Changes in the world, by Master Beinsá Dunó

  • 2014

Lecture given by Master Beinsá Dunó to the Common Occult Class, on August 7, 1929, in Sofia - Izgrev.

Reflection on good.

What is man? Man is a thinking being. Then and the child, and the adult, and the old think. Even with his sleep lift, all people, of all ages, begin to think. The difference lies only in this, what each one thinks. The child thinks one thing, the adult - another, and the old - third. Each thought has its specific tension, weight and pressure. Depending on the weight, tension and pressure, it produces a corresponding depression on the human mind, just as sacks of different weight produce a different depression on the man's back. If he wants to get rid of the depression of a certain thought about his mind, man must look for some right method to think through which to gain his freedom. From his youth to his old age man works for his liberation. While he worries, in whatever direction, man cannot be free. When he manages with worry, he is released. The liberation of man shows that he has entered a harmonious environment. This harmonious environment is called the Eternal beginning or Divine beginning in man.

Contemporary people care about many things. They are troubled by a series of ordinary thoughts. For example, you enter a home and see that the child is disturbed. He is outraged by the acts of his father. He does not approve of his behavior in a certain direction. However, if he puts himself in his father's place, he will act the same way. In this case he is not outraged, does not judge his behavior. Then, his outrage was not in place. A true indignation is this which in all conditions, in all times is one and the same. Why is this son outraged? He is outraged that his father has not put in place a verb, noun or pronoun. The son requires his father to speak by all grammar rules. That it is spoken precisely by the grammatical rules determined by the people, this means that a certain mode of speech is kept. And in fashion there is something essential, but many things are not essential. The reasonable man keeps the essentials of fashion, and the nonessential puts them aside. In all of Nature there is fashion: in plants, in birds, in animals and in people. All living things are dressed in some fashion. Now comes a new fashion in the world which will surprise all people. Those who are ready, they will not be surprised. However, those who are not ready, they will be surprised. The surprise does not mean embarrassment. The disturbances come from human works, and surprises - from the Divine. The reasonable man is never surprised. He is slowly preparing for the future. He compares all his views according to the laws of truth.

What does the truth represent? The truth is that which is not limited, nor conquered. To this from which you can neither remove nor add anything, we call it true. They say someone who was very scientific, could download the truth from Heaven. No, no one can download the truth from Heaven. He who seeks the truth, he must go to her. The Truth never descends from its high position to go to where man. So, what people call truth is a relative and not absolute truth. Someone says he loves you, and thinks he speaks the truth. So that you know to what extent this man loves you, you put him to the test. The best Teacher is Life. He examines people. The man is examined for every word that comes out of his mouth. If someone says they are ready to sacrifice for humanity, they immediately put it to the test. Even at this moment, a beggar knocks on his door, he wants me to give him something. This man, who at the given moment speaks of sacrifice towards all mankind, at the given moment sets aside only one lev for the beggar. For his children, however, he is ready to give everything he has. So, what man cannot do for others, for his children, he can do. This shows that his concepts about humanity are limited only to his home.

Contemporary people want to achieve their desires in an easy way. They think that when they pray to God, they will immediately achieve their desires. They look to God as a man similar to themselves. No, God is not like man. He is neither young nor old. He is neither in religions, nor in people's theories. He is a God of the living and not of the dead. This means: God is a God of perfect, reasonable souls, who know Him, who understand Him and fulfill His will. Ordinary men, who do not know God, create their gods to which they attribute qualities similar to their own. When they fall into some difficulty, they say: God knows everything. He will fix our jobs. Yes, God knows everything, but you don't know everything. God is strong, but you are helpless. God is omnisabious, long patient, but you have not yet acquired these qualities. So, it is not enough for man to speak only, but he must have a clear picture about himself. It is not enough that man only wants freedom, but he must know that external freedom is conditioned by the internal freedom of his feelings, thoughts and actions. Free act is this that has passed through consciousness. If it has not gone through consciousness, it cannot have such results as you expected. Internally this act may be right, it may be true, but if it has not gone through consciousness, people do not accept it.

Why can't all people accept the Truth? Because they do not have internal and external means. Truth is a precious stone that can be possessed only by the rich or by those who strongly desire it. Truly, if all men can supply themselves with precious stones, in a short time these stones would lose their price. If man had achieved all that he wanted, by himself his wishes would have lost his price. There are things that cannot be easily achieved. Only that man can buy a precious stone, he who values ​​it and has money. When he sees the gemstone, he is ready to give everything he has for it. He who has money, but does not give it for the precious stone, he has not valued it as he should. In his understandings this man remains lower than the poor man who is ready to bet until his life, but who acquires the precious stone. The same can be said and about the Truth. Only that man can acquire the Truth, the one who is ready to sacrifice everything for her. This man is rich and externally, and internally. For the Truth he does not stop in front of anything. The man of Truth moves freely between the storms and the waves of life, without sinking. He has a weight similar to this that they put on ships to hold them in balance. If you lose this weight, the boat starts to wobble on either side, because it can and sink. The weight of this man represents the stability of his views. While on Earth, man needs a certain weight, that is, stability in his views.

It is said in Scripture: The Truth will set you free (John 8:31 ndt). What man is ready to receive the Truth? The one who is not influenced by any external forms. Imagine that you meet a young, beautiful girl, who conveys the truth to you. If you receive the truth from the beautiful girl just for her beauty, you are not yet ready for the truth. But if you don't receive the truth from some ugly girl just because of her ugliness, and in this case you are not ready for the truth. In order for man to receive the truth for the same truth, he must not be influenced by ugliness or beauty. The Truth is incorruptible, nobody can add or remove anything. The Truth remains above all external forms. Ugliness does not stain it, but and beauty cannot add something specific. He who, upon receiving the Truth, is influenced by the external forms of things, he is deprived of that deep, internal understanding that hinders him from seeing things clearly. If you think the rich man can give you a large loan amount just because he is rich, you are not yet ready for the truth. And if you don't believe that the poor can give you the same loan amount just because he is poor, and in this case you are not ready for the truth. The truth is expressed equally and through the rich, and through the poor. People cannot receive the truth thanks to the deceptions and contradictions within them. For their justification they say: "What are we going to do when life is such?" No, the life through which people now go is a relative reality. If the lives of the men present were ideal, they should be free, externally and internally, understand each other well, have correct behaviors among themselves and between healthy organisms.

And so, while there are no right behaviors among men, they are far from the ideal life, they are not yet healthy men. A truly healthy man is one who, from morning to night, is mobile, light, ready for work. A truly healthy man is one who does not know what disease is. He does not complain about anything, he does not suffer from any physical illness. He is ready to help everyone. If he has the smallest pain within himself, man loses his disposition. - What do you have to do then? - To work. Every pain, however small, has its spiritual causes. This shows that man has made some detour in his life, although microscopic, that he should straighten. When he finds the cause of his pain, man must work on himself to eliminate it. When you eliminate the cause of your pain, the disease will disappear. As they do not know this, in the smallest disease men seek doctors. If they have money, it is good that they look for doctors. What will they do, however, if they have no money? There are diseases that do not heal with money. There are diseases that the ordinary doctor cannot help. For example, how is discouragement cured, the hypochondria of man? The healthy man is distinguished by this, who knows the manifestations of Nature and easily manages them. Just as in the physical world depressions occur, just as in the spiritual world, that is, in the psychic world of man depressions occur. He who understands the laws of the physical world, he knows the laws and the spiritual world, and easily manages with his internal states. Since he knows that there are some dependencies between the phenomena of the physical world and the spiritual world, he can explain the causes of all the changes in his life. As he has come to Earth, man cannot get rid of influences: his physical life is influenced by the spiritual, and the spiritual - by the physical. As much as he keeps himself from influence, man will still succumb to the influence of other people's thoughts and feelings.

As you know this, man seeks to acquire internal freedom, which does not succumb to outside influences. The aspiration of man towards liberation shows that there is an internal hygiene that he must acquire. You will say that to reach internal hygiene within himself, man must have straight points of view. What views are straight? According to me, straight views are those that are not guided by any fashions. Thoughts, feelings and acts that are dictated by some fashion are not straight. These are temporary, temporary positions. Things that are guided by fashion are dead. However, all things that occur by the Laws of Nature are alive and constant. If you throw on him a painting made by himself, it will surely stain him. However, if Nature throws any of his paintings, it will not stain him. The movable colors, the vivid, never stain. Movable ideas never lose their price. These have life within themselves. If he wants to acquire internal freedom, man must introduce something new in his views every day. Until he frees his mind, heart and will from the oppressive conditions in which he finds himself, man cannot acquire his inner freedom. One of the tasks of man is to gain his freedom. Man has only been enslaved, he only has to free himself, God can give man methods for his liberation, but in no way is he only going to free him. He who has only enslaved himself has to gain his freedom. God can help you only then when you see your willingness to sacrifice everything to acquire your freedom.

Some men say they should not make sacrifices for a naked freedom, for a naked truth. He who thinks that freedom and truth are naked things, he does not understand neither freedom nor truth. Truth and freedom can never be naked. Truth is the Eternal beginning of Life that cannot be compared to anything. He who is not ready to sacrifice everything for the Truth, he cannot know God, cannot see His face. Since they do not want to reasonably use the conditions of the physical world, many imagine that they can see the face of God after his death. Truly, after his death man can see many things, but everything he sees will not take advantage of him. While on Earth, man sees the Sun, but he knows nothing about it. First of all, the Sun that man sees is not as it really is, nor is it in this place where it really is. What the sun really is, where is its place in nature, few know this. In the path of his development, man gradually reaches the truth, those positive knowledge that represents an aspiration of his soul.

"The truth will make you free". What truth can the free man do? Only one that is not influenced by any external forms and positions. They say about some man who is honest. He is honest because he is rich, he has no need for money. They say about another who is not honest, because he is poor, deprived of bread, and when he is in front of temptation he allows himself to reach into other people's boxes. If the rich man is honest because of his wealth, which satisfies all his material needs, where is the truth then? And if the poor are not honest because of their poverty, which forces them to lie and steal, where is the truth? Wealth hides the sin of man, and poverty discovers it. From the point of view of truth, and the rich and the poor are sinners, only that the sin of the rich is not manifested, and of the poor is manifested. When you see someone kneel, raise their hands up and pray, you will know that he is a rich man, he is praying for his wealth. If you see that someone walks unhappy, that he is not interested in anything, you will know that he is an extremely poor man, he has no reason to pray. And the rich and the poor are equally religious. And the two do not recognize God. Everyone thinks only for himself. With respect to God, and the two are guided by the rules of fashion. The one is guided by the rule that it is modern to pray. The other says that it is not modern for man to pray. The first is called a believing, devout man, the second is called a disbeliever. True prayer requires work man. And the rich and the poor must work in all areas: in the area of ​​their thoughts, feelings and actions.

You say you must live well. Based on this point of view, when you go somewhere to visit and not be well accepted, you say that these people do not live reasonably. No, this is not true. The Truth excludes the personal dispositions of man. You can hear many true things from someone, which you don't like, but this does not mean that they do not contain the truth within themselves. Only he can understand the truth, he who does not stumble over the temporary external positions of things. If he stumbles on external things, man has not yet reached the truth. When with respect to others man acts as well as towards himself, he has reached a correct understanding of the truth. He who has acquired the truth and lives in it, he must be a model in everything. While comparing one religion with another, one teaching with another, and pronouncing himself about his righteousness, man has not yet reached the truth. If he wants to find the truth, he must be absolutely pure in his thoughts, in his feelings and in his manifestations. And when he finds the truth he will see that she is this beginning to which he cannot be added or removed.

Many aspire to the truth, but few are interested in it. Those who seek the truth say that you cannot live without sins. That man lives in sins and crimes, this means that he lives in slavery. Where there is slavery, there the truth is absent. Just as you cannot do without sins for some people, so you can do without sins for others. I speak of the original sin that is the beginning of all sins. As he has come to Earth, man cannot without mistakes, but he can without sins. Whoever holds this thought in his mind, he is cheerful and joyful, ready for any job. He is happy with life, with the manifestations of all living beings. In all he sees God. This man can say about himself that his prayer is heard. He who is unhappy with life, who constantly criticizes God that he has not created the world as it should, he is exposed to a series of misfortunes and diseases. As he knows a lot, as this does not approve of what God has created, let him help himself. When he finds himself in a situation with no way out, he begins to pray to God. As you pray, or you will receive your prayer response, or you will not receive. If you do not immediately receive a response from your prayer, this does not mean that God does not want to answer you. The time has not yet come for him to respond. Sooner or later, God will still respond to man. The fact that in all the difficulties he faces, man continues to live, rejoicing and grieving, indicates that his prayers are received.

One thing man must know: if he wants to fix his work, straighten his life, first of all he must straighten his behavior towards the Truth. If he does not straighten his behavior towards the Truth, man can never arrange his work in the physical world. As much as he fixes his work, without the truth, man cannot fix anything. They say: Rich is this man. Wealth does not fix jobs. Scientific is l . And science does not solve the questions of life. Strong is And the force does not solve the issues. Man may be poor, not scientific, but if he has the truth within himself, he correctly solves all the questions of life. Truth makes man rich, strong, scientific, beautiful.

A boy meets a girl who carries a basket full of ripe red cherries on his shoulder. The boy looks at the cherries, then at the girl and says: `` Elder sister, you are very beautiful. '' The girl looks at the child and smiles. She knows why she is beautiful. This what she carries on her shoulder makes her more beautiful than she really is. Without the basket on his shoulder, the boy would not stop his attention on the girl. The basket with cherries can resemble the truth in the man who makes him beautiful, scientific, good.

And so, when man comes to God, in which there is absolute truth, he says that God is omnibondadoso, omnisabio, omnifuerte, long patient, etc. Truly, such is God, but people see this only when they find Him with a basket full of cherries. Sometimes material goods open people's eyes, but sometimes they close them. The truth is not influenced by material goods. She distributes yes, but never takes. The Truth is rich, it doesn't need anything. She carries a basket full of goods on her shoulder. One finds her and says: `` You are very beautiful. '' She puts her hand in the basket and gives it. You are very good . Again he puts his hand in the basket and gives it. You are very scientific. Again he gives some of his basket. At night, when he returns home with an empty basket, Truth again fills it, without saying a word about this what he has done.

Today, all people seek something. The girl wants to fall in love, that's why she looks for a boy. The boy also wants to fall in love. The old grandmother and the old grandfather want to have grandchildren, to serve them. The lover must help, serve, and he who loves him must give some yes for the favors they do. Whatever aspirations man has, these lead to the acquisition of Truth. To realize their wishes, young people need the support of adults. And adults need the help of young people. Each other supported they walk towards the achievement of the Truth. When I speak of love, I take it in its primary manifestation, inherent in the soul. When men and women want to have a child, this implies their aspiration towards the acquisition of truth. The child in the home is the truth. This truth is the reason why all the members in the home take care and rejoice in the child. Life makes sense while the truth is in man. When the truth lives in man he has a home, he is immortal. When the truth leaves him, and the lineage is cut. In this position man becomes mortal. Therefore, the home relies on the truth.

"The truth will make you free". If you remove the chains from the hands and feet of the prisoner, this does not yet mean that he is free. He is still in prison. If he leaves prison, he is perfectly free. That the man leaves the prison, this means that he is released from the limiting conditions of life. Man has only created the limiting conditions of his life. Therefore, he should only free himself from these. To get rid of the disease, the patient has to open the windows of his room, which enters through these pure air. The stingy must open his purse, which is fed with a pure, healthy food. As far as health is concerned, man must be generous. Pure, healthy food is necessary to man.

"The truth will make you free". When he finds the truth, the rich man frees himself from his cargo, just as the ship unloads his cargo from one port to another and is relieved. Freeing himself from the difficulties of life, man acquires wings and as an angel begins to surround the worlds. When he moves in these higher worlds, he acquires such light with which he enters the Divine world. When he passes from the physical world to the spiritual and the Divine, man incessantly has to purify himself. Purification is an incessant process. Just as he loves every day he cleans his house, so and man must constantly purify his mind and heart. Living man must know that there are things that he just has to accomplish. But there are things that other people have to do. If you don't keep these rules, nothing you can achieve. If you keep them you will be free.

Therefore, while you are healthy, trust yourself. If you lose your health, you will not wait for the help of other people. How can a man who has come from outside comfort you? You better know your state, as a result of which alone you can help yourself. When the man is unhappy, he must ask himself what is the cause of his discontent. If he has healthy eyes, ears, tongue, hands and feet, the man must be happy. If you lose one of these assets. He has the right to be unhappy and to murmur. Someone wakes up in the morning but is unhappy, has dreamed of a dream that has introduced a bad feeling in his heart. As he fears this presumption, he begins to cry. Crying is a call from man to Nature. As is the child's behavior towards the mother, such is the behavior of each man towards Nature. Man cries because he wants something from Nature. The child cries when he is hungry and when it is impure. And the adult cries for the same causes. Therefore, when he is hungry, they have to feed him. When it is impure, you will be bathed and dressed in new, clean clothes.

Here is why, if he wants to be free, man has to purify himself and bathe himself, to maintain the purity of his mind and his heart. Every day man has to feed his soul with pure, superior food, just as the mother regularly feeds her child with pure, healthy food.

I wish all of you to receive the truth and the ugly and beautiful girl, and that after this you will elaborate an understanding of yours. This is the way to reach the truth.

- Only the truth brings freedom for the human soul.

Changes in the world, by Master Beinsá Dunó

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