'Horses, Peaceful Leaders' A Herd of Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Philosophers

  • 2014

In these moments of 'crisis', business mutations are very deep. We cannot deny a reform of the management system.

Our Era needs Entrepreneurs developing a work and business philosophy

Respectful of Fundamental Values, a philosophy of Professional Life where our Spirituality is integrated.

Companies in which the Entrepreneurs have the Role of Guides, teaching the way to go, the goal to be achieved, professionals respectful of the personality of their employees, where each one can contribute their intelligences and share their wisdom valuing their full potential and talents .
There are many more types of intelligences that we think, we have only developed some.

We end up with a world of warriors to walk towards a new vision and new pillars: quality, purpose, deontology, ethics, Sustainability, long-term goals, innovative ideas, cooperation, collaboration, teamwork, networks ...

The Humanistic Business EquiCoaching ie: professional coaching assisted by horses, gives participants the chance to reveal all their talents and creativity; also meet face to face with their shadows and overcome them; reconnect with sensible sensibility, tame emotions or reactions that could impair communication and relationships in your work environment.

Thanks to exercises, games, inter-actions with horses, without riding them, through different relationship and communication exercises, we are aware of our attitudes, behaviors, communication, distances, respect for territory, concepts that have their importance in business and customer relations.

In addition to visualize the realization of projects or changes in the company, you can create structures, constellations with the team, symbolize the project collaborating with a horse or a herd of horses and let the horses express their 'point of view' the intuitive side and project subconscious.- through its unconventional intelligences.

Why with the horses?

They are Animal Beings, with much more intelligence and wisdom than we imagine. Emotional, intuitive, instinctive intelligence, group intelligence and collaboration. In addition, horses exist on planet Earth for more than 50, 000, 000 years, which indicates that their survival instinct is tremendous, that they have overcome many crises, changes and chaos.

Thanks to their style or way of life in a pack - the 'tribes, horse villages' have developed among them a system that has allowed their evolution and adaptation to changes.

Its system of coexistence and harmonious symbiosis with its environment, is the reflection of necessary qualities in times of crisis and therefore are an example of inter-wise actions demonstrating the importance of the role of the leader or leaders and also values ​​space and role of each in the pack or herds.

Due to their sensitivity and flexibility, women in general can perceive and be open to these concepts, more and more of men reconnect with their sensitivity and intuition.

In general, men and lately women have been educated to think rationally and linearly. Many areas of intelligence have been erased or suppressed in all conventional education programs.

Due to many restrictions and the growth of robotic communication technologies, human communication is dehumanizing and its quality has lost nuances and authenticity, which causes errors, misunderstandings or we will say misunderstandings, due to lack of visual human contact.

Why and how can we improve our communication thanks to inter-actions with horses?

- The basis of communication between beings is mainly 80% of body and non-verbal communication.

- The basis of communication with horses between them is body, behavior, attitude, intention, empathy, connection, transmission of emotions, telepathy.

- The leadership in the herd of horses is of males or mares according to the role of each one. Experience, wisdom, sensitivity, instinctive or intuitive intelligences, prevalues ​​or sensitivity and strength. (Equality)

- The collaboration of each member of the pack helps the survival of the group of the 'tribe-pack'. Each has its space and role, all are united to react instantaneously to moments of danger, their relations among themselves are based on mutual trust, a democratic group structure. (Spirit of Manada)

The pack protects the foals and watches the weakest.
Herds of 'wild sayings' horses, ie: free naturally - live in symbiosis, harmony and harmony with nature, are sustainable and ecological.

Animals, when they live naturally and protected from aggressive human beings, do not harm Nature.

The vision or interpretation of an alpha leader, that is of a 'macho hierarchy' is wrong, we usually project a structure of hunters on the world of horses, who are prey and act according to this role.

Here the interpretation is wrong.

The leaders of the herds of horses are 'Guides' or' Knights, protectors and defenders watching.

Many Values ​​of the World of Horses can be integrated into the world of New Age Companies.

We are choosing - or have already chosen - to leave a business world of hunters, sharks, to become dolphins or peaceful horses - for their team collaboration forces and their talents for communication, or leaving us Call for a powerful symbology, the knights of the new era.

Companies with values ​​of commitment, collaboration, ethics, communication, united in a more supportive world, creating peaceful herds always seeking harmony and the highest good for all.

What are the qualities and values ​​of the horses we usually express.

Nobility, Strength, Power, Beauty, Vitality, Sensitivity, Independence, Freedom,

Solidarity of the pack, that is, of the group, of our communities and families.

The symbology of the horse is shocking, Centaur, Amazon expressing Unity, symbiosis between the Horse Being and the Human Being.

Mythical animals such as the Centaur, Unicorn, Pegases and even the `` Dragon ''

They do not dream of a Better World

New Companies are the Humanist Expression of Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Philosophers

A Business Leadership with Values ​​and Philosophy
A Humanist Leadership, a supportive and committed Team

Personal Growth in the Company, for Conscientious, Humanist and Solidarity Leaders and Team

Photographs: throughout the training days with the EAHAE association in Germany.

Martine D.
Tenerife- Canary Islands

Creator of the International Association

Horses, Peaceful Leaders Horses, Peaceful Leaders
NIF: G76522887 Num. National Registry: 19221

Project: Health, Well Being and Education Assisted by Horses.
Training in EquiCoaching: Personal Growth, Professional and Social Development
Guided by the Wisdom of the Horses

Web: www.martine-d.net
Blog: http://horses-peaceful-leaders.blogspot.com.es/

'Horses, Peaceful Leaders'
A Herd of Spiritual Entrepreneurs and Philosophers

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