Changes on Earth author: Rhea Powers

  • 2010


This book contains channeled messages of a masculine aspect of the transpersonal level of consciousness, which we call Sanat Kumara, and a feminine aspect of the transpersonal, which we call Mother. It also contains two chapters that I have written from my personal plane of awareness about my channeling experience and the technique we use to teach channeling to others. I invited you to experiment with this technique. However, I would ask you to read the two complete chapters before starting to use the technique. Channeling can be a very sacred experience to reconnect with the divine kingdoms from which we all come. It can also represent a threat to the ego, so it must be handled with care.

The channeling of this book was carried out over a period of three years. The section corresponding to Sanat was channeled first; That was followed by the Mother section. I was amazed at the similarity between what was channeled and the differences in energy and points of view provided by the masculine and feminine aspects. The channeled sections are in chronological order, according to the date on which they were channeled. Each channeling session is separated from the following session by: * * *

By reading this information you can discover, as it happened to me, that certain ideas are repeated. For my part, I noticed that each repetition and each different presentation of the same idea deepened my level of understanding. By reading this information I open myself to a deeper part of my Being. It is what I want for you, when you read these pages. I hope that words touch you in a place where information and energy hidden behind words are familiar to you.


Channeled Sanat Kumara

At the beginning of time, all beings lent themselves to the experiment of physical reality within the space-time continuum. You were part of the consciousness that devised the experience of physical reality, as I experience in a dimension that contained form. You decided to participate in this experiment by deciding to manifest the form in the dimension of physical reality. Almost all of you have forgotten that you decided to participate in this experiment in the form. Many of you felt separated from God, from divine energy, by your existence in form. You feel that God has rejected you, in some sense. You felt isolated and alone.

This book aims to eliminate the illusion of separation from God from your conscience. All beings are united with divine energy, they already exist in the form or in other dimensions of being. You are approaching your Being. You begin to understand that you never left home. God lives in every manifestation of creation. God lives in you. You are not separated from God or your neighbor. This is an illusion created by those who experience the physical form.

The illusion of separation must end. Your planet faces a period of its existence in which the union must manifest itself again. You are one; we are one; there is only one God. All beings exist as God, in God, through God, as one. The illusion of separation must be overcome, so that the union of all beings on planet Earth can be the reality that manifests itself in form, as well as beyond form. You are invited to discard the illusion of separation to move on to the experience of truth, of unity, of the only God that exists in all beings, whether in the form or beyond it. You are invited to experience your union with God once again. You are invited to experience the home wherever you are, whoever you are. You are invited to discard your isolation to meet again with the God that exists within you and within all beings, your neighbor. We await your arrival at home.

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