Changes in time codes and recalibration of the planetary heart with cosmic frequencies of light

  • 2011

The Energies of the New Earth: June 2011 Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

Dear Family of Light, what an exciting journey you are in this moment as you travel with the Earth Time Ship to your New Reality and your new Timeline. Yes, many of you have come to realize that what you call "life" on Earth is simply a movement through Time and Space that creates the ongoing history of Evolution. You are Infinite Beings of Light and on this Planet Earth you can experience Time / Space traveling through the Star Portals and along the Paths of Light that manifest the different levels of Experience we call "Dimensions of Light."

In this month of June they are entering into a Great Change of Time Codes that will release and remove the Old Time Codes and replace them with the New Reality Time Codes and then will put them in balance in a Recalibration of the Planetary Heart with the Cosmic Frequencies of Light. This will occur before and during the Total Moon Eclipse on June 15 and before and after the June 21st Solstice.

Total Eclipse of the Moon and the Recalibration of the Sacred Sites and Nodal Points in the Grids of the Planetary Heart

Dear Ones, in the previous Solstice, in December 2010, the Earth moved to the new Timeline of the Fifth Dimension. In this six-month period, the Earth has settled in its New Frequencies and its New Trajectory, aligning with the 2012 Time Portal. But, now at this time, and from the Lunar Eclipse, the Heart of the Planet will be recalibrated with Cosmic Frequencies of Light through a Change of Time Codes that will focus on two points of the Planetary Grids ... the Stonehenge complex in England and the Giza complex in Egypt.

The Sacred Sites on Earth act as Nodal Points in the Earth's Body of Light. Many of these Sacred Sites have been abused in the Third Dimension Reality in the past, but have been cleansed and realigned in recent years in the Higher Dimensions, so that they are ready to function again as receivers of Light and Cosmic Codes at the key points where they are located on the Planet.

The Moon Codes that are issued in a Total Moon Eclipse carry the Time Codes or instructions for the Earth's journey through Time and Space. The Moon Codes remain deep within the Subconscious of the Planetary psyche, and provide the model or template for manifestation in the Solar or External Reality. In this Key Change, the Old Codes for the manifestation in the Third Dimension will be totally replaced by the New Codes for the Reality of the New Land of Peace and Light.

The Old Time Codes of the Third Dimension encoded the energies of Separation and individual egoic identity. It was a Finite Reality based on Linear Time and deeply disconnected from what they call Nature. It codified deeply rooted internal energies of guilt, wounds, suffering and the need for redemption. This yearning for redemption led to the emergence of myths of Saviors and Messiahs, taking away their own sovereign power to create and manifest.

The New Time Codes will code the Unity and Connection energies at all Levels. They will codify the cyclical and spiral power of the deployment of Space / Time, as in the Higher Dimensions, and will allow the Reconnection with Nature and the Planet as a Being of Light. They will empower Individual Sovereign beings to connect in Communities of Light to help in the Re-creation of the Earth as a Multi-dimensional home for the New Angelic Human Being of Light they are becoming.

All Sacred Sites were originally encoded with these patterns for Multi-Dimensionality, but these were lost after Humanity descended to the Third Dimension and began to move away from the pure Light of the Cosmic Heart. Now that you are returning, Dear Ones, to these Sacred places you are reconnecting and reactivating them with your original Light and Purpose. Please understand, Dear Ones, that it is not necessary to destroy the Earth or its Sacred Sites in order to cleanse and heal. This cleansing and healing process is occurring as the Earth realigns with the Cosmic Heart and progresses on its Journey through the remaining Star Portals in 2011 and 2012.

Recently they have been introduced to the Constellation of Ophiuchus and the 13th House of the Star Zodiac. When the Lunar Eclipse starts, the moon will rise over Stonehenge in the Constellation / House of Ophiuchus, and will activate the Time Codes in this complex to align with the Cosmic Light frequencies. At the same time, the Giza complex will also be activated and aligned in the recalibration process. Then, these New Time Codes will be transmitted through the Planetary Grid system that forms the Earth's Light Body, and all the Sacred Sites and Nodes that are prepared will be activated and recalibrated with the New Time Codes.

The Ophiuchus energies carry the Healing and Transformation and Support Codes, and this energy will also emerge through the Grids, bringing the much needed healing and support to those who open their Hearts to receive Ophiuchus's Healing energies, being initiated into the New Earth Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension.

Love and Peace are Frequencies of Light

Dear Family of Light, after the Total Eclipse of the Moon there will be some very powerful moments of realignment and recalibration at the Solstice of June 21. Those who have allowed the recalibration of their Being of Light with the New Codes of Time will be seen entering the Frequency of Love and Peace. But, the opposite will be the case for those who still cling to the Third Dimension Reality, since their version of Time / Space will no longer be supported by the Deep Codes, and the collapse of illusions will accelerate and be done every time more clear and obvious. Indeed, there could be anxiety and panic among those who still cannot feel the vibration of the new, while aligning with the Future Earth that is manifesting in the Now.

In fact, we tell you that Love and Peace are a Frequency of Light. They are not emotions or feelings as such, they are the alignment of the Codes of Light that carry the information of the Divine Creative Will. Those who enter the Multi-Dimensional Consciousness learn to allow themselves to surrender to the Flow of Divine Light and Divine Will, and to enter into the Frequency of Love and Peace.

Dear ones, to be in the Frequency of Love you do not have to prove anything or work on yourself or be something that you are not yet, you are Love and you express that Truth when you simply align with the Frequency of Divine Will and Cosmic Light. There is nothing to learn or achieve ... simply allow the Light to flow through you as you become the "Eye of God." Divine Intelligence experiences itself as Love through you! It's simple when they allow this Flow and this alignment!

Dear ones, being in the Frequency of Peace is not just an end to war and aggression. It is to enter into the vibration of Divine Peace that flows from the Heart of Divinity. When you allow that vibration to flow through you. They become the Peace of God at all times. In this New Earth, they will align with Peace and they will become Peace.

The New Time Codes will support this process of entering this Flow and Frequency of Light.

It is simply a moment of Great Joy and Light and Love, very Dear Family of Light! We celebrate with you!

And so we wish you Joy and Adventure on this New Journey. We think that perhaps at this time we should call them Navigators of Time as well as Workers of Light . Because working with the Light and the Time Codes, you are also navigating the Gates of Time for the Earth Time Ship on its Infinite Journey of Light!

Translation: Margarita López

You can download the pipes and bitches of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in

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