place of meditation and feel the beauty of nature and all things in front of a crystal of quartz that simply… vibrates! Is singing? Is he painting? Oh no! It is broadcasting! And you, my dear ones, are receivers, and the greatest thing we can tell you at this moment is that it depends on change. You perceive the crystalline, you love the crystalline, you have it around you, but you don't really know what the crystals are saying, don't you? And now, suddenly, they do.

If we could talk about this, in metaphysics, we will now remind you where you are sitting. To do this, I review. Biologists have not yet found the missing link; You already knew that, right? Why does the human being have 23 pairs of chromosomes when all the evolution below him has 24? In other words, something happened for you to be 23 . You do not descend from anything that biology has ever studied on this planet. They realize that. You are 23; Nothing is 23 except you! The history of Creation, the mythologies of most spiritual systems, speak of God coming down to give mankind the option, the possibility of finally seeing the Source and distinguishing dark light And it has been recent . As recent as 200, 000 years ago, the history of the Creation of humans like you began. Not of biology but of consciousness; of the inner God. It's new! Do you really care how it happened? Do you really want to know the details, what angels may have done it, or maybe someone else? They are equally sacred, we have already told you; They are Pleiadians.

It will be possible that this galaxy that has an antiquity of billions of years can have life that has existed for millions of years, and societies well above yours, with graduate planets that have become alive, that changed, who knew God? That allied with the Central Source. Do you believe in the Central Fountain ?

It is not possible, dear human being, that you have been here for such a short time, such a short time, and that there are other societies that have been here for millions of years in other places in this galaxy, and that they came to sow them with what they had? They searched for this time and prophesied; the midpoint of the precession of the equinoxes, the wobble of 26, 000 years of the planet, just the midpoint. If you survived the prophecy of the ancients if you survived, then many things would happen. The change would be accompanied by an awakening of Gaia in a way that had never been before. Dear ones, you are sitting on what we have described as a node of this planet. It has a null zone that corresponds to it. There are 24 of them. And this node is crystalline.

Let me continue. You have studied the nodes and null areas of the planet, you know that most of these nodes and null areas really have an emphasis; Some are mountains! Some of them very tall, really unattainable places that you can't reach! This not. Or yes?

Mount Ida is not really a mountain. It is the name of an area. Or not? Let's talk about it. You are on one of the largest deposits of quartz crystal on the planet. And when I say that it is one of the largest, some consider this to be the largest. There is another one that is older, but it is underwater and you still haven't found it (laughs). But you are on this, humans can access, and there is a reason; I tell her: it is a mountain, but it is a mountain upside down (laughs). It is very large, it goes very deep inside the planet, dear ones. It is an inverted crystalline mountain. And this speaks to the crystalline grid of the planet - we already talk about it.

The next part will be how this node speaks to the crystalline grid, which is not really physical at all. This is it, isn't it? But the crystalline grid is esoteric, it is metaphysical. And yet this node speaks very, very clearly. What do you think he is talking about? I have some questions for you to reflect on. What messages are the crystals giving them? Is it possible that a crystal can catalyze information that you need to hear and that is personal to you? And how would that work? How can you take a crystal stone, put it in your home, and start talking to them about what they should know? How can that be? I want to talk about it. Is it possible that at this time of the planet crystalline structures can have a multidimensional recall system? And if so, what would they say?

Is it possible, at this point in time, that the crystalline, a quartz crystal, call them in such a way that they recognize it, take it home, and tell them what they needed to know? That is the "new era" there is.

And I want to tell you something, dear ones: there is truth in all this. The ancient soul sitting here, who has crystals in his life that speak to him, smiles. I know that you are energetically sensitive, and that that sensitivity you have allowed you to feel that these stones are alive and benevolent.

The last question, which we will also talk about in the future : Can you change what a crystal remembers? Can you erase what's there and reprogram it? Can you really change a reminder that contains what you receive? I want you to reflect on these things, because it is part of what we would call information after the change.

There is a reason for this node. Pleiadians are using this as accelerated energy for awakening. An awakening by accelerated route. It is no mystery or accident that the administrator of this land knows these things, perceives these things. Do you think it's just by accident? Do you think he is just a miner? Talk to him, see what he thinks. There has been a careful alignment from the natives who used to own this land, with their position as manager, with you who are here, with the change and with the crystals that are coming out of these slopes here.

So far is this lesson today. They are in a very special place. The energy is changing, it begins to speak to you, in a multidimensional way; There is a mountain called Mount Ida below me. She's very tall.

Is this very metaphysical for you? I know who is here. Here are some who did not come to hear this. We can't help it. I will tell you something: you cannot “know” what I told you. You can laugh at it! But there is no delete key in their brains. And maybe one day it will really come back (laughs). And they will be glad to have heard it here.

The lesson will continue. It is not by accident that all of you are here. Some are sitting on the mother grain, and talk to them. I want you to feel Gaia's welcome to the ancient soul that is here. A true welcome.

And so it is.


AUTHOR: Lee Carroll




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