Dear family,

This Sixth Week of the Psychic Self Defense Series we continue with the theme of Super-imposed forces in the Human Energy Field or in simpler terms, an unprovoked energy drain or an attack by another. This is a dangerous matter to manifest in words and therefore I handle myself more "fluently" in an attempt to bring some intelligent comprehensibility to such a phenomenon in the etheric worlds. The point is that this series aims to inform and provoke thoughts, never to instill fear. Use this information for your own empowerment.

To continue with this issue over the next few weeks, we have to try to explore with neutrality, intuitive insight and an open mind. From the perception of a "investigative journalist" motivated to get a greater knowledge of the truths and complexities that we ARE, and how the "mechanism" of our energy existence interacts with the dynamics of our world. Each cell, each pore of our energy field is held within immense layers of other fields that connect all of us to each other and even to broader levels of a "Unified Field" of all creation. We are One with the entire Universe and All creation, just as She is One with Us. Nothing we do, think or create is separate.

Most of the negative interference we have to deal with in our lives is caused because we do not understand our energy fields (our minds and bodies), how they work, and consequently this produces an imbalance in our ability to live in harmony with the laws. natural "Natural laws" (or universal laws) are really a way of explaining that our reality is governed by fundamental truths that are energy laws to which we are bound, by virtue of incarnating in the physical realm. When we understand and live within these laws, harmony prevails and our lives are freed from obstacles and sufferings. In that moment of self-realization we can now begin to recognize that we are really "creators" with an amazing opportunity to experience our physical manifestations and interact with them. This allows us to become more fully updated about our own soul, when we have the ability to express passionate joy, enabling ourselves to participate fully in our conscious co-creations in the world. Now we can experience an unlimited opportunity in a world of form.

I am an accurate defender of the integration, balance and understanding of the mechanism of the human ego. As we go deeper into the discussion of such issues, there is a danger that the ego will fall into several traps of projection, of blaming, fear or victimization. The greatest psychic self defense is the shield created from a position of personal power of "divinity" and psycho-emotional mastery. Since we are a Spirit that has a physical experience, the polarization we experience in the emotional spectrum as humans, makes this a slippery ground of balance and micro-adjustments. It is here that the limits of realities, illusion and delusion can be merged and it is necessary to have rooted support and guidance through our transitions. We are beginning our ascent towards higher frequency awareness bands that will integrate us into the path to become multidimensional human beings. This IS the "Ascension" process in which we are fully on the "path" and that will continue to accelerate. I have started this series as a tool for you to gather information before it happens, so you can integrate the process smoothly. Being prepared and empowered with this knowledge will create a much smoother process for the human ego by experiencing these transformational energies.

Self-recognition and investigation is equivalent to the exploration of our internal secrets and the revelation through us of divine mysteries. This revelation is our divine inheritance, leading us to Own Sovereignty, to a life free of suffering and blindness.

And so the recognition continues.


Targeted attacks is a phenomenon that is more unusual for the general population, however it is worth having an understanding of the various levels and possibilities. In my experience, the human being who is more energy sensitive or more consciously developed (as this is reflected in the multi-dimensional energy field), has an energy field that is more vulnerable to energies imposed from a variety of sources. We will begin with a general look within karmic manipulation, although it is possible to manifest on many different levels and scenarios. This can lead to our series of newsletters to become a book, since there is so much material to cover within these areas, to continue researching and commenting.

This is an area that one has to gradually explore at one's own pace that is fitting for oneself. This has been a challenging issue for me, since intrinsically I have a tendency to be in conflict with the idea that there are unprovoked attacks through negative interference perpetrated by a form of "evil." Many advanced healers and lightworkers refuse to believe that this exists in the other dimensions and in the psychic world. Denying the acceptance of negative interference is possibly the ego's way of creating a defense mechanism. All of this may feel like too much to integrate, in addition to the various demands we experience in the life of the third dimension. However, this does not prevent these energies, events or attacks from manifesting.

At the beginning of my awakening process, by building my bodies of light and communicating with several beautiful beings of light and members of the spiritual hierarchy, I totally rejected thinking or believing that there was maldad and that most of what is perceived as evil is the ignorance of the collective mass of the human mind of low vibratory thoughts. I believed that this type of negativity did not have an conscience to harm others with intention, but that I was looking for a more impersonal balance of karma to through natural laws. Since this is accurate in some cases, I have learned through my own experience that it is not always the truth.

Once one's experience attacks, one is forced to handle the event and the belief systems that surround it. There is a fine line of balance that one has to maintain between cultivating the knowledge of such matters to learn to protect oneself, and to remain in a neutral association devoid of all emotional judgment and burden. The clarity in these matters is challenging given that outside the linear space and time our conscious mind does not function as an indicator and one is left with an intuitive knowledge, the orientation of his team and the verification of his experience proving it one and again Returning to learn to connect with the innate divine intelligence of the universe, it requires practice and more practice to regain certainty and confidence in one's own new sense of perception. This is why understanding your energy field, finding balance and working to integrate all the energy fields of your bodies, is extremely important. (The Process of Integrated Ascension) When one is in a state of psycho-emotional imbalance it is extremely difficult to maintain the clarity of an intrepid detachment. To increase your ability to understand your bio-energy mechanics in this world and to be archetypally integrated and rooted on Earth, I will help you tremendously in the master's own.

Why is this important? Negative interference causes damage. It blocks the self-determining aspects of your life and free will and obstructs your ability to manifest your life purpose. Obsessive negative thoughts, illness, depression, physical pain and fatigue and a life full of fear can all come from these sources.

An example of a negative interference is a When any other person or entity consciously or unconsciously sends karma to you, which is not personally yours and is not of their ancestors. Negative manipulation is any act of coercion at any level. It can manifest as discomfort and create more havoc in the life of another. Everyone has the right to transcend and purify any karmic entanglement or pain trap, (which is also referred to as miasma in our cell bodies and energy templates). Without cleaning this, it will simply reappear to seek energy balance. At certain moments in human evolution, only the person or lineage that generated karma could free him. However, during this time of Ascension we are granted many dispensations and new knowledge to heal ourselves, transforming and transcending karmatic patterns in the templates of our bodies, bodies with group templates, planetary templates and so on. However, when there are certain interferences, you have another process that can be of help when you have exhausted other cleaning techniques inside your bodies with respect to miasma patterns, such as cord cutting. If it has been determined that a manipulation of an entity / karmic has occurred, especially if the intention is to stop them from manifesting the purpose of their soul regarding service work in the world, then there is an additional process. If you determine the source of the interference, it is possible to request and implement a “non-interference ban” which will outlaw you from intruding or manipulating your energy field.

As part of your regular attempts, you can include: “I demand the True Spiritual Law in all interactions. Every manipulated karma is null and void. ” This will help to stop this type of interaction so that you do not meddle in your energy field again.

This type of question is much more likely with respect to what spiritually conscious people are feeling in their fields at this time, especially as they increase their vibration. However, there are times when deliberate attacks are executed on others by people who do not understand the laws of karma.

An example of a dynamic of this issue would be a hostile threat received from a religiously indoctrinated person, who has the belief and judges that "all" healers who use light as a healing tool are serving satanic forces. This justified person through his religious belief decides to have a personal vendetta directed towards a healer especially to whom he continuously sends negative thoughts, threats of curses in the hope that the healer will be incapacitated. Perhaps this person attends your church prayer group to make prayers to remove this healer from their community, since they feel that this person represents a threat regarding their idea of ​​relationships with God. If the healer is not aware of the need to scan and clean his energy field and / or develop protective tools, there is a great potential risk for the healer to develop the drainage of vitality or interference in his work.

Also people attracted to glamor and the idea of ​​sorcery, occultism or rituals that cast spells for personal gain, without understanding the intention or worrying where the spell is headed, they are manipulating the free will of others, or even hurting others.

A spell or curse is a form of attempt that sends out a form of thought, entity or pattern. It could be the universe, the Earth or the kingdoms of nature or another person. Before sending anything to another person - even if it is apparently for their own good - you need that person's permission, either directly or indirectly through your superior being and hers. If you have permission to send love and healing, then it will come back to you, since all things have to come to balance. Likewise, if you send hate, manipulation or pain to another, it will return to you, regardless of whether they are aware of this or not.

Employing manipulation to achieve the results for selfish purposes, it does not contribute to inner peace or spiritual growth, but in fact it will only increase the lower entities attracted to you, causing greater negativity to appear in your life.

For those who are at the receiving end of such manipulations, there are energy resources. Determine with your higher self or spiritual guide asking for clarity in case it is a matter of spell or curse, if you suspect that someone is doing this to you. They may also be the residues of such spells or curses of their ancestors, which occurred at a time when this was much more common in society.

Again, the natural process of spiritual growth and the elevation of vibration will bring these things to the surface to be released. As they reach deeper layers of release and achieve energy balance, keeping the energy field clean, free and protected, this should prevent these things from sticking again and make it easier to prevent and release if it occurs again.

Lightworkers will be especially exposed to the negative egos of others and also to other attacks as they rise to more positions of leadership and greater responsibility. The first lesson is not to react to attacks and lower one's vibration when descending to that level. Remain neutral, disconnected, forgiving and loving, trying to maintain divine indifference.

Connect with the earth, clean your field daily, including any intentions you have to include and form a protective bubble around you. Begin to separate yourself from violent entertainment, gossip, media and negative emotional adhesions towards others. Try to align with the authentic purposes and divine will of your soul. This will improve the quality of your life through everyday experience with feelings of a much softer, more pleasant and spiritually connected life with synchronicity.

I am including a suggested invocation addressed to the Guardians and Councils, and to any spiritual authority with which they feel aligned, for support and invention for the removal of deliberate attempts by others to make them fail in their life projects or purposes. Or they can simply invoke their Higher Self as ultimate authority. This must be directed from a position of sincerity, own higher alignment and purity of intention. Be clear in your motivations before asking and be sure to address them with reverence and respect.


Prepare your Light Shield of the 12th Dimension.

We ask the Guardians, Sirian Council, our Higher Beings, Evolution Support Teams, Star Seed Identity Matrix, aligned with the Law of A Mission to work together for the highest light exchange capacity, love and infinite power of GOD, in divine right and harmony.

Please open the Vortex of the 12th Dimension moving counterclockwise, in full expansion of the Maharata Force of Platinum Light, Form a Grid in this Space entirely in the Pale Silver Light of the 12th Dimension. Connect the Turn Correspondingly, Calibrate, Anchor the Lock and Seal in this Hologram.

North South East West - Earth - Sky: We direct the Four Angles to be Sealed in the Light of Integrity and Unity. We are impenetrable and invincible. We ask the Gatekeepers to Anchor this Sacred Space in Service of the Law of the One We Serve.

Ask for the presence of the Lords of Karma if they are aligned with the Sovereign Cosmic law (of which you have manifested your representation) serving the planetary purposes. (Great Divine Director, Goddess Freedom, Lady Nada, Pallas Athena, Elohim Vista, Quan Yin, Lady Portia, Goddess of Justice and Guardian of the Scrolls.

Ask for a Non-Interference Proscription that is placed as protection for you, your operation, your books / projects. Make this request one at a time for each person or entity that you have determined is creating negative interference in your life's work. Ask that this person be denounced to the Superior Council and / or Karmic Board while any and all influences imposed on you are removed. Check if there is any agreement or vote you have made with this person / entity and any of your lives. If you receive an "Yes" answer, ask that you want to be permanently released from this contract and aligned with your highest spiritual purpose, removing all obstacles. If the answer is no, continue the request for this person / entity to be properly stopped from any contact with your energy, removing any influence of sabotage and properly reviewed.

Thank the Guardians, Councils and Spiritual Teachers for their consideration and close their contact with them.

Soon we will be more specific about the Forces that resist their work for light, healing work and conscious support of Ascension. This includes all those people who try to increase or build planetary evolution in this timeline. We will also define the soul term of "star seed" and why they are vulnerable at this time.

Remain within the light and the path of your soul, ignite the power that is within YOU.

Love Lisa

2005 Lisa Renee,

Copyright 2007 Energetic Synthesis and Lisa Renee


Lisa Renee Intuitive Healer, Galactic Emissary and Guide to Ascension 2007

Translation: Anita Manasse

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