Massive changes in energies and the human body by Judith Kusel

  • 2016

Intricate portals are being moved for activation in the coming years as the planet is reformed and revitalized. Consequently, there are massive fractures in the earth's crust, with the consequent internal shaking of the liquid mass that will cause volcanic activities even in volcanoes that have been dormant for a while, and with the eruptions of the inner Earth as the liquid mass explodes, this will cause earthly eruptions, earthquakes and in some cases even the sea will start to boil.

Therefore, it is imperative that humanity understand that just as the Earth is reinventing itself, so human beings are also reinventing themselves, even their physical bodies will now be more crystalline by nature, and therefore, with bands of higher frequency. Most of humanity is not aware of the energy centers in their own bodies nor is it aware of the many changes happening in the way the energies of the chakras and spinal cord are moving at octaves of being higher.

Much of the bodily discomfort is caused not so much by what humans call "DISEASE" but by the particles of energies blocked in these centers, and therefore they are now working on them galactically to prepare humanity for the mass changes caused by the opening of the portals.

The Intergalactic Federation of Light knows that the human body will have to be readjusted immensely as the energy portals open because the common human is not conscious enough to know about energies and energy centers, nor is he consciously seeking to activate them or work in the daily process of cleaning and clearing, and above all, the healing of the emotional body.

BOTH bodies, the emotional and the mental, need to be healed and balanced with each other because in the 26, 000 years of the last cycle the heart (feeling / emotion) has been separated from the mind ( reasoning, dividing, arranging, creating / inventing no love or feeling )

Most people focus on the balance between the masculine and the INTERIOR feminine, but without understanding the importance of the balance of the heart and the mind. One cannot enter into full co-creation without a balance between the heart and the mind, between feelings and reasoning, because if the heart has not been fully opened and the flow of the vital energy of Love is not balanced with the mind, one is unbalanced, and the imbalance was what caused the trauma of the masses since the fall of Atlantis .

When the energies of the heart and mind are balanced with each other, a state of inner and outer balance reigns: - One begins to create then within the Universal Laws as one applies them in HARMONY with the balance prevailing in other places of the Cosmos.

There are higher energy centers that work with the 36 highest chakras, which closed after the fall of Atlantis because human beings got out of control when the mind ruled and created the chaos that sank Atlantis. This was done because the three-dimensional form of the lower physical form and DENSA could not sustain the immensely high vibrational frequency that meant the opening of the 48 chakras .

In the civilizations prior to Atlantis the 72 chakras were fully open, which meant that they lived in a much higher frequency band, and therefore their physical forms were in a way Luminous body much higher. In Atlantis she was reduced to 43 (12 + 36) and after Atlantis she was further reduced to 7 only. There are 330 chakras in total, and the more one activates the higher chakras, the more one evolves in octaves of Being. It is obvious then how humanity has descended to the sea of ​​density and the forgetfulness

However, the chakras are not the only energy centers within the body! The nadis and the meridians played an enormous role, and are not only found in the physical body but also in the mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Healing only to the physical body is the lowest form of existing healing. When one begins to heal ALL bodies, the disease cannot be sustained in life within the bodily form.

Take this one step further; it was known that along with the chakras, nadis and meridians, the 33 vertices of the energy centers held within the spine had to be totally cleansed, healed and activated. It was known that each vertebra supported memory banks and only by releasing these memory banks could the center be fully activated. Each vertebra acts as a mini-computer chip and records everything stored in the emotional and mental bodies.

Unless each vertebra is treated as a living entity in itself, the higher Adam Kadmon body cannot function or be fully activated.

There is more to the spine than I am going to disclose now, but to confuse this energy with the energy of the Kundalini is to belittle the importance of these energy centers.

The Kundalini rises, only, through the channels of the energy centers in the dorsal column, however, it is only one of the energy forces, not all. It is a link in the Universal wheel - not the essential / substantial force that it is believed to be. I reiterate, oblivion and misinterpretation of the ancient writings and the oral passage of the teachings of one generation to the other has left immense gaps in human knowledge and understanding of truths. vital.

As humanity sank into oblivion many of the teachers could not understand the greater totality, and therefore shared only what they knew or could understand. What was beyond their own understanding could not be taught. Perhaps they passed from generation to generation certain texts or what they had recorded, but the first generations did not record those things in written form but in the form of ENERGY.

Just as the human body is a massive and sensitive energy field in combination with the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies and the twelve light bodies, so is the Earth. Each aspect of the human body is reflected in the body of the Earth. She is a living and breathing entity, just as we are - but we tend to forget it.

For me the earthly changes and the opening of the portals brings with it a higher understanding of how intertwined our physical forms are with the planet Earth. But not only our physical forms and the rest of our bodies are intertwined - OUR LEVELS OF CONSCIOUSNESS ARE ALSO INTERLOCKED WITH THOSE OF THE PLANET !

The levels of consciousness and of being aware are not only intertwined with those of the Earth, but also with those of the 12 Central SUNS and the 12 Central Galaxies.


What exists in the macrocosm exists in the microcosm, and vice versa.

The portals are opening for the energy that is being emitted from the Central Suns to the consciousness energy center of planet Earth. The Central Suns are a vast energy center of the Highest Consciousness and the pulsation of the Highest Heart / Mind.

As human beings, all our energy systems are programmed to RECEIVE Earth's frequency bands, and the more consciously we become, the more ability we have to TUNE with Earth's energy systems and fields!

If the upper transmitting energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the cosmic energy transmissions. If the terrestrial energy channels are blocked, we cannot receive the terrestrial energy transmissions. BOTH must be equally activated and open before we can truly enter the state of the 5th. dimension, and this is even more true to enter the states of the 6th. at 12 goes. dimensions.

Most people are not even aware of the energies of the Earth, and do not even talk about the cosmic: -The walking dead, living, sleeping. They will not be able to sustain the higher frequency bands as the Earth moves more and more towards higher activation, and thus changes to a higher cosmic frequency.

It is not only human beings who can no longer sustain their physical forms when this happens, the same applies to animals and plants, - indeed, to any living organism.

It is the death of Old Adam and Eve and the birth of the new human race.

It is the death of the old planet Earth and the birth of the New EARTH .

It is the death of some parts of the Milky Way Galaxy and the birth of a new galaxy that is being born now.

We are in the process of a massive COSMIC rebirth and renewal, and therefore we should not fear changes, but embrace them! Whether they are earthly changes or bodily changes, or a total cleansing of our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies - and everything else.

One fears only that which one is not consciously aware of and is part of.

The more consciously conscious one is, the more QUICKLY conscious one becomes.

Our beings are intricately intertwined with the Central Suns and with the Divinity.

Our BEINGS are immortal, eternal, and therefore, KNOW all this.

There really is nothing new under the Great Central Suns!

AUTHOR: Judith Kusel


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