Bob Fickes ~ The Divine Support of the Elders

  • 2015

This is a time when many of the most powerful beings who have been on Earth before have returned now. They have been born for the past 75 years in normal human circumstances and very normal lives. In the course of recent years all these beings have been waking up to their true consciousness and feeling the guidance of the Divine Mother / Father Consciousness flowing through them.

We call these beings the Elders. An Elder does not always know who he is until the Universe calls him to action. Then his Heart awakens and the Divine Cosmic Consciousness flows through him so powerfully that he can no longer resist and live a normal life.

The Elders are here to hold each human's heart in their hearts and guide humanity through the last storms to the Light. The last storms are moving all over the Earth now and many beings are struggling with their power to find their way to the Light. At this point know who you are and understand that the Elders (who have also been your teachers and guides in past lives) are with you once more. We hold them in our hearts so that they can pass through confusion and depression, and finally ascend out of their dark days to the Light.

If you are feeling what I am saying, then you know that you are one of us who is here to help free this world and bring the coming Age of Light. Have courage, my dear ones, this is your time. Be confident that you will be able to enter the Light. The Elders and the Ancient Masters and the Guardians of this Earth are all here to help you. We cannot fail because that would mean that the Almighty Source of this Universe would have failed. We are born of the Light and the Light is leading us home. Know this and you are in Peace. Trust your heart and simply say: Thank you!

AUTHOR: Bob Fickes


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