Advance renewed By Ana María Frallicciardi

  • 2016

We are attending social events that most people would not have imagined. For several years the planets have been indicating great social, political and personal changes. Only when the facts completely involve us, can we understand the intensity of the change and the irreversible processes.

The last months were marked by the retrogradations of the planets, reviewing all areas of life. Pluto, in his style, digging to the ground, bringing to light the hidden in the depths of the earth, showing the human miseries that the egos were responsible for makeup with good marketing. Pluto bare the truth, retrograde Mars accompanied in this process when he entered Scorpio at the end of May, and both conjured to show hidden realities.

As of July 1, the warrior Mars returns to his direct course and advances again towards action, doing justice in his Scorpio style. What is that style? There are several possibilities, cut for the healthy, use the scalpel to drain the wound, nail your sting with poison where you like, fight for truth and justice, emerge with the conviction of the hero who assumes his mission in times of chaos, Experience the crisis and resurface from your own ashes. In the great challenges is where the brave of spirit are shown.

No planet missed the appointment of this great cosmic movement to free humans from the prison of illusion. Uranus and Pluto already mobilized the great ruptures since 2013, now the consequences are seen. This year the square of Saturn and Neptune puts us before the inevitable reality. Neptune, that of illusion and the great veils that hide reality, is the unsuspecting guest at the great party of reality. Saturn in Sagittarius asks for True Justice, Divine Justice, because the human has been corrupted in the same end-of-cycle bag.

Humans have lost the axis of connection with their essence, too many pollution and distortions blur the vision. Cosmic rays of light pass through disoriented minds. Now comes a process of intense purification, things are not what they seem to the naked eye. You can't lie or hide anything, everything comes to light from unpredictable places. The ineffable light of the spirit awakens consciousness and the results are what you see. Everyone is responsible and lives in the reality that generated.

The forces of disintegration are present . The challenge of July We can only encourage the most awake souls to take their power and activate their consciousness to sustain in their own energy bodies the new frequencies of light that reach the planet. Available light servers are needed to receive and radiate unity consciousness. They are only asked not to confront from the ego, not to have mental postures but to go down to the heart and understand from neutrality, which is the path to wisdom. This seems simple but the mind makes its personal games and takes away the vision of totality.

Julio's challenge

While the Sun, Mercury and Venus transit through Cancer, a sensitive, emotional and fluctuating sign, Pluto opposes them from Capricorn, forcing them to change course or disarticulating the program they had intended. The first 10 days of July there will be very marked tightness, feeling that from the outside they undermined the securities and nothing safe can be built. First it will be in the affective plane, on July 1 Venus is in opposition to Pluto, much sensitivity and little containment for our sentimental world. On July 7 and 8, Mercury follows, difficulty generating clear thoughts, it is suggested to rely on intuition and inner wisdom.

And the partile opposition of the Sun with Pluto will be July 8 and 9. This transit confronts the sunlight in opposition to Pluto, the god of darkness and the unconscious world. We must rely on the strength of our spirit and not let the outer chaos take over us.

How synthesis, what tools do we have to sustain these unforeseen changes ?

Being focused on us, doing only what we feel as true and in coherence with what we are.

Accept the changes that are presented as the door to something better.

Working internally our emotions in disorder, there is no longer room for jealousy, selfishness and emotional possessions. Be emotionally free.

Maintaining an attitude of neutrality means not taking sides with one side or the other.

Be an observer while practicing the wisdom of the heart. It seems difficult to understand from the mind, only when the heart is opened from non-judgment, can this process be understood.

It is a moment of intense purification of souls, who is encouraged to take the first step and tell the truth?

AUTHOR: Ana María Frallicciardi


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