Celestial Weddings - Archangel Michael

I am Mikaël, Prince and Regent of the Celestial Militias. I would like, before the inauguration of the first transmission of ultraviolet pressure radiation, to contribute, to you here present and to all the human consciences united in what I call Celestial Weddings, to translate all the gratitude of the different spiritual entities, of the different entities of Light, of the different personified entities of the non-dissociated worlds of the third dimension. I want to point out that I am not alone. That, in the same way, you are not alone. Our intervention and my words will be developed during the announced time. I would take advantage of this announced time to open three spaces of new and completely new information related to the human soul, its becoming, and also its history.

Well beloved Masters, since here is the greatest of the revelations that I have to give you, here in a long time, before living these cycles of this dissociated humanity, before making the experience of dissociation, they were all, without exception, of the beings of pure Light who had decided, as a result of an impulse communicated by the Lords of Karma and also by some entities that they call Archangels, like me, participated, with an unprecedented sense of sacrifice, in ascension, to the transformation of Matter towards a future. That was a long time ago. You here now back, at this time, in your incarnation, in what I call the Celestial Weddings. The Celestial Weddings will last 12 weeks. During these 12 weeks the set of their potentials linked to their history, linked to their Source and linked to their becoming, will appear more and more clearly in their manifested consciences.

I announced to you, on my first arrival, that in this year of a period of 16 months, announced as a period of de-construction, that this period of de-construction is the necessary preliminary for your reunions with the Light. The period of de-construction that, as of tonight, will enter entirely into activity on this planet and on the whole of this solar system. It is neither a punishment nor a reward but it is a fair return of the Light that signs the end of the dissociation and the end of the incarnation experience. Now, I ask you to prepare internally for the moments that will follow. During the whole of this period that we are assigned we will transform them from Light Bearers into Light Sowers.

They are, in this world, the seeds of eternity in which it will take root, support and develop the new life in the new dimension. However, the role of the Sowers of Light is a role of awakening and alarm, not you, but of the totality of the Masters still asleep, deceived by the games of the ego and the games of dissociation, which have not yet revealed their potential. The effusions of energy, the effusions of the ultraviolet that I relate, as well as the Conclaves, the Cenacles, the Councils, will allow them, during these periods, in this period, as in the later periods, to make the veils of ignorance disappear completely, the veils of separation and the veils of illusion. The Light comes to light, it comes to reveal. Thus, the Source (or Father, if you prefer) had taken the oath, as you took the oath. The children of Unity, of the children of the Law of one and with this is what, now, comes into manifestation. My intervention begins.

... Energy effusion ...

The transmission of the ultraviolet radiation pressure will last, as announced, 72 minutes. Within this period I will produce three times, for a relatively short time, in order to give you, to reveal the truth as to what it is, for its part what it was and for its part what will happen . The revelation of the truth is possible by the action of grace, by the Communion between their consciences and our consciences, by decree of the Source and by the Will of Good of the Light. To each of my interventions, as well as to other participants, we pledged you to turn inward in order to ignore the de-construction of the world since the solution, the key to your history, your soul, not it can be found more than within you, at the moment in which it silenced all the duality and the manifestation that occupies its consciousness of personifying itself. They are pilgrims of eternity, they are pilgrims of Unity and they are, I repeat, the enormous Masters who had made the sacrifice of forgetting their Divinity in order to prove and realize that it was possible, even deprived of the Source and the Light, Go back to the light.

Those among you, in the world, who have decided to attach themselves at this time, on this day and more in particular, are going to make great strides towards the path of their self-realization. In this sense, I call these periods that they will live, and the period that they live, Heavenly Weddings. Indeed, these are moments of extreme joy, ultimate joy, essential joy that no outside event should overshadow. The strength lies in the revelation of your Light. Its strength lies in the transmission of this Light. Thus go the worlds. In the same way, in an assembly and in multiple spiritual meetings, resulting from our different unified dimensions; We come to meet you.

We come to water your Source. We come to reestablish the connection to your Unity, Divinity and Control. Beyond what you dare to imagine and expect. That must be said. That must be done. That must be revealed. And that must manifest. The control, the ascension, the Light, are exactly in what it is. The illusion, created by his oath, ends hopelessly on this day. Obviously, the undisclosed Lights, the Shadow areas projected to suit your incarnations in this space they call Earth, are not going to faint from night to morning. Whatever the events linked to my Presence, in this solar system, whatever the events linked to the radiations of Light, to the pressure of ultraviolet radiation, must preserve the spirit that the ultimate truth of what it is and what it will discover, finally, about its real dimension, about its real Unity and about its absolute creative power as Co-creators of this particular universe.

So, human souls in incarnation, I greet in you the grace and power of your journey. I greet in you fellow travelers who choose to advance in separation and division in order to strengthen their inner Light. Today, through this outpouring, this ultraviolet radiation, you are offered your return to your true reality. Whatever the events of your material, personal lives, whatever the joys or inconveniences that may occur in this period of de-construction, never forget your Divinity, your control, your truth and its unity. The only truth that you should keep conscious in your spirit, in your conscience, is this: you are children of the Law of one, you are children of the Eternal, you are pure Light. Only the veils linked to his oath, dear ones, due to a certain evolutionary need, led the Earth to this state of division, of separation that lives and will live more and more outside. . He does not deplore. Be satisfied with the beings of Light that you are. Satisfied to relay what they receive from our Centers, our Conclaves and our meetings. It will become transmitters of the Light after having revealed its dimension. The Celestial Weddings correspond to celestial and cosmic reunions. That translates into the total and irremediable disappearance of the veils that isolated them in this dimension. They will find a situation that is worthy of your dignity. However, never judge those among you who will have to live the experience of their separation and separation. They are as evolved and respectable as you. They are the same Light, the same truth and the same Source. However, some characteristics of its inner Light do not allow this to be revealed at this end of the cycle. They are urgently asked not to judge, not to look, whatever, but simply to follow with pleasure, to radiate the Light of which they are the Bearers. This is the only absolute condition for finding the totality of what is, through the effusions, through the ultraviolet, through the rays of Light that We broadcast from the Residence of Supreme Peace: Shantinilaya.

Little by little they will return the memory of what they are, during these 12 weeks of Communion and Weddings. The veils of illusion, the veils of separativity will be removed from one. They will become the Sowers of Light that will sow the new Earth and the new Heavens. Satisfied to live that. Do not intend to interfere, in any way, with your brothers who, whatever the cause, will have chosen to temporarily turn their backs to the Light since, I guarantee you, they are exactly the same as you but, for reasons that are own, need or want to further strengthen their upward control. As Christ said: "do not judge." Enjoy radiating the Light of these Weddings that we live. Satisfied to dedicate 72 minutes of each week to these Weddings. We invite you, with all the power of our love, to add more and more to this effusion of particular Light that comes to you, for you, and also for the set of life forms present on the surface and interior of this system. solar.

The confidence and abandonment that you will manifest towards this call of Light, towards these heavenly Weddings, will give you joys, an inner state, that no material satisfaction you know can even match. The Source of joy corresponds to these privileged moments of fusion. The source of the Light comes to awaken and awaken its Source. The role of the Source is to radiate, feed and ignite. This is going to become your roles, well dear Masters of light. This is the first part of my revelation. We will remain a few moments in silence in order to welcome the wave of radiation that intensifies now.

... Energy effusion ...

Beloved human incarnation, dear Masters of Light, I announced that, during this year and a part of the next one, they will pass from a human government to a spiritual government, which means that they will pass from a human power to a power spiritual. Human power linked to personality, linked to the ego, linked to society, must yield to spiritual power. What is spiritual power? It is the direct influence of the consciousness of the Light in its luminous consciousness. This is expressed without going through their usual tools. It requires the total suppression of all traces in you of human power, whatever and, in particular, the human power exercised, in a controlled way or not, on another human being. Being a being of Light, no other being of Light can impose its will, its desire or its form of persuasion. Only abandonment to the Light that is the spiritual power should lead and direct their lives. From the moment you will understand, have integrated and have begun to live that, you will realize that the Light grows in you. What happens when the Light grows in you? It becomes beings of joy. They become light transmitters. They will realize while emotions, signals of the activity of the human ego, are progressively reduced and disappear to make room for a state of grace or a state of inner joy, independent of their own emotions and independent of their own life circumstances.

In short, your control will be revealed to you. Control is not power. The control is not the difficulty. Control is abandonment and liberation taken. Control is also the confidence that will bring to life, with us, these Celestial Weddings during the 12-week period that will see the de-constructions intensify to a level that they cannot, now, imagine. In that, they must develop trust, total confidence in our contribution, in our reports and in our contacts since the Light cannot imply any evil, no disharmony in those who accept it.

Obviously, during this period they run the risk of living what they call, in their language: elimination. Don't give any importance to that. Feel satisfied to receive the Light and relay it. This is your way. This is an essential truth. We have always been separated there, you by the veils of illusion and by the veils of dissociation. This state of fact ends, completely. That is, the Light, the help of other luminous beings that are personified in human soul, are at your disposal, at your sides to accompany you (by your vibration, your presence, your power, your radiation) to go completely towards your Inner Temple, in their inner security and in the being of Light that they are. They can, and should, turn to us. When I say "we, " I mean both my presence, my radiation and the presence and radiation of the Melchizedech ensemble, the Lord's Angels ensemble and the Archangelic energies ensemble. Through your request, they will strengthen the Celestial Weddings. Through demand, they will strengthen the meeting with your control, reinforce your abandonment to the Light. Beloved humans in incarnation, this is the second truth. Let us now live a second level of effusion.

... Energy effusion ...

Beloved humans in incarnation, well-loved Masters of Light, the disappearance of the veils of illusion and separation will allow you to live your future and your consciousness in consciousness, as you go from a certain maximum limit of awakening from the Light in you, the illusion of time disappears. The disappearance of the illusion of time will allow them to understand that ascension is a transition and not a death since, in the transition of ascension, there is no forgetting but, on the contrary, a total awakening. Some images, perceptions, sensations will be revealed to your awakened consciousness and will show you your becoming as a being of Light, as Crystal beings or as Diamond beings, according to their previous dimension pending in separation. These visions, these perceptions, these sensations will allow you to grow faith in your future of Light whatever the unpleasant events that your human perceptions, that your human senses, will give you to see. What they should consider, simply and fairly, as events linked to the penetration of Light, in the densest layers of human and Earth.

No force, I repeat, no force opposed to the Light can oppose the Light. Light is the irremediable; Only winner of illusion and life. The rest are nothing but projections of fear, apprehension and anguish. Certainly logical, understandable and acceptable, at least as long as you are not incorporated into the source of Supreme Peace that is in your hearts. They will understand, and live, what it is (intermittently, as in a dream and, progressively, in an increasingly lucid and concrete and real way), its true dimension. This will greatly facilitate the stabilization of Light in their organisms and also the phenomenon of transition and the phenomenon of ascension. As you know, this will not happen immediately, except for a contingent of human souls, Masters realized of the authentic Light, who will decide, their full will, to ascend without the body. What they will call death will be for them the resurrection.

This must happen, as you know, between now and the month of June. That is possible because of the power of the elements that I activate and reveal about this world and the other worlds of this solar system. Thus, it is not a period of mourning, a period of loss but a period of intense joy for his brothers and sisters who will finally access their eternity and in a lasting way. However, most of you, Masters of Light realized or in process, should, I would say, drink the cut right at the end. This is neither a punishment nor a reward but we need the sowers of Light who are going to be in order to allow the ascension of their brothers and sisters, human or not, and also to allow translation and transition of the whole of this solar system. Without you, we can't do anything. This is an absolute truth.

So, we ask you, and we will ask you relentlessly, to call us, ask us, not so much things on a human level, but rather to commune with us in order to reinforce this very important period of your Celestial Weddings. This is now, this begins just today, this is not in a year, this is not in ten years, this is not in a generation as of now, and I speak in human time and not in spiritual time. Why? It seems that there is a concordance, due to the influx of the Light, between the spiritual time so distant from yours and human time. Human time and spiritual time come together; It came for those who want it, for whom it was time to wake up and fulfillment. They will be numerous participants in these weekly Celestial Weddings, at most we will come to favor the transition and the ascension of a greater number. One last time, don't give yourself up to the din of the next world. The Shadow can never win the least battle. Only the illusion of time, only the illusion of its separation, could make believe that the Shadow existed.

The few on this planet, who dedicated their destiny to the Shadow, are even more so than you in the sense of sacrifice. Thus, these beings there should neither be judged nor condemned but simply loved. The Celestial Weddings are also the moments of the revelation of Love, Unity and Light. They are appreciated for all eternity since it is Love. But, unfortunately, numerous human souls were allowed to sleep even more for the mermaids of pleasure, and this lasts for a long time, in this cycle of humanity. However, all this, linked to the games of power, to the games of illusion, to the games they call of the Shadow, will be irremediably dissolved by the power of Love and by the radiation of the residence of Supreme Peace.

What they observe is not, in the metaphorical language, more than the torment of childbirth and childbirth. Once the birth has taken place, you can observe these moments with peace, with serenity since, then, they will have become what ceased to be, by oath. The time of the Weddings, the time of the reunions is now. They will have the impression, at the end of this Wedding Period (which is like a gestation period), the possibility, of living in a very natural way, to the time in this world (and consequently on this world) and also in the future world, world of Light where the Shadow cannot subsist. This learning of horse riding in two dimensions is also a form of education and control of your new Light, revealed to you.

Return to our next two meetings, so that, every time more numerous, the Light Bearers will be attached and come together, they will be on May 2 at 15:30 and on May 9 to 4:30 p.m. I shut up, now, a few moments, again, in order to let you feel, at an octave higher, this pressure of ultraviolet radiation. You must welcome this present and this Light in your heart.

Energy effusion

One last point: I had told you that to each one of my interventions, from now on, I will reveal a function of your strands of new DNA, linked to the twelve virtues of the soul or also na what is called the twelve stars of Marie. The first star (or the third strand of DNA) is linked to the law of attraction that I call Love. Moving from two to three allows solving duality in a new trinity. The second star (or fourth strand of DNA) is linked to abandonment to the Light. The abandonment to the Light is the witness of their faith and their loyalty to the Source and the Light of which they are involved. With this agreement themselves. That corresponds fully to the period they live and, therefore, to the Celestial Weddings. We will now remain, as far as you are concerned, present here, some moments in the transmission of ultraviolet radiation, in silence. Then I will give you my gratitude and leave you in this state for the time you have left to cover. From now on, they receive all my protection, all the Love of the spiritual beings that work in the appearance of the Light in this world. Welcome

Energy effusion

Wherever they are on Earth, they receive protection, blessing. It is the hope of the world, it is the Truth in progress. Be blessed and I tell you, until our next meeting. Keep living, now, in silence, the transmission of the Residence of Supreme Peace.

Bd Marcel Dassault CAI

00 33 (0) 6 61 93 99 74



April 25, 2009


Translation: Sergio Hache

Edition: Anita Manasse

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