Change of Paradigm Kryon by Lee Carroll

  • 2015

Paradigm Change Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of the Magnetic Service. And then we celebrate this day. We celebrate small things. We celebrate joy and laughter. So many times we have talked about this, the energy of laughter and joy is sacred and you can feel it; it exceeds any other emotion generated by the human being, except love. Emotions have a Physics ; There are literally energetic waves that absolutely spread from emotion. You notice: if someone laughs, it is contagious. This is the joy. If you ever wonder if there is joy on the other side of the veil, there certainly is. It is a holy emotion, it is given to you. Dear ones, it is necessarily because you have intelligence that you have joy.

You can see that animals have emotion; It's hard to see them laugh at a concept. That is holy, a form absolutely given by God so they can show that they have God inside. What I have tonight is brief; There are three things I want to discuss. We will see very briefly the difference between old and new paradigms. Before seeing that, however, I want to make a comment that for me is fun and cheerful (laughs) because there is a physical in the audience. I challenge you to discover the rule of the dozen. You are used to studying all the energy and the pieces and parts, and I ask you to start looking for the confluence of the twelve. Nature is from twelve; DNA should have shown you that; it is not ten; You are biased to count in decimal basis. Physics is truly duodecimal basis. Now, not all energies can be seen and identified, but the reactions are, to know if something is there; If you tell them, you will be surprised to discover that there is a confluence of twelve. This should tell you something about the missing laws in Physics and what it will reveal and explain some things you can't see.

If you examine the lessons of Kryon, you will discover that very often we turn things in three, four, and six. No one has really realized this . We do it for one reason: that is the structure of everything; not ten, but twelve. Today we present three things. Easy, and yet difficult. Dear ones, the difference between what has existed and what is approaching is truly a paradigm shift. It is truly the way they see things, how they perceive and react to them.

Basic human nature falls within the customary pattern, and what you are accustomed to even as a healer and lightworker, as we discussed yesterday, can be a habit, it can be a tradition, and it can be something you were taught. I want you to know this: that in the process of life, what someone teaches you that you appreciate and honor and even love, is recorded in your mind as something in some way sacred, and when things change and that is no longer valid, Some feel disappointed. You may even feel that there is a betrayal in changing your paradigm, like a slap in the face of the one who taught you. That is a habit; It is an emotion; And it is not like that. You respect those who taught you how you should be, what to do, or what works and what doesn't in the old energy; because that worked on the old energy. In the new energy, you become a teacher. You must learn to readjust your reactions and how you think.

Three things. We start with the easiest: belief. When you believe in something, there is an instant and automatic reaction. If your belief is strong, if it is something spiritual, you have rules about it, organizations, doctrine, actions, whatever. In an old energy, the first thing you want to do is share it with others. Now, how about I tell you that this is a reaction of old energy and that sharing it with others is no longer what you have to do? Now: there is truly no right and wrong; there is only free will. There is simply what works and what may not work well. So, don't literally put it in a category; do not put categories of "must" and "should not". When I say that you should do it differently, I want to say that if you want to have results you have to do it differently. But there are some who keep doing it the old way just because it used to work.

You want to share your belief with others; They meet and you say: “ This is what works for me; this is what I discovered, here it is. ” It is generally somewhat linear, you believe in this way, you have a doctrine that says this, you take the word of a prophet and apply it to your life and this helps you. Therefore, thus you are sharing. Now, there is another word for that: you are evangelizing your belief, whatever. You could be an atheist and evangelize your belief and that helps you. This is the action from the belief. Humans share what they discovered works in their belief system. This is going to sound very familiar to those who have heard me before.

There is a new paradigm and, dear ones, this is more difficult, much more difficult. If you want to share what you believe, it is time to take it in and show that it does work. Never tell others what your belief is; instead, live it! And if your belief is really accurate and true, God's love will show through you accordingly.

And the belief will be yours until someone asks you: “What do you have that I don't have?” It is necessary that this light you have be shown to others by your actions, which are practical. Do they see someone balanced? Anyone cheerful? Can you go through a situation in your life and have the same problems as them, except that you don't fall into frustration, anger, fear, or drama? You will be next to a co-worker, a family member or even a child, and they look at you and eventually say: “What do you have? Because I want it. ”Then you can share your belief. The difference is that One is linear and the other is not, can you see how this works? We are truly saying that it is not a linear process of "doing this, reading this, going there."

So you used to share your belief; today you apply it to yourself and let the world see who you are. That, dear ones, is more difficult. I want to tell you something: the results are lasting, because nobody can discuss your expertise (laughs); No one can discuss your balance, especially if they observe it day after day. They really realize that you have something; They are asking about that. And this was number one. Number two. This is simply information about what lies ahead and how to treat certain things. In the area of ​​new energy and metaphysics, in learning and training, we told you that there would be changes in the systems. Now, the systems that will eventually change are all. We have told you again and again that the same paradigm of how you get your electricity should change.

We told them to discard the master network, to stock up on smaller groups of networks, so that there are no problems if a network fails; They simply go to the next network. We told you that technology is coming for this, with which groups and neighborhoods can have their own network and can be easy and not expensive. We have talked about water: it is time to desalinate; Efficiently, no heat, no chemicals. There are ways to desalinate in real time; look for them. We even gave you suggestions on how it could be done, with micro-robotics. If they can do this, the ocean will supply water for any city. You can see the ramifications, even doing it on a small scale.

We tell you all this. These are, then, ecological systems. We have told you that politics is changing; we told them that corporations can change; We told you that the pharmaceutical industry is so dysfunctional that it will fall and change. Over the years, systems change . Then comes from you the linear question: “What are the new systems? How do we do it? What are the facts? (laughs) Give us the inventions, what are they, Kryon? What is the new economy we need? What is the new policy we need? ”And they want a list! This makes sense, right?

They are going to need to do it, so there they are extending their hands. Give us a list . How about I say: How linear of your part! Dear ones, the systems are coming, and they come from those who become wiser in spirit as evolution on the planet continues; These systems will come from those who will invent them. You will not receive them from the Spirit. I want you to start thinking differently . Instead of making conventions where they begin to wait for the Spirit that gave them the answers, I want you to begin to understand, to develop yourself and those around you to have wisdom and common sense. Begin to look at young people and develop this in them. This comes from the future, and comes directly from the people you know, from both genders, who begin to become wiser in spirit.

God is not going to give you these things. We have talked about the inventions that come; we know the potentials of what they are going to discover, because they are there: we know what they are. You will develop them; They will not receive them from us. So why do I tell you this? Because they are wasting enormous energy asking us all this (laughs). Instead, start looking for young technicians, young scientists, who are arriving with their genius. They have the answers. You will have a wisdom that you do not expect. There was a lot of genius in many intelligent human beings in the past, however none gave them these answers.

The difference will be the new energy. I want you to wait for answers from them, not from the Spirit. That was number two. Number three is similar. What is your path? Every spiritual human being, on some level is considering what to do. They literally worry about how to go from A to B; What's next now. What do I do if this or that happens? Where should I go? Should or should not do A or B? Absolutely practical. Totally understandable. There will be those who say: Why don't you sit there and just God will tell you what to do? We have already told you that this is not how it works.

But you still stand up and say: Help me. I need something. When a human wants to enter unknown territory, the standard linear response is to get a map. The map could be a book; the map could be a friend's advice, even a shawl. That is what the human does; When you are not sure of the road, look for an expert or a map, or a device or something that gave you the answer so you don't have to go into the unknown. Most of you already know what I am going to say now (laughs). For those who did not attend this weekend, this is of special interest. For those who attended, they already know, because they talked about it.

The new paradigm is that you literally throw yourself into nothingness! (laughs) and depends on the wisdom of the moment and the synchronicity that will appear when needed. You run to the fork in the road and want a map to know if you turn left or right. They have no idea where they are going, and they know that on the one hand there could be problems and the other could be salvation. And they need a map, and the closer they are to the fork, the more they get frustrated at not having their map. Now that is the old paradigm; in the new paradigm they run towards the fork of the road singing traveling songs while they go. Because they are not worried. The fork appears and they still don't care. And finally they get there and have the intuition that says: “There is a detour on the route, turn right, and they do. Until the next detour, and then another, until you reach the bridge. Until they reached their destination, they didn't even know it was where they were going (laughs). This is a new paradigm! It is a new reality for old souls. You will no longer trust the linear mind so much; They will learn to trust the intuitive brain, if they want to call it that.

Metaphorically, the human being has three brains; it is not interesting? Here is the three again. There is the synapse, which you call the human brain; there is the intuitive, which comes from the pine tree, and there is the heart. In the heart there really is a tremendous magnetic field that you already know and there are also nerve cells that mimic the synapse.

This is part of the human system that will be deeply discovered. It's a triad, the three. Then they begin to trust intuition, in the heart if they wish, and combine it with the logic of the brain to give them the complete picture, not where to turn, but how to react when they need a map. Let the map arrive anyway. They don't need to know in advance, and they can't either. Dear ones, if the future is always moving because of free will, there is no one who can tell you what the future will be, really not . It moves at every moment of the day, because there are so many humans with free will involved. Even the Spirit cannot give them the day or year that something will happen, because we respect the free will of mankind to change it.

For years we have told you that it can happen sooner or later, and it is up to you. This should tell you that, when you begin to move towards a goal, if that is what you want to do, you have to go slowly at a time and perceive what the potentials are, where to turn will depend on what happens in each moment. No map will give them the future. Different reality. Different way of thinking. These are the three. Dear ones, only these three will begin to balance you differently; Some will question them when they begin to live this new reality. Now, have you seen the young? Some are already doing it. Do you criticize them? I know who is here. “You don't know where you are going, you don't know what you are doing, you have to have a plan.” And they look at you and say: “Really? (laughs) We'll know when we're going. We will know when we go. ”And you say:“ Oh, this young generation! What will become of them? ”

I will tell you what will happen when they go: peace on Earth. The new paradigm is knowing as you go. So, dear ones, congratulations on being in the right place at the right time. Before we go: look around - this is family. Maybe they won't see them again, do they? Could they have other faces, other aspects? Celebrate them while you can. And so it is.


Kryon Channeling by Lee Carroll

Description and translation: M. Cristina Cáffaro

Change of Paradigm Kryon by Lee Carroll

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