Ride the positive wings of change before the solstice – Energy preparations- New Moon Solstice- Post wesak by Selacia

  • 2015

A new light energy is coming this week through the Solstice. Take advantage of this by planting some new seeds in tandem with the new moon on Tuesday. Contemplate the specific changes you wish to see manifest in the coming weeks. The energies now support new approaches, new ideas and unprecedented advances. They must be present, aware and connected to the heart to access and act for optimal results.

New Moons are typically like a portal to new beginnings. This one in particular is even more powerful, its energy will reverberate for a couple of weeks.

Solstice and Post Wesak

Hold this as the most important thing in your mind during this week before the Solstice and after the Wesak celebrations with the Masters who established the template for illumination on Earth. The beneficial energies of these beings is truly powerful and palpable at the moment. Consciously tune into them and invite these blessings into their lives.

Invite miracles, too!

The slogans for the week are: mindfulness and focus on the heart. If you perceive anger, fear or other negative emotional responses, it is vital that you work on them and change your focus to love. There will be challenging energies that we normally have, due to these tumultuous times. Do what you can anyway to prevent negativity from poisoning your thoughts, actions and the new sowing of seeds.

No anger or disappointment - no matter the reason - is worth carrying out in the light-filled activities they wish to create. None of these things will matter in the long run.

From that larger general perspective, you are an agent of divine, eternal changes and key players in changing the scales from darkness to light .

You are that light that you want to see prevail. Keep that mantra in your mind these next two weeks.

Set the Example for Others

At this time many around him are being challenged and perhaps confused. Many may unknowingly be influenced by their unconscious fear, unable to perceive the things you understand. Be aware of this when you meet your loved ones and even strangers. No one is exempt from the confusion of our world that is being transformed outside the Middle Ages .

Remember that we are all connected - not only energetically and physically living together on this little planet - but we share common human stories through our lineages, past lives and mass consciousness.

Your pain is everyone's pain. The pain of others is their pain. Similarly, your joy is the joy of the whole world and you are influenced by the joy of others. Why not choose joy as your focus? It is contagious and healing for everyone, including you!

As you set the example for others - shifting to joy and doing your best to act from that place - you become an even more powerful force to turn our world back up, in love.

Translated and shared by www.destellosdeluz.com.ar

By Selacia

Source: www.Selacia.com

Translation: Alicia Virelli

Ride the positive wings of change before the solstice – Energy preparations- New Moon Solstice- Post wesak by Selacia

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