Self-esteem: Only I Decide At Every Moment for Master Kwan Yin

  • 2013

Effects of lack of self-esteem.

We said that the low energy states are those in which the person needs external stimuli to restore their balance. Irritability, fears, anguishes, or any other psychological state, that affects the psychological integrity of being, are the states to which I am referring. These occur when a person receives an external or internal stimulus and lacks sufficient self-esteem, which allows him to stop the uncontrolled generation of thoughts and emotions in time, which translate into the aforementioned states.

The self-esteem.

Self-esteem works as a moderator of the harmful thoughts and feelings of being. It is like an antidote that comes into operation at the precise moments when the being feels that he is hurting himself. Self-esteem can be cultivated through positive phrases and direct observations on those features of our own behavior, which are positive or appreciated by others; If these facts are jealously guarded and remembered frequently, a person's self-esteem will increase and serve as an energy deposit, available for all those moments when the mind and emotions get out of control and start hurting the being.

Only I decide what I have or should do at this time.

The 5th. principle that we had stated as: Only I decide what I have or should do at this time, is a clear example of the use of this energy deposit called self-esteem. All people are influenced by external conditions in their decisions of what they should do at a certain time, the stimuli from our family or friends are always in the sense of "you should do this or that", often insists in which the person should mortify, worry, distress or repent of anything past or future, these continuous stimuli represent psychological viruses that promote low energy states in the being.

Thoughts and emotions are influenced by the external.

An insensitive person may, perhaps, ignore them, but most human beings accommodate all these comments and stimuli, and by them, they plunge into whirlpools of negative thoughts and emotions that consume, in a sad way, the reserves of energy that each accumulates throughout his life. It follows that emotions and thoughts are manipulated by external influences, without the slightest control of the will of being. When we say: only I decide what to do at this moment, we reaffirm integrity as a person, we cut off the influence coming from outside and, at this moment, we take control of thoughts and emotions.

Become aware of manipulative stimuli.

If one keeps an eye on the hunt for all those stimuli that tell us how we should act, feel or think, we will be discovering an incredible amount of manipulative stimuli that we receive at all times. Being aware of all these factors will allow the human being to establish new horizons in his life, will acquire greater independence and will be able to reach higher levels of harmony in his personal life. Remember that life is a school and that the more decisions we make, the more experiences we will learn, while, if we copy or heed external stimuli, or what other people do, we will never be learning from what we are capable of doing.

August 9, 1992.


Difference between the first principles and the last ones.

If we did a quick review of the concepts we have been analyzing, we would observe that the first principles seek to downplay the negative experiences that people have been accumulating throughout their lives; they also seek to focus on the present moment and the power they have to make their own decisions; In very brief words, we are reaffirming the person as such, giving him the value he really has and showing him the way to take real control of his life.

Now, in the following principles we will seek to discipline the person and give him the necessary advice or warnings so that this control that he has gained in his life, really translates into harmony, happiness and peace. The fact that a person breaks with the negative influences that he has accumulated in his past or that he receives from the influences of people outside of him, is only the first step to live a life full and full of happiness.

The second step is to explain how people can actually route their steps along the most harmonious path possible; Thus we arrive today at our:

Sixth principle.- Only in love and in inner peace can I make the right decisions, that is, the person must take refuge inside, fill with love for humanity, and, from that platform, make the decisions m It is suitable for the circumstances of your present life.

How to make decisions: Your social and temporal reach.

Any decision that commits third parties or that has a decisive influence on the future of the same person, must be carefully analyzed and valued in light of the implications or consequences they may have in the future. Not only is it important to realize how many people will be involved in the decision we make, but, in addition, we have to analyze the effect in time that our decision will have, and the possible consequences that we will obtain from other people or from the circumstances of life as a result of having decided this or that thing. We speak then of a social reach and a temporal significance; the social scope of our decisions will be the study we make of the number of people involved; and the temporal significance, is the breadth of the effect that this decision will have on the rest of our life or on the lives of the people affected.

Again I ask you to consider these concepts together with the rest that you have been receiving from JESUS, in the series In Search of Peace, and from my Brother HILARION, in the series of La Ecolog a in Human Relations.

Importance of inner peace.

The decisions taken by each human being must be inspired by the highest quality of love that can manifest, and within the atmosphere of inner peace that must be generated to have the correct balance of the analyzes what we do. If you remember all those occasions in which we have talked about mental filters, I will find how these filters are nothing other than the result of the accumulation of experiences, which throughout the life a person has, and that these filters, perhaps, full of prejudices, fears, or beliefs, are distorting the perception of the true reality that is lived in the outside world.

Let me tell you now, that inner peace, prejudices, fears, anguishes or regrets, begin to lose the value and meaning of their existence. A person who has found a certain degree of inner peace no longer needs either regrets or anguish and fears dissipate. The explanation for this lies in the fact that inner peace is found in another deeper area of ​​the psyche, in an area where the person has a clear awareness of their value as a human being, while all those experiences learned reside in a circle. outermost of the psyche of being.

I wish I could explain these concepts in a simpler way; I wish I could show you with examples, which sometimes cannot be explained except in complex terms; We have reached a point in the study, in which it is necessary to define terms that allow us to continue advancing in the understanding of the path of happiness.

The inner peace and the cleaning of the mental filters.

Inner peace is achieved when the person can deepen himself, beyond his fears, his anguishes, his own experiences accumulated throughout his life. The contact with that inner peace, allows to extract an energy that normally remains unattainable to human beings and that greatly helps in cleaning those mental filters. In other words, we can affirm that the person has a clearer perception of the truth and eliminates the distortion caused by his filters, when he frequently takes refuge in that inner zone where inner peace is a reality.

If we could draw the human being as concentric spheres, we would say that the external sphere is the area of ​​his personality, his social field, as we would say, according to the denominations that they have already received in other series of messages. Later in a more internal area is the vital space, that if we could divide it into several layers, we would observe that the most external, those that touch the area of ​​the personality, are those layers formed by the emotions of the individual, the desires and their dreams ; and more internally, those others are formed where the being is in perfect peace, all this, within the sphere of living space.

There are other areas that we will explore later and that may not correspond to me touching them, but surely some of my brothers will work with you on these concepts; For now, let us say that the human being needs to learn to place himself within that vital space, achieve his own tranquility and inner peace, and inspired by the highest irradiation of love, make decisions, attending, as we said, to his social reach and to its temporal importance, two aspects that must be carefully observed every time we make a decision.

How Teachers analyze the concepts of their teaching.

To give you a clearer example, we, when deciding what messages to offer you, must analyze the impact it will have on you, and then, the impact it will have on the rest of the brothers who study this type of teaching through the magazine, and then we will have to analyze, to what extent, these concepts can be sustained over time. We have to analyze whether these concepts will be analyzed by the minds of other disciples of knowledge, or by those brothers who, dedicated to a work of another type, may find utility in their use. All this is nothing more than to contribute, to the collection of human knowledge, new tools to understand the psyche of man. Thus, each message, each idea, is carefully evaluated in the light of these two great concepts.

Tendency towards clarification of concepts.

Certain things that cannot be explained without risking misinterpretation are often omitted and are expected for a better opportunity to be revealed before you. Many others, which are nothing but clarifications of confusing concepts that are already in the public domain, are strongly influenced in you, are revealed, so that in this way light is shed on concepts that have not been clearly defined. If you observe everything we have said both my brothers and I, it has been, in greater tendency, looking for this second possibility that I have mentioned, the clarification of the concepts; There have only been a few new concepts, and these have been carefully evaluated in light of the possible answers we may have.

When the group of disciples to whom these teachings arrive has assimilated the clarifying concepts and is at another level of energy, we can begin to give truly new and deeper concepts; All this as part of the service we are offering.

Meditation leads to contact with one's own living space.

For now, it only remains for me to tell you that the practice of meditation leads a person directly to establish contact with their living space, and within that zone of inner peace and universal love, it is possible to make the most correct and appropriate decisions for the future of each of you.

August 16, 1992.


The world of shadows.

Imagine for the moment that you are walking along a long path, to your left and to your right there are forests of trees, plants of all types and animals that make them your refuge. Imagine that you are walking at night and that the shadows cover everything around you, you are following the path, but for now the night darkness makes you hesitate about the correct direction that the path follows. At times the darkness yields slightly and allows them to continue their path according to the plan originally planned.

The shadows of the night resemble rather ghosts, figures in motion, without form, which make them shudder thinking of unreal dangers. As you continue walking you get used to this world of shadows, you learn that those things that you suddenly considered as dangers, fade away as you get closer, your eyes begin to get used to the darkness, and you, sometimes, even play With the shadows of the night, they handle even their own shadow.

And so they walk, in a spooky world, where real things are confused with the shadows they cast and the shadows become so common that they are considered part of the real world. But as they walk, the hours go by, a soft clarity begins to flood the landscape, the shadows begin to lose strength and the colors begin to appear around them.

The world of light

Later, when the sun shines in all its splendor, the shadows are gone, the landscape takes its true dimension, the flowers open, the fauna goes into activity, the bees flutter through the flowers, and it seems as if the field dress in lights to imply that the only true thing in the world is that which has color, is that which produces aroma, is that which throws praises to God, and then, real objects become more real and shadows are not but as a consequence of the light that comes from the sky, the steps cling to the path and the path runs faster.

When maturing, the disciple passes from the shadows to the light.

All the disciples begin to walk, begin their journey at night and the hesitant steps with which they begin their journey, only demonstrate the inability they have to distinguish shadows from real things; but as he walks he matures, as he makes a mistake he learns, as his spirit is gaining strength he begins to acquire the radiation of a sun, and his life, which was previously shrouded in darkness, now begins to be illuminated by his own spiritual irradiation; the shadows disappear and the wonderful world of God appears. There are no more macabre dances of unreal objects, only the sublime concert of the universal creation accompanied by the movement of insects and butterflies, which are nothing but instruments of the same Divine Will.

Delivery to the path of light.

And there comes a time when you have to make decisions, decide which path you will have to take, what will be the next direction in which we will have to walk our steps, and in the midst of your inner peace, of the sublime irradiation of love, let your consciousness spiritual guidance to fully surrender to the path of light, because only in peace and in the sublime irradiation of love, can we make the right decisions and the being becomes aggravated by perceiving the Divine Will within his being and understands another wonderful principle : In my decisions I will only consider those that promote the highest benefit to the greatest number of people. When the Divine Will flows through the inner being, the personality expands and merges for the benefit of humanity, the being denies itself to grow, multiplying in each of its peers; It is the personality that is crucified to surrender fully to humanity and resurrect on the third day, an allegory that clearly indicates to us, that he who refuses himself to surrender himself to service, is the one who is closest to the Will Divine

Evolution is a continuous expansion of consciousness.

The spiritual evolution of man is nothing other than a continuous expansion of consciousness and the individual grows and multiplies in his fellow men, endorses the pain of others, endorses the achievements of others, endorses the mission of humanity and his human consciousness aligns himself with the planetary consciousness, and if before happiness was his most noble aspiration, now it is the Divine Will that inspires and works through him; his hands and his words, his steps and his ideas, are at the service of God.

The path of the initiate: the greatest benefit to the greatest number of beings.

The being has initiated his redemption and behind him will lead to a flow of precious souls that will follow him, because they have found the light through his person. This is the path that we must recognize in the life of the initiates, the path of the one who decides only to do the things that bring the maximum benefit to the greatest number of brothers.

What produces the analysis of the messages.

I leave you my blessing and ask you to analyze each and every one of the words you receive in your communications, because each word is a seed that will make the wonderful roses of understanding bloom in you and your spiritual mind will open as the buttons of the roses open when the time has come to spread their aroma.

August 30, 1992.


Let's keep working, revealing the path of happiness.

Deficiencies in the communication of human beings.

When we observe how human beings try to communicate and only partially achieve it; when we observe from our spiritual eyes how most of the original emotions and ideas are imperceptible to the rest of their fellow men; when we realize that what man expresses with his words is not really the idea he had in mind and neither the feelings he is experiencing, we figure as if the earth were populated by an infinity of beings who are unable to communicate properly, who are unable to share their inner world and who have learned to live with all their deficiencies creating a series of psychological alternatives, which are the fundamental cause of all human relations problems .

The inability to express what one thinks or feels, makes two people unknown to each other even if they have been living together for a long time. How then, so that human beings can really get closer to the heart, and see, feel and think, in the same way as the person with whom they are interacting? The next principle of the series that we have been studying gives us the key to this problem with no apparent solution. My face is the reflection of my inner peace.

The language of the face.

If we put a cover on their heads and prevented them from speaking, they would automatically be isolated from each other, limited only to touching each other; The language of touch would be extremely limited in order to communicate and lead a normal life. If we, in addition to touch, give human beings the power to speak and be able to be heard, the communication will be more effective and yet still be They were isolated from each other. If we allowed them to see, then the human being would have the capacity as he now has it, to see, hear and touch; However, when the eyes are observed, when the face is observed, when the message that accompanies the words is observed, then we perceive that, many times, the message that comes from the words is not congruent with the which is reflected in the face, because the language of the face is an infinitely deeper language, the way of looking, the brightness of the eyes, the expression of the eyebrows and the intonation of the voice, are messages that have nothing to do with the words that are spoken, messages that complement the initial idea, messages that open the door to the inner world.

The effect of harmony in the vehicles of man.

The person who has decided to follow the path of happiness cannot be mistaken, the experience he is feeling inside is reflected through each pore of his skin, is shown to the world with his eyes, with his words, with his movements, with his smile, with the tranquility of his face. Harmony is a cosmic force that normalizes the energy flow between all vehicles of man and, therefore, the physical vehicle becomes a perfect expression of this same harmony, as it is inside is outside; the expression becomes sweet, serene, harmonious, the features are softened, the look is filled with a feeling of love, the same intonation of the voice speaks to us of that force, of that harmony, of that tranquility that the person is feeling in your intern; the human being becomes congruent with his internal reality, and even if he remained silent, his face would speak for him, and even if his words were gently recriminating a person, his eyes would be speaking to him of the immense love with which he does so, his gaze would penetrate the most closed prisons of hurt hearts; the way of speaking and conducting would inspire such confidence in the rest of the people, that all fears and all prejudices would fall apart before this radiating magnetism. That is why it is important to take care of the face and understand that internal emotions are reflected in that mirror that we all have in the face.

Cultivate deep contact with others.

Cultivate the sweet, deep and scrutinizing looks, do not neglect the language and always see it as the most perfect manifestation that man has developed to approach each other. Use your hands to work and to explore the hidden paths to the hearts of your fellow men; A handshake, a slap on the back, may be able to break the toughest bolts. Approach without fear towards those you love and show them some of that inner peace you now experience.

Love is an irradiation from person to person.

The disciples of the world know perfectly the wonders that love works among human beings, but that love cannot be expressed through books, through cassettes, it has to be shown personally so that the irradiation is real, so that this influence which is emitted through the gaze, through the aura of the person, can involve the being with whom we want to communicate. Do you know that hearts that have opened for each other do not need words, do not even need looks? Total communion does not have to be explained, it does not have to be reaffirmed, it is only lived, experienced, It is enjoyed and then continues walking because the path is personal, the path that leads to the cusp of human fulfillment is personal.

Reflect the inner truth.

From time to time we will find hearts with whom we can experience total identification; from time to time we will find beings that are like two drops of water for us, we can be with them and comfort and feel owners of the universe; We can stay, send and receive messages without words, and after those magical moments are over, we will have to retire knowing that the distance is as unreal as the world that our feet are on. And we will follow the path seeking to reflect that inner truth through the face, being like the beacons of light that illuminate the darkness of those who have not yet learned to light the mystical lamp of the spirit. And our steps will lead us unhurriedly, to that ocean of peace in which all souls merge once they have found the path of happiness.

Here I will leave my words and wishing you from the depths of my being, to serve as inspiration in those moments when our strength seems to crumble. Read it slowly, enjoy every word, because in them you go step by step, a wonderful journey to the world of happiness.

Excerpt from the book: The Road to Happiness by Kwan Yin

Self-esteem: Only I Decide At Every Moment for Master Kwan Yin

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