Bulletin # 30 s2, Create a new Educational Culture with Consciousness Where to start ?, The 8 axes of action

  • 2011

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By Noemi Paymal

To complete “the School of the 7 Petals” and the “5 Leave” that we have published in the three previous bulletins (bulletin 27, bulletin 28 and bulletin 29), it seemed important to me that I could also present some ideas of immediate actions from different fields, answer the everlasting question we receive every day in emails and orally in all conferences, all workshops and all trainings: "And now, OK, we have to change education, ... but ... Specifically what do we do? Where do we start? What can I do, how dad, teacher, professional, therapist, doctor, psychologist? ”

Formula 758

“The school of the 7 petals”, the “5 leave” and the “8 axes of action” give us the triad 758. The idea is that Plan 758 is polished, expanded, improved over the next decades, adapting to the environment and reality of each place, and evolving according to planetary events.

- “The School of the 7 Petals” will become the What school do we want?

- the "5 Leave" the With what background philosophy to start?

- and “the 8 Axes of Action” on what steps to start? ”

That would be for the current phase (we will call it phase I, the emergency phase) and the transition phase of education transformation (which will become phase II, the transition phase) while organizing future level education world we will call the Integral SocioEducation (phase III, IV and V).

How to create a new Educational Culture with Consciousness?

Where to start

Yes! Yes! Yes! 2011 is time to act

I hope this article gives you some clues, to act, wherever they are, and whatever they do ...

“By acting you learn and know what to do.

Acting one will know his role, not only will he know it but he will simply do it,

the most important thing ...

That's how simple this transition period works. ”

I am sure that within these 8 axes are you! And if you are not there and you have more axes of action to propose towards new education and the general increase of conscience, please, send it to us and we will make the 10-axis r-evolution!

8 axes of ideas to act now

1. Municipal or tax colleges

If you are working a state school, too, you can gradually introduce changes. You can start with the “5 leave” of bulletin No. 28, which are easy to introduce gradually:

- Let the teachers and parents be “updated”… Let the teachers and parents be informed, updated, have new techniques, according to their demand and needs… More than theoretical graduates, who enjoy interactive workshops and fun and concrete practices…

- Leave “opportunity” of institutional action to teachers, parents and institutions. Let the teachers, parents and institutions take initiatives and support them ... In any case it can not be worse ... Let's leave them a chance! Many professors tell us: "I want to do new things, but not"! Let me do! " “Or they threw me out of my job, ” “Or they don't let me take the kids outside, do dances in the math class, change the shape of the desks, ” etc. Give them your chance! If they have good results, if the children are happy, why not?

Leave move, to children and young people. Here are all the techniques of movement, action, projects and let them move physically !. To let the physical flow, that will help them to let emotions, mind and spirit flow (see how in the pedagogical notebooks of Pedagooogia 3000).

Let explore, children and young people. Take advantage of the natural curiosity of children. It is the CABE: the Self-developed Cognitive Non-aBurrido (taken from Not-Boring in English and Non-Donkey in Spanish), Exploratory. It MUST leave the role to children and young people; so they will feel useful, they will have self-esteem, self-discipline and motivation on their own.

Let breathe, everyone !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And being of good genius, helps tremendously !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We advise all teachers to learn a little about Brain Gym and JAM (Game, Outside and Movement). Also when they can, apply ESEIT (project development, field trips, professional experiences, school and community exchanges as well as trades workshops) of the Kilpatrick method. And obviously coughing Arts classes. All of this works very well with the children of now (1) and, by the way, of all time.

We recommend that the boys practice a sport of their liking every day and that they do a Martial Art one to two times a week.

And most importantly, that all teachers and parents know and practice simple anti-stress techniques and basic relaxation.

If you can, introduce a mini-garden into the patio It will change the environment! The snail mini-garden does not require land and is easy to build. Permaculture taught them (See Permaculture Web for schools).


Ahhh and a great favor, after the national anthem on Mondays (according to the custom of his country), play a hymn planetary to remind the boys that we are a only planet: it can be the anthem to joy, the anthem to the planet, the hymn to Pacha Mama, the hymn to children. It is up to us to find or invent these hymns. Please send us your hymns and we will place them on the Web, to have a database of music and planetary songs (and then galactic hehe).

2. Existing alternative schools

We speak for example of the Waldorf, Montesorri, Kilpatrick schools, the experimental schools of Argentina, Cossetini, Reggio Emilia, Freinet, Decroly, Reuven Feuerstein, the Vigostky Advanced Teaching, Etievan Educational Model, Bio- Education Central, Super Learning, Democratic Education of Israel, the Shichida Method of Japan, Free Education, Educational Transformation, Creation, Liberating Education, Creative Education, and others that have bravely developed over the past century, with or without support from the government of the day, and have still courageously followed

If you are in an alternative establishment already, congratulations… To move forward, taking into account the current characteristics of today's children and the needs of current and future society.

See the article of the "School of the 7 Petals", to see if you can add or reinforce a petal, or add others ...

You can also look for how they will be able to support intuitive children and young people and to whom you naturally have access to different levels of consciousness. Study these issues so as not to be taken without.

3. Schools-houses and schools-centers of the future

If you are one of them or if you are thinking about it, congratulations ...

These are the new futuristic schools, which are looking for something radically different and integral. This is easier to carry out in countries whose Law recognizes the “Free Exam” like Chile and Uruguay, that is to say that children and young people (and their parents!) Can continue the schooling they want, as long as pass a state exam year-end or end of cycle.

New futuristic establishments are beginning to flourish. Like the ASIRI School, in Lima Peru, which begins in 2011 and will open its doors in 2012. It may also be to open centers of integral development that have a “school” section as some Permaculture centers in Chile or the Evolutionary Education of Argentina.

In the event that the Law does not allow it, in the meantime centers (formal or informal) can be made on weekends or in the afternoon, and interesting volunteer activities organized by parents, some teachers, therapists, and young people themselves. children, like the Sol de Soles Center in Chile. In parallel, training centers (formal or informal) for parents and teachers can be opened. Thus began ASIRI, doing both centers.

The dome and the shape of the dodecahedron are interesting architectural forms for futuristic schools

4. Home schooling and various-schooling

Sometimes Home Schooling is a solution; It depends on the cases, the places and the determination, availability and creativity of the parents. Some families may gather together to develop and implement their children's educational plan such as the TLC in Auroville, India.

It is also nice that alternative and complementary therapy centers and other professionals can be involved (for example doctors, homeopathic, anthroposophical, synergistic, rekist, transpersonal psychologists, therapists of all areas) such as this kindergarten in Copiapo, Chile, which It has a complementary therapeutic center within the Garden. Bravo!

You can always do extra-school activities. If you can not do everything that one sounds within the school of your children, in the meantime you can choose to organize extra-school activities that contribute to the integral development of children and adults ... however without overloading the children's agenda and parents (like some countries in Asia, where children and youth have classes from 7:00 in the morning to 9:00 at night).

A range of possibilities opens. From Home-schooling and un-schooling to improve the school in your neighborhood, through all varieties and intermediary, mixed, community, artistic, educational trips…. The idea is to explore, do, correct, go ahead, be it one hour a week or full time, everything is valid ...

5. Training, parents and teachers

Importantisisimo !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Three possibilities:

1. You train yourself endlessly ...

2. Self-convocation: these are groups of people who voluntarily decide to meet and form action-study groups. It may also be the self-determination of teachers and school heads to update and have a better time.

3. Government, local or national will

Also here it is worth launching a call to all professionals (doctors, pediatricians, psychologists, anthropologists, scientists - neurologists, geneticists, biologists, etc ...) to carry out more research on the changes that children present today, especially those born after 2005, in order to have more scientific support for these changes. That would help many educators to adjust their pedagogical tools accordingly.

6. Media

The idea is to encourage an explosion of Radio and Television programs that provide extensive and up-to-date information on the topics of new education and personal development. Also open radios and television channels to children and young people who want and need it as well as have our own channels and radios.

We can:

* Campaign awareness raising public opinion with writers, journalist, singers, ...

* Also make and disseminate movies, science fiction movies, short films, short videos for youtube, documentaries, such as Forbidden Education for example

* Search and encourage the interventions of singers, famous people, ...

* Press on the virtual electronic sector, facebook, Twister, etc ...

* Organize striking events: such as the "Woodstock of Education, " We are the children, We are the World "of education, the Fall" of the Wall of Education ", Imagine all the school! ... look for these milestones that mark historical twists ... well something creative ...

* A circus?

* Make chains ...

* Make caravans, ...

* Make Festival of Movies that deal only with the new education

* Sign the Education Manifesto 3000 ...

For example if you are friends with singer Mika, ask her to make a song about the new education! And accept an interview!

If you are a musician, you could do “Imagine all the school!” On the John Lennon song…

Here our imagination has no limits ...

And develop new multimedia educational material !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This axis 6 is very creative and very fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. Political, local, national and international will

In parallel, we can create a holistic political opening and an adequate economy for new education.

It is a sector where little by little you have to raise awareness ... You may be surprised, some politicians and economists are very open.

8. Personal self development

The most important thing… “The most important thing is not so much what we do but how we do it”. All change begins with oneself ... Hand to work then ... Heart to work then.


Phase I: Emotional support, training and basic information for teachers and parents. Anti-stress techniques (Now)

Phase II: Concretization of physical sites and pedagogical methodologies. Hold for all children who have nowhere to go. They would be like “parallel schools”, complementary or full-time, according to. Follow the training for parents and teachers. (2011-2020).

Phase III, IV and V: Specify a new active and productive Learning system adapted to a new social system, practical, flexible, supportive and aligned with universal laws. It would be a “Re-United Pedagogical Intra-Inter Integral Socio-Education” (for example from 2020 to 2050).

Everything at once!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe

It is good to think in phases, not to get dizzy ...

But now when entering 2011, my feeling is ... DO EVERYTHING at once, knowing that everything we do, every droplet, adds up and creates synergy. It is NOT an isolated action, on the contrary! In other words, one plus one does not give two, but multiplies by 10, 50, 100 ...

There is a tremendous demand for changes in education and each of you has a part of the Solution.

If an opportunity arises, we simply accept it and we do it… we share it.

Synergy and Domino Effect

The issue is that the local reality is so diverse that at the time of "doing", it is up to each one to know what to do, be precise and concrete in their actions and disseminate them. Making "know" creates this famous synergy and the famous domino effect. That is why now the media, virtual links and organizations such as emAne, world link for a new education, have a "detonating" role that can potentially change the face of the Earth.

For this reason it is time to strive for translations of written material and subtitles of audiovisual material ... there is excellent material ... worldwide ... in all languages ​​!!!!!!!!!!! And we need to share it ... For example, the best teaching material we found in Auroville (India), by Auroville Rainbow Child, was ... in Russian! I advise that we all summarize what we do in English (I can't think of a better language at the moment), and from there it is sent to the world and translated into all languages.

Go ahead! ... share what you do !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The domino effect will occur ... this process is irreversible and unstoppable, as Walter Maverino, UMCIT always says (See his fourth sector book, among other books he has written).

(1), (2), (3) and (4): JAM, ESEIT, bio-intelligent, bio-morphic and bio-reconnecting tools are widely described in the Book of Pedagooogy 3000 and in the 33 pedagooogícos notebooks of P3000 and the 11 pedagogical notebooks of ASIRI.

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