Log of the Earth - October 8, 2007 by Celia Fenn

October 8: The Matrix of Creation and the Adventure Principle: for all of us, October is still a time of pressure and change. As we move towards our inner balance and enter the new matrix or Grid of the new Creation, we are urged to free ourselves and get rid of all our beliefs and our old energy programs. Because, if we do not do so, we will continue to create these distorted patterns and we will not be able to reach the level or frequency of the grids of the new energy.

You cannot be in the energy of the New Earth and continue creating in a distorting way. That's why right now there are so many people who are having to confront their own distorting patterns of the old energy. As the Magdalena grilles are cleaned and "connected, " those who have been using the old "feminine" patterns are having to confront what I call their "victim" dramas. These are those creations that some star in the role of tragic victims of the actions and feelings of other people. Of course it is their own creations, so they must take responsibility for placing those other people in the role of “abusers” so that they can represent the victims.

This energy became very evident to me last week on my trip to Montsegur, in France. Montsegur was the place where Catholics expelled the Cathars, thus firmly establishing the energy of “victim / abuser” on the grids of the Earth by closing the female grid, except for that “victim” energy from distortion. of the power of the Magdalena grid that contained the energy of the Divine Feminine. From that moment on, the energy of the witch hunts and the persecution of the Feminine principle flowed as manifested in its intuitive and spiritual power. This old and traumatic energy is what is being released right now from the grids of the Earth with the return of the feminine principle in all its Solar Power.

How can you best manage these feelings and these energies that are vibrating around us right now in the process of cleansing, liberation and healing? Well, Archangel Michael talks about the skills of Creating in Balance and using the "Adventure Principle." When it is created from a Heart that has balanced the masculine and the feminine, both being equally strong, there are no distortions. And, when life is considered an adventure in which you can play and have fun, you avoid the need for manipulative emotional dramas as a way to create with others.

So, at this time when we just crossed the portal 9-9-9 and we approached 1-1-1 at the beginning of 2008, we are in a time of learning new skills and a lot of pressure. On 10-10, which will be on October 10, I will be doing a collective channeling session here in Almere, in the Netherlands, in which Archangel Michael will help us see how we can create beyond fear and need of victimist dramas. That time has passed, having been replaced by the spiritual luminosity, fun and play of our Creativity.

Therefore, in order to show me how this is done, Archangel Michael led me to a series of adventures in Europe. The first one happened in France, where he gave me a series of meditations and visualizations that I will turn into a book. But the trip itself was a creative adventure that he called "high-speed pilgrimage, " a kind of playful version of the pilgrimage concept. We did almost 4, 000 kilometers in five days. Well, I know that it is traditional that pilgrimages are not too comfortable and that suffering is usually part of the process, designed to teach patience and humility. Well, in the 21st century, this could be different. I left Holland with my friends Jeanne and Martin in a comfortable air-conditioned van and we traveled on modern highways. It took us only one day to reach Mount St. Michel.

The passage through the old world war zones of Ypres and Ghent, in Belgium, and the Somme and Normandy, in France, was quite heavy, and we were aware of the burden of the old grilles that were dissolving as we passed. We arrived at Mount St, Michel with a cold and windy weather, but we were very excited to be in that wonderful place that is the etheric sanctuary of the Archangel. But as soon as we got out of the car and began to walk towards the mountain, the heavens opened and unloaded! Miguel explained to us that this was our "purification ceremony" before entering the sacred zone. Hmmmmm !! Well, now we were wet, we were cold and we discovered that on Mount St. Michel there are many, many, many stairs to climb to the abbey church located at the top. Hmmmmm We arrived in time to learn that the church was going to close in 5 minutes, so we were not allowed entry. Well, then it started raining again. So…. in this kind of situation, or you lose your temper completely or you laugh. We chose to laugh ... and that luminosity accompanied us for the rest of the day.

We spent the night in a "modular hotel" ... ... as it was the only thing we could find. It is a hotel made of modules or stacked boxes. There is no reception as such, you put the credit card in a machine that is at the door and they give you an access number, another one that is your room, and that's it. Interesting experience! The next day we went back up to Mount St. Michel to experience the divine masculine energy embodied in this sacred space dedicated to the energy of Christ Michael.

Jeanne and I spent several hours exploring the Abbey chapel and the early Romanesque church below. Then we follow Carcassonne. We travel all night and arrive in the South of France, in Carcassonne, at about 2 in the morning. There were no hotels available, so we slept in the van. Well, it was not the time that is usually associated with the South of France. It had just snowed in the Pyrenees and an icy wind blew from the mountains, but we decided that this was part of the adventure and we made our good laughs at the cost of seeing the three of us sleeping in the vicinity of a station No service and in the company of all those truck drivers! Before the pilgrimages were not like that!

The next morning we climb to the city, or rather to the medieval fortress of the city of Carcassonne. There we visited the Basilica of Sainte Nazaire, dedicated to Magdalena, as are many beautiful churches in the region. There was also a wonderful statue of Joan of Arc, whose name is my friend Jeanne, which was quite significant for her.

After lunch we went to Montsegur, where we were already late, but we had the most wonderful view of that fortified mountain that was the last bastion of the Cathars. By now you will have realized that there has been a lot to climb and that you will rise in this pilgrimage. At that point I had a little talk with the Arc Miguel Angel, to ask if he really expected me to go up t up there . Apparently yes! Ascension is, surely, hard work, literally and figuratively. Therefore, after a restful night in that small mountain town, we went to the next morning for Montsegur Castle.

Truly, it was going up, and going up and up. It takes about forty minutes of ascent to reach the fortress at the top. Thanks to my friend Martin. Not that it was behind me pushing me, but somehow it was pulling me mentally. Thanks to that I could enjoy the clean and wonderful energy from the top. It was an experience, since we felt the en of the female grid. Finally, the zither energies were clean and the only thing we felt in that wonderful place was the loving and playful energy of the elementals. I even have some images of orbs that I took from the top of Montsegur.

When we had descended, we headed to Rennes-le-Chateau and the Magdalena church. It is a delicious little church, also located on top of a medieval walled town, but fortunately we were able to go there in the van. Rennes-le-Chateau is near Limoux; It is a nice little town, peaceful and pristine. The Magdalena church itself is a little gem. Restored by Father Sauniere in the 19th century, it is a marvel of art and visual decoration of that century, as well as the center of many theories about the origin of money to finance this celebration. n of the Magdalene and the Grail. This is the traditional image of the Divine Feminine as Virgen, taken from the garden of the Rennes-le-Chateau church.

For me, the theme of this church is the Sacred Marriage of masculine and feminine energies, since the Arc Miguel Angel showed me that, inside each one of us, we became the Grail when our Heart opens to receive the Sacred Spirit of the Source energy. And so, at the end of this pilgrimage, I gained a clear understanding of the process of the Sacred Union, as well as how to venture and create with the flow, enjoying in addition to any something that brings us said energy flow.

Then we returned directly through Lyon and Luxembourg. After a few days in Holland, we went to Grosskochberg, in Germany, for two days of workshops. Grosskochberg is in what was former East Germany; The second day of these workshops coincided with the day on which the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of East and West Germany are celebrated. Therefore, the symbolic journey to gather the masculine and feminine energies also became a substantial part of what we shared in that workshop.

In Grosskocherg is the Schloss or castle that was home to a friend of the German writer Goethe, a castle that has the most beautiful enchanted gardens. I spent the first night there wondering about the way in which the gardens connect with fairy and elemental energies.

It was two wonderful days, culminating in the launch of my book in German, which was attended by both my editor, Michael Nagula, and my translator, Anja Ida Becker. I also thank Brigitte Karras and Manfred Hauck, organizers of the event in Grosskochberg and our tour of the beautiful city of Weimar. Here I am between Michael, Brigitte and Manfred on the stairs of Goethe's house in the old town of Weimar.

Then I returned to Holland, where the next day I did a workshop with Janosh on the Magdalena grilles, the activation of that energy and the passage to the Sacred Heart, in order to activate the Creation Matrix which is the “courtyard of "I Am" games. Then, on Sunday, we gave a one-day workshop in which Janosh presented his new work on Grail Codes in Driebergen, the Netherlands ... and so the adventures continue.

In the workshop I did with Janosh the energies were very intense, so the images came out a bit blurry. But here we are together at the beginning of the workshop.

Now I find it difficult to think of that flow of energy from the heart; What I am learning is to balance the joy of the heart with the reason of the head. I think it is possible that the flow is running a little fast, so I am also trying to find time to have some peace and quiet reflection. Today I took a long walk through the Gooimeer dike, which is close to the place where I am staying, and I took time to enjoy the calm and silent beauty of nature in this beautiful place.

Truly, it is time for Gratitude for all that has been given to us and for being able to play in this wonderful place we call planet Earth. For being able to play and create together, and for being able to live with a love as beautiful, radiant and joyful as the one given to us every day. What a wonderful adventure is this gift called life!

You can download the pipes of Celia Fenn in Spanish, in Word file, in, Spanish site of Starchild

© 2007-8 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

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