Log of the Earth - The Fires of Transformation: Moscow, Russia… August 6, 2010 by Celia Fenn

  • 2010

The Fires of Transformation: Moscow, Russia, August 6, 2010. So, here I am in Moscow, Russia. Moscow is a wonderful city and I really yearned to be here again. But, this time the city is going through trauma and crisis. The country is experiencing high temperatures, as never before, and the earth is burning. Russia is experiencing a Crisis and Natural Disaster equivalent to the oil catastrophe in the Gulf.

In this case, it is the element of Fire that is the focus. While I was flying over Russia from Istanbul, I could already see hundreds of kilometers, just smoke below me. The forests and the earth are burning. Landing in Moscow was an experience as we descended through the clouds of smoke with very little visibility. The heat was intense, about 38 degrees Celsius, and the eyes burned and smoke was breathed.

Sometimes people tell me that I have a wonderful life, with all the trips around the world, and in many ways that is true. But in this last year, I have seen that the Spirit is taking me to places that are in Crisis, with the intention of holding the Light for these areas and let people around the world know what is happening, so that Lightworkers who feel called can join and assist with the work of Elemental rebalancing. In April and May I was in Europe, when the Icelandic volcano was active, and now here I am in Russia, while the land burns and people face this natural disaster.

Here are some pictures taken in Moscow. The first is from the lobby of my hotel, looking towards the smoke-laden atmosphere:

The following image is the view from my room on the 26th floor:

Lightworkers here in Moscow ask what is the reason for these fires and the intense heat and unusual weather. Well, we all knew that at the time of the Great Transformation that leads to 2012, that times would be difficult and that there would be many challenges while the Earth tries to Rebalance and settle in its new home in the Fifth Dimension. These two processes are related, while the Earth ascends to the Fifth Dimension, the Earth's Light quotient increases, and where there is more light there is also more heat and more fire energy. In addition, as the Earth enters the Higher Consciousness, everything that is vibrating at low levels of consciousness must be released and burned, sometimes literally.

When I landed in Moscow, the Spirit told me that fires were a part of burning old energies in a Healing and Transformation process. In homeopathic medicine, the healing process always follows the manifestation of symptoms on a physical level. What is in the subtle levels is brought to the physical so that it can be released, and any pathology becomes visible so that it can be treated and released. This is what is happening in Russia, the old energies that are contained in the subtle levels are burning and releasing in the physical to allow healing and transformation. It is so important that we perceive and understand this process, and that we maintain an energy space for the healing and renewal of Russia and the Russian people.

This is, of course, an extremely powerful moment on Earth. The alignments of the Great Cross and the Eclipses preceded the Planetary New Year and the energy of the Lion Gate for 2010. This is also the anniversary of the explosion of the first atomic bomb in Hiroshima in 1945. A powerful mix of energies, as we advance to the first of the annual “Doors of Time” on Sunday 8/8.

Dear Family of Light around the Planet, I ask you to keep Russia in your thoughts and your Meditations and Prayers. Here in Russia, we need your help to overcome this Crisis and bring Health back to Earth. We need your help to ask the Elemental energies to bring Rain to put out the fires and bring healing to Earth. During the weekend we will be doing this job, and many people in Russia are doing this job, but this is an SOS…. We need your help too. We are all in association with the Elemental energies and we are all here to co-create the New Earth. We are One Family, and the Family of Lightworkers here in Russia is very strong and brave. But we need your help with this.

Here in Russia we want to breathe fresh air and see the blue sky again. We want to have clean water and rivers, and see the green pastures. Russia is in the process of giving birth to an ecological conscience and learning that it needs to take care of its Mother, the Earth. I ask the Lightworkers around the Earth to hold the energy for Us here in Russia, while giving birth to this New Light Consciousness.

Earth is transforming. We are transforming. We are giving birth to a New Consciousness and a New Light. And know that here in Russia there is much Light and many Lightworkers full of love to help in this process. I end here with a little energy of light, smiles and love from Russia. Meet Alena and Daniel, who are organizing my work in Russia. They are Indigos who carry the New Energy for a New Russia.

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© 200910 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

Translation: Margarita López

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