Dimensional Changes Inside the Body - by María Magdalena

  • 2013

Channeled through Natalie Glasson -26-08-2013-


The seeds of Love of my Being are taking a step forward to honor your Divine and Sacred Being, sprinkling them with all that is your truth while you recognize it within yourself and within my presence. One can recognize his Divine Truth and his Sacred Self within each and every person, and they are everywhere.

You are never alone or separated from the Creator because you can not only see the appearance of the Creator within yourself but you can also recognize it within everyone around you. This recognition and familiarity brings a greater understanding and experience of Unity, even in a reality where separation dominates.

With the awareness and perspective of Unity, meaning that you recognize the Creator within yourself and in everyone, you allow yourself to experience high levels and an important fusion with the Creator. The process and experience of merging with the Creator assists them to advance through numerous levels of activations, dimensional changes, awakenings and releases of old energy patterns, and thus become and recognize in themselves that they are the great beam of Light that they are .

In this new era you have given permission to your body and your entire Being to fully awaken and experience the Radiance, the Power, the Love and the Light of your Being and your Divine Self. This means that you are allowing the Creator to approach and be fully present within your Being. The Creator approaches your body to be manifested both within and outside of you in all aspects of your Creation.

With your greater acceptance of the presence of the Creator and the permission that you have given yourself to awaken, you allow your entire Being, and especially your body, to enter a rapid and powerful process of change, liberation and activation. The body and the energetic bodies begin to get rid of the energies, patterns and perspectives not needed as if they were old layers of skin that are no longer needed. Powerful changes and alchemical awakenings occur within your Being and body that open all energy systems to be used by the vibration and energy of the Creator.

The alchemy and transformation of the body brings your body to Divine power, health and harmonization with all that is the Creator. Not only particles of Light are formed but they explode inside the body causing a greater advance in the presence of Light. The energy keys to awaken so many skills, talents and consciences flow out of the Being and the memories held within it, which can be activated by walking through intense energy sites or family paths for the Being on Earth.

Vibrational codes are constantly released in the body and energy bodies to increase spiritual knowledge and understanding, as well as to raise the vibrations of inner Love, Truth, Light and Wisdom. Due to all these releases of energy in the body and energy system, that which no longer serves them, whether emotional, mental or physical, will be brought to the surface for total liberation and healing.

You may notice that your processes of liberation and healing are more dramatic and dominant within your Being and reality at this time. This is due to the intention of your Being to completely heal many issues, emotional pains and blockages. Total healing means a completion in many areas of liberation in which you have been working for many years, and perhaps many lives. It is as if the final page of the story is being brought to the surface for release and review for a greater experience of freedom.

With these powerful processes of liberation, healing and vibratory changes, your body and energy bodies are moving costly between and through numerous dimensions of Light, energy and consciousness. This constant flutter between dimensions allows them to collect vibratory frequencies and anchor them deep within their Being, thus allowing their entire Being to naturally rise to higher and faster frequencies of Light.

Your body and your Being begin to test which vibration and dimension of Light is the most appropriate and nutritious for you to relate to it at different times of your spiritual ascent. Your Being could naturally look for a dimension with a powerfully healing approach to which you would automatically move when healing is required. On other occasions your Being could look for a dimension of magnification or amplification, perhaps even looking for certain qualities and connections that are necessary. His Being could bounce between dimensions due to the speed of his spiritual acceleration, the need to obtain certain frequencies, the intention to integrate, and Unity, but also due to the constant improvement of the pulsation of your energy that causes an effect like palpitations that will become stable as you allow the truth to become more present in your Being.

Do not be surprised if at one moment you feel connected with extremely fast vibrations and the next time you feel heavy, your body and your whole Being is beginning to merge into Unity, not only with the aspects of the Creator on Earth but also n with the aspects of the Creator known as the dimensions or energy levels throughout the Creator's Universe.

Each dimension represents an existence of integration with the Creator, as well as His specific qualities and aspects. You do not really need to mentally understand the dimensions, but you can experience and feel them energetically, especially in meditation by simply asking to experience the most appropriate vibrations for you of each dimension, or as many as you feel. appropriate, whether they ask to experience them individually as energy levels or as a vast source of Light. Even sensing them without being aware of them or understanding them can bring stability to their entire Being, which will allow their spiritual ascension to flow more easily.

Automatic fluttering and linking with many dimensions at this time is necessary as all dimensions gradually become One within their Being and Spirit, which means a deep acceptance of the Creator internally and externally. At this time the process could make them feel as if they were not seated or bring powerful processes of liberation to the surface. It is as if they were being shaken to greater activation and awakening, experiencing a profound change and purification of everything they know and understand. It is simply a need to be aware of this process that is happening frequently without being aware, recognizing that you can become aware of any ups and downs in your energy and vibration and allow yourself to experience them and the dimensional energies you need to obtain, and then return to the vibration of your Be.

The Being is always evolving but it maintains a stabilized vibration, frequency and connection in a dimension of Light during what the body feels are long periods of time, and therefore it is a settling point for its whole Being. The Being is the vibrational dimension of Light that the Entity of your Being wishes to obtain. While moving through different dimensions, especially within your light body, you are able to reach and access different aspects of your Being. Then, by returning your attention to your Being, you can settle these aspects of your Being, unifying numerous its aspects as a powerful vibration and experience of its Being in its present moment, and thus experience a deep Unity with the Creator.

The vibration of your Being is the unified vibrations of all dimensions, but now it is time to explore these aspects of your Being in order to know, admit and recognize All That Is the Creator within, and around you.

If you wish to say the following aloud:

'With the presence of Mary Magdalene and the support of my Guides and my Self, I now allow myself to experience a deeper and absolute Unity with the Creator in my present life and present moment. I am aware of the dimensional changes that My Whole Being is going through now as I automatically connect with the different dimensions appropriate to serve my ascension and have a deeper understanding of my Being.

As I change and move through different energies and dimensional levels of the Creator Universe, I allow myself to collect and increase within myself everything necessary, while allowing me to constantly return to the core energy core of my Being and thus experience a deep Unity and integration with All That Is my Being and the Creator.

So be it.'

With Love and blessed blessings,

Maria Magdalena

Dimensional Changes Inside the Body - by María Magdalena

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